Archive of Stewardship Articles

The Courage of Conviction
Several years ago, a young pastor assumed leadership of his father’s church. The church was located in a large city with an increasing population and technological advancements. Feeling the pressure...
A Journey to the Truth of Creation
I recently had lunch with the chief academic officer of a local Christian university. As we connected over our meal, I could see his excitement about ICR’s research and our Discovery Center. He...
Sharing Our Creator's Truth
My name is Bill, and I’m the information technology manager at the Institute for Creation Research. I keep everything technical running and make sure everyone here at ICR has what they need to...
Exceedingly, Abundantly Grateful
As I finished another year of teaching in the spring of 2023, I knew the Lord was preparing me for something different in my career—I just didn’t know what it was. For the past seven years,...
Standing Against False Science
I’m Michael Stamp, and I’m in my 12th year as an editor at the Institute for Creation Research. It’s always an encouragement to see people’s eyes light up as they tour the ICR...
Eclipses: The Handiwork of Jesus Christ
Many remarkable events have occurred over the past 50+ years of the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry, but one of the most exciting is happening this year. On Monday, April 8, 2024, a...
Praising the Lord Jesus Christ for His Faithfulness
Psalm 103 is solely written for worship. It is pure unadulterated praise from start to finish. The capstone verse is “the LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy”...
This Very Purpose
The apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossian church was fundamental for its recipients. Evolutionary ideologies thrived in the city of Colossae, including Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Gnosticism....
Making Life Count for the Creator
Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon, a king who appeared to “have it all”—even the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Yet, near the end of his reign (possibly around 931 BC), Solomon...
Sharing the Message of Christ Our Creator
The Institute for Creation Research’s founder, the late Dr. Henry M. Morris, emphasized that “we must try not only to win individual scientists and educators to Christ, but also to win science...
Supporting ICR Research
The Institute for Creation Research views science through the lens of God’s Word, communicating the many ways that scientific evidence affirms the accuracy and truth of the Bible. ICR’s...
Meet ICR's Donor Relations Department
Meet our Donor Relations team led by Director Charles (Chas) Morse. Their objective is to transform donated resources into Scripture-affirming science for the benefit of thousands of people worldwide....
Creation Evangelism
“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31) John’s gospel is perhaps the...
We Need You!
There’s been a steady decrease in the U.S. population’s belief in God. The assessment of our country’s religious views began when Gallup conducted a public opinion poll in 1944. Remarkably,...
To the End of the Earth
The book of Acts recounts the apostles’ journeys across the Roman Empire from Jerusalem and Judea “to the end of the earth,” preaching the good news of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). They...
Caring for the People in Your Life
Many people relate stewardship to managing money. When they consider their resources, money comes to mind, along with vehicles, homes, investments, clothes, and so on. But how often do we include people...
Strengthening God’s Holy Temples
We read in 2 Chronicles 24:4, “Joash set his heart on repairing the house of the LORD.” The historical context of this verse has to do with the death of the wicked queen Athaliah. The seven-year-old...
Donors Make It Happen
In 1 Samuel 30, there’s an interesting story that’s easy to overlook if you fly by too fast. David and his men are returning from Jezreel to Ziklag. Upon arriving at Ziklag, they find the...
The Gift of God Himself
Each Christmas we remember how deeply God loves us. His wondrous plan of salvation—first set in motion in the Garden of Eden—was miraculously manifested in the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ...
Rich Toward God
What do you think of riches? Some of us may instinctively equate riches with money, and therefore have a natural tendency to shy away from it and think of it as a bad thing. However, we are reminded that...
A Battle for Hearts
Since the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History opened in fall of 2019, tens of thousands of people have walked through our doors. They come from many different places, backgrounds, cultures,...
Defend Your Faith with ICR
Have you ever heard a pastor question the historical nature of Genesis? “The days of creation weren’t really 24 hours long. The Bible is not a science textbook.” Do family members...
Be Blessed
During the days of Jesus, being blessed had a different meaning from what Christians understand it to mean today. The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament says the word for “blessed”...
A Prayer for ICR
This month we invite you to join us in a prayer for the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry. Dear Jesus, Creator of all, we seek to glorify Your name in everything we do. Thank you...
The Legacy and Faith of a Godly Father
Good fathers serve an essential role in the family, and it’s surely fitting that we express our love and gratitude on Father’s Day. After all, the fifth of God’s Ten Commandments begins...
Tributes of Honor and Remembrance
At the end of a long day, a boss I had early in my career would often tell me, “No more today, Henry. My brain is full.” I found his comments rather amusing at the time, but the older I...
Pleasure in Our Purpose
Eric Liddell was one of the most famous athletes of the 20th century and perhaps the greatest that Scotland ever produced. An international rugby player, Olympic champion, and world-record-holding sprinter,...
Dross and Dilution
The first of seven great signs of Jesus’ deity recorded in John’s gospel is the wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11). By the time Jesus arrived with His disciples, the consumption of...
Planting, Watering, and God's Increase
During construction of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History, I spent a lot of time working with various crews of artists and craftsmen. One day as I watched three men shoveling dirt...
Savvy Sons of Light
Many Christians grow uncomfortable when their pastor teaches about money. If it’s any consolation, I know many pastors who feel the same way. But not so with Jesus! Christ spoke frequently on...
Perhaps Today!
When I was a young boy, I remember a small, humble plaque that hung on the wall in my grandfather’s ICR office directly opposite his desk. Painted in brown with ivory-colored words, it boldly...
Thankful Remembrance
We all have so much to be thankful for. Even after such a trying year, we must admit that God has been so very good to us. The Lord has not only shown us infinite mercy and grace by forgiving our sins,...
Abound in This Grace
One of the strongest exhortations for Christian giving is found in Paul’s encouragement to the believers in Corinth. In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul praised the example set by the Macedonian churches...
One Generation Away
In 1967, Ronald Reagan delivered one of the most memorable lines of his storied career: “Freedom…is never more than one generation away from extinction.”1 The truth of...
'Doing Business' in Good Times and Bad
No doubt many of you, like me, have been earnestly looking for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He called all believers to be godly “salt” and “light” in this sin-darkened...
Encouraging Notes During the Storm
Without a doubt, the global spread of COVID-19 has forced most of us to make major adjustments to our daily routines. Whether the stay-at-home mandates and the economic collapse that followed were a...
A Believer's Response to Challenging Times
As I write this, stay-at-home mandates due to the COVID-19 pandemic are still in force across much of the country. The resulting economic turmoil has caused worry, with many wondering how much longer...
Faithful Witness in Times of Trouble
The Bible is full of instances where God used periods of trouble to accomplish His will and refine His people. The remarkable record of Job is perhaps the best example, as God allowed a season of severe...
The Gospel We Are Called to Preach
A visitor to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History asked me, “Why can’t ICR avoid all this controversy about creation and just preach Christ?” Such a statement was...
Death, Taxes, and a Valid Will
The distinguished Benjamin Franklin once wrote that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”1 I’ve often grumbled about the truth in this...
CGAs for Seniors
The American Council on Gift Annuities recently authorized a small rate decrease for charitable gift annuities offered by nonprofits. The change was necessary for two reasons: 1) interest rates remain...
50 Years of Blessing
This year marks the Institute for Creation Research’s 50th anniversary. Since 1970, God has blessed ICR tremendously and allowed us to reach untold multitudes across the globe. Perhaps the strongest...
The New Thing of Promise
Many books of the Old Testament contain prophecies of Christ’s incarnation—even the heartbreaking account of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah, the last of the pre-exile prophets, saw Babylon...
Sowing with ICR
The Bible often uses examples from agriculture to highlight the work needed to bring people to Christ and disciple them to maturity. Farmers can’t expect a good crop unless the seed is first sown...
The Best-Kept Secret in Texas
Have we told you lately how thankful we are for your prayers and financial support? ICR’s ministry happens because of the Lord’s blessing through your partnership. Because of you, we...
Small Gifts Add Up
A Google search on charitable giving will produce countless websites. It’s astonishing how much information exists about organizations dedicated to worthy causes. It seems that most are devoted...
Commitment to a Timeless Message
The book The Genesis Flood has rightly been credited as the catalyst of the modern revival of scientific biblical creationism. Published in 1961 and still in print, no other work has had such a profound...
Contend Earnestly
The little book of Jude is a short but powerful statement against those who dilute and warp the gospel of grace and salvation through Christ. Written nearly 2,000 years ago to address the teachings...
Laborers Together
With the arrival of warmer weather, the full beauty of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History’s park and surrounding grounds is now on glorious display. By day, visitors are welcomed...
Stewardship, Science, and Sharing Evidence
God first expressed His great love toward mankind in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth...
T. rex, Tours, and Testimonies
Nearly a year has passed since work began on the internal exhibits of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. Our lifelike animatronic T. rex was the first major installation in April...
Better, Stronger, and More Effective Ministry
The Institute for Creation Research, the first full-time organization dedicated to creation science research, has grown tremendously since its inception in 1970. Financial support was rather lean during...
A Season of Opportunity
We at the Institute for Creation Research, now in its 49th year, are thankful for God’s many blessings upon our ministry. Through it all, His providential hand has unmistakably guided our steps,...
God's Greatest Gift
We can never fully comprehend what it meant for the transcendent and infinite Creator God to become finite man. Yet Jesus, who was “so much better than the angels” (Hebrews 1:4), willingly...
Beyond Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day for Bible-believing Christians should be a joyous time of reflection and praise for all the blessings God has bestowed on us. In spite of the wickedness that rages at times, our Creator...
Finishing Well
The phrase “finishing well” means different things to different people. To some, it means acquiring the most “toys” and wealth. For others, it may mean spending their final years...
For Richer, for Poorer
“For richer, for poorer…” These four little words in traditional wedding vows carry great significance. Unless they already live in poverty, most newlyweds don’t enter marriage...
Rising Rates on Charitable Gift Annuities
Good news for seniors! Due to the robust U.S. economy, the American Council on Gift Annuities recently authorized a broad rate increase—the first since 2012. Seniors age 65 or older living on...
Counting the Cost
“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost?” (Luke 14:28) The ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History, currently under construction,...
Christian Retirement?
“I’m old. I’m tired. But I still got some kick left in me. And while God gives me strength, I’m dead set on doing what I can.” I chuckled as I read this opening line...
Don't Miss the Joy
I often marvel at God’s hand on ICR’s ministry. We have experienced times of plenty and seasons of leanness. Through it all, ICR has remained sensitive to the Lord’s leading by pursuing...
Prayers, Walls, and a Mind to Work
Nehemiah’s campaign to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem is a fascinating account of effective leadership in the face of great adversity. More importantly, it’s an outstanding lesson on the...
Sufficiency, Abundance, and Apologetics in Action
Throughout his extensive missionary journeys, the apostle Paul never asked for money from the people to whom he preached. By day Paul would toil at his trade as a tentmaker (Acts 18:3), and by night...
Godly Asking
Near the beginning of Christ’s ministry, He taught us a profound principle: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone...
Godly Contentment in the New Year
The term “covetousness” is likely unfamiliar to younger generations today. However, it is a sin considered so grievous by God that He included it in His Ten Commandments to Israel. “You...
The Seed of Promise
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15) This great promise...
Loads of Benefits
We all have so much to be thankful for. Even in an age of rising wickedness, God has been so very good to us, and we can only marvel at His infinite mercy and grace. Not only has He forgiven our sins,...
Scavenging vs. Sowing
Our readers probably experience the same problem I do. Each day’s mail—both at the office and at home—contains a fair number of earnest appeals for donations. No doubt many of these...
Opportunities to Sow with ICR
Scripture frequently uses agrarian images to emphasize the effort necessary to bring people to Christ or disciple them to maturity. Just as the farmer cannot expect a harvest unless the seed is first...
Godly Sowing
Sowing seed is a frequently used image in the Bible, most often as a symbol of witnessing for the Lord. “Cast your bread upon the waters,” the wise Preacher wrote, “for you will find...
Godly Prosperity
The prosperity gospel, the “name it and claim it” teaching popular in some Christian groups, asserts that financial success and physical well-being are divine rights afforded to every believer...
The Strength of ICR
It’s remarkable that construction on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History is now underway—less than 18 months after we started raising funds. Moreover, this major initiative...
Honor Your Mother
Children who are taught the Bible from the very beginning have a marvelous advantage. Studies show overwhelmingly that most born-again Christian adults accepted Christ during childhood. While fathers...
The Heavens Declare
By God’s grace, ICR will soon break ground on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. This is truly remarkable since we’ve only been raising funds for a little over a year—all...
Building Biblically
After years of planning and praying, the leadership of ICR has made the decision to begin construction on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. We are thrilled to get started and excited...
Senior Advantages with Charitable Gift Annuities
With a healthy economic outlook and the stock market soaring, this may be a wise time to consider safer havens for some of your resources. This is especially true for seniors living on fixed incomes...
Gifts That Move Ministry
The Institute for Creation Research has grown tremendously since its inception over 46 years ago. As the first full-time organization dedicated to creation science research, the financial support of...
The Light of Christmas
Over the last two millennia, December 25th became the customary commemoration of the birth of Christ. But this was not always so. Other dates were recognized by different groups over time, while the...
Thanksgiving Heritage
Perhaps no other custom so clearly reveals our nation’s original character as Thanksgiving Day. Other nations have similar observances, but the United States of America was the first to nationally...
Showcasing the Evidence
God first expressed His great love toward mankind in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth...
Tests of Sincerity
One of the strongest exhortations for Christian giving is found in Paul’s charge to the believers in Corinth. Paul first praises the sacrificial support of the Macedonian churches who, in spite...
Faith vs. Trust
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) Many believers today often confuse having faith in God with trusting in God. Faith is...
Evidence of God's Blessing
The Lord has been good to the Institute for Creation Research. Over the last four and a half decades, God graciously increased the scope and influence of our ministry to truly global proportions. We...
Planned Leaving vs. Lifetime Giving
Recently, I was working with a supporter when he asked me an interesting question. “Brother Morris, do you believe planned giving is really giving at all?” My initial thought was “Yes,...
Gifts  of Honor and Remembrance
Early in my career, my boss would often tell me, “No more today, Henry. My brain is full.” As a young man unencumbered by maturity’s burdens, I found his comments rather amusing. But...
Gifts  That Go  Twice as Far
If you have followed ICR for any length of time, you know our unique ministry is focused on scientific research, education, and communication. Our research initiatives comprise the core of our work,...
Care, Guard, and Share
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:19— For over 45 years the Lord has faithfully provided for ICR’s needs....
Investing for Future Generations
Ten years ago this month, ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris was called home to heaven. His passing marked the end of an exceptionally fruitful life serving the Lord that included 36 years devoted to full-time...
A Spiritual Line in the Sand
Each new year provides an opportunity to take stock of where we’ve been and where we wish to go. This applies not only to individuals but also to all believers who are called by Jesus to be salt...
For Richer, for Poorer
These four little words in traditional wedding vows carry great significance. Unless they live in poverty, most newlyweds don’t enter marriage expecting to stay poor or become poorer. Rather,...
Giving Thanks Beyond Our Lifetimes
For Bible-believing Christians, Thanksgiving is a joyous time of praise for and reflection on all our Creator has done for us. Despite the wickedness that prevails at times, God has been so good to...
Giving Opportunities This Fall
Fall marks a pivotal time for nonprofit Christian ministries like ICR. Annual workplace giving campaigns are underway, while various charitable opportunities with significant tax-saving benefits take...
Stewardship of ICR Publications
As Christ illustrated in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), God grants various “talents” to every believer. Talents take many different forms—such as wealth, intelligence,...
Notes of Joy and Gratitude
It’s a joy to think back over God’s many blessings on ICR’s ministry. From humble beginnings in 1970 to a ministry of worldwide influence today, it seems God called ICR “to the...
Signs of a Worthy Ministry
From the very beginning, God established humans as stewards over all His created work. First authorized in the Garden of Eden and reconfirmed after the Flood (Genesis 1:28; 9:1-7), stewardship is an...
The Power of Many
The breadth and depth of ICR’s ministry are remarkable. From countless articles and numerous books, to online education programs, long-running radio broadcasts, entertaining online videos, captivating...
ICR's Tychicus
Tychicus is an obscure figure in the New Testament, mentioned only five times—four times by the apostle Paul and once in the book of Acts in association with Paul’s missionary journeys....
Gifts of Significance
Over 45 years old now, the Institute for Creation Research has grown in many ways. God always supplies each need, month by month, as individuals respond to occasional appeals and regular updates in...
Heavenly Investments
It is an indispensable fact of human existence that we are not self-sufficient beings. Our very lives depend on procuring and consuming certain amounts of food and water, and our bodies are often poorly...
Built and Guarded by God
A long-time Institute for Creation Research supporter recently lamented the decline of solid Christian organizations once their founders passed away. We were discussing Christian colleges, and it was...
Opportunities in the New Year
We at ICR are thankful for God’s many blessings as we begin a new year of service. Our ministry is well into its fifth decade, and confirmation of the Lord’s providential hand has been clearly...
God's Perfect Gift
It is unfathomable what it meant for our transcendent Creator God to become finite man. Nevertheless, the One who was “so much better than the angels” (Hebrews 1:4) willingly set aside certain...
Countless Blessings
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s good and right to reflect on God’s countless blessings given to each of us. This is certainly true for the Institute for Creation Research. From humble...
The Proof of Your Love
Giving is a major theme in Scripture, with words like “give,” “gift,” and “gave” appearing more than 2,000 times. But by far, the strongest “giving” passage...
Laboring Above the Sun
After a long summer, Labor Day brings a welcome respite from work before the busy fall season begins. With cooler fall weather just around the corner and children back in school, this holiday is often...
Powerful Kingdom Gifts
Some years ago, a dear Christian lady began preparations to send a box of supplies to missionaries from her church. A neighborhood girl heard of her venture and desired to help. But being only a small...
Heavenly Prosperity
The so-called “prosperity gospel,” a prevalent teaching among some evangelicals, claims that material prosperity is a right afforded to all Christians who think, believe, and speak certain...
The Father's Business
The only detailed account of the Lord Jesus Christ as a child is found in the gospel of Luke. While the gospel of Matthew contains important events surrounding Christ’s birth, the fascinating...
Honorable Substance
During my college days, case studies were often used to teach practical business concepts. In the money-motivated ’80s and early ’90s, there was certainly no lack of cases illustrating wild...
The Hands and Feet of Christ
The late pastor and prolific author A.W. Tozer once wrote: As base a thing as money often is, it yet can be transmuted into everlasting treasure. It can be converted into food for the hungry, and...
Sowing with Shepherds
Through our nationwide speaking ministry, ICR has seen firsthand the gradual exodus of young people from the Church. There are many explanations for this phenomenon, and researchers have written numerous...
Don't Give...Sow!
I learned early on that my grandfather Dr. Henry M. Morris was a great man. Not just a good man, mind you, but a truly great and remarkable man, specially gifted by God to perform a vital work for the...
An Evening at ICR: Reaching This Generation for Christ
When the Institute for Creation Research was founded in 1970, few organizations existed that focused on science and how it relates to Scripture. Back then, face-to-face presentations were the only practical...
Wise Giving: Pragmatic Opportunities This Christmas
Each Christmas I am reminded of God’s many blessings upon the ICR ministry. For over four decades He has faithfully supplied our needs through His people—even during the leanest of times...
Sowing vs. Foraging
If you are like me, each day’s mail—both at home and at the office—brings a good number of urgent appeals for donations. These are roughly divided among political, religious, and charitable...
The First Commission
The first record of God’s great love toward mankind is expressed in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,...
Seasonal Giving Opportunities
The coming fall season heralds an important time for nonprofit Christian ministries like ICR. Annual Workplace Giving Campaigns often begin this month, providing employees the occasion to support qualified...
Letters from Abroad
Only a handful of creation science ministries were in existence when the Institute for Creation Research began in 1970. Today there are numerous organizations—at least one in nearly every U.S....
Notes of Encouragement
Our “adversary the devil” is very real and works actively against all believers in the battle for God’s truth (1 Peter 5:8). The ministry of the Institute for Creation Research experiences...
The Glory of Godly Fathers
Holidays in honor of parents have been customary since ancient times, but in the Western world they have only become official in the 20th century. In this country, Mother’s Day was first established...
Arise and Call Her Blessed
Children who are taught the Bible from the very beginning have a marvelous advantage. Studies have consistently shown an overwhelming majority of genuinely Christian adults accepted Christ during childhood....
Biblical 'Descent and Distribution'
The illustrious Benjamin Franklin once wrote that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”1 No doubt many of our readers, like me, have grumbled...
Charitable Clarity at the Edge of the Fiscal Cliff
In the wee hours of January 1, 2013, Congress avoided the looming fiscal cliff by passing the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA). It is debatable how much “relief” ATRA actually...
Gaining God's Way
Hurrying to my son’s baseball practice one windy winter day, I stumbled across a path of stepping stones leading to the field. Unless they fail to keep your feet dry, there’s usually nothing...
Occupy Till He Comes
No doubt many of you, like me, have been earnestly looking for the return of the Lord Jesus. Recent national and world events have only increased my longing for Christ’s return to bring sweet...
The Treasure of the the Heart
“What would you like for Christmas?” If you have young children in your family, this is a question you only need to ask once as Christmas approaches. A deafening chorus of got-to-haves...
The Roots of Thanksgiving
Perhaps no other custom so clearly reveals this nation’s original character as that of Thanksgiving Day. Other nations have adopted similar observances, but America was the first to nationally...
Payroll Philanthropy
The arrival of fall marks the start of annual workplace giving campaigns across the nation. Through annual campaigns, hard-working people from all income levels can express their generosity and become...
Ministry Stewardship
As Christ illustrated in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), God grants various “talents” to every believer. Talents take many different forms—such as wealth, intelligence,...
The Might of Many Mites
Any simple Google search will produce millions of websites dedicated to charitable giving. It’s astonishing how much information exists about this worthy cause. And while I could never visit them...
Testimonies of Thanksgiving
As we Americans celebrate our independence this month, it is good to reflect on God’s many blessings on this country. From its very beginning, America was founded on an expressed faith in God...
Bountiful Sowing Through Matching Gifts
As our readers know, the chief focus of ICR’s unique ministry is centered on the twin objectives of scientific research and education. Our research initiatives comprise the core of our work, uncovering...
Honor and Remembrance
Near the end of a long work day, a former boss would often tell me, “No more today, Henry. My brain is full.” A young man at the time and unfettered by maturity’s burdens, I found...
Provide, Protect, and Share
For over 40 years the Lord has been faithful to provide for ICR’s needs. His marvelous supply was particularly evident in recent years as ICR weathered the severest economic downturn in my lifetime....
God's Ultimate Ownership
The subject of rightful ownership is a foundational issue in the practice of business and law and a host of other disciplines. The creator of a product or idea is generally the recognized owner, who...
Enlarging the Tent
Six years ago this month, ICR’s founder Dr. Henry Morris was called home to heaven, marking the end of an extraordinarily fruitful life in service to the Lord. And while the home-going of any...
Plans for the New Year
As the Institute for Creation Research begins a new year of service, we are thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our ministry. Now in our fifth decade of service, evidence of the Lord’s...
Christmas Gratitude
No matter what our personal situations may be, each Christmas we are reminded just how deeply and completely God loves us. His wondrous plan of salvation—first set in motion in the Garden of Eden...
Call to Battle
Perhaps you have noticed the stewardship banner prominently displayed on this page. Like the original military banners carried into battle, ICR’s banner is designed to communicate important themes....
Acceptable Gifts of Power
Some years ago, a dear Christian lady began preparations to send a box of goods and supplies to missionaries from her church. A neighborhood child heard of her project and desired to help. But being only...
'Tis the Fall Season
This coming fall season heralds an important time for nonprofit Christian ministries like ICR, marking the start of annual giving opportunities as we proceed toward the end of the tax year. In addition,...
Can I Get a Witness?
As a child growing up in San Diego, I learned early on that my grandfather, Henry M. Morris, was a great man. Not a good man, mind you…but a truly great and remarkable man, uniquely gifted by God...
The Impact of ICR
The Lord has been good to the ministry of the Institute for Creation Research. Over the last four decades, God has graciously increased the scope and influence of the ministry to truly global proportions,...
The Grace of Christian Giving
The late pastor and prolific author A.W. Tozer once wrote: As base a thing as money often is, it yet can be transmuted into everlasting treasure. It can be converted into food for the hungry, and clothing...
Principles of Biblical Stewardship: Tests of a Worthy M.,.
In a mandate given in the Garden of Eden and extended after the Flood (Genesis 1:28 and 9:1-7, respectively), God established humanity as stewards over His created work. Since we are tasked with the...
Kingdom Investing
It is an indispensable fact of human existence that we are not self-sufficient beings. Our lives depend on procuring and consuming sufficient food and water, and our bodies are often ill-equipped to cope...
Rendering unto Caesar...Tax Law Changes Bring Welcome Relief
Few would argue that the first decade of the 21st century was an extremely turbulent period on many fronts. As the decade drew to a close and the nation struggled to emerge from the longest and deepest...
Commitment to a Timeless Message
The book The Genesis Flood has rightly been credited as the catalyst of the modern revival of scientific biblical creationism. Published in 1961 and in continuous print ever since, no other single work...
Circumspect Resolutions
The turn of the calendar naturally provides the occasion to reflect on the past year and plan for the future, and people of almost every nation observe some kind of New Year holiday. Sadly, New Year celebrations...
The Breadth and Depth of ICR Ministries
When I am asked about ICR’s current projects and programs, people are often surprised by the breadth and depth of the ICR ministry. This is particularly true for visitors who tour our facilities,...
Give Thanks
For 40 years the Institute for Creation Research has led the fight to defend the faith by uncovering and explaining God’s matchless creation as expressed in His perfect Word. Many have partnered...
40 Years of Blessing
When the Institute for Creation Research began in 1970, very few organizations focused on the ministry of creation science. Now there are numerous creation ministries—probably one or more in every...
Workplace Giving Campaigns
The month of September marks the start of the annual workplace charitable giving season, and the Institute for Creation Research has worked hard to gain approval in selected workplace programs as an additional...
Where There Is a Will, There Is a CGA
Without a doubt, the remarkable economic upheaval that began some years ago has impacted the entire financial spectrum. Dubbed the "Great Recession" by some economists, this prolonged period...
Christian Heritage of Liberty
In the months preceding America's Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, delegates to the Second Continental Congress of this fledgling nation began each meeting with prayer. Fittingly, the very...
Deceitful Prosperity
The so-called "prosperity gospel," a widespread teaching among some evangelicals, claims that material prosperity is a right afforded to all Christians who think, believe, and speak certain things....
In Memory and Honor
A special season of honor and remembrance begins with the month of May. We honor our mothers on Mother's Day, remember our fallen heroes on Memorial Day a few weeks later, and then honor our fathers soon...
Maximize Your Impact through Matching Gifts
If you have followed the Institute for Creation Research for any length of time, you know that our unique ministry is centered on the twin objectives of scientific research and education. Our research...
Financial Philosophy
Look through any family photo album and you will find a study of both time and history. Turn to the early years, when time is evenly measured by births and first steps and first days of school. The pace...
Matters of True Substance
During my college days, case studies of real-life events were often used to teach practical applications of specific business concepts. We studied stories of wild successes and tales of dramatic failures,...
The Silent Multitude
One of this issue's featured articles is devoted to ICR's accomplishments of the last year, and it is always a bit breathtaking to see the scope and depth of ICR ministry activities. Knowing how small...
The Greatest of All Gifts
We cannot fathom what it meant for the infinite Creator God to become finite man. Yet Jesus, who was "so much better than the angels" (Hebrews 1:4), willingly emptied Himself and, setting aside...
A Good Thing...
A long-time supporter recently wrote me with encouragement and helpful advice on raising funds for ICR ministries. His letter ended with a quote from Psalm 92:1, wherein the psalmist proclaims, "It...
Ministry Mindset in the Land of the Midnight Sun
The opportunities provided by our Lord to the Institute for Creation Research never cease to amaze us. ICR experiences this on a continual basis in a multitude of areas. Whether they are new opportunities...
Profitable Labor
The American celebration of Labor Day was established to recognize the important part played by workers in the development of the nation during the Industrial Revolution. Many countries today now hold...
With the rise of the Internet as the principal source of information and communication, this era we are living in has rightly been called the "age of information." Information in every field...
The Stewardship of Talents
Principles of biblical stewardship, to which this page of Acts & Facts is dedicated, apply not only to the individual believer, but also to Christian organizations such as the Institute for Creation...
The Crown of Fatherhood
Holidays honoring parents have become official only in the 20th century, even though somewhat similar recognitions were customary in ancient times. Father's Day in particular was not officially recognized...
Home-Going Preparations
Death is the great enemy of all mankind. Since that fateful day in the Garden of Eden, when "by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin" (Romans 5:12), God's creation has groaned...
Troubled Times, Unspeakable Joy
In troubled times, many ministries are often forced to scale back in order to survive. ICR is no exception to economic pressures, of course, but our perspective remains solidly focused on our Lord's promise...
Charitable Gift Annuities
God's Word is under attack from many sides today. Some question whether it can be taken as actual truth, or whether it must be interpreted in light of whatever modern culture deems scientifically "true"...
Willful Ignorance
February 2009 will see multiple celebrations held around the world in honor of "Darwin Day," established "in appreciation of verifiable knowledge that has been acquired solely through human...
All Your Need, Version 2009
I am often asked about ICR's current needs. With great joy, I have shared the many opportunities the Lord has opened for us. But while our agenda is positively bursting with new initiatives, we remain...
'Perhaps Today!'
From my earliest childhood recollections, a small and humble plaque hung in my grandfather's office, placed in a prominent location on the wall directly opposite his desk. Painted in brown with ivory-colored...
A Heritage of Thanksgiving
Perhaps no other custom reveals our nation's original character as clearly as the celebration of Thanksgiving Day. Other countries have adopted similar observances, but America was the first to nationally...
The Stewardship Commission
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every...
My Thoughts, My Ways. . . and the Combined Federal Campaign
The Lord has been good to the ministry of the Institute for Creation Research. Through the years, ICR has experienced periods of great joy, as well as periods of great sorrow and need. But through it...
True Liberty
When the United States of America was founded on July 4, 1776, the signing of the Declaration of Independence was preceded by prayer at the urging of Benjamin Franklin, the senior statesmen of the fledgling...
Opportunity for Good
With summer fast approaching, activity at ICR often accelerates into high gear with an increased number of speaking engagements, conferences, and seminars throughout the nation. The months ahead will be...
Darts, Darkness, and Donors
Not long ago, after an extensive career in finance, the Lord made it abundantly clear that He wanted me to join ICR. I took the position with great anticipation, relishing the opportunity to devote my...
Bountiful Sowing
As Director of Donor Relations, a good portion of my time each month is spent writing notes of thanks to donors who support ICR ministries. This task is most dear to my heart, since it is a reminder of...
Mighty Mites
Many cultures value the practice of charitable giving. The Internet especially is full of websites devoted to various ways of giving to charity, the majority of which devote much of their text to "big"...
The Liberal Soul
While attending my son's baseball practice on a recent winter day, I was surprised to discover a short path of stepping stones leading from the parking area to the field. While stepping stones in that...
Redeeming the Time
Beginning a new year traditionally provides us with an opportunity to take stock of where we have been and where we wish to go. Most people make resolutions in the hope of improving their health, finances,...
Heavenly Treasure
"So, what would you like for Christmas?" If you have children in your family, this is a question you probably only need to ask once as Christmas approaches. It is usually followed by a chorus...
Thanksgiving Sacrifice
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Hebrews 13:15) The "thanksgiving" part of this end-of-year...
The Creationist Worldview
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) None but the most radical libertarian is comfortable with the way things are in society. Much of the argument among politicians is...
Hearts of Gratitude
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17 The Lord has given His children...
Stewardship, Service & Sacrifice
"Stewardship," as it is applied to our finances, is taught in most churches to all congregants at nearly every age. Unfortunately, too often the practice of stewardship begins and ends with the...
Ministry Money
"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy" (I Timothy 6:17). The principles...
Stewarding the Sciences
"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful" (I Corinthians 4:2). God's written, historical revelation of truth -- the inspired text of Scripture -- provides a framework...
Angst and Anger
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath:...
Sacrifices, Stones, and Soldiers
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1). Each member...
The 12th Imam
". . . if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, He is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were...
The Creator's Valentine
"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God" (I John 3:1). Today's post-modern world is saturated by a syrupy mix of assorted worldviews...
New Year, New Rulers, New Resolve
"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:2). This month the 110th Congress will convene on Capitol Hill. New leaders will be elevated to posts previously held by...
Celebrating a Kingdom Christmas
"Therefore take no thought. . . . But seek ye first the kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:31, 33). Christmas is a great time to reflect on Kingdom matters, bringing us all welcome relief from a stressful...
Remember the Good
"Remember His marvelous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth" (I Chronicles 16:12). "We acknowledge, especially now, our dependence on One greater than...
Renewing Minds . . . Transforming Culture
Dr. Henry Morris was a gifted scientist, educator, and Biblical apologist who pioneered the creation science movement over 45 years ago. But he was also a man of great spiritual passion, deeply devoted...
Carrying Your Weight "Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee" (Genesis 12:1). When...
Why Bother?
Rare is the saint who has not breathed the cry of David, "Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?" (Psalm 94:3). It seems like liberal and humanistic educators dominate...
Some of the ICR donors have sent in special gifts "in memory of" Dr. H. M. Morris. Memorials are a long cherished custom in Christian nations--since the Scriptures recognize that "special"...
Teaching the Teachers
Long-time readers of Acts & Facts are well aware that ICR has mainly focused its teaching and outreach toward the leaders of Christ's Kingdom here on Earth. We are convinced that the "job"...
Guiding Lamp or Simply Luster
ICR speakers are often confronted about our insistence on a "literal" approach to Genesis—most often about our "interpretation" that the words of Scripture require viewing the...
A Donor's Perspective
". . . neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing" (II Samuel 24:24). ICR recently received its largest single gift from an individual. His...
Strategic Focus
ICR has recently completed an intensive evaluation of its strategic focus for the next few years and has just released an "Expectation" of the Lord's supply to meet those goals. In the secular...
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God"
Matthew 6:33 New Year custom dictates that we review our lifestyle after our celebration season and make "resolutions" to correct behavior or focus goals for the coming year. Most of us who...
As you consider your special gifts this Christmas, we at ICR would ask you to remember our ministry in your prayers and with your support. Many of you have been of great encouragement to us over the years,...
Abraham Lincoln, 1863
"The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget...
Heresies, Anti-knowledge, and Willing Ignorance
Heresies, Anti-knowledge, and Willing Ignorance ". . . damnable heresies" (II Peter 2:1). Peter uses some fairly strong language to confront the false teachers who were "among" the...
Spiritual Oxymoron
God's commentary on Israel in II Kings 17 is one of the more pathetic descriptions of Israel in Scripture. Israel had been given many chances to repent and return to their God, yet they remained two-faced:...
Majority "Rule"
A recent series of "religion" articles in secular newspapers lauded several of the more popular Christian books and web-logs (blogs) now available to the public. The essence of the comments was...
Polar Promises and Problems
Walking among the seven golden lamp stands and speaking with the voice of the glorified and resurrected King of Kings, the Lord Jesus dictated seven poignant letters. All are to be read. All contain insight...
The Bible Says . . .
It has long been ICR's position that God's revealed and written Word cannot (and must not) be changed. Sola Scriptura was the battle cry of the Reformation revival that led to both the great missionary...
Naturalistic Science Cannot Accept a Creator
Naturalistic science cannot accept a Creator There can be no question that God formed "things" in such a way that we can understand much of His nature from what has been created (Romans 1:20)....
This Is a "Taxing" Time
Pardon the pun. The annual assessment of taxes by our government(s), although relatively recently established in our country, has long been a somewhat disagreeable custom of civilization. Even our Lord...
Selective Truths
Among the more subtle errors in evangelical intellectual debates today are the varied approaches to Biblical Inspiration. An effort is underway among some theological circles to treat the Bible first and...
A Serious Problem
Regular Acts & Facts readers are surely aware that the western educational system is dominated by an evolutionary (and therefore humanistic) worldview. Public institutions are nearly totally saturated...
Opposition to Righteousness
It would be hard to miss the increase in vitriolic recriminations among the many news and pundit presentations these past few weeks. Although the political campaign stirred up personal hatred against the...
Temporal versus Eternal
 This country has just come through one of the most bitter elections in our history. Iraq is in turmoil, Iran and North Korea are threatening, doomsayers and naysayers abound—and the morality...
The Gospel in the Context of Evidence
The "sophisticated" world of Jesus' day was little different from our skeptical world. The PAX ROMANA was in force and the Greek intellectual dazzle of Aristotle and Socrates dominated educated...
Why Is a Creationist Worldview So Critical?
 These general principles of Scripture (Matthew 15:19; Proverbs 4:23; Romans 8:7-8) underscore the widely observed phenomena that behavioral lifestyles are the result of "values" held intellectually....
Disturbing Days
 Often one hears the comment, "Our country is going downhill fast!" That is true from our perspective (in light of the few decades that most of us have been alive), but history offers both...
Global Impact
 Those of us who were active during the "Reagan Years" renewed a sense of respect and awe at the wide-ranging impact of Ronald Reagan's legacy—shared by friend and foe alike. There...
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Our Lord Jesus taught us that we could expect an ongoing condition of instability until He returned (Matthew 24:6; Mark 12:7). Every now and then it seems, we need to be reminded by circumstances that...
Decent Order
 The obvious context of Paul's admonition to the Corinthian church was their conduct in their assembly. Yet that principle applies throughout the Scripture to many areas of our "normal"...
Where Did It All Go?
 Most of us have voiced that question several times over the years-especially after we have filed our income tax reports. When we look at the money that the Lord has entrusted us with, it seems like...
The "Passion" of Men
 Controversy has been almost non-stop over Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" released in February. Nearly every media outlet has denigrated the film, and various "religious"...
Broad Battle Front
 The battle lines have broadened considerably since ICR began its ministry some 34 years ago. Initially, creationists were seen as mere "insurgents" into the stable and well "armed"...
About Time
 How did you react to the title? Some would apply the phrase as a "I-told-you-so" epithet (as in "it's about time!"). Others might see a more Biblically purposeful idea, as in...
Wise Stewardship
 Most of us are familiar with the Biblical principle of "stewarding" our resources in such a way that our complex family, church, and Kingdom responsibilities are evaluated carefully. We...
Sowing and Reaping Bountifully
 Here are two ways that we can give "bountifully," simultaneously reaping a greater present participation in Kingdom ministries—while realizing present "bounty" in our own...
 All of God's children must overcome the temptation to allow God's sovereign provision of our needs to be overshadowed by the pleasure of our bounty and blessings—especially during this very...
Ripples and Riptides
 All of us have seen ripples grow in concentric rings from a pebble plopped in a pond. And most of us are familiar with horrific stories about riptides pulling swimmers to their death, undermining...
Madonna to Write Children's Books
 Several magazines have reported that Madonna plans to release a series of children's books beginning in September this year. One can hardly imagine the very adult reputation of this celebrity having...
Colleen's Choice
 That was the title and the message of a recent article in the AARP magazine. This very emotional and sad story told of the struggle that Colleen had with cancer, and her ultimate decision to take...
The Short-Term
 There have been many articles and special programs during the past few months about what to do with money in the "short-term." It seems, however, that the various opinions do not concur...
How Can We Help?
 During recent ICR seminars and a trip to Grand Canyon with Christian leaders, many wonderful people offered their encouragement and promised support. There were lots of questions, too, mainly about...
It's about time . . .
 Usually, that little cliché is heard from a background of exasperation. Or, as we have often learned too late, we should have taken action before an event precipitated the consequences that...
50 Years Ago
 Hailed in 1953 as "the most important zoological discovery of this century," a rather strange looking fish had been caught off the coast of Madagascar. This five-foot, 100-pound creature...
Death Can Be Dirty, What's a Greenie to Do?
 That was the title of an article in Time magazine written by Amanda Bower a few months ago. In it she was lamenting the environmental damage done by the standard burial processes and advocating such...
The Unique Labor of ICR
 "In Science We Trust" was the title of the December 2002 editorial of Scientific American, equating science with evolution. ICR has been called to confront these deeply entrenched anti-god...
Ministers and Stewards
 Worth noting in this challenging passage are the specific word choices. "Minister" is the translators' choice for huperetes, most frequently applied to "officers" of various authorities...
Tis the Season . . .
 December is connected with gift-giving—sometimes for the wrong reasons. All of us have felt the pressure to "buy" something for family and/or friends. Our private conversations sometimes...
The Peace and Thanksgiving Offering
 Israel was under Mosaic Law, of course, and the New Testament Covenant has freed us from the obligations of those liturgical instructions. However, they were a "schoolmaster" (Galatians...
Planning for transfer of earthly goods.
 For those of us who seek to follow the Lord's leading in our life, submitting to His example in the transfer of our earthly wealth should not be a very difficult concept. Jesus did not have many...
The Charitable Gift Annuity
 Part of our responsibility as "Stewards" (I Corinthians 4:2) is to be faithful with the financial assets that the Lord has allowed us to use. Normally, the more secure an instrument is,...
Conducting Family Business
  Since God is our "Father," and we are His "servants," it is hardly a stretch to understand that our "stewardship" responsibilities are to be conducted with the same...
Saying "Good-bye" is Hard . . .
 . . . but it is something I believe the Lord would have me do. As of July 1, 2002, I will no longer be in the full-time employ of ICR. I will be available for various assignments, but the Lord is...
Honor and Tribute
  Every culture in the world understands their civil responsibility to those in higher authority. What has escaped most people—even many Christians, is that the HIGHEST authority is the Creator...
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven
 May our gracious Lord minister this bondage-breaking truth to your heart and mine. "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break...
Faithful Stewards
 God provides the resources, we are to "manage" His wealth. Jesus gave us two illustrations that tell us how He judges His "servants" from the eternal perspective. A "pound"...
Biblical Foundations For Stewardship
  This portion of Acts & Facts is dedicated to challenging all of us to be faithful as "stewards" (I Corinthians 4:2) of what God has allowed us to use. Let us review the foundational...
Worship or Tax Considerations?
 Having just come through the time of year when, more than ever, we have received a barrage of information on how to give more and have it cost us less, we could do well to review what the Scriptures...
Merry Christmas!
 In the aftermath of September 11, numerous and conflicting thoughts clamor for our attention at Christmas. But, praise God, this is also a time when the quiet and calming voice of our Creator and...
For Lack Of Thanksgiving
 As we at the Institute hold forth the "invisible things of God," we praise and thank Him for raising you up to equip us for battle, through your prayers and your gifts. At this time of...
Thinking Bigger
 ICR is facing some breathtaking "mountains" ahead—and we will need your partnership to overcome them. This unusual illustration that Jesus gave focuses on the use of our faith. He...
A Will May Be Hazardous To Your Family's Health
 Some time ago I came across the above headline and heard myself say, "Amen, Brother! But you are forgetting something . . . having only a will at the time of one's mental or physical incapacity...
Scholarship Fund
 Dear ICR, Do you have a scholarship fund to which l could contribute (the enclosed) ,500.00? l would like to give it in memory of my husband, Ed, who died unexpectedly on 2-14-01 at the age of 36....
God Bless You All . . .
  That note melted my heart (and those of all who read it here at ICR); in so doing, it reminded me of the following "note" our Lord has written to us: "At the same time came the disciples...
How long halt ye between two opinions?
 We remember this passage (I Kings 18:21) as Elijah's condemning challenge to God's people living under the godless, or, better, the multigodded reign of King Ahab. Remembering the drama—the...
Happy Easter! (John 16:33-18:1)
  These words spake Jesus, and lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:    As thou hast given...
God's Desire--Or Ours?
". . . He gave them their own desire" Psalm 78:29. This account of God dealing with His people has much to say to the twenty-first century church, and is found in both Numbers 11:4-34...
Memorial Gifts
 ICR is becoming increasingly favored with gifts given in memory of a loved one or friend. We are, of course, grateful for these gifts, as we are for all gifts that the Lord directs toward us. You...
Many "Littles" Make a Lot
 As we enter a new year, we at ICR are reminded of the debt of love we owe those of you who make this ministry possible. Whether it be in the time spent before the Throne of Grace or partnering with...
From Bethlehem to Calvary to Mount Zion
 May our hearts and minds be so solidly grounded on the certainty of the Savior having come, His finished work on the Cross, and the certitude of His coming to reign as King, that the clamor of a...
Abounding with Thanksgiving
 "Abounding therein with thanksgiving"—the evidence of one being rooted and built up in their Savior; the evidence of being established in the faith. At this time of national Thanksgiving...
Your Last Will and Testimony
 "I, Thomas L. Manning, of San Diego County, California, declare this to be my will, and hereby revoke all wills and codicils that I have previously made. Having realized the futility of life...
 Three commands directed to Timothy by Paul . . . the Greek forms of these commands affirm both that they had become part of Timothy's life-style and that he was to continue in them (I Timothy 6:11,12)....
Ephesians 5:5-7
 Covetousness: "(Heb. hamad, to desire; besa, dishonest gain; Gr. pleoneksia, the wish to have more), an inordinate desire for what one has not, which has its basis in discontentment with what...
"Of thine own have we given Thee"
 Last month, this column dealt with the moving account of King David's celebration over the ingathering for the building of the Temple (I Chronicles 29:9-19). The article ended with a question as...
Would You Like a Lift?
 If so, you will enjoy reading the following praise-filled passages from I Chronicles 29:9-17. You will find David offering them to the Lord at the comp-letion of the ingathering for building...
I Timothy 5:8
 Chapter 5:3,4 7,8, and 16 are an exhortation to make a commitment to relieving the needs of a widowed family member (mother, grandmother, aunt, etc.) as a way of properly honoring her (them) and...
Psalm 12:1-4
 I have had this passage highlighted in my Bible for years as a reminder of the responsibility I have to communicate honestly in this column—without "vanity" (smooth words) that "flatter...
Having Been Faithful in Little
 Following is the reprint of a letter we received in 1995. It conveys such an important message, I feel it worthy to be presented to you again. Dear Mr. Manning, We would like to convey our deepest...
A letter from Pastor Duane McCulley
 Dear Brethren at ICR, Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according...
One Decade, And Now One Century, Ends
 The prayer that follows is one I brought before the Lord as we entered the last decade of the '90s; it seemsappropriate to share it again (with a few modifications)as we enter a new century. One...
Every good gift
That God who, prior to creating light, was the light(Genesis 1:3), became the light "which lighteth every man" (John 1:9) and will, Himself, be the sole sourceof light in the New Jerusalem (Revelation...
As We Gather for Thanksgiving
 “Thankfulness”—the fruit of a life: Restored to the Lord Immersed in His Word Well invested for His name’s sake!   As we gather, may we encourage one another unto this...
Deuteronomy 16:17
 Giving as we are able . . . what a wonderfully freeing thought. No heavy-handed, guilt-riddled arm twisting . . . but giving as we are able. Notice, however, that even as we are "freed"...
An Open Letter to ICR Supporters
  An Open Letter to ICR Supporters From Dr. John Morris, President of ICR As you know, ICR has always taken a very low key approach to "fund raising," for we are confident that God...
Tolerance & Intolerance
 "The fashion now is to tolerate anything lest we gain a reputation of being intolerant. The tender-minded saints cannot bear to see Agag slain (I Samuel 15), so they chose rather to sacrifice...
Giving to Ministries May Be an Act of Dishonoring One's.,.
 In Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:5-13, the Lord responds to a question from the Pharisees as to why His disciples violate God's law by their traditions. He uses Exodus 20:12 (the command to honor ones'...
 ICR Stewardship/Donations and Trust ServicesP.O. Box 2667El Cajon, CA 92021 Dear Sir, Attached is a check for ,000 to be split evenly in funding the research of Drs. Austin and Snelling. I have enjoyed...
Preparing the Temple
 2 . . . This people say, the time is not come, the time that the LORD'S house should be built. 3 Then came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet, saying, 4 Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell...
 "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He hath borne our...
I Corinthians 9:14
 We all know that it takes money to operate a Christian ministry and that the key to a fruitful ministry is God's blessing. If the fruit of that ministry is not what it should be, perhaps Christians...
First Love
 It seems appropriate, as we enter the season devoted to "love," that we look at the subject through God's eyes. Since I have been studying in Revelation recently, I would like to take a...
 S T E W A R DServe wisely "And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?...
 As those of us in the United States look forward to our national day of Thanksgiving, let us consider the One worthy of our thanks! Psalm 97 does just that as it directs our attention to the fast-approaching...
Memorial Gifts
 ICR is becoming increasingly favored with gifts given in memory of a loved one or friend. We are, of course, grateful for these gifts, as we are for all gifts that the Lord directs toward us. You...
On Reestablishing Biblical "Belief" and ".,.
 Have you noticed how some Christians hold to Biblically untenable positions and, when questioned, defend them with an attitude something to the effect that: "You are entitled to your beliefs;...
How Can the Church Bring About Moral Changes in the World?
 How Can the Church Bring About Moral Changes in the World? by John Newton, 1725-1807 "The gospel of Christ, the glorious gospel of the blessed God, is the only effectual means for reforming...
The Fourth of July and Easter
 The Fourth of July and EasterHave you ever considered the similarities between July 4 and Easter? No? Well, neither had I until this morning at breakfast when I was presented with the fruits of a...
Matthew 6:19-33
 May our gracious Lord minister this bondage-breaking truth to our hearts and minds. Matthew 6:19-3319Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves...
Ephesians 5:5
 Cov · et · ous def. 1: (One who is) marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions. (God's possessions—note added.) def. 2: Having a craving...
Psalm 37:7
 It is easy, these days, to become caught up in fretting over the wickedness that is increasingly prevalent in our land. But, let's look at the situation through God's eyes: The transgression of the...