"The fashion now is to tolerate anything lest we gain a reputation of being intolerant. The tender-minded saints cannot bear to see Agag slain (I Samuel 15), so they chose rather to sacrifice the health of the Church for years to come by sparing error and evil; and this they do in the name of Christian love.
"We are under obligation to disturb all seats of wickedness, and where this is done out of sincere love for God and men, great good is bound to follow. No true work of God will suffer from the prayerful examination of Spirit-filled men. Timidity masquerading as love has allowed unscriptural practices to persist in many a church till they have slowly smothered the life out of it and brought it to desolation.
"We must not be afraid to inquire. The difficulty, of course, is to do this in a Christian spirit. It is hard to find fault without being a faultfinder or to criticize without being censorious. But we have it to do if we hope to keep the work of God pure in a day of iniquity."
It is interesting to note that A. W. Tozer, in writing The Price of Neglect made this observation as mainline denominations were abandoning their stewardship of the unfathomable riches of the Word of God (I Corinthians 4:1). Is it possible that today's evangelical church is entering that same disastrous "drift" into apostasy? Are we not timidly adopting humanistic doctrine and denying the power, authority, and majesty of the God of creation and eternity when we endeavor to make the Word of God "relevant" to our age? Are not He and His Holy Word "relevant" because He is God? Lord, forgive us!
The Institute for Creation Research's mission statement mandates an unapologetic adherence to God's "very relevant" Word. While our preference is to take His truth to the unbelieving world, in recent days we also have found it necessary to incorporate a thrust to an unbelieving church, caught up in the high-sounding call for "tolerance." But tolerance today means affirming all views as equally legitimate, demoting God's truth to one of many. This we cannot and will not do.
This battle for truth requires many soldiers and sufficient resources. Will you join us? Can information generated here help arm you for the battle? Can you help "supply the troops" with a financial gift? If such a gift requires careful planning and I can help, please contact me at the address below.