Provide, Protect, and Share | The Institute for Creation Research

Provide, Protect, and Share

For over 40 years the Lord has been faithful to provide for ICR’s needs. His marvelous supply was particularly evident in recent years as ICR weathered the severest economic downturn in my lifetime. Even though many were personally hurting themselves, countless supporters continued giving and praying to sustain ICR’s unique ministry for the cause of Jesus Christ. For this we are deeply humbled and thankful for those who choose to “lay up for [themselves] treasures in heaven” through their support of our essential work (Matthew 6:20).

Nonetheless, ICR is not blind to pragmatic solutions that benefit both our ministry and those who support us. So during the depths of the Great Recession, ICR began promoting certain giving opportunities that provide distinct advantages to donors. One of the most popular was our Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) program, which has doubled in size since 2009 when financial markets collapsed. With continued instability in the economy, CGAs remain a very attractive option for seniors who wish to support ICR but still need a source of income.

Based on recent policy changes by ICR’s Board of Trustees, donors over age 65 can now fund a CGA with ICR for as little as $10,000. Like certificates of deposits (CDs), CGAs provide a guaranteed level of income. But unlike CDs, with dismally low payout rates near 1 percent, CGAs provide the absolute best secure return available with rates ranging from 4.7 to over 7 percent. Moreover, CGAs provide guaranteed income for life, partially tax-free payments, and a partial tax deduction—features the commercial industry cannot match. Plus, you will have the satisfaction in knowing your gift will support ICR’s ministry once God calls you home.

CGAs are based on your state of residency, and with few exceptions ICR is authorized to issue these special contracts in most states. CGA rates also vary by age, with older donors receiving higher rates, so visit ICR’s recently enhanced Planned Giving section of to design your own plan. Or contact us directly with your name, state of residence, birth date, and gift amount—we will be delighted to design a customized proposal just for you.

Aside from your direct support of God’s work, the single most important thing believers can do is to have a valid written will that provides for the Kingdom. Regrettably, over 50 percent of people who pass away each year do not have one. State laws of “descent and distribution” then take over and often deplete estates with unnecessary expenses, decide who will administer your estate, and determine who will function as the guardian of your minor children. And they will not allow bequests of any kind—to your friends, your church, or to ministries like ICR that honor the Lord Jesus Christ. In obedience to the Lord, please do not allow this to happen to you.

ICR’s Planned Giving website contains highly interactive modules to assist you in crafting a well-planned will—click on the Wills Guide and Plan Your Will links to get started. ICR can also provide samples of well-written wills and helpful brochures on proper will preparation. Most wills can be prepared relatively inexpensively by a knowledgeable attorney and ICR can recommend one in your area. And should you desire to support ICR, it is easy to include a simple bequest to ensure a portion of your assets are shared with our ministry. We promise to put it to good and effective use in our work to honor the Creator.

Provide for your family. Protect your God-given resources. Share them with the Kingdom. ICR can help—please visit, or contact us today at 800.337.0375 or

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Insti tute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2012. Provide, Protect, and Share. Acts & Facts. 41 (4): 21.

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