The Impact of ICR | The Institute for Creation Research

The Impact of ICR

The Lord has been good to the ministry of the Institute for Creation Research. Over the last four decades, God has graciously increased the scope and influence of the ministry to truly global proportions, marvelously providing for our needs along the way (Philippians 4:19). During that time, ICR has experienced periods of great joy, as well as seasons of trouble and deep need. But through it all, we have seen countless evidences of God’s provisional hand as we stood firm in the defense of His truth.

From a business perspective, this is remarkable for a research organization whose primary "product" is information. But God does not operate within the confines of a business model, for "my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD" (Isaiah 55:8).

But it still begs the question: Why is ICR still here, growing and thriving?Apart from God’s direct blessing, I believe the answer can only come from fellow believers whose lives have been impacted by ICR’s work. The following comments are characteristic of the hundreds of encouraging testimonies we receive each week.

  • "As a biological scientist (Ph.D.), I had an overwhelming conflict with evolutionary ’law’ as taught in our universities. ICR has resolved this conflict, praise God."
  • "I first came across your materials in Panama, and I have followed and supported ICR ever since (over 30 years)."
  • "I receive the Daily Science Updates via email and often pass them on to others. We appreciate ICR so much!"
  • "ICR’s Days of Praise devotionals are both inspiring and instructional, and I delight in forwarding your emails to some on my ’list’."
  • "ICR made such a big difference in our lives since we attended a seminar in 1988. How thankful we are for the ministry of ICR!"
  • "It has been a joy to support ICR virtually since its inception. You have been a great blessing to us and we look forward to every month’s mailing."
  • "God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and He owns science as well. I thank God for ICR, showing a skeptical world that His perfect Word is true."
  • "I came to Christ and became a maturing Christian because of ICR’s material…what a powerful witnessing tool! I’ve been an ICR follower and supporter ever since."
  • "The ICR ministry has increased my faith more than any other work."
  • "Words cannot express how much Acts & Facts has meant to our spiritual growth."
  • "I regard your ministry, along with the Christian school movement, as the most valuable spiritual ministry today!"
  • "ICR…one of the all-time great events in Christian Bible history."
  • "Your material has been invaluable in my teaching and preaching ministry."
  • "I was a hard-core skeptic until I heard ICR. One year later I was born again!"
  • "The Genesis Flood was instrumental in leading me to Christ."
  • "To a Christian biologist, ICR is as vital as any other Gospel area, including Moody, Wycliffe, etc."
  • "I was a trained evolutionist, and I went to hear Dr. Morris fall on his face. He didn’t…instead, I fell to my knees."

These represent only a tiny fraction of the countless testimonies ICR has received over the years, demonstrating (much more effectively than I ever could) God’s great and continuing blessing on our ministry. I hope it will encourage our supporters…as well as encourage new ones…to continue their faithful prayer and financial support, knowing that our "labour is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58).

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2011. The Impact of ICR. Acts & Facts. 40 (7): 21.

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