All Your Need, Version 2009 | The Institute for Creation Research

All Your Need, Version 2009

I am often asked about ICR's current needs. With great joy, I have shared the many opportunities the Lord has opened for us. But while our agenda is positively bursting with new initiatives, we remain true to our founder's vision to "wait upon the Lord" (Isaiah 40:31) to "supply all your need" (Philippians 4:19). As such, ICR will not proceed with any project until our Creator provides the resources to see it to fruition.

As we begin a new year, three issues have "risen to the top," either due to their potential to impact the cause for Christ or their need for improvements. We offer them here with our earnest request for your prayers and support as the Spirit leads.

National Creation Science Foundation (NCSF)

For nearly 40 years, ICR has conducted scientific research mainly through the work of on-site scientists, consultants, and support staff. While our research has been incredibly fruitful, its scope and extent have been limited by our capacity to take on new projects. Not enough can be said about the sheer potential of the new NCSF to foster innovative research. Under the direction of Dr. John Morris and assisted by Dr. Charles McCombs, ICR seeks to fund worthy projects, with the prayerful goal of accelerating the discovery process to our Lord's ultimate glory.

As far as we know, the NCSF is the only foundation in existence dedicated to creation science research. We are off to a good start--almost 175,000 dollars has been raised, but nearly all of it is earmarked for current programs. Project costs can range from just a few thousand dollars to several million, and future research will only be funded as proceeds become available. If you have a passion for creation science and wish to directly impact ongoing research, the NCSF is just the thing for you.

Graduate School

Since 1981, the ICR Graduate School has provided science training within a completely biblical perspective. The program has moved to an online format, and early results indicate this new environment will promote growth in the years ahead. After relocating to Dallas, ICR applied to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to grant degrees in Texas, but after approval by a THECB-appointed Site Team and the THECB Advisory Committee, the application was ultimately denied.

ICR appealed the decision and is currently following the administrative process outlined in state law. The school continues to operate under its California-based license while we pursue the appeal, represented by Jim Johnson, ICR's Special Counsel and confirmation of God's promise to provide "a very present help" (Psalm 46:1). Expenses for the appeal process are unknown, but could run upwards of several hundred thousand dollars. ICR would be grateful for any support provided, but above all, we covet your prayers for wisdom and a clean testimony to represent our Creator well.

ICR Radio

Since our first broadcast from a single radio station in 1972, to now nearly 1,600 outlets across the globe, ICR's radio ministry has reached countless multitudes with the scientific truths of biblical creation. But after years of fruitful service, our radio equipment is badly in need of replacement. Our radio staff has done wonders, but it is now clear they cannot carry on much longer without major upgrades in all areas.

We have the opportunity to build a functional studio on our Dallas campus, but we need help to purchase the necessary tools to continue this vital outreach program. Our best estimates indicate 150,000 dollars would be needed to cover the entire project cost, from equipment purchases to studio construction. If ICR's radio programs have ministered to you, we invite your help to see them continue.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2009. All Your Need, Version 2009. Acts & Facts. 38 (1): 17.

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