About 1,600 years ago, salt miners in Iran apparently left their lamb lunch down the shaft. Their loss became scientists' gain. The now-mummified sheep...
In order for the bizarre theory of evolution to be validated, evolutionists must show how inorganic non-life organized itself into carbon-based (organic)...
Are people growing weary of scientific experts giving them contradictory instructions for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? It seems that there may be...
Is it a safe and healthy practice to build using lots of timber, or not? Some French and Norwegian policy-makers say yes, while some British policy-makers...
We’re all walking through a revolutionary and uncertain time. For us here at ICR, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused swift changes to our daily operations...
Though the novel coronavirus critically impacts our lives and it is easy to lose hope, God provides us with an eternal hope that will never perish. Our...
Think back to your childhood summers. For me and my sisters, those days were filled with lazy mornings, sun-kissed noses after hours in the sunshine, pretending...
Even the Gideons are adjusting to the coronavirus world.
For over a century, Gideon volunteers have been providing literally billions of Bibles to hotels,...