Opportunity for Good | The Institute for Creation Research

Opportunity for Good

With summer fast approaching, activity at ICR often accelerates into high gear with an increased number of speaking engagements, conferences, and seminars throughout the nation. The months ahead will be especially busy as several new scientists and technicians join our staff, research resumes in earnest in our new laboratory facilities, and plans are made to build a new studio to improve our radio ministry. Coupled with proactive plans to gain state approval for our graduate school, this summer is truly shaping up to be one of the most intense periods in recent memory.

And yet, the month of June usually brings a decline in support that continues throughout the summer months--not only to ICR, but to multitudes of worthy ministries and churches across our nation. The reasons for this are easy to see: kids are looking forward to the summer break from school, the warmer weather invites us outside, and folks are perhaps planning much-needed vacations. Quite frankly, focus on "sowing and reaping" for the kingdom (2 Corinthians 9:6) is often lost amongst the plans for summer activities.

This is the paradox that ICR faces every summer. When our activities, expenses, and effectiveness are at their highest, our resources and strength are at their lowest. In answer to this, consider the Apostle Paul's encouragement to the Christians in Galatia on this very same subject:

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:9-10)

During the typically lean summer months, our Lord has always provided through those few who have not grown "weary in well doing." But for most of us, it is all too easy to grow weary (lose heart) and "faint" (relax), or our Lord would not have counseled us against this inclination. Instead, we are encouraged to use the promised opportunity to do good, and especially for those who are of the household of faith.

It is indeed unusual that an opportunity to "do good for the household of faith" comes directly from the federal government. But just last month, approximately 130 million taxpayers began receiving rebates from the IRS totaling over 0 billion as part of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, signed into law earlier this year. These rebates, ranging from a minimum of 0 for individuals up to ,200 for couples, plus 0 per eligible child, will continue to be received throughout the late spring and summer. Talk about an opportunity!

Perhaps though, like me, your first thought for this welcome help was not towards Kingdom-focused ministries like ICR. With many financial pressures, our thoughts are often about our immediate needs and not on the Lord's work. But when you consider the double benefit of a charitable gift from this one-time tax rebate--namely, the rebate does not count as taxable income, but any gift made from it can be deducted from your tax return and lower your taxes--this opportunity to "do good" is especially worthy of consideration. Won't you please prayerfully consider this unique opportunity to partner with us? Together, we can turn summertime weariness into a robust period of sowing, reaping, and service for Him!

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2008. Opportunity for Good. Acts & Facts. 37 (6): 17.

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