Selective Truths | The Institute for Creation Research

Selective Truths

Among the more subtle errors in evangelical intellectual debates today are the varied approaches to Biblical Inspiration. An effort is underway among some theological circles to treat the Bible first and foremost as a literary work, thereby selecting the "grid" through which a given passage or book is interpreted. Although often couched in such technical language that only scholars can adequately follow the logic, the effect is to deem technical or philosophical jargon more reliable than the clear words of Scripture. Words cannot be read from the text without first subjecting them to a filter of some sort. Thus, truth can only be gleaned from a correct reading of the words.

Foundational Error

Theologians recognize the doctrinal significance of Genesis 1 through 11, yet a raging debate continues about the applicability of the words of those critical chapters. Dr. Hugh Ross insists that the "facts" of science force informed Bible scholars to interpret the creation account in the light of the long ages of naturalistic science.

One conservative theologian (who insists that he believes in inspiration) has written a paper that concludes:

Science contributes in answering the questions of how and when, questions that are relevant to our culture, and the Bible answers the more important questions of Who and why. . . . Each discipline has a contribution to make to truth in its own sphere of intent and competence. . . . An ancient Near Eastern cosmogony . . . is out of place in teaching the physical science and misleads the student into thinking the Bible is a scientific cosmogony, when it is not.

Such language equates so-called facts of science with the language of Scripture. That foundational error is the antithesis of II Timothy 3:16-17.

Worldviews at Stake

Naturalistic science (and its necessary component of evolutionary religion) is atheistic. The use of data depends almost entirely on one's belief system—submission to an evolutionary approach to the creation account will ultimately demand distortion of other passages of Scripture and undermine the necessity for the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ.

Please stand with ICR in this critical battle for the Truth (John 14:6).

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris III, D.Min. 2005. Selective Truths. Acts & Facts. 34 (3).

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