Fall marks a pivotal time for nonprofit Christian ministries like ICR. Annual workplace giving campaigns are underway, while various charitable opportunities with significant tax-saving benefits take on new importance as the end of the year approaches. With the announcement last month that ICR plans to build a robust science museum and planetarium on our campus in Dallas, Texas, as well as continue producing high-quality DVD series like Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis and Made in His Image, there is no better time to help us fulfill our unique mission for the cause of Christ.
IRA Owners. As of this writing, the IRA Charitable Rollover is working its way through Congress, and experts believe it will likely be approved this fall. This special provision will allow IRA owners 70½ years or older to authorize charitable gifts up to $100,000 directly to ICR without declaring them as income, providing the twofold advantage of tax-free giving while satisfying required minimum withdrawals. If this seems right for you, prepare to contact your IRA administrator as soon as this excellent program is approved.
Workplace Giving Campaigns. As a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry that meets rigorous ethical and financial standards, ICR is a qualified charity for the following workplace giving programs offered by government and large corporate organizations.
Combined Federal Campaign. U.S. federal government workers and military personnel can support ICR’s research and educational programs via automatic payroll deduction through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Our CFC identification number is 23095, or look for ICR in the National/International section of your campaign brochure when making your pledge this fall.
State Employees in CA and TX. Like the CFC program, state employees in California and Texas can give directly to ICR through their employee workplace campaigns. Please consider designating the Institute for Creation Research on your pledge form this season.
Employees of Large Corporations. Employees of companies that offer annual charity drives (often through United Way) can designate gifts to ICR by providing our name and address in the “Write-In Organization” section of the pledge form.
Stock Gifts. With the volatility in the stock market, this may be a good time to give appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to ICR in support of our ministry. Shares that have been held for at least one year can be gifted directly to ICR, providing a tax deduction at their full current value while completely avoiding tax on any gains. Contact ICR and let us help facilitate your gift, or visit www.icr.org/donate_stocks to learn more.
For Senior Donors. For ICR supporters age 65 or older, Charitable Gift Annuities provide the highest guaranteed returns in the market today (e.g., between 4.5% and 9%, depending on age). For as little as $10,000, you can invest in an ICR gift annuity that provides guaranteed income for life, a present tax deduction, and a tax-free portion on future payments—benefits most other secure investments cannot match. If you would like to support ICR’s work but still need ongoing income, this option may be perfect for you. Not all states qualify, so contact us for a customized proposal, or use the Planned Giving link at www.icr.org/donate to create your own.
Cash Gifts. “Cash is king,” as they say in the business world, and there is no doubt cash gifts are the lifeblood of ICR’s ministry. While the opportunities previously described are certainly beneficial, they will never replace cash as the most versatile and helpful form of support. Thankfully, our nation still acknowledges all donations to qualified charities like ICR as fully tax deductible, so please consider blessing our ministry with a special gift this season.
ICR is grateful for those of you who serve alongside us with your financial support, and we truly “thank…God upon every remembrance of you” (Philippians 1:3). But we only move forward as God provides through you, so please prayerfully consider these opportunities to support our ministry. We welcome the opportunity to serve you. You can contact us at 800.337.0375 or stewardship@icr.org.
* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.