Sharing the Message of Christ Our Creator | The Institute for Creation Research

Sharing the Message of Christ Our Creator

The Institute for Creation Research’s founder, the late Dr. Henry M. Morris, emphasized that “we must try not only to win individual scientists and educators to Christ, but also to win science itself, and education itself, to Christ.”1 We continue to build on the solid foundation laid down by those who came before us. I’d like to share with you some of ICR’s current initiatives.


Credit Jesus Christ as Creator. ICR’s mission is to consistently exalt the Lord Jesus in everything we do. Our message through events, articles, books, and presentations highlights the workmanship of Christ, especially as expressed in living creatures. We at ICR are privileged to showcase the use of science to rightfully credit Christ as our Creator and Savior, demonstrating why Jesus is worthy to be the center of our deepest love, affection, and devotion.

If you’d like to donate to the John D. Morris Memorial Fund for Geological Research, visit and select the memorial fund in the "Use this gift” field. This fund will support ICR’s geological research and the sharing of its results.

Forge close relationships with pastors, congregations, and schools. We’re here to help lead, feed, and equip believers by providing scientific responses to attacks on the authority and historicity of God’s Word. Our pioneering research targets areas that affirm the Bible’s historical narrative, principally the accounts of recent creation and the global Flood. We provide answers to the challenges believers face in a world opposed to God’s truth.

Defend the biblical creation gospel message. Few people realize how closely the gospel is tied to the Bible’s doctrine of creation. For one thing, a correct understanding of creation leads people to see that Jesus is Creator as well as Lord and Savior. Second, people may not realize how belief in evolution undermines the clarity and authority of Scripture. My father, Charles P. Morse, was evolutionary in his ideology until, through the ministry of ICR and Dr. Henry Morris, he was presented with the stark reality of Jesus Christ as Creator of the universe

Produce quality resources for both evangelism and discipleship. Our articles, books, and videos are designed to further relay ICR’s message to people of all ages and stages. One example of the quality resources ICR produces is our new children’s book God Created Birds. It offers a bird’s-eye view of these animals’ fascinating features and delightful details that point to the expert handiwork of our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

We want to send a heartfelt thank you to all of you who are faithful in prayer and giving as ICR’s co-laborers. Because of His goodness and mercy evidenced in your support for ICR, we can meet the future’s uncertainties with confidence and hope. Your partnership means the world to us.


  1. Morris, H. M. 1994. Beginning at Genesis. Acts & Facts. 23 (2).

* Dr. Morse is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his D.Min. from The Master’s Seminary.

Cite this article: Charles (Chas) C. Morse, D.Min. 2023. Sharing the Message of Christ Our Creator. Acts & Facts. 52 (7).

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