With the arrival of warmer weather, the full beauty of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History’s park and surrounding grounds is now on glorious display. By day, visitors are welcomed by the sight of lush lawns, meandering pathways of natural stone, and neat planters filled with native and exotic species. By night, fascinating features like the DNA sculpture and reflecting pool, fossil wall display, and the glass-skirted main atrium glisten in the glow of soft accent lighting. ICR couldn’t be more pleased with the final “fit and finish” of this gorgeous facility.
It is truly amazing to consider what this three-acre portion of ICR’s campus looked like just a few years ago. This now beautiful parcel of land was once filled with weeds and dying trees, decrepit and abandoned buildings, and old trailer pads left over from the 1960s. But through the hard work of many laborers, it has been transformed into an inviting greenspace that ICR will use to communicate the matchless work of our Creator to thousands of visitors in the very near future.

In a real sense, everyone who contributed to this project is a co-laborer with ICR in this new ministry.
On my walks through our park, I am keenly aware that every plant, bench, and sprinkler head was made possible by God’s provision through ICR supporters. In a real sense, everyone who contributed to this project is a co-laborer with ICR in this new ministry. The apostle Paul made this very point to the believers in Corinth. While Paul “planted” and fellow minister Apollos “watered,” it is God who “gives the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). There is no difference in the importance of who does what—in God’s eyes they “are one,” and every believer “will receive his own reward according to his own labor” (1 Corinthians 3:8). Then “both he who sows and he who reaps will rejoice together” (John 4:36) when God blesses the work and makes it grow.
We are excited by this new phase in our ministry and so very grateful for those who have labored alongside us with their prayers and gifts of support. It won’t be long till the ICR Discovery Center opens, but we haven’t crossed the finish line yet. Please prayerfully consider joining with us. Your earthly “labor” with ICR today will lead to great rejoicing in eternity.
* Mr. Morris is Director of Operations at the Institute for Creation Research.