Gifts  That Go  Twice as Far | The Institute for Creation Research

Gifts  That Go  Twice as Far

If you have followed ICR for any length of time, you know our unique ministry is focused on scientific research, education, and communication. Our research initiatives comprise the core of our work, uncovering evidence that is “clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made” (Romans 1:20) and revealing a world so wondrously complex that only an omnipotent Creator could have designed it. In turn, ICR research feeds our educational programs and publications that encourage Christians to align their thinking with Scripture. Countless people have been trained to believe, teach, and preach the entirety of the gospel message—beginning with the book of Genesis.

But did you know that many companies match gifts made to ICR? These companies realized long ago that corporate philanthropy is good for business, and most will match donations to qualified nonprofits in three general categories: 1) institutions of higher education, 2) nonprofit scientific research, and 3) various cultural programs. In ICR’s case, the graduate education offered through the School of Biblical Apologetics ( meets most higher education requirements, while ICR’s ongoing research in genetics, geology, climatology, and other scientific fields usually qualifies for nonprofit scientific research. And now that ICR is building a world-class science museum on our campus, gifts can also qualify under the broad “cultural program” category that virtually all corporate matching programs offer.

Participating companies will match gifts of cash or stock made by their employees and retirees, dollar for dollar in many cases, up to a specified annual limit. Some technology companies even offer the choice to provide much-needed computer software to ICR at a fraction of retail costs. Either way, you will find no better opportunity to maximize the impact of your gifts!

However, companies normally do not actively promote their matching gift programs and leave it up to the individual employee to search them out and initiate the process. For those who are proactive, the process is effortless and usually follows this simple method:

  • Initiate a Matching Gift Request—visit your company website or request a form from your HR department.
  • Complete the form (either online or on paper) and submit it to ICR along with your gift.

— Online notifications can be emailed to

— Paper forms can be mailed to:

Institute for Creation Research
Attn: Henry M. Morris IV, Director of Donor Relations
P. O. Box 59029
Dallas, TX 75229

  • ICR verifies your gift, completes the remainder of the form, provides any required paperwork, and returns it to your company.
  • The company issues a matching gift contribution back to ICR.
  • ICR mails you a letter to let you know your gift has been matched.

It’s that easy! In the past year alone, ICR received matching gifts from familiar companies like ExxonMobil, General Electric, Microsoft, Verizon, Wells Fargo, and numerous others. So if your employer offers a matching gift program, please prayerfully consider taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity to double the impact of your gifts. Please contact us at 800.337.0375 or if you need assistance—we’d love to help you “sow bountifully” for the cause of Christ through your gifts to our ministry (2 Corinthians 9:6).

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2016. Gifts  That Go  Twice as Far. Acts & Facts. 45 (4).

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