Plans for the New Year | The Institute for Creation Research

Plans for the New Year

As the Institute for Creation Research begins a new year of service, we are thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our ministry. Now in our fifth decade of service, evidence of the Lord’s providential hand has been unmistakable as He directed our steps, answered our prayers, and supplied our needs through many like-minded believers. By God’s grace, ICR’s work and ministry continue to expand and are now reaching more people today than ever before with the scientific evidence for creation and the relevant truth of Christ our Creator.

But while He tarries, there is still much work left to do and our agenda has been filled with many new and exciting initiatives. But true to the biblical principles to “wait upon the Lord” (Isaiah 40:31) to “supply all your need” (Philippians 4:19), ICR will not proceed with any project until our Creator first provides the resources. Several needs have “risen to the top” recently—we list them here with the hope you will be led to pray, and give as you are able, to see that these needs are fulfilled.

  • Additional Staff: ICR has been blessed with a tremendously skillful and dedicated staff, but we could greatly increase our effectiveness if the necessary means were available to hire more of the right people. ICR is in particular need of high-quality editors, science staff, graphic artists, and video professionals, and we would be grateful for your financial support in this endeavor.
  • Book Projects: Several major book projects are in process on such fascinating topics as a true understanding of Genesis, the Flood, and the Ice Age, as well as a much-needed reprint of The New Defender’s Study Bible. Our biggest need, apart from the time and effort of our authors and editorial staff, is the enormous expense required to print quality books. Since ICR gives away more books as part of our ministry than we ever sell, your help in bringing these wonderful new resources to fruition would be greatly welcomed.
  • Online Media Projects: As testament to the potential of online media to reach vast numbers of people, our new That’s a Fact online video shows have had nearly 100,000 viewers, while our new Science Essentials blog was viewed almost 10,000 times in its first month. Several exceptional DVD projects are also in the works, addressing topics on the creation week, Mount St. Helens, and the age of the earth. ICR is greatly encouraged by these early results, and with your continued gifts of support we hope to produce many more high-quality video programs this year.
  • Facility Expansion: ICR’s recent growth has produced a real need for more usable space. By the Lord’s provision, ICR already owns a building on our campus that is perfectly suited for this need—but we need help converting it into a more functional use for our ministry.

While you are making your own plans for this coming year, please prayerfully consider joining with us by helping with the ministry needs mentioned here. It won’t be long before we see the fruit of our labor standing around the throne of God, “for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). May God grant you a truly blessed New Year in service to Him!

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2012. Plans for the New Year. Acts & Facts. 41 (1): 21.

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