Faithful Stewards | The Institute for Creation Research

Faithful Stewards

God provides the resources, we are to "manage" His wealth.

Jesus gave us two illustrations that tell us how He judges His "servants" from the eternal perspective.

A "pound" is issued equally to the Lord's servants (Luke 19:11-27).

A nobleman went away to receive a kingdom, but told his servants to "occupy" until he returned. Before he left, he gave each of his servants a "pound" (a Greek mna was equal to 100 Roman denarii. One denarius was given to the labors for a days work. Two denarii were given to the innkeeper by the Good Samaritan).

When the owner returned, he judged the servants on how much investment return they had made with his money. There is no indication that the servants were expected to use the money for their needs ("My God shall supply all your need according to His riches . . . " Philippians 4:19. The lord gave rewards of authority in proportion to each servant's investment effectiveness. The lord impoverished the fearful servant and gave the "pound" to the most effective servant. Investment is directly proportional to the degree of risk. If we are too fearful to "risk" our "pound," we will be impoverished in eternity. If we "risk" for the sake of the Lord's Kingdom, we will be well rewarded.

"Talents" are granted in proportion to the servants' ability (Matthew 25:14-30).

The servants were given different amounts of money, "talents," in recognition of differing abilities. (One Greek talent was equal to 6,000 Roman denarii—nearly three years wages.) Here again the owner left the country and was gone for a "long time." The servants were to invest the money for his benefit. The reward is based on the use of the money, not the return. The one "unprofitable servant" who did not use the owner's "talent" was called "wicked and slothful" and cast into "outer darkness."

How will the Lord judge your use of HIS money when He returns to "judge the quick and the dead?" Remember, the ONLY two things in this world that are eternal are the souls of men and the word of God.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris III, D.Min. 2002. Faithful Stewards. Acts & Facts. 31 (3).

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