Letters from Abroad | The Institute for Creation Research

Letters from Abroad

Only a handful of creation science ministries were in existence when the Institute for Creation Research began in 1970. Today there are numerous organizations—at least one in nearly every U.S. state, and dozens more in countries around the world. The global expansion of the creationist message is particularly remarkable, a fact recently impressed upon me by many encouraging letters from believers overseas.

Take, for instance, this sweet note from a long-time supporter from Australia: “Thank you for the many years of sending the monthly Acts & Facts. Such top notch materials you have published…what a marvelous Creator God we serve! Thank you ICR…you are helping many to see Him better!”

From a missionary in Germany: “My high regard for ICR was recently reaffirmed when I received your personal, handwritten note. Thank you too for the unexpected gift of Six Days of Creation! Your publications are wonderful, especially Acts & Facts, and are always heavily used within our homeschool community. Continue the good work!”

An Army chaplain emailed me from Iraq: “Thank you for the special gift of Days of Praise…I received a box today for the 300 troops I serve! I myself have received Days of Praise for many years, and I love them—they are a great blessing to me. These little devotionals are so versatile and easy to use, and packed with the power of God. They will help us reach and teach the soldiers in Christ’s name.”

Via email from Malaysia: “Thank you for your letter…in reply to my contribution to the work of ICR. I am delighted to be of some small help. I praise God for His goodness to us, and especially for the work started by your dear grandfather, Dr. Henry Morris, and continued on through the ICR ministry. Keep boldly declaring the deity and sovereignty of our Creator and Redeemer Jesus Christ….You are a great blessing to us!”

From England, the land where modern evolutionary thought began: “ICR is brilliant...one of the best ministries for Christ’s kingdom I have ever encountered! I used to be a chap who thought, ‘Why could not God have used evolution to create all things?’ I now realize how ignorant I was, uneducated in God’s profound truth and blinded by Satan’s deception. I now feel…equipped and ready to answer a world that believes…[in] a Godless existence. Thank you! Thank you too for the Morris brothers for walking in their father’s footsteps to maintain this Godly ministry. We pray God continues to bless your work. Cheers!”

And from Russia: “The ICR That’s a Fact shows are very wonderful! A friend help me find them…when I search for videos to learn my English. We are Christian here and go to home church. We use the scientific data…is simple to understand and so easy point to God and the Bible, not evolution. Thank…you for your work! I hope to meet the ICR people one day, if not here, then in heaven with King Jesus.”

And finally, I received this marvelous report from a fellow creation warrior (and tsunami survivor) in Sendai, Japan: “…just a word of thanks to accompany the…small donation I just sent via the Internet. It was with sadness I learned…of the passing of Dr. Gish. He came to speak here [and]…through his ministry…my interest in the debate was reawakened. Since then I have been actively involved in the small but influential creation movement in Japan…[and] I am very thankful to report that [it] is having an impact on the general Christian population. …I wanted to express my thanksgiving at least once to ICR for her ministry to me these decades.” 

 The seed has been sown in the field of the world, and these letters testify that God has truly used ICR in reaching “the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). This is, indeed, “the LORD’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). It is my hope that many fellow believers will be encouraged by this, and will join ICR in prayer and financial support to see an even greater harvest in the years ahead.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2013. Letters From Abroad. Acts & Facts. 42 (8): 21.

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