Archive of Editor's Column Articles

Kids Edition 2024: Just for Kids!
Hi, kids! Have you ever stopped to think about how amazing the world is? This special kids’ edition of Acts & Facts explores some of God’s special animals and plants. It dives into deep...
Kids Edition 2023: Just for Kids!
Hi, kids! We hope you enjoy this kids’ edition of Acts & Facts! Did you see the creature on the cover? Its funny name is on our Amazing Amphibians pages. On the other pages you can explore...
Kids Edition 2022: Just for Kids!
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts as a Christmas gift just for you! In this issue, you’ll discover fun facts about dinosaurs and dragons, be amazed by amazing creatures, explore...
Honoring Pioneers of Creation
It’s always fun to catch up with old friends. We recently asked some pioneers of the creation movement to share with us where they are in their professional, personal, and ministry pursuits. In...
Road Trip!
We hope you’ve been having as much fun reading our park series in Acts & Facts as we’ve had preparing the articles each month. So far, ICR researchers have introduced us to Grand Canyon,...
Uncovering Creation Mysteries
Our Creator could have immediately revealed everything there is to know about His creation from the beginning—but He didn’t. Could it be that He enjoys a good mystery? Perhaps He sees value...
Memories and Missions
As Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research, I reported directly to Dr. Henry M. Morris III for nine years. He was my boss, but he was also my friend. I have fond recollections...
Be Astonished by Jesus
We at ICR hope your Christmas season was filled with celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus, delight in His wonders in creation, and meaningful time with family and friends. As we turn the corner...
2020 Vision: An Unexpected Year in Review
2020 has been a year like no other. We began the year at ICR with our mission in focus, seeking to honor Jesus by sharing His glorious work in creation. We also started the year anticipating a greater...
Creation by Design
Take a quick look at the hummingbird pictured below. This tiny bird’s wings beat from 50 to 80 times per second—a testimony to God’s incredible design, caught in a split-second of...
Best Laid Plans
Have you ever experienced the disappointment of changed plans? You carefully arrange the details, anticipate the event, and look forward to the fulfillment of your expectations. But then the long-awaited...
God's Mysterious Ways
Have you ever found yourself wondering what God was up to? When life took an unexpected turn, you may have gone through difficult circumstances. Or perhaps you encountered situations that just didn’t...
Moving Forward with a New ICR Leader
As the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry, we’re also experiencing a significant transition. Dr. Henry M. Morris III will retire as Chief Executive Officer in October...
The Good in a Season of Waiting
We’re halfway through the year, and in some ways it feels like we’ve been stuck for months. We’ve all spent a lot of time waiting. Waiting for COVID-19 to pass, for isolation to end....
Fill in the Blanks
For those of you homeschooling this year, the anticipation of summer probably pushed you to the finish line. And you’ve done it. That last school assignment has been turned in, and you get a gold...
Looking Forward to New Days
As I’m writing this, the Institute for Creation Research is in the middle of stay-at-home orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, from my home office I’m reviewing articles for this issue...
Lasting Influence
Through its 50 years of ministry, the Institute for Creation Research has been blessed by the faithful influence, wise perspectives, and generous support of many friends and colleagues. We’ve...
Mysteries of God
For those who love to read, the element of mystery often adds an extra layer to the enjoyment—we can’t wait to turn the page to discover the identity of the villain, where the treasure is...
Be a Good Human
Be a good human. It’s a phrase I often see emblazoned on bumper stickers and T-shirts, children’s nursery walls, and social media posts. Be a good human. What does that even mean? To...
50 Years of Ministry
This year the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry. ICR founder Dr. Henry M. Morris’ groundbreaking book The Genesis Flood sparked the modern creationism movement and...
The Goodness of God
As I read through this issue of Acts & Facts, I’m reminded of the goodness of our Creator. The One who originally proclaimed His creation “good” and even “very good”...
Stirring the Pot
ICR recently had the opportunity to place messages on billboards in the Dallas area. We prepared the artwork and crafted the wording to inform drivers about the ICR Discovery Center for Science &...
What’s the Point?
What’s the point? Sometimes we ask this question when we’re bogged down in a tedious project—when we’re ready to be finished with the task at hand. Sometimes we ask it out of...
Be Amazed
When was the last time you were amazed by God? Perhaps it’s time to stop and ponder—to pause and consider the works of God. Ponder the wonders of creation. Have you really looked at...
As I write this, the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History is buzzing with activity. Skilled technicians are installing finishing touches to exhibits, and ICR staff members are making...
In this month’s feature article, “For Such a Time as This,” we see moments, snapshots in time, of the life of ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris: accepting Christ, going to Rice University,...
How Has ICR Changed Your Life?
When we recently asked our Facebook followers how ICR has changed their lives, we received so many compelling stories. One reader said, “It’s made a few gray areas a lot clearer.”...
Asking Questions to Point Out Creation Truth
The Institute for Creation Research recently welcomed three busloads of sixth-graders for a sneak-peek experience inside our still-in-progress ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. The...
Changing Lives One at a Time
I recently worked a booth at a Dallas women’s conference, where ICR sponsored a table. We provided free books, magazines, devotionals, and information to anyone who stopped by our display. That...
Springtime Planning for Fall Learning
By March, educators are in the homestretch of the current school year, yet they’re also busy planning for the next school year. I’d like to encourage you to consider adding ICR resources...
Look Up and See His Handiwork
The Institute for Creation Research staff recently had a sneak peek at the ICR Discovery Center’s planetarium show that will soon be open to the public. As I sat there gazing up at the dome “sky”...
More to Discover
January is a great time to reflect in gratitude on all God accomplished over the past year and to look forward to what He will do in the coming months. The Institute for Creation Research could not...
God with Us
Many of us who’ve been in church most of our lives and become believers along the way sometimes take for granted that Jesus is our Savior. Have you taken time lately to consider what it means...
Celebrating God's Gracious Gifts
When Thanksgiving Day rolls around, we may be grateful for our houses, cars, and paychecks, but I’m guessing that few of us spend much time focusing on those things. Most of us recognize that...
The Wonders of Our Creator
As I read this month’s feature article by Dr. Henry Morris III, “Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future,” I was jarred by the statement that a large local museum’s mission is...
Begin with the Bible
I ran into a Christian recently who asked, “Couldn’t God have used the Big Bang to get everything here in the first place?” Maybe they assumed the Big Bang just meant a loud noise...
The Mona Lisa Camel
The Bactrian camel is one of the many creatures you’ll find at the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History when it opens next spring. While the exhibits will display an incredible variety...
Common Sense
Do you remember the tale of the emperor’s new clothes? Remember how the emperor went along with the ludicrous idea that he was wearing clothes when he was actually naked? In the story, he seems...
Sowing Seeds
My grandfather was a careful gardener. He prepared the soil months in advance of planting season. He meticulously laid out the straight rows, scooped out the dirt, and placed every seed exactly where...
Lights Around the World
I’d like to introduce you to one of the Institute for Creation Research’s leaders—Dan Farell fills an important position of influence as an ICR board member. He oversees the decision-making...
Looking for Jesus
Matthew 28 describes how on resurrection morning women came to the empty tomb looking for Jesus. Have you looked for Jesus recently? Do you see Him through His work in creation (Romans 1:20)? He is...
Consider the Source
As children, when someone challenged what we were saying, we had a favorite comeback—“Says who?” We wanted to know if the person questioning us was important enough to believe. How...
Studying the Works of Our Creator
As believers, we enjoy the privilege of studying the works of the Lord. Creation reveals our Creator’s character. “His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever....
Great Expectations
In January, we often review our goals with great expectations for the year ahead. It helps to reflect on where we’ve been and how far we’ve come. We want to rejoice in God’s goodness...
Eyes of Wonder
Merry Christmas from the Institute for Creation Research! Some of my favorite memories of Christmas surround my children and grandchildren. It’s always fun to watch their faces as they open gifts...
The  Lord  Is  His  Name
We sometimes hear from Christians who say they believe the Bible but struggle with the idea of a six-day creation. That’s curious to me. If we know God, how can we not trust what He says? He told...
Details by the Master Architect
When you step into a medieval cathedral, you can’t help but wonder at the beauty of the lofty architecture. The intricate details, the incredible design, and the exquisite engineering can leave...
Creation and an Eternal Perspective
While many of us struggle with daily routines that include high-pressure goals, chasing deadlines, and rushing to beat the tyranny of the urgent, our best-laid plans ultimately collide with another...
Start the School Year Right
As we filmed ICR’s latest DVD series, I often found myself in complete awe at the work of our majestic God. As you’ll see in the feature this month, “Behind the Scenes of The Universe:...
So Much to See and Learn
Summer’s a great time to visit fun learning places, and until the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History is completed, we’d like to help you and your family get the most out...
Breaking Ground, Sowing Seed, and Bearing Fruit
As you can probably tell by this issue of Acts & Facts, our recent web news, and our social media platforms, we are excited about beginning construction on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and...
Moments in Time
A scarlet cord dropped from a window, laughter outside a tent, tears bathing a desperate prayer. These moments in time mark women who chose to follow God. As I read about the mothers in Dr. Henry Morris...
Any Place
We often tie our most vivid memories to key places in our lives. You may wistfully remember your childhood home, where your mother rocked you before bedtime, or Easter at your grandparents’ house....
Working Together with One Mind
When my children were young, I often peeked in on them as they played in their rooms—especially if they were quiet. Crayon-scribbled walls taught me that lesson. Sometimes I’d be pleasantly...
Creation Matters
Have you wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to creation? You may hear things like “But that’s not a salvation issue” or “Just focus on the gospel and don’t...
Lift Up Your Eyes
It’s hard to think about sowing and reaping in the middle of winter, but right now is the perfect time to stop and take stock. When you curl up by the fireplace and while the snow blankets the...
Extravagant Gifts
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17) As we exchange gifts...
Counting Our Blessings
Thanksgiving begins with a heart of gratitude. A grateful heart toward God recognizes that our Creator is our benefactor and we are merely the recipients of His goodness and generosity. We exist because...
Dinosaur Mysteries Uncovered
When did dinosaurs live? Did they walk the earth at the same time as humans? What happened to them? How did they fit on the Ark? Don’t dinosaurs prove evolution? You’ve no doubt heard these...
Wise Listeners and Influencers
Do you have a few trusted people who influence your life? Wise people understand the importance of surrounding themselves with those who are willing to speak the truth in love, ask good questions, encourage,...
The Value of Discovery
We are now putting the finishing touches on our upcoming DVD series Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs, available in November. Part of the filming took place at a remote Wyoming dig site, where scientists...
The Mighty Cypress
Hopefully you’ve been able to take some time off this summer for a much-needed vacation or at least a little break from your busy schedule. I just returned from Caddo Lake in Texas, where ICR’s...
A Father's Priceless Legacy
Many refer to ICR’s founder, Henry Morris, as the Father of Modern Creationism. Those touched by his life’s work point to his writings and years of service in Christian ministry as evidence...
A Mother's Influence
How do you teach your children about creation? We sometimes make this challenge more difficult than it really is. You don’t need a degree in science, and previous experience digging for fossils...
Mending the Holes
Nobody wants to drop money in a pocket only to later find that it slipped through a hole and was lost. Whether we’re dealing with pockets, purses, or pots, I think we’d all agree that containers...
Seeing God in the Details
I had the privilege of speaking with NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams the day before he left for Russia to train for his upcoming launch to the International Space Station (ISS). He has a heart...
The Legacy of ICR's Founder
February 2016 marks the 10-year anniversary of the passing of Dr. Henry Morris, the founder of the Institute for Creation Research. While preparing this month’s Acts & Facts, I spent time...
Looking Behind, Looking Ahead
With tinsel packed away and the holidays behind us, take a moment before your schedule resumes a breakneck pace. Remember the past. Reflect on God’s faithfulness throughout history. Think about...
Moments at the Table
A fun benefit of having several daughters is that they enjoy talking. Girl talk. Looooong conversations. Giggles. Sitting around the table laughing, telling stories, and yes, even revealing prized secrets. The...
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to take a brief break from life. To pause and ponder. To step away from the busyness of consuming schedules and dwell on the goodness of God. I, personally, have much...
Made to Resemble Our Creator
When someone sees a newborn baby for the first time, they often say something like “I can tell she’s a Smith because she has her grandmother’s eyes” or “He looks just like...
Reaching Others Beyond Our Lifetime
ICR has some big hopes for this next year. With God’s help and by His grace, we’ll begin building our long-anticipated museum and planetarium. For years, we’ve prayed, planned, and...
Words  and  Music
For more than 20 years, the sounds of music have echoed off the walls of my home. All four of my children began playing piano at young ages, and they began to sing as soon as they could make sounds....
Behind the Scenes of Made in His Image
ICR’s 2014 DVD series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis continues to touch lives throughout the world. We’re receiving a great response from viewers expressing their enjoyment of and appreciation...
Fathers Who Change the World
I once heard my pastor make a startling claim. After decades of counseling church members, he concluded that dads hold the key to their children’s spiritual lives. He said the best way to raise...
Just a Touch
When the ICR team—Dr. Henry Morris III, Jan Morris, and Michael Hansen—arrived in Amman, Jordan, one of their first stops was a church that provides services to refugees from neighboring...
From Foreign to Familiar
On a trip to England a few years ago, I found myself wondering about signs that dotted the roadways and parking lots. “Heavy Plant Crossing,” “Stop When Lights Show,” “Give...
The Creator and the Details of Life
NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams recently visited the Institute for Creation Research, and we had the opportunity to talk with him about his life, work, and faith. In our feature this month, we...
Little Lights
“Turn in your Bibles to Luke 17,” the pastor said as he began his sermon. I was visiting my son’s church, near a college campus. “Read along with me, beginning at….”...
One More Minute
Whether or not you write New Year’s resolutions, I’d like to encourage you to stop and take stock—not to list out resolutions but to consider what matters most in life. Where are you...
The Gift of God's Presence
During the Christmas season, my children often sit around the Christmas tree with lights flashing and Christmas music jingling throughout the house. When they were little, they gingerly touched gifts...
A Season of Change
Fall is our reminder that summer doesn’t last forever. Seasons come and go. Nothing in life stays the same—children grow up and get married, once-agile bodies begin to creak and pop, and...
Make the Most of Every Opportunity
How many times have we heard someone say, “I wish I had taken more time to…”? You can fill in the blank. Go to the park with my kids. Really listen. Save more money. Pray. Learn more...
Be Prepared
Can God create a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? How many ice ages were there, and how long ago did they occur? What’s the truth about dinosaurs,...
A Lifestyle of Learning
We can all probably remember a time when we heard a fellow classmate respond to a teacher’s assignment with “Will this be on the test?” Meaning, if it’s not on the test, I’m...
Do You Have the Answers?
Was the universe designed or is it a product of random chance? Where did life come from? What is man? What do fossils reveal about the history of life on Earth? Is Grand Canyon the result of a great...
Are You Ready for an Adventure?
It’s here! After 18 months of preparation and detailed production, Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is now available. Producing this unique 12-DVD series has been an incredible adventure for...
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis
For over a year, ICR has poured our efforts into creating a DVD series that captures the truths of creation for those who may not be able to hear our speakers in person. After countless hours, days,...
Go and Tell
As I was reading the biblical account of Easter this week, I imagined the small group of broken, defeated followers of Christ making their way to the burial site that morning. They brought spices to...
Become a Creation Advocate
According to Dr. Henry M. Morris III, about 6,127 years have passed since creation. On page 93 of his new book, The Book of Beginnings, Volume Three, he explains: Using the widely accepted secular...
Following Faithful Footsteps
During their growing-up years, I was often amused at how my younger children wanted to emulate the older ones. As a tiny toddler, my youngest daughter regularly tromped through the house in her older...
Be the One to Make a Difference
When new acquaintances ask me what I do and I tell them I’m the Communications Director for the Institute for Creation Research—ICR—I get a variety of responses. “And what exactly...
CARE About Your Child's Creation Questions
“Did dinosaurs live on Earth with man? Did a flood really cover the entire earth? Are we a product of random accidents? Did humans evolve from apes? Is there life on other planets? How old is...
Creative Ways to Share the Creation Message
"And this canyon was carved by the Colorado River over six million years.” The tour guide, seemingly oblivious to the majestic Grand Canyon surroundings, droned on about her assumptions concerning...
Challenges of White Fields
As Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research, I often field requests for our speakers to provide interviews, participate in radio and television programming, sit on panels, teach...
Our Newest Resource Offers an In-Depth Look at Creation.,.
As someone who homeschooled for over 22 years, I know the frustrations of looking for science resources. I searched for solid science with biblical creation as a foundation, but the few books I could...
Turning Classroom Opposition into Opportunity
“Let your speech always be with grace…that you may know how you ought to answer.” (Colossians 4:6) One of my daughter’s required courses in college was philosophy. Early...
True Freedom
We often think of freedom in a military sense—a war is won, soldiers return home, prisoners are freed, and bullets no longer fly. People walk their streets in safety, and citizens enjoy such rights...
Looking Forward
This issue of Acts & Facts will land in your mailbox and email inbox about the same time that ICR’s latest book—Guide to Creation Basics—arrives at the ICR Distribution Center...
She Prayed
When you ask ICR President Dr. John Morris to describe his mother, Mary Louise Morris, he says, “She prayed.” Mary Louise was the wife of ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris, and the mother of...
Digital Books: Another Way to Share Truth
Most bookworms know the feeling of curling up with a good book. We can imagine peaceful surroundings as we crack open the cover—a cup of tea steaming on a nearby side table, string music playing...
Knowing Jesus
Several years ago, a dear friend had a severe heart attack and nearly died. Because of the severity of the attack, he went without oxygen for some time—too long—and he experienced lasting...
A Call for Creation Basics
An ICR staff member recently shared about his conversation with a local youth pastor. This seminary graduate had confessed before his church that he didn’t know what to believe about creation,...
Grace from Beginning to End
Grace is the scarlet thread woven throughout all of Scripture. From the beginning in Genesis when God offered the first sacrifice for Adam and Eve’s sin, to the ending of Revelation when Jesus...
Wait for the Light
"O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.” (Psalm 43:3) When my children were little, they would burst through...
Snapshots of Thanksgiving
Thumb through most American family photo albums and you’re likely to come across memorable snapshots of Thanksgiving gatherings over the years. The photos may include family members crowded around...
The Enduring Value of Words
When my West Texas great-grandmother decided it was time to “break up housekeeping” and move to an “old folks’ home,” she invited the family to walk through the old homeplace...
Appreciating God's Priceless Treasure
Art is all about appreciation. And appreciation of even the most famous museum masterpieces runs the gamut of interest. On my recent visit to a New York museum, I noticed a crowd gathered around the...
The Breath of Life
Beeps and buzzers, bubbling machines and hissing pumps, rhythmic inhales and gurgling exhales, swishing pants and rubber soles squeaking on tiled floors—these are the sounds in a pulmonary ICU...
Our Country's Heritage of Faith and Creationism
When my daughter was close to completing her undergraduate degree some years ago, she interned at the White House. Her appointment was in the Office of Political Liaison—the department that had...
What Matters Most
All of us, at times, find ourselves placing too much importance on the insignificant things of life—the things that moths and rust destroy and that thieves break in and steal (Matthew 6:19-20)....
When God Says Good
When I was in elementary school, my teachers regularly put smiley faces or gold stars on homework papers and finished them off with bright red stamps saying “Good Job!” Restaurant-goers...
Morning Has Now Come
At early dawn that first Easter morning, Mary went to the tomb with the mother of Jesus, bearing spices to anoint the body of their beloved Lord. On the way to the grave, they pondered who would roll...
Celebrating the Classics
From time to time I browse through my personal library and select books to give or throw away…books that are no longer relevant or that could be better used by someone else. Our home has several...
Galapagos: Showcase for Creation
This year evolutionists are celebrating Charles Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book The Origin of Species. In preparation for this celebration, last December...
The Vital Doctrine of a Global Flood
Few biblical teachings are as controversial among evangelicals as that of the global nature of Noah's Flood. If Scripture is our guide, however, it could not have been just a local flood covering the Mesopotamian...
Science's Rightful Place
The state of Texas has a large public school student population and thus carries an inordinate amount of weight in the billion-dollar textbook industry. Publishers know that public school books are sanctioned...
Compromise in the Pulpit
Recently I attended a Sunday morning worship service at a church in the area. Fine church, strong Bible-teaching pastor. I felt encouraged when I found out that the sermon was to address evolution. Churches...
A New Day, A New Year
With this first issue of Acts & Facts for the year 2009 comes a fresh round of thankfulness and optimism for ICR, as well as concern for the future. As has been often noted in these pages, we are...
New Addition to Our Fossil Family
In our March 2008 Acts & Facts, we introduced you to Boris, the 9-foot-tall cave bear that greets our visitors in the ICR lobby, and Levi (short for Leviathan) the mosasaur, which we acquired in a...
Creation Evangelism
Scripture, which claims to be the written account of the Creator Himself, reveals a past time when God separately created each basic plant and animal type. These complex inhabitants all played a vital...
Kingdom Votes
The escalating conflict between ICR and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) concerns many educators, and should concern them all. Remember, ICR's accreditation is not at issue. Rather,...
An Interesting Sighting
Graduate students in the sciences tend to be an intriguing lot. As a professor, I've met some truly unique individuals, who often have very interesting life histories. One ICR grad student told me how,...
Academic Freedom Battle Continues State by State
One thing is certain: the creation/evolution conflict is never static. There's always something going on. Recent years have seen legislative battles in state after state as evolution-only public school...
Reflecting on Grand Canyon
ICR's commitment to education comes through in just about everything we do. The late founder of ICR, Dr. Henry Morris, discerned that our long-range strategy for the creation/evolution conflict had to...
Academic Censorship, Round Two
The recent denial by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) of ICR Graduate School's application to grant degrees in Texas may have been disappointing, but it seems like déjà...
Genesis and Revelation: Bookends of the Bible
In 1977, when Dalta, my sweet wife, and I were first married, we read my father's book The Genesis Record (published the year before) for our regular devotional time. It aptly connected Genesis...
True Science Is Creation Science
Modern secular scientists have gained a reputation as aggressively standing against God and Christianity. In many cases this reputation is justified, as has been documented frequently on these pages. However,...
Reflections on the Debate
Creation-evolution debates played a primary role in the early upswing of interest in creationism. In the 1970s, debates became major events on university campuses and were often the first time students...
Issues of Life
I was recently invited to be a keynote speaker at a leadership planning meeting for international right-to-life advocacy groups. We gathered in Amsterdam, Holland, a city renowned for its history, beauty,...
A New Source for Stem Cells
Some scientists and policymakers claim that the moratorium on the use of human embryos for stem cell research has stifled the development of possible cures for debilitating diseases. Thankfully, a true...
Cloning and the Virgin Birth
Many essential doctrines of Scripture hinge on the virgin birth of Christ. To fulfill prophecy, the Messiah had to be both man and God, without genetic or personal defect, and be the rightful King of Israel...
The Fellowship of the Ministry
ICR's September tour of Yellowstone National Park concluded amid thoughts of exhilaration and thankfulness, along with a look to the future. The park itself, complete with excursions to Teton National...
Moving God's Way
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. (Genesis 12:1) The Bible contains many examples of...
A Season for Every Purpose
The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that all things must change.  "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). This...
Sweet Home Virginia
Two major events occurred this past spring that brought back poignant memories of my years in Virginia: the massacre at Virginia Tech and the home-going of Dr. Jerry Falwell. As you may know, my father...
A Look Back at the Scopes Trial
The 1925 Scopes Trial remains a pivotal point in American history. It behooves us to look back and learn from it. It all began with the growing acceptance of Darwinism in the early 1900s. It had taken...
Global Warming in the News
The recent rush to enact legislation addressing "global warming" brings back memories, not all of them good. As has happened several times in the past, dire warnings of impending doom have predicted...
Communicating Creation
Methods by which we can best communicate creation truth continually occupy our thoughts. God has given us a strong body of evidence for creation and the desire to see it impact our lives, churches,...
And Can It Be?
A few years ago I authored a series of "Days of Praise" devotionals based on the words to favorite Christian hymns. Quoting the hymn lyrics, I showed how the authors often used much Scripture...
The Need for ICR's Research Program
In recent years ICR has become more and more active in basic scientific research. This is not something which "just happened"; it was planned. When I became president of ICR in 1996, I insisted...
The Legacy of Henry Morris
It's been a year now since my father, ICR's Founder and long time President, Dr. Henry Morris, passed into glory. I thought you might like to know how things are going without him, and how we intend to...
Opportunities to Minister Creation Evangelism
During this Christmas season, as we ponder things for which we are thankful, let us not forget the opportunities to minister creation evangelism. Remember as we give gifts to those we love that "God so...
Reflection Upon God's Blessings
This month Americans normally set aside time to reflect on God's blessings. At ICR we have much for which we are thankful, and I'd like to rehearse them. Let me start with the February death of my father,...
Creation Evangelism This Christmas
In this column I have often discussed the use of creation in evangelism; in fact, how creation is foundational to the whole Christian message. The gospel is woven into the creation message, how our mighty...
Has Noah's Ark Been Found in Iran?
The Bible specifies that Noah's Ark came to rest on "the mountains of Ararat" and that as the waters continued to drain, other mountain tops could be seen. No particular mountain is indicated,...
A Dynamic Stage
ICR has entered a very dynamic stage of its ministry. It's a wonderful time, but full of crowded schedules and exploring new territory. One of the transitions regards the homegoing of my father, ICR's...
Return from Grand Canyon
ICR just returned from Grand Canyon having completed another successful tour, with both a 10-day rafting option on the Colorado River and a 7-day bussing adventure throughout the American Southwest. Actually...
What can I do to help the creation cause?
Often people ask me: What can I do to help the creation cause? They have been ministered to by the message of creation and have experienced the witness of the Spirit as to its truthfulness and importance....
Building on a Firm Foundation
The February 25 homegoing of my father, Dr. Henry Morris, was not unexpected, but neither were we ready to let him go. At 87, his vigor and battle readiness had waned somewhat, as he succumbed to the relentless...
Darwin Sunday Versus Resurrection Sunday
It's hard to imagine, but hundreds of churches all over America reserved Sunday, February 12, to commemorate the work of Charles Darwin, and recommit themselves to spreading his message. Most of these...
A Way to Have a Creation Ministry
In ICR's early days, and even when the fledgling creation movement was just getting started, the few credentialed scientists who believed in creation were much in demand. Their faithful efforts brought...
From Dayton to Dover
In a case reminiscent of the famous 1925 Scopes Trial in Dayton, Tennessee, a federal judge ruled against efforts by the Dover, Pennsylvania, School Board to include mention of Intelligent Design (ID)...
Personal Milestone
January 1st marked something of a personal milestone for me, the 10th Anniversary of my installation as President of ICR. They have been significant years, so please allow me this opportunity to reflect....
November 5 RATE Conference
The November 5 RATE Conference accomplished much more than simply presenting the stunning research results of the RATE Initiative. It was a time to look back and see God's mighty hand of blessing and favor....
The Need for a Good Poll
Numerous times over the years pollsters have noted that Americans are creationist. Usually over 50% are strict, young Earth, Biblical creationists, with another 40% believing in some form of God-directed...
Creation in the News
Creation/evolution issues are much in the news these days. Individuals in numerous states are attempting to initiate some aspect of fairness into school classrooms, long dominated by anti-Christian naturalism....
Creation and the World Wide Web
ICR's desire has always been two-fold; to discover truth about Biblical and scientific creation, and to communicate it carefully and accurately. This transmission was initially through books and seminars,...
The GENE Project
Those familiar with ICR know it operates within a well-established rhythm. Seminars and other speaking engagements are scheduled throughout the year, and tours are held in the fall and spring. In many...
Dinosaur Soft Parts
Photos of the discovery were made widely available to newspapers, magazines, and websites by Science magazine, but refused to ICR for use in this article. (See Origins Issues...
Dr. Duane Gish Retires
As noted in the lead article of this month's Acts & Facts, Senior Vice President, Dr. Duane Gish has retired from full-time activity at ICR. You can well imagine that this announcement was received...
BTG and DRG Radio Broadcasts
Many divisions and ministries make up ICR, each accomplishing a particular purpose or ministering to a certain segment of society. None is more remarkable or unexpected than the Spanish version of our...
The Resurrection and the Origin of Life
At Easter time we focus on the cardinal Christian doctrine of the Resurrection. Without the Resurrection, Christianity is a sham. The truth that Jesus Christ rose from the dead sets Christianity apart...
Creation Evidence Books
Astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner has written a non-technical but meaty book of the origin of the universe entitled, Universe by Design. It exposes the glaring weaknesses of the Big Bang model and honestly...
Recapping 2004 at ICR
As the year 2004 comes to a close, and the year 2005 brings new opportunities, we can only say with the psalmist, "This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes" (Psalm 118:23). For all...
Christmas Time
We all love Christmas time. Much more than merely a time of singing and celebration, it's a time of family gathering, of gift giving, of collective thankfulness, of sweet memories, and great anticipation....
Tribute to the late Ronald Reagan
Usually this column is reserved for relevant creation issues, but this month it includes a "Tribute" to the late Ronald Reagan. ICR, being in California, has had a number of contacts with his...
Stem Cell Research
Along with the rest of the nation, ICR mourned the recent death of former President Ronald Reagan. From all accounts, he was truly a dedicated Christian, as well as creationist. We will see him again.Surrounding...
Wrong Thinking
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse”...
Recent Debates
Ever since ICR's founding in 1970, the creation/evolution debates have played an important role. At first evolutionists readily accepted the challenge leading to numerous large debates. However, word soon...
The State Of The Creation Movement
Most agree that the modern creation movement began in 1961 with the publication of The Genesis Flood, the classic work on flood geology. God has marvelously blessed in succeeding decades, and now there...
Revisiting The Grand Canyon
In March we reported on the attempted banning of the new creation book, Grand Canyon: A Different View, from bookstores in Grand Canyon National Park. Evolutionists exhibited either their arrogance or...
A Look Back At 2003
2003 has come to a close, and what a year it was! Much was accomplished, and all the glory goes to our great Creator/Savior, "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be...
The Debate's Not Over
Creation/evolution debates on University campuses have been an ICR mainstay over the years. Especially early in ICR's history, this was a vehicle to take the creation message into areas normally...
Reflecting On God's Goodness
This is the time of year we traditionally set aside to reflect on God's goodness—things for which we are thankful. Let me list several things as I see them from the President's chair here at ICR....
The Importance Of Research At ICR
At the International Conference on Creation held in August, the ICR research was prominent, particularly the RATE research on Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth. I was honored to give the opening plenary...
Research At ICR
As I have often related through the pages of Acts & Facts and in public forums, I am wholeheartedly committed to Creation research. A strong foundation has been laid for this work over the years by...
An Ararat Reunion
Our Lord regularly showers us all with blessings, but some are so wonderful they must be shared. As part of the ICR family, may I share one with you? My first foray into creation work was the 1972...
Compromise in the Doctrine of Creation
The history of the Church has featured many individual battles, all of which were eventually won by those who stood firm on the Word of God. For instance, the early church fathers were victorious over...
The Case For ICR Children's Ministry
ICR is best known for its "meaty" books on creation, written for the non-technical but interested reader. Weaving Biblical thinking and scientific information together, these foundational books...
Sovereign God In A Changing World
Our thoughts, we are told, should always be focused on eternal things, but unfortunately, the affairs of life often crowd in and wrest our attention away. Several recent events have especially occupied...
Human Cloning
Many friends of ICR have asked us about the recent claims that a human has been cloned by a French group called Clon-aide. Unfortunately, as of this writing, while the claims, press releases, and television...
God's Blessings In 2002
The beginning of the new year means it's time to look back and rehearse God's blessings, and there are many. It's also time to refocus on the task ahead, for much remains to be done. As a member of ICR's...
A Stunning Christmas Present
Especially during this time of year we remember with eternal thankfulness that God, the Creator, loved His fallen creation so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on its, (on our behalf,) so...
Using God's Word In Creation And Politics
Recently I attended a convention and struck up a break-time conversation with a Christian sociology professor at a State University. Eventually the conversation turned to creation, which he assumed from...
There They Go Again! Another Missing Link
Evolutionists deeply yearn for "The Missing Link"…that hypothetical intermediary between man and his supposed ape-like ancestor. That yearning seemingly speaks of more than a desire to solve a scientific...
Creation and First Amendment Rights
Early in 1992, ICR won a stunning victory in Federal Court. The state of California had attempted to close the ICR Graduate School, branding those who believed in creation as non-scientists regardless...
Cracks Are Widening In Evolution's Dam!
Evolution rules in public school classrooms, and has done so for decades. Even despite the fact that many favorite evolution arguments in the textbooks are known to be false, and others are downright frauds,...
Passing The Torch Of Creation: A Once-In-A-Lifetime Event
Pastor Chuck Smith, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Duane Gish, and Dr. Henry Morris are teaming up for one of the most momentous events since the modern creation movement began over 30 years ago. Passing the Torch...
Duane Gish: The "Bulldog" Of Creation Ministry
There are many aspects of ICR which make working here an absolute joy. Of course the mission of ICR, to uncover and transmit truth about origins, both Biblical and scientific, is crucial to the health...
Progress In The Ark Search
The search for Noah's Ark continues to occupy the thoughts of many and warrants an update. The search certainly occupied my thoughts for many years, so I fully understand the fascination. My personal involvement...
Letter To The ICR Family
Often families send out Christmas/end-of-the-year letters to their family and friends to relate what has happened throughout the year and how God has led and blessed. I would like to do the same with you,...
PBS and "Evolution" - Tax Dollars Diverted Fo.,.
Dr. Michael Ruse, a leading authority on the philosophy of science, wrote: "Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular...
The Long War Against God Vs. God's Ageless Plan For Creation
This article/prayer was originally written the evening of the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon. It echoes the prayer of ICR's President Dr. John Morris. Only a larger...
Korean Creation And Discontinuity Conference At Cedarvi.,.
Korean CreationThe ICR family wishes to extend hearty congratulations to our sister organization, the Korean Association of Creation Research (KACR) on the 20th Anniversary of their founding. In 1980,...
Tackling The Big Problems - Dr. Russ Humphreys Joins ICR
Over the years, through the work of ICR scientists and others, the scientific case for creation has been honed into a defensible, credible model. But some tough questions still need better answers. How...
Dr. Henry M. Morris III Joins ICR Staff
Some good ideas take a while to come to fruition. They must wait until the time is just right. That's the way it is with this announcement. My brother, Dr. Henry M. Morris III, has accepted a full-time...
Equipping Children Through Radio Adventure
As a former youth director, I've often wondered why children, especially teens, struggle so intensely with the purpose and meaning of life. Why are they so often directionless, or able to hurt others—possibly...
A Nation Asks Why
The work day started that Monday as do many, with everyone tackling a variety of projects. But we noticed the continual sirens outside, and the helicopters flying overhead. And then the news raced through...
God's Two Great Witnesses
There are two great witnesses to God's almighty power, and two great testimonies He has provided for us to employ in pointing people to Him, to the Scriptures, and to the rightness of the Christian faith....
Creation, The Public Schools, And Good Education
Good education for American school children has always been of primary importance to all. President Bush has placed education reform at the top of his political agenda. Charter schools, private schools,...
Noah's Ark Remains In The News
John Morris at site dedication for the Rainbow Paradise. Noah's Ark and Noah's Flood have always been favorite children's stories, but adults remain fascinated with factual possibilities as well. Every...
A Thankful Look Back At 2000
The beginning of a new year always brings a thankful look back at the previous one. At ICR it means recapping God's blessings, reporting on them in, Acts & Facts, and standing in amazement at what...
Celebrating 30 Years Of God's Faithfulness
Loyal supporters of creation evangelism, over 500 strong, gathered at ICR on October 29 to recognize ICR's 30th anniversary and dedicate ICR's new research laboratory building. A thrilling time of remembrance,...
ICR On The Cutting Edge
New Equipping Course Offered! This has been one of ICR's many cornerstone verses over the last three decades as we have endeavored to equip Christians of all ages to stand firm in their faith with the...
Looking Ahead
I trust as you read the preceding article that you joined with us in the celebration of ICR's 30 fruitful years in creation ministry. Truly God has wrought great things, and we give Him all the glory....
ICR's New Building Completed
• Appreciation • Celebration • Anticipation After many years of praying, planning, and saving, but only nine months of construction, the new ICR research building has come to fruition. Our...
RATE Group To Release Book
Radioisotope dating has been put on a pedestal far higher than it deserves by those who claim it proves the earth is billions of years old. Many have been intimidated into questioning the clear Scriptural...
Investigating Polonium Radiohalo Occurrences
As part of the RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth) initiative instigated and coordinated by ICR, Dr. Andrew Snelling has undertaken a complete review of the significance of polonium and other...
Russia Acknowledges 2000 Years Of Christianity
Photo by: Lolly Gish As far as we know, Russia is the only country in the world to sponsor special activities recognizing 2000 years of Christianity. One of these activities was a conference held in...
ICR Expands Its Facility
A feeling of excitement runs through the staff here at ICR these days, for construction is proceeding rapidly on the new research laboratory and classroom building adjacent to our present office building....
Creation's Easter Message
While many Christians still consider the Creation doctrine a fringe issue, a proper understanding of the Christian message finds creation at its core—a necessary, foundational component of the Christian...
Archaeoraptor Flight Aborted
We've all seen the news. With great fanfare, a complete dinosaur-bird transitional form has been revealed. Consisting of a birdlike body and dinosaurlike tail, it has now been asserted that finally, we...
A Sixty Year Anniversary
Please allow me to deviate from the normal "President's Column" subject matter to discuss something closer to home, that of the sixtieth wedding anniversary of my parents Henry and Mary Louise...
1999 In Review
The Apostle Paul met with the brethren in Jerusalem who had sent him out and "declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. And when they heard it, they glorified...
The Lord Is Faithful - ICR Expands
Several years ago, it became obvious that ICR had outgrown its present facility. Completed in 1985, it housed office space for about 60 full-time faculty and staff, graduate school classrooms, research...
ICR Ministry Strategy
The blossoming creation movement in the United States has thrilled us all, but perhaps even more thrilling is the mushrooming interest in other countries. Often, when the education system is not so dominated...
Creation And The Kansas Schools
Several years ago, a group of "elitist" scientists in California (under the direction of the bigoted foe of creation in general and ICR in particular, Dr. Bill Honig—then State Superintendent...
Reaching Those In Positions Of Influence
ICR's ministry has always been multifaceted, taking the message of both Biblical and scientific creationism to all ages, educational levels, and stations in life. For example, Dr. Gish has debated leading...
Many people have asked for ICR's view on Y2K. Will it be global chaos or a minor inconvenience? Surely ICR's scientists ought to know. Unfortunately, no one really knows what's going to happen. Several...
Surprise In South Dakota
Most "Back to Genesis" seminars are held in large Metropolitan areas where a significant number of area churches band together to jointly support such a community outreach. Smaller scale "Case...
Evolution And The Image Of God
  "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." The Creator of mankind, Genesis 1:27 "If man and woman have ultimately...
The Return Of Noah's Ark
Noah's Ark is back in the news! It's never really been out of sight, cropping up in children's books and Sunday school lessons. There have been several Hollywood-style documentaries on the Ark and the...
Evangelism At ICR
Old earth semi-creationists frequently claim that ICR's insistence on strict, recent creationism is an embarrassment to Christianity and a hindrance to the gospel—actually keeping people from accepting...
God's Blessings Of 1998
Each year at this time, we look back and "count our many blessings" at ICR, rehearsing God's blessing to our friends and supporters. Truly, He has done marvelous things through and in each of...