Studying the Works of Our Creator | The Institute for Creation Research

Studying the Works of Our Creator

As believers, we enjoy the privilege of studying the works of the Lord. Creation reveals our Creator’s character. “His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever. He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and full of compassion” (Psalm 111:3-4). One of His greatest works was sending redemption to His people because He cares for us (Psalm 111:9). His wonderful works remind us that He is indeed full of grace and compassion.

Have you taken the time to study His works? All of creation reveals mysteries of the God who was here before the foundations of the world, allowing us to know Him more intimately. Have you pondered His works, displayed in the reliability of the seasons and demonstrated in the uniqueness of each created kind of animal? Have you wondered how the stars found their place in the heavens? Have you ever been in awe that the very breath of God is housed in humans made of dust?

All of creation reveals mysteries of the God who was here before the foundations of the world, allowing us to know Him more intimately. Tweet: All of creation reveals mysteries of the God who was here before the foundations of the world, allowing us to know Him more intimately. 

Studying the Works of Our Creator:

@icrscience @jaymedurant

The Institute for Creation Research spotlights the works of God we see all around us. But our scientists also bring to light the intricacies we would never discover in day-to-day living. In this issue, Dr. Vernon Cupps examines the elusive properties of subatomic particles to show the limits of scientific knowledge in many areas: “Science is a wonderful tool for investigating the natural world we live in, but we should always remember that science is performed and interpreted by fallible human beings. Thus, there is always a place for faith in the human soul” (“Measuring the Proton’s Radius”).

Have you observed evidence of God’s works in dinosaur footprints? Brian Thomas and Dr. Tim Clarey take a close look at them and conclude that “places like Dinosaur Ridge represent hundreds of trackway sites all over the world that confirm the global Flood” (“Dinosaur Tracks Back Noah’s Flood”).

Did you know the genetic principles you learned in high school biology were oversimplified? Discover the complexity of God’s works hidden in human DNA in Dr. Jeff Tomkins’ article, “Human Traits Not So Simple After All,” and explore the intricate engineering design of God’s living creatures in Dr. Randy Guliuzza’s article on sensor triggers: “We see in Amazon stores, bacterial flagella, epigenetics, or túngara frogs a full internal capacity that is consistent with intelligently designed systems” (“Sensor Triggers Affirm Intelligently Designed Internalism”).

As Dr. Henry Morris III points out in his feature article “God’s Wonderful Works,” the Lord is the One who enables ICR to do the work of this ministry. The Lord’s wonderful works are exhibited in the people who serve on staff and the friends who partner with us in prayer and support. We are grateful for the opportunity to study the wonders of His works and to join you in declaring His truth.

Every time we study what our God has done, we are left with nothing but praise for Him. Tweet: All of creation reveals mysteries of the God who was here before the foundations of the world, allowing us to know Him more intimately. 

Studying the Works of Our Creator:

@icrscience @jaymedurant

When we see intricate design in creation, we know that it didn’t happen by chance. When we study His works, we get a glimpse of Him. We peek into the mind of a holy, awesome God and witness the power of our Creator. Studying His works—both obvious and hidden—leads us to worship. Every time we study what our God has done, we are left with nothing but praise for Him.

“The works of the LORD are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them.” (Psalm 111:2)

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2018. Studying the Works of Our Creator. Acts & Facts. 47 (2).

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