The Legacy of ICR's Founder | The Institute for Creation Research

The Legacy of ICR's Founder

February 2016 marks the 10-year anniversary of the passing of Dr. Henry Morris, the founder of the Institute for Creation Research. While preparing this month’s Acts & Facts, I spent time looking over some of his writings and was struck by his unswerving commitment to God’s Word as the accurate and authoritative source of truth about our world and ourselves.

I’d like to honor Dr. Morris by sharing some of his thoughts from The Biblical Basis for Modern Science (Master Books, 2002, available at He says, “The modern world is desperately in need of God’s own wisdom with respect to the purpose and meaning of true science. The Bible will be found not only to reveal a thoroughly modern perspective on the real facts and principles of science but also to provide wisdom and guidance concerning its proper role in human life and in the eternal counsels of God” (page 12).

Through his work at the International Boundary and Water Commission in Texas, Gideons International, and several university faculty positions, Dr. Morris says his convictions were solidified: “The Bible was truly effective in changing lives and meeting human needs.” He also wrote, “This study [of Christian evidences and doctrines and anti-Christian literature] has continued every year…from my youth to maturity to the status of senior citizen, and my conviction that the Bible is God’s inerrant Word has become stronger and more confident….I taught engineering for almost 30 years, at five different secular universities…and so had many challenges and tests of faith, as well as many wonderful confirmations of the power of the Word” (page 13).

At the time of his homegoing, he passed the mantle of ministry to those still serving at ICR. His son, Dr. Henry M. Morris III, ICR’s CEO, continues guiding its mission. In this month’s feature article, he says, “Our job is never done by merely pointing out that truth is on our side. We must continue to declare the Word of the Lord as long as someone is there to oppose it!”

The ICR founder left behind a ministry committed to serving God in a unique way. Few churches, parachurch organizations, and nonprofit ministries are able to meet the specific challenges ICR is prepared to face. How many ministries demonstrate how science and the Bible reveal the same truths? How many churches are equipped with scientific data to train believers with biblical answers confirmed by science? And how many scientists glorify our heavenly Father as the Creator of the universe? ICR is uniquely equipped to use both scientific evidence and the Bible to declare the glories of our Lord.

The founder’s grandson, Henry Morris IV, reminds us of his grandfather’s life work and the need for ICR to continue the ministry of sharing creation truths (“Investing for Future Generations”). He says, “[My grandfather’s] passing marked the end of an exceptionally fruitful life serving the Lord that included 36 years devoted to full-time creation ministry…. As the world grows increasingly hostile toward the message of Christ, now is the time for Christians to stand and proclaim the marvelous truths of Scripture….The staff and scientists at ICR are ready to do our part, and we are praying the Lord will lay it on the hearts of many like-minded servants to ‘do business’ with us.”

Our founder left a legacy of commitment to the Word of God and a dedication to present accurate science regardless of the opposition. As we move forward in this new year, we are thankful for those who partner with us in carrying forward Dr. Henry Morris’ great work.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2016. The Legacy of ICR's Founder. Acts & Facts. 45 (2).

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