ICR Expands Its Facility | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Expands Its Facility

A feeling of excitement runs through the staff here at ICR these days, for construction is proceeding rapidly on the new research laboratory and classroom building adjacent to our present office building. The "tilt-up" construction technique is being used, with the concrete walls poured while horizontal, then when all are ready, they are lifted into place. Weeks of work proceeded the rapid placement of the walls. Suddenly, in one amazing day, there was a building.

The size of the building actually shocked us all. It is quite a bit larger then ICR's present ample facility, with room for the research laboratories, several classrooms, numerous offices, and shipping and warehouse operations.

It represents the culmination of years of prayer, planning, and saving. It will bring all ICR operations back together, rather then in rented space in several nearby buildings. The need was real and our Lord has supplied. We give thanks to Him and to all the ICR supporters who have given designated gifts toward this project.

As mentioned in the January Acts & Facts, cost overruns had exceeded the building fund. Many concerned ICR "family" members responded with extra gifts to allow the building to be finished not only debt-free, but without dipping into general operating expenses. These gifts have reduced the short-fall to about $50,000. As is our policy, we simply make this need known, and trust that God will supply.

Please join the ICR staff in praising Him for His abundant blessing, and in anticipating an ever more fruitful ministry as this new building is put into use.

New Building


Construction in progress (top). The walls started out horizontal (above). The walls are tilted up, hoisted in place by crane (below, left). The last piece of wall goes into place (below right).

Lifting Walls

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2000. ICR Expands Its Facility. Acts & Facts. 29 (5).

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