Wise Listeners and Influencers | The Institute for Creation Research

Wise Listeners and Influencers

Do you have a few trusted people who influence your life? Wise people understand the importance of surrounding themselves with those who are willing to speak the truth in love, ask good questions, encourage, offer solid direction, and even challenge them when they falter. These faithful advisors recognize their strength comes from God. Their lives validate their words. Their writings reflect God’s perspective. They’re in tune with the Holy Spirit’s moment-by-moment direction. And other lives are changed because of their influence.

I’d like to point you to four such men who have influenced the work of ICR. Dr. Mac Brunson wrote this month’s feature, “Hearing Revival.” As Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, he overflows with the wisdom of a church leader with many years’ experience. He encourages us to listen—and really hear—the Word of God. He says, “Hearing is a tremendous gift from God, but hearing is not the same as receiving what is said.” Dr. Brunson emphasizes that reading and hearing the Word should lead to changed lives. He challenges us, “When was the last time you wept when the Word of God was read?” Dr. Brunson also serves on ICR’s Board, and his wisdom influences the direction of our ministry. His willingness to offer a godly perspective helps shape ICR’s outreach efforts.

CEO Dr. Henry Morris III guides ICR. As the son of ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris, he provides unique insight into the needs and challenges that surround creation ministry. He has written two new books to help readers understand how science confirms what the Bible says. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is a stand-alone study that examines compelling evidence connecting science with Scripture. Newly updated and expanded, The Book of Beginnings is a classic keepsake with extensive indexes to help readers gain a deeper understanding of Genesis and our origins. Dr. Morris III was greatly influenced, and understandably so, by his father.

Dr. Henry Morris, often referred to as the Father of Modern Creationism, founded ICR with a vision to “reclaim science and education for Christ.” This year marks the 10th anniversary of his passing, but his influence continues today. Look for the upcoming biography Henry M. Morris: Father of Modern Creationism for a fresh look into this man’s vision, ministry, and life.

We were so saddened by the recent passing of another influential man, Dr. Tim LaHaye, who was instrumental in the founding of ICR. His relationship with Dr. Henry Morris forged a creation ministry that has touched many lives through almost 45 years. We are grateful for his impact on this organization that has continued to this day!

Humility marks both wise listeners and wise advisors—wise listeners understand they can’t go through life on their own, and Spirit-led advisors know they must depend on God for His clear direction, yielding their personal desires to God’s sovereign plans. Our ministry has experienced the blessing of wise advisors and the impact of founders with expertise in wise listening. As Dr. Brunson says, “We must not just hear the Word of God but also receive it…and let it do its mighty work in us!”

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2016. Wise Listeners and Influencers. Acts & Facts. 45 (9).

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