Working Together with One Mind | The Institute for Creation Research

Working Together with One Mind

When my children were young, I often peeked in on them as they played in their rooms—especially if they were quiet. Crayon-scribbled walls taught me that lesson. Sometimes I’d be pleasantly surprised to see all four kids playing in the same room, doing different things—one arranging toy horses in a line, another building a Lego tower as tall as he could reach, a daughter donning petticoats with skirts and scarves piled in heaps around her, and one reading a book to herself in the corner. Other times, I glanced in the room and found them all working together to build a fort. “Hold that end while I pull this chair under this end….” They were working cooperatively with a single goal in mind. Harmony and unity.

This is what comes to my mind when I read Dr. Henry Morris III’s feature article this month, “All in Favor…” He’s describing unity among believers. They are seeking the Lord’s direction and following His leading, with one purpose and goal—to glorify our Lord. In this case, the goal is to build a Discovery Center to showcase the scientific evidence for creation, in keeping with ICR’s mission to demonstrate how science confirms the Bible.

Dr. Morris’ description of the ICR Board’s decision-making process reflects unity in an attitude of service, “being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind” and “[standing] fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 2:2; 1:27). We are grateful to have such leadership for ICR.

Henry Morris IV provides more details about how you can partner with us in building this Discovery Center. We encourage you to continue working with us to reach others with the evidence for biblical creation. We have been amazed and encouraged by your faithful prayers and support as we’ve carefully planned each detail and every exhibit that will demonstrate the work of our incredible Creator.

The other articles in this edition of Acts & Facts demonstrate the kind of work our team of experts is involved in—the science that fuels the exhibits you will see displayed in the Discovery Center. Dr. Tim Clarey’s research with ICR’s Column Project is described in “South America Shows the Flood Progression.” Dr. Jake Hebert addresses the problems with some of the teachings of the BioLogos Foundation. Brian Thomas describes God’s design in RNA in a way most of us can understand, and he shows how “science and the Bible agree that God made the lights in the sky, including planets, only thousands of years ago.” Both Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins and Dr. Randy Guliuzza reveal the futility of evolutionary explanations, and Dr. James Johnson highlights how animals display God’s wisdom. Our entire ICR staff is committed to bringing you evidence that demonstrates God’s glory in creation.

Even children know how to lay aside their varied interests and combine efforts toward a goal. But what we are building won’t be set aside and forgotten in a couple of hours. With “one mind” we work together to bring you God’s truth for His glory and your encouragement. And with one mind, we move forward to build a Discovery Center that will impact generations to come. Though ICR’s projects and venues may vary, the message is still the same. Pray for us as we work together to make our Creator known.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2017. Working Together with One Mind. Acts & Facts. 46 (3).

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