Any Place | The Institute for Creation Research

Any Place

We often tie our most vivid memories to key places in our lives. You may wistfully remember your childhood home, where your mother rocked you before bedtime, or Easter at your grandparents’ house. Maybe you long to go back to that vacation cabin where your family made s’mores under a starry sky or the church where you worshiped as a teen. You may recall the exact time and place where you first surrendered your heart to the Lord.

It’s easy to get sentimental about a location, to think we need to be at a certain spot to experience the presence of God. The people of Amos’ day were much the same. They were distracted by riches and rituals. They often practiced religious activity without a heart for God, and they deceived themselves into thinking that places of worship could substitute for a relationship with their God. And yet our feature article in this issue reminds us that the place isn’t important. Dr. Henry Morris III says, “We do not find God in a place but in a Person” (“Lessons from Amos”).

The Institute for Creation Research has traveled to many places in the United States, and even some locations overseas, sharing the scientific evidence that confirms the Bible. And by God’s provision we are about to build a place, the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History, that will provide a new outlet for us to spread the message of biblical creation.

But our ministry will never be dedicated to this or any place—only a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our scientists research the latest findings to bring you accurate information that isn’t forced into an evolutionary worldview. Everything they see and discover points to Christ as our omnipotent Creator.

Our science writer, Brian Thomas, recently carried this information to a place ICR had never visited before. In his report “An Evening at Campbell University”, Mr. Thomas tells how he shared the scientific evidence for creation with over 700 college students and several professors. He says, “The remarkable students who invited me understand why creation matters. They regularly defend their Christian beliefs.” They wanted a speaker who could “present evidence for biblical creation to the hundreds of students who may never have considered how well the Bible explains the origins of the world and all it contains.”

And thanks to the work of our science staff, we can offer you information confirming that the Bible explains origins very well indeed. In this issue, Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins tells how advances in DNA sequencing support the creation account: “Most of these variants were likely built into the genomes of the original created couple, Adam and Eve—easily accounting for the diversity we see in humans across the globe and fully supporting the biblical narrative” (“DNA Variation Widens Human-Chimp Chasm”). Dr. Randy Guliuzza explains that “scientific evidence has shown the widely touted ‘junk DNA’ argument, which evolutionists anticipated being a Darwinian home run, is really a blundering swing-and-a-miss” (“Evolutionists Strike Out with Imaginary Junk DNA”). And Dr. Jason Lisle shares how infinity reflects our infinite God: “Infinity is one aspect of God’s nature. He is limitless in power, knowledge, and majesty” (“The God of Infinities”).

In his feature article, Dr. Morris discusses Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba—places of wonderful heritage, and yet God said don’t go back there. God simply said to seek Him and live. Places can be meaningful and effective, but they don’t save us. Rituals don’t save us. Only our Lord Jesus Christ can save us. God’s Word still challenges us to seek Him today. And any place is where you can meet the Person of Jesus Christ.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2017. Any Place. Acts & Facts. 46 (4).

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