Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis | The Institute for Creation Research

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

For over a year, ICR has poured our efforts into creating a DVD series that captures the truths of creation for those who may not be able to hear our speakers in person. After countless hours, days, and months spent in labs, studios, and outdoor settings—all with the goal of addressing the critical issues of creation science—we’re excited to share a resource that features cutting-edge insights from experts in a variety of science disciplines, along with compelling research and breathtaking images. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis arrives in-house this month, and you can be one of the first to enjoy this newest release from ICR!

I’ve had the pleasure of working behind the scenes on this incredible production, and after watching it I know you’ll walk away with a fresh understanding of the sometimes difficult-to-comprehend issues surrounding creation. Our dynamic host will lead you through discoveries of truth in awe-inspiring locations around the country. We visited gardens and nature sites throughout Texas and even filmed at the Grand Canyon, the Dinosaur National Monument in Utah, and most recently at the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska (see pictures). From discussions on dinosaurs to the Ice Age, the series covers the origin of the universe, the origin of man, design, fossils, Noah’s Flood, the age of the earth, ancient civilizations, and more.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is perfect for churches, home and community small groups, and homeschool co-ops. You can use this set in weekly Bible studies, mid-week church services, youth group meetings, homeschool enrichment classes, and Sunday church services. This series equips participants to counter evolutionary tenets and share creation truths with confidence—an ideal unit study or summer program. Designed to reach a millennial generation full of questions, this series will engage all ages. Everyone will learn from the powerful takeaways in each episode and enjoy the challenging questions in the viewer guidebook that accompanies each 12-DVD collection.

Order your set after May 15 while the series is discounted for a limited time only. For more information, go to pages 10 and 11—you can place your order at store.icr.org. Be sure to spread the word about this unique new series!

In his article this month, “Broken Cisterns” (pages 5-7), Dr. Henry M. Morris III reminds us that man-made philosophies are “broken cisterns” that can never hold the living water of God’s truth. Strong cisterns are always constructed on the bedrock of God’s creation account. Dr. Morris goes on to remind us that “who God is and what God has done is observable to everyone by ‘the things that are made.’ ” Understanding creation begins with observing what God has created. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis prepares us to debunk man-made philosophies and recognize the “living water” that comes from our Creator God alone.

Image credit: Jayme Durant

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2014. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis. Acts & Facts. 43 (5).

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