2020 Vision: An Unexpected Year in Review | The Institute for Creation Research

2020 Vision: An Unexpected Year in Review

2020 has been a year like no other. We began the year at ICR with our mission in focus, seeking to honor Jesus by sharing His glorious work in creation. We also started the year anticipating a greater outreach through the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History, with grand plans to reach new friends as well as welcome old ones. In the spring we hosted a Made in His Image Weekend and Origins: Re-examining the Evidence events to share the truth about creation and refute evolutionary claims. We had many more plans in the works, but then coronavirus struck—and plans changed for almost everyone in the entire world.

When some of the ICR staff were required to work from home due to government regulations, we continued to publish Acts & Facts, Days of Praise, and online news articles. In-person events were cancelled or postponed, but we initiated online events and reached audiences around the world with the creation message. We were amazed at the success of these virtual sessions and found that many families stuck at home had become more interested in answering deeper questions of faith and life.

After the Discovery Center reopened, friends of ICR joined us for Labor Day-week special events to celebrate our Dallas museum’s one-year anniversary. The festivities included a petting zoo, food trucks, live science presentations, and fun activities. In October, we welcomed hundreds of homeschoolers to our Homeschool Day event with special presentations, exhibit hall tours with scientists, exploration with microscopes, and other ministries.

2020 marks ICR’s 50th anniversary, and in August Dr. Randy Guliuzza was named ICR President, and he announced an intensified focus on biological design and the CET model. He notes in this month’s feature that ICR’s “most pressing task today…is to fundamentally change the way people understand biology by constructing a completely new theory of biological design that incorporates recent discoveries while respecting the biblical narrative” (“Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Creator”). We look forward to sharing the fruits of this effort in coming months.

This issue also celebrates Dr. Henry M. Morris III’s many years of service at ICR and honors him as he retires from his position as CEO. As an experienced businessman, he not only understood those aspects of his job, he also brought a pastor’s heart to the role, showing interest and concern for the well-being of ICR staff members. Dr. Morris stayed true to his vision for ICR throughout his time here. He stood firmly on his faith, never wavering from his stance on the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. In “Dr. Henry M. Morris III: A Kingdom-Focused Life,” ICR editor Christy Hardy says, “It’s our joy at ICR to give honor where honor is due. We are deeply thankful for Dr. Henry’s impact on ICR, his sacrificial investment in creation ministry, and his example of a life committed to the truth of God’s Word and the work of the Kingdom.”

Though we could never have anticipated the unique challenges of 2020, we see ways God has used this time to accomplish good things for our ministry. We learned how to think outside the box, persevere through obstacles, and focus our eyes anew on our Creator, who has not been surprised by anything this year held. We were reminded that God can use seemingly unideal circumstances to reach people who need to hear creation truth, and we watched Him provide our every need through the generosity of so many of you! As 2020 draws to a close, let’s celebrate the Christmas season with gratitude and renewed vision, remembering the Lord’s goodness and looking forward to another year of fellowship and ministry with Him.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2020. 2020 Vision: An Unexpected Year in Review. Acts & Facts. 49 (12).

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