God's Mysterious Ways | The Institute for Creation Research

God's Mysterious Ways

Have you ever found yourself wondering what God was up to? When life took an unexpected turn, you may have gone through difficult circumstances. Or perhaps you encountered situations that just didn’t seem to make sense. With all that’s going on in the world right now, we can probably all connect with this kind of experience in some way. Sometimes it’s hard to see where the road is leading, and we’re only able to focus on the next step.

If you can relate, you’ll be encouraged to read our feature article this month, “Introducing Dr. Randy Guliuzza, ICR’s New President and Chief Operating Officer.” In it, ICR editor Christy Hardy tells how the seemingly unrelated circumstances of Dr. Guliuzza’s life worked together over the years to prepare him to be the leader of ICR today. Dr. Guliuzza’s testimony should encourage each of us that God is actively at work in our lives, even if we don’t yet see what He’s accomplishing in the current season. Whatever His plan is, we can be confident He’ll orchestrate the details with a result that will be far more wonderful than anything we could’ve ever imagined. That’s our God.

The ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History is certainly a demonstration of God’s mysterious ways. When I think about the years it took for ICR to plan, fund, and build this facility, I’m reminded of all the times we wondered what God was up to as we encountered unforeseen barriers. But the things that once stood in the way are a distant memory—we now experience the joy of greeting many visitors who are eager to learn more about God’s work in creation.

We couldn’t have accomplished all of this without God’s provision through many of you. Your faithful support as you prayed and gave generous gifts helped us bring this facility to completion and allows us to share God’s Word with many more people. We’re amazed at God’s work through each of you—thank you for your precious friendship!

This past year of welcoming you to the Discovery Center has been enriching—you’ve shared your stories of faith and how you came to understand biblical creation, and we’ve been blessed. We look forward to welcoming you again as we commemorate the one-year anniversary together during the first week of September (see page 16). Please also visit ICRdiscoverycenter.org for DC event updates about our week-long anniversary celebration. Many special activities are planned, and we hope to see you here!

We’ve witnessed God’s mysterious ways as He has sustained the Discovery Center—and ICR—through a year of unexpected trials, including the pandemic and temporary shutdown. We’re left in complete awe at how He has held everything together. As Christy Hardy writes in the feature article, “As believers we can often trace God’s hand through the seemingly mundane moments and unforeseen events in our lives.” That’s our God. We’ve witnessed the work of His hands. Come celebrate God’s goodness with us.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2020. God's Mysterious Ways. Acts & Facts. 49 (9).

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