Behind the Scenes of Made in His Image | The Institute for Creation Research

Behind the Scenes of Made in His Image

ICR’s 2014 DVD series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis continues to touch lives throughout the world. We’re receiving a great response from viewers expressing their enjoyment of and appreciation for this groundbreaking biblical creation resource. Many of you are asking for more visual presentations like it. Since the first series seemed to strike such a chord, we’ve been hard at work in recent months with the production of our next DVD series, Made in His Image.

Host Markus Lloyd joins us again to walk viewers through the breathtaking process of a baby’s development in the womb, the intricate workings of the human eye, the complex engineering of the hand, and the astounding abilities of the human body in motion. Made in His Image highlights how God formed us with amazing design and capabilities to accomplish incredible feats.

I was on the set for almost all of the filming. Doctors, scientists, athletes, artists, musicians, and others shared their expertise and skills with us. ICR professional engineer and medical doctor Randy Guliuzza provides his commentary throughout each episode. NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams shares his deep love and appreciation for God and describes the effects of space on the body. Both men express deep reverence for our Creator, the Designer and Engineer of the human body.

When filming, we didn’t spend all of our time in the studio. We went to NASA, medical facilities, gyms, parks, and baseball fields to catch our experts in action. Accomplished people from many walks of life demonstrated their skills while exhibiting a profound sense of awe for God’s work in creating the human body. Videographers captured unique footage from a camera drone flying high above the film locations.

The Made in His Image DVD series will be available in October. Homeschoolers will find it a valuable resource to use as a unit study, and the series will be perfect for Sunday school classes, churches, and small groups. One viewer guide highlighting each episode’s main points and suggesting further resources will be included with each set, and additional viewer guides will be available through our online store at

We began this series with the goal of showcasing God’s incredible design, and we want viewers to experience the wonder of God’s creation. When you see Made in His Image and witness the intricate details involved in the design and engineering of the human body, we hope you, too, will walk away saying, “Wow, only God could do this!”

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2015. Behind the Scenes of Made in His Image. Acts & Facts. 44 (7).

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