Archive of Articles

Is the Y Chromosome Shrinking?
Evolutionary scientists claim that the human male chromosome—the Y chromosome—is shrinking.1 Some even predict it will eventually disappear and the genes it currently contains...
Stromatolites: Evidence of Pre-Flood Hydrology
Stromatolites are some of the more puzzling fossils found throughout Earth’s rock record. They are fairly common in the oldest known sedimentary rocks, but living stromatolites only occur in rare...
ICR Discovery Center Update
ICR commissioned a well-known artist to create a 24-foot DNA sculpture for the discovery center’s outdoor fountain. Discover a T. rex at the ICR Discovery Center!   Progress...
Engineered Adaptability: Designed Mechanisms Best Expla.,.
Diverse creatures have repeatedly been observed rapidly and independently converging on the same traits needed to solve similar environmental challenges. How extensive is this phenomenon? Harvard biologist...
Time and Creation
What Is Time? Questions about time often arise in discussions of Genesis and Earth’s age. Could billions of years have elapsed before the “in the beginning” of Genesis 1? When...
The Designed Interface of the Eye's Microbiome
Researchers have discovered unique microbial communities on and in our skin, mouth, gut, and airways. This collection of viruses, bacteria, and fungi is called the microbiome. The human immune system’s...
Are Evolution and Adaptation the Same?
Due to the bombardment of evolutionary propaganda, most people think the terms evolution and adaptation basically represent the same thing. But nothing could be further from the truth. When one has...
Viking Bones Contradict Carbon-14 Assumptions
Radiocarbon dating is considered one of science’s tried-and-true methodologies. But could there be a forensic flaw in measuring carbon-14 dates using conventional methodology? Could dates assigned...
Don't Miss the Joy
I often marvel at God’s hand on ICR’s ministry. We have experienced times of plenty and seasons of leanness. Through it all, ICR has remained sensitive to the Lord’s leading by pursuing...
Secular Scientists Admit Dinosaurs Appeared Abruptly
ICR scientists have long pointed out that fossils, contrary to popular misperception, do not provide evidence for evolution, and a recent secular dinosaur study confirms this.1 ICR scientists...
Bill Nye, PBS Highlight Young-Earth Evidence
On April 18 of this year, The Public Broadcasting Corporation aired a documentary on its television show POV entitled “Bill Nye, Science Guy.” It can be viewed at the website.1...
Moth Fossils Pester Insect Evolution
Recently, moth fossils imbedded in both ancient amber and rocks have been analyzed in excruciating detail. Using a variety of high-powered microscopes, scientists wanted to see how much evolution occurred...
One-of-a-Kind Exhibits
Hi, I’m Dr. Tim Clarey, the geologist at ICR. I’m excited to showcase our cutting-edge research in the ICR Discovery Center. The center’s portrayal of the global Flood will reflect...
What's All the Flap About?
In the last few decades, there has been a lot of discussion by prominent paleontologists who imply that dinosaurs and birds are closely related. Many of these paleontologists go even further, suggesting...
Nearby Galaxy Has Almost No Dark Matter
A team of astronomers recently concluded that a nearby spheroidal galaxy, designated as NGC1052-DF2, contains very little, if any, dark matter.1,2 Since Big Bang scientists use dark matter...
Homo naledi had Lucy-Like Hips
Hips can reveal many things about fossilized organisms, especially when it comes to mammals. They can indicate the difference between species and even reveal the differences between the sexes of the...
Protein Discovery Confirms Design
Fungal infections can be a pain to eradicate. But new results show why these infections can take an even tighter hold on people or animals that are missing a specific protein. The international research...
Denisovan DNA Shown to Be Human...Again
Denisovans are ancient humans represented by various teeth and a finger bone found in a Siberian cave. Their claim to fame is largely based on the DNA extracted from these few fragments of human remains....
Teaching Children Creation Truth
Hello, I’m Jayme Durant, the Director of Communications at ICR. I homeschooled my four children from kindergarten through high school graduation. For 22 years, we visited museums and discovery...
Excess Lithium in Milky Way Halo Stars
A recent news article1 reported that certain types of stars2 in our Milky Way Galaxy have more lithium (Li) in their stellar atmosphere than the current models predict. Before...
"Cool" Plans for the ICR Discovery Center
Hi, my name is Dr. Jake Hebert. I’m a physicist and research associate here at the Institute for Creation Research. ICR has been an enormous blessing in my life. When I was an undergraduate physics...
Researchers remain divided over ’feathered dinosa.,.
APRIL 02, 2018
by Brian Thomas, and Jonathan Sarfati In Journal of Creation 32 (1): 121-127, April 2018 Feathered dinosaur candidate fossils have drawn huge interest from secularists who have fitted them into...
Looking for Jesus
Matthew 28 describes how on resurrection morning women came to the empty tomb looking for Jesus. Have you looked for Jesus recently? Do you see Him through His work in creation (Romans 1:20)? He is...
On This We Stand
I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. (2 Timothy 1:12) The Institute for Creation Research was founded...
Abiogenesis: Water and Oxygen Problems
In addition to original research and data analysis on important themes in the origins debate, ICR scientists also evaluate the progress of secular research reported in many scientific publications....
Assembling the Pre-Flood World
Knowledge of the pre-Flood world is limited because the Bible only gives a few details. Some creationists have relied heavily on secular interpretations in their studies on continental configurations...
Evolutionary Mysticism and the End of Science
Evolutionary secularists often fancy themselves as hard-nosed empiricists who are immune to the allures of “magical” thinking. However, as the inadequacies of materialistic naturalism become...
Communicate Creation with Mirror Questions
Extraordinary designs found all over the world simply demand divine creation.1 But people who reject God’s Son and the salvation He supplies often reject this clearly seen evidence...
ICR Discovery Center Update
“My seven-year-old son loves science, but we’re constantly battling evolutionary ideas that infiltrate nearly every area of children’s education and media. We can’t wait for...
Engineered Adaptability: Active Environmental Tracking .,.
Darwin’s followers appear to be comfortable embracing totally contradictory explanations for the same thing. When diverse groups of organisms share nearly identical traits, evolutionists see that...
Do 'Useless' Organs Prove Humans Evolved?
People who believe humans evolved from an ape-like animal millions of years ago claim we have many useless organs. They say these organs once had a function in our evolutionary past, and that’s...
Hawks and Eagles Launching Skyward
Studying God’s creation bolsters one’s faith in God’s Word, since careful observation of “earthly things” corroborates the information in Scripture—such as how and...
Prayers, Walls, and a Mind to Work
Nehemiah’s campaign to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem is a fascinating account of effective leadership in the face of great adversity. More importantly, it’s an outstanding lesson on the...
Stick Spider Adaptation Is Purposeful and Predictable
A long-standing evolutionary argument is that creature diversity is essentially a random process. But new discoveries increasingly show serious flaws in this claim and are highly consistent with a design-based...
Genesis Flood Explains Bloat-and-Float Dinosaurs
A new research paper claims to have solved the mystery of why most ankylosaur dinosaur fossils are found upside down.1 Lead author Dr. Jordan Mallon, from the Canadian Museum of Nature in...
Archaeological Evidence for Prophet Isaiah
Recently, Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar and her team made a stunning discovery during excavations in Jerusalem. It provides strong support for the reality of Isaiah and his Old Testament world. filler...
Diamonds and the Age of the Earth
Hello, I’m Dr. Vernon Cupps, ICR Research Associate and nuclear physicist. You’ve probably heard the familiar old saying, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Well...
Stellar Superflare Reminder: Our Sun Is Special
Astronomers recently detected an enormous but short-lived increase in radiation from the nearby star Proxima Centauri.1,2 This radiation burst, known as a flare, caused the star to become a...
Famous Physicist Stephen Hawking Dies at 76
Well-known physicist and atheist Stephen Hawking died at age 76 on March 14, 2018. He uniquely bridged the gap between ivory-tower academia and popular culture. ICR nuclear physicist Dr. Vernon...
"Selfish Gene" Metaphor Misleads Evolutionists
A recent opinion piece posted on the Chemistry World website1 notes that Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book The Selfish Gene deeply motivated a generation of biologists to adopt a gene-centered...
3-D Praying Mantis Vision Confounds Evolution
In the animal kingdom, many types of creatures use stereo vision to determine the distances between them and visible objects. In humans, each of our eyes records a slightly different version of what...
Secular Scientists: Earth's Inner Core Shouldn't Exist!
Earth’s iron-nickel core has a solid inner layer and a liquid outer layer. A recent paper presents a huge dilemma for naturalistic explanations of Earth’s origin. Earth’s solid inner...
How Can Creation Truth Impact the World?
Hello, I’m Will Perry, ICR’s Event Coordinator. Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). Prior to joining ICR, I was on staff at a multiethnic...
Plate Tectonics After Fifty Years
The theory of plate tectonics recently turned fifty. Contrary to the claims of its critics, the theory of plate tectonics is derived from empirical data collected over many decades by geologists and...
Consider the Source
As children, when someone challenged what we were saying, we had a favorite comeback—“Says who?” We wanted to know if the person questioning us was important enough to believe. How...
Vernon Cupps: Interview with a Nuclear Physicist
Those who scoff at biblical creation often claim creation scientists “aren’t really scientists,” saying they don’t perform actual research or publish in scientific journals. Dr....
Minimal Continental Coverage During the Early Flood
Numerous authors have speculated on the extent of the early floodwaters and on when the Flood peaked. Many questions remain unanswered. For example, did the Flood cover the continents early in the Flood...
The Impossibility of Life's Evolutionary Beginnings
The hypothetical naturalistic origin of life and its most basic biomolecules from non-living matter is called abiogenesis. This paradigm lies at the very foundation of biological evolution, but the...
Genesis and the Question of Entropy
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), and His creation was “very good” (v. 31). This raises the question of why our current world is in such...
Engineered Adaptability: Creatures' Adaptability Begins.,.
What grabs our attention when we watch living creatures? Action! We lock on to their active responses. Or, as techno-lovers would say, “their outputs.” But without detectors, or “inputs,”...
When Did Noah's Flood Happen?
Unlike all other religious texts, the Bible supplies hundreds of time stamps for key events. They let us test the Bible against itself and the history recorded outside the Bible. However, not all the...
Something Fishy about Global Warming Claims
After the Flood, God promised Noah that Earth would have predictable patterns of climates and seasons: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day...
Sufficiency, Abundance, and Apologetics in Action
Throughout his extensive missionary journeys, the apostle Paul never asked for money from the people to whom he preached. By day Paul would toil at his trade as a tentmaker (Acts 18:3), and by night...
ICR Discovery Center Update
I’m excited to showcase our cutting-edge research in the new ICR Discovery Center. One of the rooms will display a 48-inch globe that will track the progression of the Flood from Day 1 to around...
New Diet Study Matches Genesis
Dr. Christopher Gardner, director of nutrition studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and his colleagues conducted a study on 609 overweight and obese adults living in San Francisco’s...
Christians and Conservation
Why should Christians care about conservation? What is the “dominion mandate”? And how can we best steward the resources God has given us? Zoologist and Research Associate Frank Sherwin...
What Will Be Your Legacy?
Hello, I'm Eileen Turner, ICR's Chief Financial Officer. As I look back to the days when my children were first interested in science, how I wish there had been an ICR Discovery Center for them...
Planaria Genome Loaded with Design Evidence
The planaria, a type of flatworm, has an amazing capacity to regenerate a new body from just fragments of tissue. Its genome has just been sequenced. The surprising result is a completely unexpected...
Teaching Teenage Boys
Hi, I’m Steve Hopper, ICR’s Data Analyst. In just five short years, I’ll have three teenage boys asking teenage questions and thinking teenage thoughts. Scary? A little bit. Exciting?...
Common Design or Common Descent?
Humans’ and chimpanzees’ many similar features are presented as one of the strongest evidences for evolutionary theory. But do these traits tell the story of evolution from an ape-like...
The Holy Grail of Dinosaurs?
A recent article by a team of paleontologists, led by Hesham Sallam, of Mansoura University, Egypt, claims to have found the Holy Grail of dinosaurs in the middle of Egypt.1 The Genesis Flood...
ICR Discovery Center Update
In winter, we usually think of hunkering down, staying in, and slowing the pace. But even when Dallas got colder than Antarctica, crews were hard at work building the ICR Discovery Center for Science...
The Best Kept Secret
Hi, I’m Beau Patterson, ICR’s Comptroller. It has often been stated (somewhat jokingly, somewhat seriously) that “ICR is the best kept secret there is,” and I believe there is...
Balancing Body Temperature
The 2018 Winter Olympics have arrived! Have you ever wondered how athletes can be out in the frigid temperatures and still sweat after finishing their events? Dr. Randy Guliuzza highlights the...
Evolutionists Celebrate Darwin Day
February 12th is Darwin Day—Charles Darwin’s birthday. Many secular and humanist organizations set aside this day to honor Darwin and his legacy. According to the International...
Secret Eugenics Conference Has Dark Darwinian Roots
A breaking news story by the London Student in early January exposed a “secret” eugenics conference held annually at University College London (UCL) since 2014.1 The article clearly...
Why This Discovery Center?
Hi, I am Chas Morse (pictured top and right-center), and I serve as ICR’s Director of Events. Our events team invests precious resources to host biblical creation conferences and seminars across...
Big Bang Hubble Contradiction
Big Bang scientists are wrestling with “serious” contradictory estimates for the size of the Hubble constant—one of the most important numbers in cosmology.1,2 The Hubble...
Beauty in Motion
We’re approaching the 2018 Winter Olympics. Are you looking forward to seeing great athletes go for the gold? When you watch snowboarders race down a hill—and they roll, twist, and...
Is It Time To Make Human-Chimp Hybrids?
FEBRUARY 01, 2018
by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. In Journal of Creation 32 (2): 13-15 Darwinism teaches that humans are simply another animal produced in the continuum of evolution....
New Zealand's Giant Burrowing Bat
Bats are found throughout America, but in certain areas of the country (e.g., the southwest) bats are the reason tourists visit. They gather and watch these mammals surge into the evening sky. The bats...
Studying the Works of Our Creator
As believers, we enjoy the privilege of studying the works of the Lord. Creation reveals our Creator’s character. “His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever....
God's Wonderful Works
Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered....
Measuring the Proton's Radius
When we want to measure something in our everyday lives, we set a ruler against the object in question and read its dimensions from the markings. Things are not so simple when we attempt to measure...
Dinosaur Tracks Back Noah's Flood
by Brian Thomas, M.S., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* There’s nothing quite like seeing firsthand dinosaur tracks that were made in mud or wet sand long ago. But how long ago were...
Human Traits Not So Simple After All
Many people were told in biology class that some basic human traits reflect simple genetic principles. One example is how earlobes are attached. When I was in high school, our biology teacher told us...
Engineered Adaptability: Sensor Triggers Affirm Intelli.,.
In December 2016, Amazon unveiled a high-tech, brick-and-mortar store where customers can swipe the “Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout.”1...
Skeptics' Pointless Ridicule of the Bible’s 'Unicorns'
Skeptics mockingly poke fun at the King James Bible’s mention of unicorns, accusing the Bible of being unscientific.1,2 Such ridicule is readily refuted, however, by Hebrew vocabulary...
Godly Asking
Near the beginning of Christ’s ministry, He taught us a profound principle: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone...
Is Evolution a Lie?
In the view of modern culture, how could anyone be so foolish as to doubt evolution? After all, its defenders point to all kinds of examples to back their beliefs. A thoughtful look, though, at two...
What Is a Planetarium?
Does the word “planetarium” make you think of a simple dome-shaped screen with tiny pinhole stars projected onto its surface? Well, technological advances have given this educational tool...
Evolution Didn't Make Top 2017 Science News
For decades, secular authors and science writers have reviewed each past year and listed the top accomplishments in the various fields of life and physical sciences. What is common to all these annual...
Gene Control in Mice Points Toward Design
Darwin proposed that evolution happens externally, that the environment shapes organisms. But a growing amount of evidence suggests the opposite: Most changes happen because the organisms themselves...
Stromatolites by Land and by Sea
Scientists believed stromatolites were extinct—until they found them living in Shark Bay, Australia, in 1956.2 Living stromatolites just keep popping up in newer and more diverse environments....
Evidence of Fountains of the Great Deep?
Two recent articles in Nature Geoscience may provide important validations of the global Flood. Did researchers find evidence of the “fountains of the great deep” that started the deluge? Timothy...
'RNA World' Paper Retracted
The whole concept of how life originated is an insurmountable naturalistic hurdle. Life requires DNA, RNA, and protein in an interdependent triad in which each molecule is wholly dependent on the other...
Whale Fin Inspires Safer Racing Wheels
Road bicycle racers are exciting to watch as they race in tight packs at speeds between 30-40 miles per hour. Cycling is a risky sport, and numerous racers have been injured or killed as they contend...
Secular Scientists Dumbfounded by Saturn's Young Rings
Data obtained by an instrument aboard the Cassini space probe have convinced planetary scientists that Saturn’s rings can be no more than a few hundred million years old.1 These new...
Is Global Sea Level Rising?
Some are concerned that global warming will cause the polar ice caps to melt, leading to an increase in global sea level. If such a rise in sea level occurred slowly, coastal peoples would have time...
Best of 2017: Sixth Extinction
Geologists reassessed the abundance of fossils in Earth’s uppermost rock layers this year, and they believe they found a remarkable sixth global extinction event.1 Their discovery has...
Great Expectations
In January, we often review our goals with great expectations for the year ahead. It helps to reflect on where we’ve been and how far we’ve come. We want to rejoice in God’s goodness...
Itching Ears
The Bible contains abundant warnings against following false teaching. All of them foretell awful consequences for those who don’t test what they hear against the inerrant words of God. There...
Wrapping Up Seafloor Sediment Research
  Regular Acts & Facts readers know I have long studied the methods uniformitarian scientists use to assign ages to the deep ice cores of Greenland and Antarctica. Although Bible skeptics...
Stellar Nucleosynthesis: Where Did Heavy Elements Come From?
Radiation from pulsar PSR B1509-58, a rapidly spinning neutron star, makes nearby gases glow gold (image from the Chandra X-ray observatory) and illuminates the rest of the nebula in blue and...
When Frogs Fly
Wallace’s flying frog in flight. It uses the webbing between its toes to help it glide. Mammals, reptiles, and even amphibians can actually glide through the atmosphere. God’s...
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Shenanigans
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Complex Cretaceous-Paleogene clay layer (gray) in the Geulhemmergroeve tunnels near Geulhem, the Netherlands. Finger is...
Engineered Adaptability: Epigenetics…Engineered.,.
A thrill-seeking bungee jumper wouldn’t leap off a bridge tethered by a chain, and most people wouldn’t buy a car with its axle welded directly to the frame. It needs a flexible spring system...
Were There Days Before God Created the Sun?
ICR recently received a letter asking a common creation question. Genesis 1 describes the creation of all things in six days. Since Genesis says God didn’t create the sun until Day 4, that means...
Uniformitarians Stumble on Distant Starlight
The accuracy and authority of God’s Word are often attacked by those who claim that science shows biblical claims to be erroneous if not impossible. 1 Peter 3:15 calls on believers to be always...
Godly Contentment in the New Year
The term “covetousness” is likely unfamiliar to younger generations today. However, it is a sin considered so grievous by God that He included it in His Ten Commandments to Israel. “You...
Best of 2017: Fleshy Fossils
The Institute for Creation Research has monitored the steady flow of fresh-looking fossils for over a decade. The year 2017 was impressive with its discoveries of biochemical variety that includes proteins,...
Poll: Half of Humanity Believes in Aliens
Marketing research group Glocalities conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How...
Joy to the World
  “Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.’” (Luke 2:10)  When God became...
Rapid Finch Speciation Counters Evolution
About a dozen species of Darwin’s famous finches inhabit the various Galapagos Islands. Textbooks have long used these animals as examples of evolution. Now, Peter and Rosemary Grant, career researchers...
Recent Creation Confirmed [Podcast]
What does the Bible say about recent creation? How does science confirm Earth’s youth? ICR Science Writer Brian Thomas offers compelling confirmations of recent creation. Find confidence in the...
Do Billions of Years Fit with Genesis?
Many Christians think that if they can somehow find room in the Scriptures for billions of years then the conflict between Genesis and evolution will be solved. They might not admit it, but sometimes...
What About Radioisotope Clocks?
Secularists claim that radioisotope ages “objectively and scientifically” confirm millions of years. But ICR scientists have carefully examined their claims and found flaws and holes...
Fossil Trees in Antarctica Preserve Ancient Proteins
A team of scientists led by Erik Gulbranson recently discovered a forest of fossil trees in Antarctica.1 Gulbranson, a paleoecologist at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, claims this...
Dating Dinosaur Fossils
Age bias continually colors the interpretation of dinosaur fossils. Can we truly know a fossil’s age? How do we know secular analyses are flawed? Is there evidence that confirms dinosaurs...
Why Does Recent Creation Matter?
ICR scientists often talk about recent creation. But does the Bible really present this view? Should Christians discuss this issue with friends who think it doesn’t matter? Or should we leave...
Full-Bible Christian
The latest polls reveal a disturbing trend. Younger generations are less likely to believe that humans descended from the first man, Adam, only thousands of years ago. More people believe the evolutionary...
Ancient Animal Biochemicals Again
Dozens of technical reports show original biochemistry within the bodies of long-buried fossils, and the reports just keep coming. Three new reports give occasion to reconsider the age assignments for...
The Sedimentary Record Demonstrates Minimal Flooding of.,.
DECEMBER 06, 2017
In Answers Research Journal 10 (2017): 271-283 The Sauk megasequence is thought to have been deposited during one of the highest sea level episodes of the Phanerozoic. However, few, if any, have...
Three Discoveries Mystify Astronomers
Secular astronomers recently described three bizarre discoveries that challenge mainstream ideas of an evolving universe. The newly discovered massive planet NGTS-1b orbits so near its small faint...
Floating forest hypothesis fails to explain later and l.,.
DECEMBER 01, 2017
In Journal of Creation 31 (3): 12-14, December 2017 Recently, there have been two papers that have been critical of the floating forest hypothesis. The first paper demonstrated that there are several...
Neutral Model, genetic drift and the Third Way…a.,.
DECEMBER 01, 2017
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. In Journal of Creation 31 (3): 94-102, December 2017 Because of grievous deficiencies in the standard neo-Darwinian Model of evolution,...
Eyes of Wonder
Merry Christmas from the Institute for Creation Research! Some of my favorite memories of Christmas surround my children and grandchildren. It’s always fun to watch their faces as they open gifts...
The Gospel and ICR
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) exists to explore and explain the science that confirms the Bible. We target scientific discoveries and analyses that confirm biblical creation. Scripture tells...
Just What Is Homo naledi?
Over four years have passed since Lee Berger’s discovery of Homo naledi bones in the Rising Star Cave system of South Africa.1 Yet, back-and-forth bone disputes in the scientific literature...
Testing Old-Earth Climate Claims, Part 2
There is strong geological evidence for a single Ice Age, which creation scientists attribute to the aftereffects of the Genesis Flood.1 However, secular scientists claim that dozens of ice...
The Created Placenta
The complex mammalian placenta is an organ to which, in a sense, we all owe our lives. It’s formed by the fusion of maternal and embryonic tissues and establishes vascular contact between mother...
Beauty in Motion: Formula 1 Drivers
Bright red with perfect details, a Ferrari Formula 1 F1 SF15-T diecast model race car would make a great present! Young boys around the world push their model Ferraris across the floor while making...
Who Were Cro-Magnon People?
If you’re like me, you appreciate the variations God designed the human frame to express. Wide or narrow, tiny or giant, having high or shallow nose bridges or foreheads, every person differs...
Cactus, Bats, and Christmas Gift-Giving
Darwinists teach that nature is just a gladiatorial arena of cutthroat competition and selfish struggle—a conquer-or-be-conquered “survival of the fittest” contest. They routinely...
The Seed of Promise
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15) This great promise...
Giving Tuesday…Become a Creation Advocate!
Hello, friends! We have a new opportunity to reach people with scientific evidence that confirms the Bible’s accuracy. This is our first time participating in Giving Tuesday—“a...
Being Thankful for Grace
“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20) Thanksgiving is the day Americans set aside to reflect on the...
Extinct Trees Were World's Most Complicated
Devonian rock layers and the fossils within them supposedly hail from a time long before monkeys, dinosaurs, or modern oak trees evolved. The Darwinian concept of plants and animals gradually gaining...
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