Bringing Clarity to Confusion | The Institute for Creation Research

Bringing Clarity to Confusion

Hi, I’m Michael Hansen, Executive Assistant to ICR’s CEO.

Science and the Bible agree. But our culture doesn’t echo this truth. I moderate hundreds of comments and messages on ICR’s social media channels that reflect this reality. Many struggle with the contrasting worldviews of evolution and biblical creation. Students doubt the Bible because the “stories” they learned in Sunday school don’t meet academic approval. Marriages are broken because spouses fight over differing views on origins, relationships, and theology. People are leaving churches because their leadership can’t—or won’t—provide resources to respond to media declarations and news headlines about the latest scientific discovery.

The ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History will bring clarity to the confusion. Are you curious about how everything began? What about the similarities between humans and chimpanzees? And how do dinosaurs fit into the historical timeline?

This is your chance to be part of something big, something that will change countless lives. The ICR Discovery Center will provide scientific and biblical facts, build confident faith in the Creator, and offer hope and peace to searching hearts. A financial gift of any amount will get us that much closer to opening our doors to generations that need answers now. Will you partner with us today?


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