Hi, my name is Joel Kautt, and I help plan ICR’s outreach events. The first creation event I ever attended was when I was about eight years old. Dr. John Morris related his adventures as a geologist, including his search for Noah’s Ark. I remember how cool it was to talk with him afterward about his expeditions, and how that interaction impacted my young mind!
During my teenage years, another creation speaker challenged me to trust Genesis as real history and not be tricked by naturalistic thinking about origins. That presentation sparked a passion in me to be consistent in my worldview and to help other people learn to think more biblically, too.
I see the ICR Discovery Center as an incredible way to impact many other lives, by educating and encouraging people to understand that the Bible is accurate and trustworthy. It’s all very exciting!
The Discovery Center’s high-quality and interactive exhibits, 3-D planetarium, presentations given by ICR experts in the auditorium, and yes, even the resources in its science store, will all convey the same important message—that we can be confident in the accuracy, clarity, and historicity of the Genesis account, and that the things we see and discover in God’s creation bear witness to that fact!
Will you join me in supporting the Discovery Center project so that ICR can reach even more people with this truth?