Reinforcing the Truths of Scripture | The Institute for Creation Research

Reinforcing the Truths of Scripture

Hi, I’m Susan Windsor, the graphic designer at ICR. My husband and I have two children, ages four and seven. I am thrilled for our kids to have the ICR Discovery Center here in Dallas since it will reinforce the truths of Scripture we’ve already been teaching them. We want them to see how true science confirms the Bible! I’ve also been telling my small group at church about this wonderful Discovery Center for a while now, and I can’t wait to be able to show it to them in person.

We’re constantly bombarded with evolutionary thinking, from books and children’s toys to the media that we encounter every day. I’m sure many of us can still vividly remember books and experiences that impacted us as children. To have the ICR Discovery Center means that our children and their friends can have a solid visual representation of truth that they can carry with them as they grow older.

I’m particularly excited to see the hominid display that will expose the weaknesses of many evolutionary icons and use accurate science to explain how those creatures really fit into a creationist worldview.

We’re so close to finishing the ICR Discovery Center. Would you contribute today and help complete the work for this valuable center?


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