Hello! My name is Kristen Mitrisin, and I’m in the stewardship department at ICR, serving you through charitable gift annuities and saying thank you, thank you for your gifts every month. I am so very blessed to see your daily gifts for the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. My heart is warmed with each one that speaks to our mutual conviction that a museum of this nature is so greatly needed.
Most scientific museums tout the evolutionary worldview with a deep timeline and no concrete evidence to support it. And public schools teach that same theory to our children and grandchildren as fact! A place like the ICR Discovery Center will stand daily to showcase the creationist worldview—to stand for the authority of the Bible and the one true God who created all things (John 1:3). I look forward to bringing my grandchildren to this museum. With all our help, it will be completed next year.
Our staff is committed to godly stewardship of your gifts in meeting this need. We know many of you have already given sacrificially to the Discovery Center. You have faithfully provided for the building, and now we’re purchasing the exhibits that will fill the halls. Please stand with us to see that the final funding is in place for a 2019 opening.
God bless you.