Archive of Articles

Building a Perfectly Optimal Flying Machine
For thousands of years, people have dreamed of flying because they witnessed birds and knew it was possible. Inspired by a study of birds, the Wright brothers created the first functional flying machine...
Does Recent Research Support Human Evolution?
In 1997, the Institute for Creation Research ran an Acts & Facts article on the lack of compelling evidence regarding our supposed evolution from ape-like ancestors.1 Years have passed,...
The Painted Desert: Fossils in Flooded Mud Flats
Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. The Painted Desert stretches across 120 miles of northern Arizona. Its sedimentary rocks show bright orange, gold, white, and even purple layers (Figure...
Beware Sinkholes and Other Failing Foundations
The sudden falling of some Christian schools can be compared to tiankengs, the geological term used for sinkholes that are at least 300 feet deep.1,2 Smaller sinkholes are more common, such...
Pleasure in Our Purpose
Eric Liddell was one of the most famous athletes of the 20th century and perhaps the greatest that Scotland ever produced. An international rugby player, Olympic champion, and world-record-holding sprinter,...
Creation Kids: Bees
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Flood Solves Mystery of Amazon Sea
In the past 15 years, it’s been determined that a vast ocean once covered the western Amazon drainage basin.1 However, studies of the Miocene fossils reveal a conflicting story.1...
Human High-Altitude Habitation Reveals Adaptive Design
Humans have the remarkable ability to inhabit high altitudes where living conditions are especially harsh and challenging. A new study in Genome Biology and Evolution has shown that specifically directed...
The Pope, the Flood, and Global Warming
In a new book, Pope Francis warns that a “great flood” could result if civilization fails to stop global warming, and he draws an analogy between future sea level rise and Noah’s Flood....
Mammoth DNA: The Oldest Ever Found?
Scientists have sequenced small amounts of DNA from the teeth of two Siberian mammoths said to have lived more than a million years ago.1,2 The discovery has set an official record for the oldest...
Big Fish Fossil Recalls Big Flop
One of the most famous living fossils is back in the news. The coelacanth is an endangered deep-sea fish. Its fins fit to unique, wrist-like bones, and unique bony plates envelop what scientists call its...
Destruction of Plants Fits Flood Narrative
A recent study has found that the destruction of plants preceded the destruction of many forms of animal life in the rock record.1 This is exactly what was predicted in ICR’s Flood model.2 According...
No Evidence T. rex Hatchlings Had Feathers
The recent discovery of a tiny tyrannosaur jaw bone fragment and a claw has some scientists again pushing dinosaurs as birds.1 But is there any evidence that T. rex had feathers, as so often...
Inside March 2021 Acts & Facts
Why does ICR uphold the clarity of Scripture? How do we know that canyons were formed by the Genesis Flood? How do fossilized fish confirm biblical creation? Do we see complex design in mosquito eggs?...
Using Vardiman’s Young-Earth Ice Sheet Model and.,.
MARCH 01, 2021
In Creation Research Society Quarterly 57 (3): 175-185 Unfortunately, uniformitarian models of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are currently much more sophisticated than creation models....
Uncovering Creation Mysteries
Our Creator could have immediately revealed everything there is to know about His creation from the beginning—but He didn’t. Could it be that He enjoys a good mystery? Perhaps He sees value...
ICR Upholds the Clarity of Scripture
“The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God” has been affirmed repeatedly from pulpits. But did you know this important declaration presupposes two other essential doctrines of the...
Largest Canyons Were Formed by the Receding Flood
Two newly discovered canyons in Greenland and Antarctica have a lot in common with Grand Canyon. Both canyons are as deep as or deeper than Grand Canyon and are at least 60 miles in length. But what’s...
The Fossils Still Say No: The Fins-to-Feet Transition
One of the alleged greatest transformations in vertebrate evolution is said to be the emergence of creatures that traded fins for feet and transitioned from water to land.1-3 In other words,...
A Texas-Size Spider Mystery
The delightfully creepy spider belongs to a class called Arachnida—which is distinct from the “bug” class Insecta. Not surprisingly, according to the fossil record, spiders have always...
Do We See Complex Design in Mosquito Eggs?
Mosquitoes hatch from tiny eggs and spend a few days filter-feeding on things like bacteria, pollen, and algae. They molt three times as they grow, storing up the energy reserves needed to pupate in...
Gunnison's Black Canyon: The Flood Solves Mysterious Mi.,.
Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. The Gunnison River winds westward from the Colorado Rocky Mountains through dry and dramatic landscapes. Morning sunlight enlivens Colorado’s...
Do the Unpersuaded Have Enough Proof?
At a local Bible conference, a respected seminary professor unintentionally contradicted the apostle Paul. During the Q&A session, he opined that “you cannot prove the existence of God to...
Dross and Dilution
The first of seven great signs of Jesus’ deity recorded in John’s gospel is the wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11). By the time Jesus arrived with His disciples, the consumption of...
Creation Kids: Human Hands
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Are Creationists Conspiracy Theorists?
Paul Braterman, emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Glasgow, recently claimed online that creationism “meets all the criteria” for a “conspiracy theory.” He says...
How Algae Do Fine When Tossed at Sea
How would you do if someone spun you around every few seconds all day long? Marine algae repeatedly get tossed about in coastal surf, and they cope quite well. Researchers want to find out how. The latest...
Butterfly Wing Design Repudiates Evolution
The takeoff and flight of butterflies has long been derided by evolutionists as being an unstable and inefficient product of evolution. However, a new study has shown that the spectacular complexity and...
Reconciling Two Different Calculations of the Hubble Co.,.
An interesting article1 on caught my attention. Its title is “Solved: The Mystery of the Expansion of the Universe.” But this can be misleading. The material covered...
Institute for Creation Research Awarded Highest Rating .,.
DALLAS, February 11, 2021–The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) recently earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator—America’s largest independent charity evaluator. This rating...
Reminder: Saturn's Moon Titan Really Looks Young
Scientists led by Valerio Poggiali of Cornell University’s Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science have used Cassini spacecraft data to learn a little more about Saturn’s largest moon...
Is Newfound Dinosaur Fossil the Biggest Ever?
Whether dealing with athletes, sports teams, skyscrapers, or animals, we always want to know who or what takes the top spot. Researchers just published details about a new candidate for the biggest-ever...
Inside February 2021 Acts & Facts
What is the mission of the Institute for Creation Research? What legacy did Dr. Henry M. Morris III leave behind? How will our Ice Age model impact the future of creation research? How does Arches National...
Memories and Missions
As Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research, I reported directly to Dr. Henry M. Morris III for nine years. He was my boss, but he was also my friend. I have fond recollections...
The Mission of the Institute for Creation Research
Every morning when I drove onto the military base where I worked I was met with a sober message. For many years it read “Remember the Mission!” and later it said “Our mission is…”...
Developing a More Rigorous Ice Sheet Model
In the creation model, a single Ice Age lasting hundreds of years was caused by and quickly followed the Genesis Flood.1 In 1994, ICR atmospheric scientist Dr. Larry Vardiman published a...
Remembering the Life and Legacy of Dr. Henry M. Morris III
The Institute for Creation Research’s CEO, Dr. Henry M. Morris III, went to be with his Lord on December 12, 2020. After years of faithful service, Dr. Morris, known warmly around the office as...
The Fossils Still Say No: The Mystery of Jawed Vertebrates
One of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the grand scheme of evolution is the transition between jawless and jawed vertebrates. In a previous article, I documented how jawless vertebrate fish appeared...
Created Cuttlebone's Sweet Spot
God created Earth during the creation week just thousands of years ago. This includes its marvelous oceans—128 million square miles of salt water. In the 21st century, scientists and laymen alike...
Arches National Park: Sculptures from the Flood
Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. West of the Rocky Mountains in Utah, Arches National Park preserves some 2,000 natural stone arches. Only a handful of them have the grandeur to attract...
Teachable Minds and Scientific Discovery
“You could see stars hundreds of light-years away, not as they looked centuries ago but exactly as they are right this instant,” says Dr. Derek Muller in a recent YouTube video about measuring...
Buried Secrets Can Be Worth Uncovering
Buried secrets sometimes surface, revealing hidden things. However, if no one is willing to do some diligent digging, much of what is concealed will remain undiscovered. For example, last year some...
Planting, Watering, and God's Increase
During construction of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History, I spent a lot of time working with various crews of artists and craftsmen. One day as I watched three men shoveling dirt...
Creation Kids: Jupiter
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Change in Plant Fossils at K-Pg Fits Flood Model
A new study published in Paleobiology has found that many plant species changed dramatically at the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene) boundary in Argentina.1 Although secular scientists insist this...
RNA Ties and Unties Itself
There are two types of nucleic acids (genetic molecules): DNA and RNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a large linear molecule designed to store genetic information in all cells. RNA (ribonucleic acid)...
Does Oddball Platypus Genome Reveal Its Origins?
How in the world did a creature as odd as the duck-billed platypus originate? This creature lays eggs like a reptile, has venom like a reptile, spurs like a chicken, excretes milk from belly patches to...
Is Evolution ’Fake Science’?
The organization BioLogos, which advocates that Christians accept secular evolutionary claims, recently published an online essay entitled “How to Spot Fake Science.”1 The not-too-subtle...
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not for any particularly revealing scientific discovery...
Abraham Ate Bananas?
Since the word banana does not occur in Scripture, any evidence of bananas in ancient Middle Eastern diets would have to come from the ground. New research found just that, and the details unwittingly...
3-D Human Genome Radically Different from Chimp
All plant and animal genomes studied so far exhibit complex and distinct three-dimensional (3-D) structures in their chromosome configurations depending on the type of cell (e.g., heart, liver, brain,...
Amazonian Artwork and the Post-Flood Ice Age
An extensive series of South American Ice Age artwork may be of interest to biblical creationists. In 2017 and 2018, scientists discovered a nearly eight-mile-long series of Ice Age rock paintings in the...
Inside January 2021 Acts & Facts
How is ICR winning science and scientists back to Christ? What is the significance of fossil bone collagen discoveries? Did pterosaurs have feathers? How does Grand Canyon confirm the global Flood of...
Be Astonished by Jesus
We at ICR hope your Christmas season was filled with celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus, delight in His wonders in creation, and meaningful time with family and friends. As we turn the corner...
Unity Worthy of Our Creationist Heritage
How much richer would our lives be if we more often had experiences that gave us a delightful rush of wonder and overwhelming surprise? It’s too bad that as we age fewer experiences leave us feeling...
Microscopy May Detect Fossil Bone Collagen
Longtime followers of ICR should be familiar with our research into original organics in fossils. Over 100 peer-reviewed secular publications have shown that one might discover original tissue remnants...
The Fossils Still Say No: The Origin of Vertebrates
One of the greatest problems for evolutionists is the sudden appearance of complex animal life with no evolutionary precursors, as seen in the Cambrian Explosion.1 But equally problematic...
Pterosaurs Didn't Have Feathers
Evolutionary scientists have recently claimed that pterosaurs had feathers.1 Pterosaurs were winged reptiles. Although they’re sometimes called “flying dinosaurs,” they...
Grand Canyon: Exposing the Flood
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, Ph.D. Grand Canyon carves a 277-mile-long chasm through northwestern Arizona. Running from Lee’s Ferry to Lake Mead, the expansive landscape reveals...
False Hypotheticals--Beyond Darwin's Imagination
Don’t believe it if someone tells you that a pair of “walking whale”-like mammals trudged off the Ark and later procreated a line of descendants that somehow evolved into ocean-dwelling...
Did God Make Harmful Parasites in the Beginning?
Parasites are a unique form of life in today’s world. These invertebrates come in all shapes and sizes, from single-cell animals (e.g., Plasmodium that causes malaria) to a tapeworm (Polygonoporus...
Savvy Sons of Light
Many Christians grow uncomfortable when their pastor teaches about money. If it’s any consolation, I know many pastors who feel the same way. But not so with Jesus! Christ spoke frequently on...
Creation Kids: Dinosaurs
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Hyperbaric Research and the Pre-Flood Atmosphere
Creationists have long speculated about the earth’s environment prior to the global Flood—conditions which may have contributed to the long human life spans recorded in the Biblical record...
Plate Beneath China Verifies Rapid Subduction
Scientists have identified a large slab of cold oceanic lithosphere1 dipping far beneath China.2 The newly imaged plate is presumably a leftover piece of ocean that was consumed as...
Cretaceous Bird Beak Pecks Holes in Evolution
Rock layers in China have yielded yet another strange bird. Two features in its partial skull—the only parts found—make it both a unique discovery and a challenge to nature-only origins stories. First,...
Rare 'Christmas Star' Conjunction
On December 21 about an hour before sunset, the planets Jupiter and Saturn will appear very close together low in the western sky in a celestial event called a conjunction.1 In fact, the two...
Babies Are Born Ready to Read
Dogs don’t read the words on a page. Neither did Coco, the famous gorilla that learned to communicate using simple hand signs. So what affords humans the unique ability to read and write, and why...
How Octopus Tentacles Find Crab Dinners
Sever an arm from an octopus, and like an underwater zombie it’ll keep groping its surroundings. Even without a brain, its suckers still detect and grab crabs in lab experiments. Now Harvard researchers...
In Loving Memory of Dr. Henry M. Morris III
It is with heavy hearts that the Institute for Creation Research announces the homegoing of our CEO, Dr. Henry M. Morris III. He went to be with his Lord on December 12, 2020. After his years of faithful...
Sahelanthropus Femur Likely Makes It a Chimp
Nearly 20 years ago, a team of anthropologists presented the finding of a fossil skull that was very chimp-like in many respects.1 However, the skull had several unusual features that led to...
Flood Buried Dinosaurs with a Bang
Scientists from the University of Bath have found that dinosaurs were thriving up to the end of the Cretaceous.1 This discovery conflicts with earlier claims that dinosaurs were declining in...
Greenland Lakebed Fits Flood Narrative
Scientists from the Lamont-Doherty Observatory discovered an enormous ancient lakebed beneath the ice on Greenland.1 Although scientists have found other lakes beneath the ice in Greenland...
Hierarchical clustering in dinosaur baraminology studies
DECEMBER 01, 2020
by Matthew Cserhati, Brian Thomas, and Joel Tay In Journal of Creation 34 (3): 53-63, December 2020 Is Archaeopteryx a part of the same baramin as land-based dinosaurs? A recent baraminology...
2020 Vision: An Unexpected Year in Review
2020 has been a year like no other. We began the year at ICR with our mission in focus, seeking to honor Jesus by sharing His glorious work in creation. We also started the year anticipating a greater...
Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Creator
Beautiful Savior, King of creation, Son of God and Son of Man! Truly I love Thee; truly I’d serve Thee, Light of my soul, my joy, my crown! The Lord Jesus truly is the light of our soul,...
Rogue Moths Didn't Start Out That Way
Butterflies and moths fluttering around a flower are a beautiful sight. They innocently lap up nectar and float on the wind. Countless plants depend on the pollination that occurs during their feeding. One...
The Fossils Still Say No: The Cambrian Explosion
The modern theory of evolution has its roots in Charles Darwin’s 1859 book On the Origin of Species, in which he proposed the fundamental conjecture that “all the organic beings which have...
Osteostracans Aren't Ancestors
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 states that man became a “living soul”...
Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
Scott Arledge and Brian Thomas, Ph.D. “The odds that we are in base reality is one in billions,” says famed inventor Elon Musk.1 He reasons that if humans continue the...
Volunteering God's Creation Truth
“Welcome to the ICR Discovery Center!” Kerry greets the guests with a smile as they walk into the exhibit hall. “Is this your first time here?” Over the last year or so, Kerry...
Dr. Henry M. Morris III: A Kingdom-Focused Life
Dr. Henry M. Morris III has been at the heart of the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry work for decades, using his gifts as a leader, speaker, and writer to proclaim the truth of God’s...
How Do I Prepare for Creation Ministry?
Many of today’s creation researchers can testify that information from the Institute for Creation Research sparked a burning, lifelong passion for creation ministry. Based on messages we receive,...
December, Winter Weather, and Washington
Wintry-mix weather dominated Christmas night in 1776 as General George Washington and his boat-ferried troops crossed the Delaware River to surprise the British and Hessian mercenary forces encamped...
Perhaps Today!
When I was a young boy, I remember a small, humble plaque that hung on the wall in my grandfather’s ICR office directly opposite his desk. Painted in brown with ivory-colored words, it boldly...
Inside December 2020 Acts & Facts
What is ICR’s mission? Why are volunteers vital to our ministry? How do you prepare for creation ministry? What legacy does Dr. Henry M. Morris III leave behind as he retires from ICR leadership?...
Thanks for Everything
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20) Being thankful for everything that happens in his or her life to a Christian...
Even Sherlock Holmes Can’t Explain African Dinosaurs
A new species of duck-billed dinosaur, Ajnabia odysseus, was recently unearthed in North Africa.1 This is the first hadrosaur-type dinosaur ever discovered on the continent of Africa, and it...
Glow-in-the-Dark Platypuses Illuminate the Creator
The platypus is perhaps the most evolution-defying creature on Earth. It’s not enough that it’s a mammal that lays eggs, has a bill like a duck, tail like a beaver, dense fur like an otter,...
Rapid Crystal Growth Supports Flood Model
Secular scientists are finding exactly what Flood geologists have predicted all along—huge crystals can and did grow extremely fast. In other words, magmas can cool into minerals in a matter of days! Geology...
Hot Neptune Atmosphere "Shouldn't Exist"
An exoplanet 260 light-years away is being described as the first of its kind ever detected.1,2 This exoplanet, catalogued as LTT 9779b, is called an “ultra-hot Neptune” because...
Inside November 2020 Acts & Facts
Where can we see God’s engineering? What is ICR’s new scientific theory? How do hummingbirds reveal God’s design? How can you refute evolution? Discover the answers to these questions...
Creation by Design
Take a quick look at the hummingbird pictured below. This tiny bird’s wings beat from 50 to 80 times per second—a testimony to God’s incredible design, caught in a split-second of...
The Power of the Next Idea
“Our task is to fundamentally change the way people understand biology by constructing a completely new theory of biological design that incorporates recent discoveries and respects the biblical...
Soft Tissue Fossils Reveal Incriminating Trends
In December 2019, the journal Expert Review of Proteomics published a paper I authored with Stephen Taylor titled “Proteomes of the past: the pursuit of proteins in paleontology.”1...
Paleontology Confirms a Late Cenozoic N-Q Flood Boundary
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. Extensive rock record research performed by ICR geologist Dr. Tim Clarey across four continents has revealed that the sedimentary strata laid...
Claims of 100-Million-Year-Old Bacteria Unfounded
Evolutionary scientists recently claimed to have discovered bacteria that are 101.5 million years old. In 2010 researchers collected deep-sea sediment cores in the South Pacific as part of the Integrated...
Science vs. Falsely Called Knowledge
Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith....
Hummingbirds by Design
Zoologists have wonder and appreciation for the animals they investigate, whether the creatures fly through air, swim in water, or walk on land. Stanford University biologist Vadim Pavlov stated it...
How Can You Refute Evolution?
Darwinian evolution promotes a mantra that “all creatures great and small—natural processes made them all.” Just one creature somehow became all others. Textbooks reassure students...
Mayflower Pilgrims, Simian DNA, and Straw Men
Both the Mayflower Pilgrims and biblical creationists are unjustly targeted for straw man vilifications using misleading, false accusations. A straw man fallacy occurs when a critic disagrees with someone...
Thankful Remembrance
We all have so much to be thankful for. Even after such a trying year, we must admit that God has been so very good to us. The Lord has not only shown us infinite mercy and grace by forgiving our sins,...
A Supernova and the Scripture
Well, there goes another star, disappearing into the night as if it had never existed. For an entire year, Hubble scientists used the space telescope to record snapshots of SN 2018gv—a supernova...
Milankovitch Ice Age Theory in the News
A letter to the editor in Nature Geoscience notes that this year marks the 100-year anniversary of Milutin Milankovitch’s (Milanković’s) book explaining how slow changes in Earth’s...
Viking DNA Highlights Post-Babel Genetic Diversity
The standard theme often given for Viking history is that of blond-haired, blued-eyed, burly men exploring, trading, ransacking, and pillaging across Europe, Asia, and the North Atlantic. While historical...
Getting Carbon into the First Cell
Today’s secular mindset replaces “In the beginning God…” with “In the beginning, hydrogen….” The extreme specificity of life’s chemical building blocks—let...
Secular Science Struggles to Explain Origin of Earth&rs.,.
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jake Hebert, Ph.D. Secular scientists continue to struggle to explain the origin of Earth’s water. And a new study published in Science calls into question their...
South American Plant Fossils Confirm Flood Boundary
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. Fossil pollen, leaf and fruit impressions, and petrified wood taken from multiple locations across the massive Central Andean Plateau in South...
Record-Breaking Mouse, Higher Than Any Mammal
Recently, researchers have reported on the world’s “highest-dwelling mammal,” the yellow-rumped leaf-eared mouse, observed upon a dormant volcano 6,739 meters (22,110 feet) above sea...
Have Scientists Found Life on Venus?
Secular scientists are obsessed with attempting to show that life on Earth is not unique and therefore must exist, if not elsewhere in our solar system then somewhere in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is this...
Was This Cave Bear Really "Prehistoric"?
The preserved carcass of a “prehistoric” cave bear has been discovered in melting permafrost on an Arctic Russian Island.1,2 Reindeer herders discovered the remains of the adult...
Inside October 2020 Acts & Facts
What is ICR’s vision for the next chapter of creation ministry? Why do mosquitoes attack humans? How did we celebrate the first anniversary of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth...
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