2 Peter 3:4-5 teach that scoffers will deny two key historical events: Creation and the Flood.
"For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water."
Peter agreed with Genesis. God created the heavens and the earth not eons ago by natural processes, but recently by His power. We study these fossils to see how they confirm creation and the Flood.
- Can you find among these fossils your favorite creature design feature that confirms creation?
- Can you find a good example of catastrophic burial that Noah's Flood would have made?
Have fun thinking through fossils today!
This dinosaur is perfectly balanced by having two legs in the middle of its arch-shaped body. It kept a balanced walk. With each step, its foot and tail swung one way while its body swung the other. Now you try!
Scientists found feather protein in this bird’s fossil. It’s like leaving a strawberry on the windowsill and watching it shrivel after a few days—soft tissues won’t last long without decaying. This fossil is young!
This creature was buried while giving birth. Fast-moving mud must have covered it.
Scientists found blood vessels in a duck-billed dinosaur leg bone. Soft tissue in this dinosaur fits the timing of Noah’s Flood thousands of years ago, not millions.
A full-grown Triceratops head weighed about 2,000 pounds. It swiveled on a ball joint, much like a trailer hitch on a truck. These dinosaurs sparred—they fought like bulls do. Their strong ball joints did not break. Could either the ball joint or the huge head evolve first?
Tyrannosaurus rex
(tye-RAN-oh-sawr-us REKS)
Scientists photographed these soft tissues from a T. rex femur.
[Science 307:1952, 2005.]
Caves in Europe have Neanderthal fossils. These ancient people had funerals, jewelry, bone flutes, and human burials. Instead of being primitive, Neanderthals were fully formed people, just like us!
Putting it all together
- God created animals and humans in the beginning, all very good. No wonder they show such great design.
- God judged humans and animals in a worldwide Flood only thousands of years ago. Many creatures got buride in mud and became fossils. Some of them still have soft tissues.
- After the Flood, some animals like dinosaurs went extinct.
- Some varieties of animals, like sabre-toothed cats, went extinct.
- And some varieties of humans, like Neanderthal went extinct.
- Science confirms Scripture.