Archive of Articles

Dinosaur DNA Confronts Big Ideas
Scientists claim to have discovered DNA-like molecules inside specialized cells taken from a type of duckbill dinosaur. Could it be actual dino DNA? Some paleontologists remain unconvinced, since DNA...
Cichlid Fish Research Highlights Adaptive Genome Engineering
Cichlid fish are a top biological model for the study of diversification because of their unique ability to adapt to a wide range of lake and river environments. They also produce a startling array...
Shedding Toxins: A Surprising Role for "Industrial.,.
It seems obvious that when Britain’s trees were covered in black coal soot during the industrial revolution that the numbers of black-colored peppered moths would increase. But several recent...
Inside March 2020 Acts & Facts
What is the mystery of godliness? How do cosmic rays and sunspots impact Earth’s climate? Where can you ask an expert your deepest questions about faith and science? How does ICR’s approach...
Mysteries of God
For those who love to read, the element of mystery often adds an extra layer to the enjoyment—we can’t wait to turn the page to discover the identity of the villain, where the treasure is...
The Mystery of Godliness
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up...
Flood Evidence from Sea Levels and Strontium
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. The October 2019 issue of Acts & Facts ran an article on the variation of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in marine rocks.1...
Cosmic Rays, Sunspots, and Climate Change, Part 1
Sunspots are relatively cool blotches on the sun’s surface (Figure 1). The number of sunspots is an indicator of how active the sun is. It has the most sunspots when it’s most active—at...
Metabolic Pathways to God
We read in Genesis 1 how God created the universe and everything in it—from people, animals, and plants to planets and stars. Life is incredibly complex, having been created that way “in...
Iron Face Mask Found in Coal?
I was recently contacted by an older lady1 who grew up in the coal mining area of Appalachia. Her ancestors had lived in the area for generations, and she related how her miner father, now...
Discovery Center Live Presentations and Special Events
Have you been wanting to ask an expert your deepest questions about faith and science? Would you like to hear your favorite ICR scientist speak in person? You have the opportunity to do both at the...
Darwinian Medicine Is Poison to Health Care
In basic terms, practicing medicine is the science of preserving health and life. Darwinism, on the other hand, is a death-driven worldview holding that life advances through survival of the fittest....
How Did Coal Seams Form?
When I drive from Dallas to Colorado, I sometimes see southbound trains loaded with coal from vast reserves buried in Wyoming rock layers. This coal helps power the homes and industries of the almost...
Interrupting Business as Usual
Sometimes “business as usual” is interrupted by an explosive surprise. For many years, Novaya Zemlya, a group of Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean, provided a calm breeding habitat...
Death, Taxes, and a Valid Will
The distinguished Benjamin Franklin once wrote that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”1 I’ve often grumbled about the truth in this...
Mammoth Extinction and Extinct Peoples
Wooly mammoths once roamed North America, northern Europe, and Siberia. Possibly the last of their kind perished as a dwindling population on Wrangel Island, northeast of Siberia. Who wouldn’t...
Peppered Moth Color Changes Are Engineered
Many students are told about how increasing coal soot during Britain’s 18th and 19th century industrial revolution drove the color change observed in black peppered moths. The famous peppered...
Specialized Brain Cells Act Like a Compass
Most people don’t think about the mental process of recognizing locations. We just take it for granted. Any sort of complicated manmade device, like a modern cell phone or car, constantly...
The Latest Feathered Dinosaur Confuses Categories
Evolutionary biologists promote strange-looking Chinese fossils that resemble the in-between creatures the researchers have long sought. One strand of dinosaurs looks like birds, some birds look a bit...
Embryonic 'Clocks' Mimic Human Construction Schedules
Two recent findings in biology add confirmation that biological functions are best characterized by engineering principles. This research describes a number of sophisticated internal clocks that control...
Brazil Appoints Creation Advocate
Good news is hard to come by regarding the origins battle in education. The majority of educators and scientists around the world have an evolutionary worldview. Therefore, they’re not open to...
Fission Tracks in Crystalline Solids
FEBRUARY 07, 2020
Highlights • Nuclear fission—atom splitting—is used to date ancient rocks. • The various fission dating methods show results...
Remembering Dr. John Whitcomb
ICR is saddened to hear of Dr. John Whitcomb’s passing last night. Almost 60 years ago, Dr. Whitcomb co-authored The Genesis Flood with ICR’s founder, Dr. Henry M. Morris. The two men combined...
Inside February 2020 Acts & Facts
What can we know about the origin of the universe? How do the Gospels affirm the dominion mandate for research? What can we learn about the Ice Age from the newest Discovery Center film? And how can...
Be a Good Human
Be a good human. It’s a phrase I often see emblazoned on bumper stickers and T-shirts, children’s nursery walls, and social media posts. Be a good human. What does that even mean? To...
Reason and the Christian Hope
Maybe you’ve been skeptical about the claims of Christianity. You’ve thought the glorious hope of the Christian is just built on wishful thinking. But for the time being shelve whatever...
The Gospels Affirm the Dominion Mandate for Research
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. At the end of His creation work, God gave humans a directive that’s sometimes referred to as the dominion mandate: “Be...
Nuclear Fission Dating Methods Are Unreliable
Have you ever pulled apart a large mass of taffy and watched it break into two approximately equal masses? This is an illustration of what happens in the subatomic world when a 238U or 235U...
Toe Yoga and Genesis 3
I’ve suffered from heel pain for over a decade. I just want to be able to run, but sometimes I can barely even walk. I learned that I need to build up the intrinsic muscles and other tissues of...
Symbiotic Lichens Showcase Our Creator's Ingenuity
Lichens resemble plants or fungi, with elaborate branches like ocean coral, tiny cup-like structures, or leaf-like fronds. They can be found growing in forests, deserts, arctic tundra, or even in your...
Now Showing: Life Through the Ice Age
Since the grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History last September, many visitors have enjoyed the Ice Age Theater. Libby, a local Dallas-Ft. Worth resident, said, “I...
Gaia and Selectionism's Nature Worship
Organisms have many systems that work together for a purpose. For example, your heart and associated circulatory system fulfill life-sustaining functions. Human experience tells us that intentional...
How Can I Answer Attacks on the Bible?
Some contend that science proves the Bible wrong. They may ask how the Bible’s supposedly good God could allow so much pain and evil in the world. And who hasn’t heard that science has proved...
Water Drops and Human Value
When skeptics criticize biblical teachings, they often attack God’s character.1 One tactic is to malign the Creator by devaluing the people He created. When someone denies the precious...
CGAs for Seniors
The American Council on Gift Annuities recently authorized a small rate decrease for charitable gift annuities offered by nonprofits. The change was necessary for two reasons: 1) interest rates remain...
Manganese Nodules Inconsistent with Radiometric Dating
Pellets (or nodules) composed of various metals, such as manganese and iron, often litter the ocean floor. These nodules form when chemicals dissolved in seawater precipitate onto a small object lying...
Population Growth Matches Bible and DNA Clock
According to detailed biblical chronologies and genealogies, the global Flood recorded in Genesis that wiped out humanity occurred about 4,500 years ago.1,2 Then the earth was repopulated...
Teenage T. rex Fossils
A new analysis of a small pair of T. rex-like fossils, called Nanotyrannus, shows they were actually teenage T. rexes. Holly Woodward, from Oklahoma State University, and her colleagues reporting...
Solving the First-Life Phosphate Problem
Research associated with the Simos Foundation’s Collaboration of the Origins of Life offers a new answer to an old problem for getting a soup of chemicals to somehow turn into a living cell. Assuming...
Sorghum Manages Gene Expression to Resist Drought
Sorghum is an important food crop due, in part, to its extreme drought-tolerance. This characteristic makes it an ideal model for demonstrating how biological entities are able to continuously track...
Mouse Brains Rewire Themselves
How do you know when something has been engineered? One way to tell is to study the words used to describe its characteristic features. The Mt. Rushmore rock faces have different characteristics from...
New York Seminarians Worship Plants
Recently, some New York seminary students exhibited their unbiblical imaginations by idolatrously confessing their sins to potted plants. Sound silly? It is. Today in chapel, we confessed [our sins]...
Inside January 2020 Acts & Facts
This year the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry! In this anniversary issue, we reflect on God’s faithfulness and provision over the last five decades. ICR’s...
Homo naledi: Another Failed Evolutionary Ape-Man
One of the most confusing and enigmatic “ape-man” discoveries of the 21st century has been Homo naledi. Its discoverer was Lee Berger, a controversial American paleoanthropologist working...
ICR Research at GSA Convention
Recently, the ICR Column Project team presented their research at the Geological Society of America’s (GSA) annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. Over 5,500 people representing 44 countries attended...
50 Years of Creation Research and Scholarship
“The creation/evolution debate is, in a very real sense, the most fundamental issue of all.” — ICR founder Dr. Henry M. Morris When the children of Israel first crossed the Jordan...
50 Years of Ministry
This year the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry. ICR founder Dr. Henry M. Morris’ groundbreaking book The Genesis Flood sparked the modern creationism movement and...
The Plan to Replace God
After reviewing the writings of some 18th- and 19th-century thinkers, I’m convinced that the popularity of ideas like “millions of years” and “organic evolution” prevalent...
Welcoming Groups
Since opening in September 2019, the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History has welcomed groups both small and large. One recent group was Josh McDowell and his ministry team. Located...
Survival of the Fittest and Evolution's Death Culture
To effectively tackle a problem, one must know what caused it. A doctor must correctly diagnose a disease to help the sick person get better. If a building collapses, engineers will use “root...
Do Earth's Rocks Look Old?
Some might argue that Earth’s rocks are obviously ancient even apart from radioisotope dating results. In response to creationist claims, they might ask, “If the earth was created just 6,000...
Jonah's Whale Adventure and Everyday Miracles
A skeptic once opined about the so-called problem of miracles, saying that “enlightened” thinkers doubt the Bible’s supernatural events such as “the whale miracle.” But...
50 Years of Blessing
This year marks the Institute for Creation Research’s 50th anniversary. Since 1970, God has blessed ICR tremendously and allowed us to reach untold multitudes across the globe. Perhaps the strongest...
Eighty-Five Reports of Biological Remnants in Fossils
A new review paper published in the journal Expert Review of Proteomics summarizes 85 reports of organic remains in fossils.1 Some of the reports describe whole tissues like blood vessels,...
Brittle Stars See with Their Skin
Echinoderms, “spiny-skinned” invertebrates, are first found in the Cambrian sedimentary rock layers as 100% echinoderms. The first brittle stars (Echinoderm, class Ophiuroidea) were found...
Signs of Christmas
“Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” (Isaiah 7:10-11) Although “the Jews...
Microbes at Siljan Crater Are No Surprise
Scientists have reported the presence of methane-producing microbes living deep beneath the Siljan impact crater in Sweden.1 Although the researchers stopped short of claiming the impact...
Y-Chromosome Study Confirms Genesis Flood Timeline
Based on biblical chronologies, we can determine that the global Flood recorded in Genesis occurred about 4,500 years ago.1 After the Flood, the earth was repopulated by Noah’s three...
Designed Adaptations Challenge Evolution
It’s exciting when research with medical implications also provides insight into the mechanisms of biological adaptation. Two new studies contribute to a large body of research that not only contradicts...
Neanderthal Extinction Dilemma
How did Neanderthals go extinct? Four researchers from the Netherlands recently published the results of their computer-modeled human populations in the journal PLOS ONE.1 The findings show...
More T. rex Soft Tissues
The latest fossil biochemistry paper, published in Scientific Reports, describes “blood vessel structures” recovered from inside a T. rex femur.1 This is the same femur in which...
Giving Tuesday 2019…Become a Creation Advocate
Today is Giving Tuesday—a global day of giving! This online event kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their Christmas and end-of-year giving. Your generous support enables...
Inside December 2019 Acts & Facts
Do carbon ages refute the biblical timeline? How does homology confirm creation instead of evolution? Why is it important to know your Christian heritage? And how can you get involved as an ICR Discovery...
South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary
DECEMBER 01, 2019
by Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D., and Davis J. Werner In Journal of Creation 33 (3): 8-11, December 2019 Repeated claims since the mid-1990s have been made by some creation scientists that the K-Pg...
The Goodness of God
As I read through this issue of Acts & Facts, I’m reminded of the goodness of our Creator. The One who originally proclaimed His creation “good” and even “very good”...
Maintaining the Mission
David also girded on his sword. And about four hundred men went with David, and two hundred stayed with the supplies. (1 Samuel 25:13) David spent a long time as an outlaw running from King Saul...
Whale Fossils Confirm Post-Flood Boundary
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. In 2018, as a complement to ICR’s ongoing megasequence research, ICR scientists Drs. Jeffrey Tomkins and Tim Clarey described the beginning...
European Stratigraphy Supports a Global Flood
ICR’s Column Project team recently finished work on the European continent, including Turkey and the area surrounding the Caspian Sea. We have now compiled stratigraphic data across four entire...
Homology: Descent or Design?
An evolutionist friend and I recently chatted about animals. He said it’s amazing how many different animals’ skeletons look so similar. Just stretch, shrink, and shape the bones of one...
Dinosaurs Had Reptilian Metabolic Adaptation
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. Scientists have long wondered how cold-blooded reptiles (ectotherms) like dinosaurs could have been so active and vigorous. Anatomical analyses of...
Genesis and the Oceans
The origin of the oceans has long been a puzzle to secular scientists.1 Recently, however, progress has been made. Evolutionists are suggesting a novel idea regarding the source of Earth’s...
How Beautiful Is the Body of Christ
A special year-long Christmas gift that Christian parents can give to their children would be family time spent sharing heartwarming accounts of adventure, courage, and love drawn from Christian history...
Do Carbon Ages Refute a Biblical Timeline?
Many reporters and scientists treat carbon dates like facts. Of course, the more recent dates work well enough. But news reports, textbooks, and even movies present enormous ages like “47,000...
Sanctifying Our Hearts with Apologetics
The church’s big Bible conference was over, and it was time to evaluate its success or failure. “Looks like no one was converted,” said one leader. “So, this event was a nice...
The New Thing of Promise
Many books of the Old Testament contain prophecies of Christ’s incarnation—even the heartbreaking account of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah, the last of the pre-exile prophets, saw Babylon...
The Pilgrims
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (1 Peter 1:1). These “strangers” to whom Peter wrote...
ICR Discovery Center Volunteers!
Discovery Center staff and volunteers: Audrey, Ernie Carrasco, Lauren Pennington, and Laurel, left to right.   The ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History has welcomed...
Save the Date for Giving Tuesday 2019!
We’re entering the season of giving, and what better gift to give than the truth of God’s Word. Will you help us reach your family, friends, and church with scientific evidence that confirms...
New Bird Fossil Doesn't Fit Evolutionary Story
Evolutionary scientists continually search for evidence to support their claims of an evolutionary relationship between birds and dinosaurs. Their most recent attempt involves a new bird fossil named...
Is Climate Change Activism a Religion?
Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono recently stated that people should “believe in climate change as though it’s a religion.” She then very quickly added, “It’s not, it’s...
The Legacies of Phillip E. Johnson
Former University of California law professor Phillip E. Johnson passed away on November 2, 2019. His significant contribution to his many law students, plus his faithfulness to his church and family...
Ape Spit Radically Different from Human
In their quest to try and find some sort of evolutionary similarity between humans and apes, scientists have compared DNA, proteins, anatomy, behavior, and every other conceivable feature. But many...
Do Maillard Reactions Explain Dinosaur Proteins?
How could dinosaur proteins persist over 70 million years inside dinosaur bones? That’s one of the biggest questions that secular paleontologists have faced in the last two decades. Many of them...
ICR's Tomkins and Thomas on Point of View Radio
ICR scientists Dr. Jeff Tomkins and Dr. Brian Thomas were recently interviewed on the Point of View radio talk show by host Dr. Merrill Matthews, joined by Pastor Charles Stolfus of Denton Bible Church. Drs....
Stirring the Pot
ICR recently had the opportunity to place messages on billboards in the Dallas area. We prepared the artwork and crafted the wording to inform drivers about the ICR Discovery Center for Science &...
The Babblings and Contradictions of False Knowledge
O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—by professing it some have strayed concerning...
Observations Support Grand Canyon Flood Origin
Old-earth geologists claim that observations contradict the Flood model origin for Grand Canyon.1 However, recently exposed sediments at Lake Mead refute their claims and instead fully support...
Continuing Troubles for the Big Bang Model
Cosmology is the study of the origin and structure of the universe, and the Big Bang is the dominant secular cosmological model. Some Christians say God used the Big Bang to create the universe, but...
St. Davids Dragon…Fantasy or Reality?
My early memories of dinosaur teachings reflected the doctrine of their extinction 65 million years ago and the evolution of mankind only several million years ago. If that really happened, then our...
'I Liked That God Was There.'
A recent young visitor to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History made this comment about her tour: “I liked that God was there.” Yes, the message is all about God. He was...
Evolutionism Maligns Christian Edification
Can evolutionary theory be reconciled with the church’s basic functions of worship, evangelism, and the edification (building up) of believers? Last month we saw how evolutionism has a profoundly...
What Is the Image of God?
Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.’” What does it mean for humans to bear the lofty image of God? First, we look...
God Crafted Creatures to Communicate
Making sense of biological senses is a losing battle for evolutionary theories, and explaining complex creature communication is even worse. Why? Because evolutionists have no real explanation for why...
Inside November 2019 Acts & Facts
How do recently exposed sediments at Lake Mead refute old-earth geology claims and fully support the Flood model? Did the St. Davids Dragon artist carve a mythological animal, or did he have knowledge...
Sowing with ICR
The Bible often uses examples from agriculture to highlight the work needed to bring people to Christ and disciple them to maturity. Farmers can’t expect a good crop unless the seed is first sown...
Exploring Adaptation from an Engineering Perspective
For more than a century, biologists have appealed to Darwinian natural selection to explain how living organisms adapt to different environments. But research over the last several decades has consistently...
Tree Rings, Varves, and the Age of the Earth: An Update
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published a paper by geologists Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth (D&W) titled “Christian Geologists on Noah’s Flood: Biblical and Scientific Shortcomings...
Cells and Designers Both Use Control Theory
New research goes a long way in explaining how creatures actively sense their environment and adapt to it. One mechanism enables some organisms to track the changing levels of nutrients, hormones, or...
Biological and Engineered Systems Employ Same Principles
New findings continue to support ICR’s theoretical assumption that biological functions are best explained by engineering principles.1 These findings challenge long-held Darwinian assumptions...
Preserved Organics Found in Ancient Stromatolites
Evolutionary scientists are continually searching for evidence of the “first life” on Earth. Their most recent claim involves well-preserved stromatolite fossils from Australia. Stromatolites...
Denisovan Epigenetics Reveals Human Anatomy
A recent study making the news involves the reconstruction of the facial features and anatomy of the enigmatic humans known as the Denisovan from genetic data.1 In the evolutionist’s...
New Estimate: Universe Two Billion Years Younger
Big Bang scientists recently used a new method to estimate the universe’s age. This method yields an age estimate that could be over two billion years younger than their current age estimate of 13.8...
Pain-Sensing Organ Shows Engineering Principles
New human organs are rarely discovered, but that’s what several astute scientists recently accomplished at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics.1...
Inside October 2019 Acts & Facts
September 2, 2019, marked the grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History. When will you plan your visit? Why did God make mosquitos? What is the significance of the world’s...
What’s the Point?
What’s the point? Sometimes we ask this question when we’re bogged down in a tedious project—when we’re ready to be finished with the task at hand. Sometimes we ask it out of...
The Absolute Salvation of God
When it comes to the question of creation versus evolution, many Christians seem to think, “What’s the point? What does it matter whether all this arrived here in six days or over billions...
Strontium Ratio Variation in Marine Carbonates
In 1948, geologist F. E. Wickman predicted that the decay of 87Rb (a rubidium isotope) in the earth’s crust and mantle would be reflected in a related increase in the 87Sr/86Sr...
Homo erectus: The Ape Man That Wasn't
The archaic human species Homo erectus has been portrayed as an important ape-to-man transitional link. However, these fossils don’t provide any real evidence of evolution. Many paleontologists...
The World's Oldest Bird Fossil
Ask college freshman biology students to name the oldest bird fossil and they’ll probably say the evolutionary icon Archaeopteryx. In that case, you’d hear the wrong answer. The story of...
The ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History Is.,.
September 2, 2019, marked the grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History. On that first day, over 1,600 visitors experienced a journey through Earth’s history in...
Evolutionism Contradicts Christian Evangelism
Is evolutionary theory compatible with the church’s basic functions of worship, evangelism, and the edification (building up) of believers? In last month’s article, we saw how evolutionism...
Why Did God Make Mosquitos?
My wife and I enjoy evening walks with our dog when the Texas weather lets us. Unfortunately, mosquitos seem to like good weather too. And they recognize my wife is much sweeter than I am. She often...
Green Bean Bioengineering Shows Creator's Care
Years ago in a college campus discussion, an unbeliever argued that the world’s waste displays God’s disorderliness. He called God a “prodigal” creator—an insult adopted...
The Best-Kept Secret in Texas
Have we told you lately how thankful we are for your prayers and financial support? ICR’s ministry happens because of the Lord’s blessing through your partnership. Because of you, we...
Harvard Research Supports Innate Adaptive Mechanisms
Two recent reports undermine natural selection, but support design. The reports reinforce the reality that creatures are active, problem-solving beings that sense environmental changes and produce targeted...
Dinosaur Mingled with Sea Creatures in Japan
Each time a fossilized creature with legs is found mingled with fossil sea creatures, a new quandary for evolutionary history presents itself. When the same situation surfaces many times, that quandary...
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