ICR Releases Game-Changing Flood Geology Book | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Releases Game-Changing Flood Geology Book
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) just released Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of a Worldwide Flood, the second addition to ICR’s In-Depth Science series. Thanks to author Dr. Tim Clarey’s 35 years of geological experience and five years of intensive data research, this new book demonstrates how Earth’s rock layers reveal the progression of the global Flood described in Genesis. Dr. Jeff Tomkins, ICR Director of Life Sciences, said, “This book is destined to become the new and most authoritative textbook on the global Flood.”

With a fresh copy in hand, ICR CEO Dr. Henry Morris III said, “Dr. Tim Clarey’s monumental book, Carved in Stone, has just arrived from the printers. It is absolutely wonderful!...I am genuinely excited for the impact that this study will have throughout the scientific community.”

You may wonder how this book differs from other valuable creation-based geology books. In its pages, readers will find a complete synopsis of the sediments deposited across three continents, derived from groundbreaking examination of global oil well data. It details how the Flood progressed week by week and ties the events of that year directly to the rocks we see in place. And it even shows how the Ice Age was a necessary consequence of the end of the Flood. Dr. Jeff Tomkins said,

Never before have the global flood strata been so thoroughly mapped out using extensive geological data. This book shows how the global flood occurred and how the sedimentary rock layers were laid down successively across the globe over the one-year flood period. And most importantly for the creation science community, it provides the ultimate proof that the record of flood sediments and fossils extends all the way through the upper Cenozoic layers of the rock record—known also as the Tejas Megasequence.

Carved in Stone is targeted toward serious science readers and lay people who want to explore the latest research that confirms the global Flood. It begins with several introductory chapters to ensure readers know the basics of geology. Then, it delves into great detail about Dr. Clarey’s findings and provides striking images and colorful maps that illustrate the data points he’s referencing. Dr. Clarey said,

Data-based research is what all scientists should be doing, but it takes time and effort. ICR has given me the time to compile these stratigraphic columns, and my past experiences in the oil industry have trained me to use oil well data and seismic data to increase the data points available for this research….There hasn’t been anything like this in over 50 years in the creationist community.

Those who purchase the book with a desire to quickly catch the main ideas will appreciate the summaries provided at the beginning of each chapter. ICR hopes that both believers and skeptics will pick up a copy to review the evidence and decide for themselves. Dr. Clarey said, “It presents a lot of data that is 80-85% repeatable at least. Someone else could compile a similar data set and would arrive at the same results if they want to spend the time.” How will those with opposing views respond to Carved in Stone? Clarey added, “I pray all people will read it with an open mind. I tried to make it clear where I am basing my interpretations on the data and where I am speculating when there is limited or no data.”

This book will surely impact creation science investigation going forward, and Dr. Clarey knows there’s more evidence to be examined. He said, “There are still many things we don’t know, but this book should be a great place to start. It is the framework from which many generations of future study can build off of. The rocks aren’t going to change much in 50-100 years.”

If you want to see solid evidence that God’s Word is true from the beginning, and that only a recent, global Flood can make sense of the rocks and fossil distributions we find across the globe, visit ICR.org/store to order your copy today.

*Christy Hardy is an editor at the Institute for Creation Research.
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