The Spiritual Value of Imagination | The Institute for Creation Research

The Spiritual Value of Imagination
Imagination is a strong time killer. If you have nothing to do physically, then your imagination becomes a way to take your mind off mundane things. If you can’t go anywhere because of the COVID-19 pandemic, then let your mind travel.

We will all have things to do during our time at home. Many will read, watch TV shows, binge Netflix, or just start a marathon of their favorite movies. We all love to do those things because God gave us a very good imagination.

He gave us an imagination so we can work out our thoughts in a visual way. If you want to have a conversation with someone but are apprehensive, then you might imagine a whole conversation with that person. If you want to create a work of art, you might actually create the whole thing in your head first. Your imagination is a very good tool.

In this time, we as Christians want to honor God through what we do. It is essential to do as the Bible states in 2 Corinthians 10:5, which says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Even our imagination should honor God. The shows on Netflix, the books we read, and any of the TV shows we watch should align with what God wants for our life.

Does this mean everything we watch is produced with a Christian theme and has a reference to Jesus in every other segment? No, but most stories have a conflict between good and evil. Sadly, in too many shows lately we see evil winning more than good, and that is sad. So, we have to look for God in the story. Stay away from anything that is downright malevolent against God or mocks Him.

Of course if all else fails and you can’t find anything to watch that you think would honor God, then make up your own story. Perhaps begin a story yourself, then take turns contributing one sentence that advances the story. The result can be hilarious—and wholesome.

Jesus taught his disciples with stories. The reason is obvious. When they wanted to recall that lesson later in life, all they had to do was picture the story that Jesus had told them. Important truths need to be told, and sometimes they stick better if people can imagine a scenario with the lesson.

With kids, you can really teach some good lessons by getting them involved in the process of creating. Once they get a thirst for creating their own stories you might never get them to stop. Parents come up with some crazy writing prompts and see if the kids can work God into it. It should make for some interesting bedtime stories.

*William West is IT Systems Administrator at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his Master of Christian Education from ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics.
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