Archive of Articles

Major Evolutionary Blunders: Our Useful Appendix--Evide.,.
Once there was a teenage girl with a sweet personality, selfless spirit, and diverse skills. But she was so envied by her cruel stepmother and two rude stepsisters that they forced her to constantly...
Homo naledi: Claims of a Transitional Ape
In the December 2015 issue of Acts & Facts, we pointed out some strange circumstances surrounding the cave in which Homo naledi—one of the most recent hyped examples of a “human ancestor”—was...
Applying Design Analysis to Microbiome Research
Researchers continue to discover unique microbial communities on and in our skin, mouth, gut, and airways. This collection of viruses, bacteria, and fungi is termed the microbiome. Our relationship...
Duck-bill Dinosaur Blood Vessels
Scientists keep finding short-lived biochemicals and even soft tissues in fossils! Over the years, they have found unmistakable evidence of specific proteins like collagen and hemoglobin, and even what...
Planetarium Unlimited
The following are excerpts of an interview with ICR’s Director of Physical Sciences and astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle about ICR’s plans to build a new creation science museum and state-of-the-art...
Were Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?
When visitors inspect ICR’s seven-and-a-half-foot-long model of Noah’s Ark, the dinosaur figurines on the bottom deck tend to catch their eyes. They often ask about those dinosaurs, giving...
God's Timing Makes Sense of Adversity
Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. — 1 Peter 4:19 “Why do people suffer bad things that...
Investing for Future Generations
Ten years ago this month, ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris was called home to heaven. His passing marked the end of an exceptionally fruitful life serving the Lord that included 36 years devoted to full-time...
Epigenetic Code More Complicated Than Previously Thought
In complete contradiction to evolutionary predictions, the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity. As a news story on a recent discovery explains, "The...
Rapid Erosion Supports Creation Model
Recently in Dorset, England, bad weather washed a massive section of a cliff into the sea revealing scores of ammonite fossils.1,2 Creation scientists are interested in this cliff fall because...
Genetic Gap Widens Between Humans and Chimps
Increasingly, orphan genes defy evolution and support the Genesis account of creation. These genes are unique sets of coding sequences specific to particular creatures. This is a big problem for evolutionary...
Population Study Standoff
In 1975, ICR's founder and hydrological engineer Dr. Henry Morris made some interesting human population calculations. He demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining today's world population in...
NORAD Gene Could Aid Cancer Research
Non-coding does not mean non-functioning. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a linear, single-stranded polymer (large molecule) that contains D-ribose nucleotides that are copied from a DNA template—RNA...
Smart and Stealthy Cuttlefish
Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) belong to an order of cephalopods called Sepioidea. They appear suddenly in the fossil record as cephalopods. "Ancestral cephalopods" are unknown. Using hydropropulsion...
Top 2015 News: Human Origins
Did mankind come from Adam? Did nations arise from families dispersed from Babel, found in modern-day Iraq? Genesis says, "These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations,...
Top 2015 News: Amazing Animal Designs
Every year scientists discover new and amazing animal designs, and 2015 was no exception. Each find brings a new reminder of the same message every generation needs to hear: “The heavens are Yours,...
Rats, bats and pitcher plants
JANUARY 01, 2016
In Creation 38 (1): 18-19, January 2016 Although the pitchers on tropical pitcher plants mostly attract and digest insects, some pitcher plants actually use nectar to attract—but not digest—rats...
Looking Behind, Looking Ahead
With tinsel packed away and the holidays behind us, take a moment before your schedule resumes a breakneck pace. Remember the past. Reflect on God’s faithfulness throughout history. Think about...
Stand in the Ways
Thus says the LORD: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls.” — Jeremiah 6: 16...
Evolutionists Lay an Egg: Vitellogenin Pseudogene Debunked
The grand evolutionary story claims that egg-laying creatures share a common ancestry with placental mammals. Non-mammalian vertebrates, such as birds and reptiles, lay eggs with nutritional reserves...
Time Travel
What an experience it would be to have a time machine! Just imagine traveling into the future, seeing technological marvels that have yet to be invented, and meeting our distant descendants. What will...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Survival of the Fittest, E.,.
Western society’s eugenics disaster of the early 20th century sought to weed out the “unfit”—people seen as genetically dragging the human race down. It flowed from a survival-of-the-fittest...
Dinosaurs Designed Cold-Blooded
Evolutionary scientists are trying to find evidence that dinosaurs were warm-blooded creatures in order to place them closer to birds on their evolutionary diagrams.1 According to Dr. Tom...
Modern Archaeology and Genesis
With so many loud voices in our culture asserting that Genesis is a myth, one would think archaeologists have uncovered clear evidence that refutes it. On the contrary, some incredible archaeological...
Genesis and Climate Change
Because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, many are concerned that higher amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide will result in catastrophic global warming—including an increasing number of evangelical...
Back to Genesis
The greatest Bible teacher of all time was the Lord Jesus Christ, and when He wanted to teach His friends about Himself and His great plan for the world, He began by teaching them the book of Genesis....
What Was the Pre-Flood World Like?
Many who study Genesis show intense curiosity about the pre-Flood world. But “the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water,” so little physical evidence remains.1...
Even Fish Need to Know!
A person who sees a trout swimming in a stream may casually think the fish needs only water, food, and a mate with which to reproduce. Yet even fish have more than these physical needs. Similarly, because...
A Spiritual Line in the Sand
Each new year provides an opportunity to take stock of where we’ve been and where we wish to go. This applies not only to individuals but also to all believers who are called by Jesus to be salt...
Top 2015 News: Comets, Planets, and Pluto
No discussion of the top science news in 2015 would be complete without mentioning the stunning details of Pluto and its sister Charon received from the New Horizons spacecraft. But before exploring...
Signs of Christmas
“Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” (Isaiah 7:10-11) Although “the Jews...
2015: Evolution Immobile
Advocates of vertical evolution think their beliefs are as factual as the earth orbiting the sun. However in 2015, science again shows something quite different. Recent paleontological discoveries...
Top 2015 News: The Real Jurassic World
Plenty of 2015 discoveries clashed with the largely fictional portrayal of dinosaurs in this year's blockbuster movie Jurassic World. They even confront basic theories, like that dinosaurs evolved...
Top 2015 News: Science Confronts Big Bang
2015 was not kind to Big Bang cosmology. This popular idea holds that the universe began from a small point that exploded, accelerated, slowed, and continues to expand. All the while, random energies...
Blue Tarantulas Supposedly Evolved Eight Times
Like all other animals, the origin of spiders poses an ongoing problem for evolutionists. According to the fossil record, "the first fossil spiders are known from the Devonian"1...
A New Planet from Cosmic Dust?
A team of astronomers claims to have direct evidence that a giant planet is in the process of forming.1,2,3 How strong is this claim? The planet, known as LkCa 15b, is one of two or three...
Do 'Quill Knobs' Show Dino-to-Bird Evolution?
Newfound "feathered dinosaurs" continue to garner fossil headlines. What's the big deal? Peter Larson of the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, part of a team that described...
Examining the floating forest hypothesis: a geological .,.
DECEMBER 01, 2015
In Journal of Creation 29 (3): 50-55, December 2015 The hypothesis of a pre-Flood floating forest biome has been in the creation literature for several decades. The idea was developed as an explanation...
Moments at the Table
A fun benefit of having several daughters is that they enjoy talking. Girl talk. Looooong conversations. Giggles. Sitting around the table laughing, telling stories, and yes, even revealing prized secrets. The...
Gifting, a Biblical Perspective
Most of us are aware that the Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest gift ever given to humanity. This is the season when we remember His incarnation and sacrifice and wonder at the salvation made possible...
Genetic Clocks Verify Recent Creation
The idea of an evolutionary genetic clock in which DNA sequences steadily change, like a clock ticking off time, has played a major role in the ideas shaping modern biology. As employed by evolutionists,...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: The Imaginary Piltdown Man
Focused and vividly imagining his next move, the young boy is filled with determination as his mind pictures the football soaring. He runs, positions his legs, and says aloud, “This time I’m...
Soft Tissue Time Paradox
In 1997, Dr. Mary Schweitzer published a series of articles detailing her observations of potential biomolecules within the trabecular (spongy) bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex femur found in strata conventionally...
Homo naledi : New Claims of a Missing Link
Recent claims of a transitional species named Homo naledi have the anthropological world in an uproar.1-3 The new fossil “species” is said to be a humanlike ancestor that neatly...
The Perfect Balance of Our Solar System
For decades it has been somewhat of a mystery to secularists as to why our solar system is structured the way it is: the four gas giants—Saturn and Jupiter, composed mainly of helium and hydrogen,...
Was Adam a Real Person?
Our anti-Bible world ridicules those who insist that Adam was a real, historical person, and consequently many Christians doubt Adam too. Old Testament professor John Walton recently wrote that perhaps...
Standing on the Word
Over 60 years ago, the Lord raised up Dr. Henry M. Morris to lead the biblical creation movement. Despite being rebuked after his first presentation in 1953, he persevered and took a stand against the...
For Richer, for Poorer
These four little words in traditional wedding vows carry great significance. Unless they live in poverty, most newlyweds don’t enter marriage expecting to stay poor or become poorer. Rather,...
"Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God." (2 Corinthians 9:11) The themes of praise and thanksgiving are very prominent throughout...
Pluto's Craterless Plains Look Young
Earlier this year, New Horizons flew past dwarf planet Pluto and its sister Charon, rapidly capturing data. That information continues to trickle in, revealing a surprisingly smooth heart-shaped plain...
Fossil Shrimp Brains Look Modern
Cambrian rocks are supposed to represent a time about 500 million years ago when ancient muds buried some of the first creatures that evolved on Earth. Today's array of life forms supposedly emerged...
Unexpected Oxygen on Young-Looking Comet
The European Space Agency's Rosetta probe travelled all the way to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to collect unprecedented cometary details. The space probe keeps sending unexpected particulars...
2015 Nobel Prize Highlights Cell Repair Mystery
Tomas Lindahl from Sweden, Paul Modrich from the United States, and American-Turkish researcher Aziz Sancar were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for uncovering how cells repair their own DNA.1...
Amazing Design Structures in Long-Necked Dinosaurs
The 75th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology provided glimpses into the latest research on fossils of all kinds, including those long-necked dinosaurs called sauropods. One presentation...
Amazing Sauropod Neck Design in 'Cervical Ribs'
When someone says "ribs," people immediately think of those organ-protecting bones that wrap around a thorax. Well, cervical ribs are different, and cervical ribs on extinct long-necked dinosaurs...
New First Life Estimate Creates More Problems
How long would inanimate chemicals take to swirl themselves together and form a living cell? This unfair question assumes that such chemicals could ever form themselves into a cell even given an eternity...
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to take a brief break from life. To pause and ponder. To step away from the busyness of consuming schedules and dwell on the goodness of God. I, personally, have much...
Building for the Next Generation
Back in September, I challenged each of us to “Go For It!”1 Rising to the surface of my mind then was the deep burden that I have carried for over five years to put in place a...
Seafloor Sediment Research Continues
This past summer the Institute for Creation Research was privileged to host the 2015 annual meeting of the Creation Research Society (CRS) in Dallas, Texas.1 I was among the ICR scientists...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: The Eugenics Disaster
Imagine yourself a young woman diagnosed as “feeble-minded” and trapped in legal proceedings. You take the defense of your personal autonomy to the Supreme Court and finally hear your name...
Endosymbiosis: A Theory in Crisis
One of the biggest problems for evolution is how animal and plant cells, eukaryotes, could have been derived from precursor bacteria-like cells called prokaryotes. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotic cells...
Pre-Flood Human Fossils Revisited
Where are the fossils from the people who lived before the Flood? A 1992 ICR article supplied seven responses to this question.1 Land animals and humans have a low fossilization potential....
Did Hebrew Authors Fake the Creation Account?
My family’s copy of Joseph Rhymer’s Atlas of the Biblical World echoes what many Bible scholars have taught about Genesis: “There are two creation accounts.”1 One...
The Ghost Army
Sometimes the best defense is an offense, even when the “offense” is really a bold bluff. This tactic is valued in wartime, and when God uses this principle He deserves our appreciation. America’s...
Giving Thanks Beyond Our Lifetimes
For Bible-believing Christians, Thanksgiving is a joyous time of praise for and reflection on all our Creator has done for us. Despite the wickedness that prevails at times, God has been so good to...
Can't See the Forest for the Trees
At the 75th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, held this year in downtown Dallas, the world's foremost fossil experts presented scores of research summaries. Researchers described...
Noah’s Ark ’Discovery’ Likely a Sinki.,.
“Spirited Debate,” a Fox News program hosted by Lauren Green, recently interviewed Norman Geisler and Philip Williams on the possible discovery of Noah’s Ark.1 Despite Dr....
Homo naledi: Claims of a Transitional Ape
Our first article on Homo naledi addressed questions about the anatomy and geologic setting of these fossils. Our second asked why these scientists chose to not date the fossils. This third and final...
Challenging the BioLogos Claim that a Vitellogenin (Egg.,.
OCTOBER 21, 2015
In Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 403-411 An evolutionary argument heavily promoted by the BioLogos organization as evidence of broadscale vertebrate macroevolution is the idea that the human...
Homo naledi: Dating the Strange Ape
In the first of our three articles on this news-grabbing subject, we pointed out some strange circumstances surrounding the geology of the cave systems in which Homo naledi was discovered, as well as...
Homo naledi: Geology of a Claimed Missing Link
Recent claims of a transitional species named Homo naledi have the anthropologic world in an uproar.1-3 National Geographic used this recent discovery as this month's cover story, and...
Prosecute Climate-Change Skeptics?
Bible-believing Christians have good reasons to expect a stable climate, since the greatest climate-changing event in history, the Genesis Flood, has already occurred. Furthermore, the Lord promised...
Liquid Water on Mars?
Scientists have announced indirect evidence of liquid water on the surface of Mars, raising hopes among secular scientists that life may be present on the "red planet."1,2,3 But...
Documented Anomaly in Recent Versions of the BLASTN Alg.,.
OCTOBER 07, 2015
In Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 379-390 It has come to the attention of this author that recent versions of the BLASTN algorithm employed as a local installation may be omitting significant...
Cancer Medicine in Wasp Toxin?
A short protein, or peptide, in wasp toxin may one day treat human cancer in a whole new way. Researchers isolated a particular peptide from the venom of Brazilian Polybia paulista wasps and studied...
Made to Resemble Our Creator
When someone sees a newborn baby for the first time, they often say something like “I can tell she’s a Smith because she has her grandmother’s eyes” or “He looks just like...
What Is Man?
LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him? (Psalm 144:3) Three passages of Scripture ask this question. The psalmist asked it in the above...
Made in His Image: The Amazing Design of the Human Body
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7) Several crucial things are needed to construct...
Creation Research Society Meets at ICR
ICR was very pleased to host the fifth annual Creation Research Society (CRS) conference this year July 31–August 1 in Dallas. Many attendees arrived early for a reception at ICR the evening before...
The Ultrasonic War Between Bats and Moths
Picture a calm summer evening. Most people are only dimly aware of the aerial creatures that may dart and dive nearby. Indeed, many would think these animals are birds unless their activity is closely...
Evolution's Top Example Topples
On February 24, 1988, evolutionary biologist Richard Lenski began an ingenious ongoing experiment to test and demonstrate evolution. He and his coworkers have nursed thousands of generations of the...
Can Carbon Dating Be Trusted?
How many times have news reports asserted that an old bone, shell, or piece of charcoal was carbon-dated as tens of thousands of years old? These age assignments clash with the Bible’s record,...
Conformed to His Image
And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man. (1 Corinthians 15:49) One of the most amazing promises of the Word of God is that those who “love...
Penguin Eggs to Die For
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. (Proverbs 14:12) During January–March 1912, Captain Robert Scott and four other optimistic members of the British...
Giving Opportunities This Fall
Fall marks a pivotal time for nonprofit Christian ministries like ICR. Annual workplace giving campaigns are underway, while various charitable opportunities with significant tax-saving benefits take...
Discovery: Spine Signals Ears to Maintain Balance
Bodies bounce while jogging or performing any number of other vigorous activities, usually without getting dizzy. However, bodies get dizzy when they are "bounced" from the outside, like while...
'Living Fossils' Point to Recent Creation
According to Genesis 1:21, “God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind.” The creation of original, distinct...
Protoplanetary Disc Model Falls Flat
How did our solar system get here? Those who dismiss any possibility of creation imagine ways that pure natural forces might set in motion the sun, each unique planet and their moons. New computer modeling...
Pitcher Plants Designed to Attract Bats
Even children learn that plants and animals depend on one another. Plants release oxygen for animals to breathe, and plants make food—mostly sugar—for animals to eat. In turn, animals produce...
Homo naledi, a New Human Ancestor?
A BBC News story reported on September 10 the discovery of a “new human-like species” in Africa, stating “researchers claim that the discovery will change ideas about our human...
Dinosaur Footprints in Dallas
by Brian Thomas, M.S., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. * Spring rains flooded the Dallas area this year, including Lake Grapevine which is about 10 miles west of the Institute for Creation...
Man and His Labor
“Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening.” (Psalm 104:23) The 104th Psalm is a beautiful psalm of creation and the Flood, supplemented by God’s providential...
"Watch Out for Gold, Glory, and Girls!"
That was the constant warning from an old evangelist to his “preacher boys” when I was preparing for the ministry nearly 50 years ago. Obviously, that warning is just as relevant today....
Radiocarbon in Dinosaur and Other Fossils
SEPTEMBER 01, 2015
by Brian Thomas and Vance Nelson In Creation Research Society Quarterly 51 (4): 299-311 Measurable amounts of radiocarbon have been consistently detected within carbonaceous materials across...
Original Biomaterials in Fossils
SEPTEMBER 01, 2015
In Creation Research Society Quarterly 51 (4): 234-347 Characterizing and understanding original tissue fossils holds great interest because of what these fossils imply about the incongruous...
Reaching Others Beyond Our Lifetime
ICR has some big hopes for this next year. With God’s help and by His grace, we’ll begin building our long-anticipated museum and planetarium. For years, we’ve prayed, planned, and...
Go For It!
Many Christian leaders have spoken publicly over the past few months about their concerns for the state of our nation—especially since the Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage. All of these...
Reading African Strata
Recent Acts & Facts articles have discussed how ICR’s scientists are reconstructing the Flood-sediment patterns across North America using megasequences within the geologic column.1,2...
Trees: An Engineering Wonder
There are few things more beautiful and soothing than walking through a forest or grove of trees.1 Scripture has much to say about these majestic woody perennials, from the “fruit tree...
Two Creation Accounts?
Critics of the Bible sometimes claim the first and second chapters of Genesis represent two different creation accounts and that these two accounts are clearly contradictory. They allege the order of...
The Mystery of Missing Talus
In August 2013 while on a week-long boat tour of Grand Canyon’s Colorado River, I got a close-up view of secular geology’s missing-talus problem. As our crew boarded the boats at Lee’s...
Moonlighting Proteins Befuddle Evolution
In contrast to human-made systems such as dedicated pieces of electronic hardware that have a single function in a single location (e.g., a temperature sensor), the divinely made proteins in cells are...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Evolutionary Predictions F.,.
Without a doubt, humans, chimpanzees, and other organisms share some very similar features. One explanation for the origin of these features is that they reflect similar designs that serve similar purposes....
How Realistic Was Jurassic World ’s Science?
In church, a friend asked me about the movie Jurassic World. Its high-tech presentation makes the idea of scientists resurrecting dinosaurs from DNA “mined” from fossils almost seem believable....
The Moon Rules
Earth is ruled, in part, by lunar rhythms. It is “tuned” to the moon’s periodic rhythms in its daily and monthly cycles as well as annual seasons. This illustrates Genesis 1:16, which...
Stewardship of ICR Publications
As Christ illustrated in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), God grants various “talents” to every believer. Talents take many different forms—such as wealth, intelligence,...
Sea Serpent on Danish Ship Prow
On August 11, researchers from Södertörn University in Sweden raised an ancient 660-pound ship's prow from the floor of the Baltic Sea. The 11-foot-long beam features an exquisite dragon...
Giant Galaxy Ring Shouldn't Exist
A team of astronomers from Hungary and the United States, led by Professor Lajos Balázs of Konkoly Observatory in Budapest, has announced the discovery of an enormous ring of galaxies. According...
Cell Feature Resembles Power Grid
Apparently, it's time to alter biology and anatomy textbooks again. There's much more to mitochondria than we ever thought. Researchers revealed that these tiny cellular power houses are highly...
Planned Parenthood 'Horror Show' Continues
The Center for Medical Progress has just released another video in its ongoing series on Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of the tissues of aborted infants. In this stunning 11-minute horror show,...
Undersea Monolith Reveals Genius Engineering
Of all the scientific disciplines, underwater archaeology may be one of the most fascinating. These researchers examine artifacts our ancestors left behind before global sea level rose and covered them....
New Horizons at Pluto
Congratulations to the New Horizons team on their remarkable achievement of sending a spacecraft to Pluto. The mission was a complete success, and we are enjoying high-resolution images of never-before-seen...
Snakes with Legs?
As weird as it may sound, some snakes had legs. Fossils reveal little legs on ancient snakes that have apparently been extinct for some time. Yet, those had only hind legs. Now, in the journal Science...
Jesus Lizard Runs on Water, Tramples Evolution
Jesus lizards literally run across the surface of ponds in Central and South America. According to evolutionary thinking, all reptiles—snakes, turtles, gavials, dinosaurs, pterosaurs, chameleons,...
Lions, Dogs, and Misguided People
Amid the uproar over Planned Parenthood and their callous disregard for unborn babies, we should not be surprised at the topsy-turvy reaction to the trophy-hunting dentist whose life is now threatened...
A Real Jurassic World?
The Jurassic World movie, though thrilling to watch, comes packed with fictional ideas like de-extinction, designer creatures, and iron somehow preserving dinosaur DNA indefinitely. But how would the...
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