Standing on the Word | The Institute for Creation Research

Standing on the Word

Over 60 years ago, the Lord raised up Dr. Henry M. Morris to lead the biblical creation movement. Despite being rebuked after his first presentation in 1953, he persevered and took a stand against the compromise of Scripture. He wrote The Genesis Flood in 1961 with Dr. John C. Whitcomb.

Dedicated to teaching people about biblical creation, Dr. Morris helped form the Creation Research Society in 1963. In 1970, he co-founded Christian Heritage College (now San Diego Christian College), and in 1972, he founded the Institute for Creation Research.

Always seeking to educate the next generation, Dr. Morris continued working and writing well into his 80s. The Lord blessed his life’s work as the understanding of biblical creation has grown around the world. Today, ICR stands at another watershed moment. God has led us to build a state-of-the art museum and planetarium that will showcase God’s creation and educate our children and grandchildren for many generations to come.

“With respect to science…we not only want to win individual scientists to salvation in Christ but also to bring the sciences themselves under submission to God and His Word. This includes warning students about the deadly fallacies of evolutionary philosophy, and secular humanism in general.”
— Dr. Henry M. Morris, 2004
Morris, H. M. 2004. On the Vital Ministry of Teaching. Acts & Facts. 33 (1).

“It has now been almost 50 years since a committee of evangelical geologists rebuked me about a paper I had just presented at the 1953 convention of the American Scientific Affiliation. The paper was entitled, ‘Biblical Evidence for Recent Creation and a Worldwide Deluge.’ These men were all graduates of a prominent Christian college, yet [they] took strong exception to my premise that the Bible should govern our interpretation of the geological data, arguing that my position would prove an embarrassment to the Christian community…”

“At ICR, we believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired, fully inerrant Word of God, completely true in science and history as well as in matters of ethics and spirituality. Furthermore, we are confident that God is able to say exactly what He means, so His Word should be taken literally unless the context clearly indicates a metaphorical meaning is intended. This is what the Bible itself teaches concerning itself.”
— Dr. Henry M. Morris, 2003
 Morris, H. M. 2003. Let the Word of God Be True. Acts & Facts. 32 (1).

Cite this article: Staff Writer. 2015. Standing on the Word. Acts & Facts. 44 (12).

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