Archive of Articles

Day Three…Plants and "Kinds"
One of the more prevalent theories today is that biological systems developed over long ages by natural processes. But the Bible seems to lump all of plant science into one day’s event. How...
Six Days of Creation, Part 1 [Podcast]
The book of Genesis lays the groundwork for the Christian belief system. It is the foundation of everything that God has undertaken on behalf of humanity. Therefore, we need a correct understanding...
Day Three…Land and Seas
Day Three began with organizational processes acting on the rotating sphere that had been set in motion on the first day and divided into separate “waters” on the second day. What does...
Day Two…The Firmament
On Day Two of creation, the triune Godhead began “making” and “shaping” the heavens and the earth into an organized and functioning cosmos. He was preparing it to support...
Stunning Amber Bird Wings
Newly described bird wings—not just a single feather or a strange-looking fiber or two—rose to the top of a long list of spectacular amber-trapped fossils. Two tiny hatchlings may have seen...
Introduction and Day One…The Tri-Universe
Genesis 1 says that God created the universe and all it contains in six 24-hour days. This account is not difficult to understand. Its grammatical structure clearly falls within the narrative genre;...
Convergent Evolution or Design-Based Adaptation?
Convergent evolution is the idea that the same trait, or set of traits, in completely different organisms were somehow produced through independent evolutionary processes. Now a new study shows how...
The Seeing Eye
Great photographers pair a select lens to a sophisticated camera and then adjust shutter speed and aperture size to capture the perfect photo. Our eyes perform similar tasks but are precisely engineered...
The Mighty Cypress
Hopefully you’ve been able to take some time off this summer for a much-needed vacation or at least a little break from your busy schedule. I just returned from Caddo Lake in Texas, where ICR’s...
Did Jesus Teach Recent Creation?
Editor’s note: Despite the decade since this article’s initial publication, its timeless message stands: Perhaps the single most important reason to believe in recent creation is the fact...
Seafloor Sediment Research: Nearing Completion
Secular scientists use the Milankovitch theory to explain the 50 or so ice ages they believe occurred in the last few million years. According to this theory, slow changes in Earth’s orbital and...
Subatomic Particles, Part 1: Leptons
by Jason Lisle, Ph.D., and Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.* As you read this sentence, trillions of invisible particles called neutrinos are streaming harmlessly through your body. These ghostly...
Circadian Clocks, Genes, and Rhythm
Life could not exist without organisms’ engineered ability to keep track of time on a 24-hour day-night cycle called a circadian rhythm. Even sophisticated electronic machines such as computers...
DNA Trends Confirm Noah's Family
When research biologist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson plotted hundreds of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences onto a tree diagram, the project revealed an obvious pattern: The mtDNA stemmed from three...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Breaking Dollo's Law
According to the brilliant conception of the immortal Charles Darwin (1809-1882): Evolution—the transformation of organisms—results from the fixation of useful individual variations provoked...
Why Did Neanderthals Look Different From Us?
When people think of Neanderthals, an evolutionary image of primitive cave men might come to mind. This is bolstered by the perception that they looked very different from modern humans. However, Neanderthals...
Balancing Church and State
When an American astronaut quotes Psalm 24 and is faulted for violating the so-called separation of church and state, it’s time to learn about balance.1 Just as mountain goats need...
Created for Earth, Living in Space
The human body is unique among the living creatures of Earth. It gives us unparalleled abilities to think and invent, and also allows us to perform amazing athletic feats—like climbing Mount Everest...
Evidence of God's Blessing
The Lord has been good to the Institute for Creation Research. Over the last four and a half decades, God graciously increased the scope and influence of our ministry to truly global proportions. We...
Videoconference with ISS Commander
On June 17, 2016, Col. Timothy Kopra turned command of the International Space Station (ISS) over to Col. Jeff Williams as Expedition 47 ended and 48 began. After completing 186 days in space, Expedition...
Urban Trees Point to Creation
A recent U.S. Forest Service study estimated that the trees planted along California streets provide a billion dollars’ worth of human benefit each year.1 And that benefit comes cheap....
God's Marvelous Insects
Did you know that the moth smells with its antennae? Whether we look at moths, ants, bombardier beetles, dragon fly eyes, or even the brains of bees, the wonders of God’s design in the insect...
The Myth of Human Evolution
Have you ever wondered if your appendix, wisdom teeth, and tonsils were useless structures due to human evolution over millions of years? Find out whether the fossil record supports human evolution...
Scientific Evidence for Creation [Podcast]
Science and the Bible agree. ICR zoologist and Research Associate Frank Sherwin tells us how in this 5-part podcast series on the scientific evidence for creation. From submicroscopic machines to the...
The Mighty Oceans
It’s hard to ignore the oceans when they cover a vast majority of the planet. But did you know that evolution theory does not explain the origin of the oceans or the trillions of creatures...
The Flood of Fossils
Fossils are featured in national parks, textbooks, and museums around the world. Were they formed over millions of years of evolution? Or are they a record of God’s judgment through a global...
Neuron-Packed Bird Brains Point to Creation
The amazing ability of birds to achieve ape-level cognitive traits—and in some cases exceed them like when they emulate human speech—has long confounded the evolutionary paradigm that claims...
Marvelous Molecular Machines
We’ve seen in museums, textbooks, magazines, and in our biology classes that all life is made up of cells. Inside these cells are tiny, submicroscopic, molecular machines that function to...
Special Cells Help Brain and Gut Communicate
After investing so much time and effort to understand how body parts interact, scientists keep turning up new and unforeseen connections—often when they ask the right questions. New and strange...
Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation [Podcast]
Should we read the Genesis creation account as literal and inspired history, or is it simply a symbolic framework that should be adapted to the most popular scientific theories? Sadly, a growing number...
God’s Character Absolutely Forbids Evolutionary M.,.
God’s holiness demands that His creation should not distort anything about Him or about the creation itself. God could not create processes that would counter His own nature or that would...
Is Chimp Grief Evidence of Evolution?
As genetic research continues, the similarity between humans and our supposed closest evolutionary ancestor, the chimpanzee, becomes more and more distant—well beyond the bounds of any evolutionary...
There Is No Evidence Evolution Took Place in the Past
Historical science observes clues in the present that may be applied to a possible cause in the past. Evolutionists claim that fish evolved into amphibians, and amphibians into reptiles, and so...
Science Does Not Observe Evolution Happening Today
Science is based on observation and experimentation. Have scientists ever observed a beneficial mutation? Although many experiments have attempted to duplicate some form of evolutionary change,...
The Bible Does Not Allow an Evolutionary Interpretation
The Bible is very precise in its language about the timescale of creation. The very concept of our “day” is defined in the first chapter of Genesis. So, is it possible to translate...
Seagrass Re-evolution
It's fairly easy to explain the evolution of plants, animals, or people if one presupposes that Darwinian evolution is a scientific fact. For example, evolutionists assume that flowering plants...
Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation (Intro)
Did you know there isn’t a hint of long evolutionary ages in the Bible? Still, some insist that God used evolution to create living organisms—including us. Can Christians believe in...
A Father's Priceless Legacy
Many refer to ICR’s founder, Henry Morris, as the Father of Modern Creationism. Those touched by his life’s work point to his writings and years of service in Christian ministry as evidence...
ICR Founder Henry M. Morris: A Son's Tribute
There is a line in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy from King Théoden of Rohan just as he was getting ready to lead his nation into the great war against Mordor. He threw...
Seafloor Sediment Research: Exciting Results!
Regular Acts & Facts readers may be aware that I have hinted at upcoming results from my research on deep seafloor sediments.1 Now I am pleased to share some preliminary results with...
The Evidence Rats Out Bat Evolution
Of the 1,240 living mammal species, almost 25 percent are the amazingly designed bats.1 They compose the second-largest order of mammals, next to rodents,2 and are ecologically...
Looking Back at Pluto
Nearly a year has elapsed since the New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto and captured the first high-resolution images of this mysterious dwarf planet. Far different from the cold, dead, 4.5 billion-year-old...
Flood Evidence in Montana's Mountains
ICR’s Dr. Jake Hebert and I recently enjoyed a field trip around the town of Ennis, Montana, hosted by post-Flood Ice Age expert Michael Oard. During the outing we observed two landscape features...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: The Fatal Flaws of Living .,.
Judy Rivers was stuck living out of her car for months. She was not poor—her bank accounts had $80,000. Yet she couldn’t rent an apartment or access her money. The police even took her to...
The Next Giant Leap: NASA ISS Experiments Look to Mars
When Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, the feat captured the world’s imagination. Numerous missions followed, including the Space Shuttle program and the massive International...
Why Creation Ministry?
When I finally grasped how important Genesis is to Christianity, society, and the meaning of life, I felt like someone had just opened the door to a vast treasure room. How precious the words of Genesis...
Tree-Snacking Tanagers Undermine Darwin
Survival of the fittest has been a dominating tenet of Darwinian evolution. But a trio of colorful birds provides evidence that Darwin got it wrong when he suggested competition is the fundamental force...
Planned Leaving vs. Lifetime Giving
Recently, I was working with a supporter when he asked me an interesting question. “Brother Morris, do you believe planned giving is really giving at all?” My initial thought was “Yes,...
Junk DNA…Trashed Again
Repetitious "words" in DNA represent more than half of the human genome's three billion nucleotides.1 Because human reasoning essentially views the repetition of words in spoken...
Revisiting an Iconic Argument for Milankovitch Climate .,.
MAY 26, 2016
In Answers Research Journal 9 (2016): 131-147 The “Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” paper by Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton convinced the uniformitarian scientific community of the validity...
ICR Discovery Center: Impacting Hearts and Minds
Science Writer Brian Thomas tells how creation evidence changed his beliefs about God and Scripture—and ultimately the course of his life! ICR’s discovery center has the potential to reach...
Titanic Remake More like Noah's Ark
The Titanic's sinking on April 14, 1912 was the most famous seafaring disaster in modern times. But the survival of Noah's Ark in the Flood was the most famous seafaring success in ancient times....
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
Evolutionary teachings hold that all mankind arose from a population of ape-like ancestors from which chimpanzees also evolved. But Genesis, the rest of the Bible, and Jesus teach that all mankind arose...
ICR Discovery Center: Encouraging Believers
With engaging exhibits and a 3-D planetarium, ICR’s discovery center will show how scientific evidence confirms the Bible.  We want this project to encourage Christian believers that...
Organic Residue Is 247 Million Years Old?
Those who have difficulty accepting reports of collagen (a type of protein) preserved in supposedly 80-million-year-old dinosaur bones1 will scratch their heads with new vigor over a recent...
Revisiting an Iconic Argument for Milankovitch Climate .,.
MAY 09, 2016
In Answers Research Journal 9 (2016): 25-56 The “Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” paper by Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton (1976) convinced the secular scientific community of the validity of...
Wall-Climbing Cave Fish: Evolutionary Intermediate?
Scientists recently discovered another bizarre fish.1 This one has a pelvic girdle. Is it the missing link evolutionists have been searching for? The scientific name of this supposed...
ICR Discovery Center: Confirming Genesis
Genesis lays the foundation for every other book of the Bible, and it’s continually under attack. ICR’s discovery center will feature evidence demonstrating that all of the Bible—from...
A Mother's Influence
How do you teach your children about creation? We sometimes make this challenge more difficult than it really is. You don’t need a degree in science, and previous experience digging for fossils...
How Important Is a Recent Creation?
Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—saying with a loud...
Embracing Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Some Christians hesitate to embrace the notion that the earth’s outer surface is moving—and moved even more dramatically during the Flood year. However, tremendous amounts of empirical data...
Examining Thermoluminescence Dating
The most common method for dating artifacts and biological materials is the carbon-14 (14C) method. However, it poses a serious problem for deep-time advocates because it cannot be used for...
Skateboarding and Darwinism
Back when my bones were less brittle and muscles more malleable, skateboarding was my passion. I remember how happy I felt raising my arms in victory the first time I ollied over a trash barrel tipped...
How Theology Informs Science
Theology was once “the queen of the sciences,” but many in our increasingly skeptical society now regard it as a pointless field of study. After all, why study the Bible if it is merely...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Berra's Blunder
Did you know airplanes evolve? A 2014 research article titled “The Evolution of Airplanes,” written by Duke University’s distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering Adrian Bejan,...
ICR in Russia with NASA Astronaut
On March 18, 2016, NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams’ family and friends gathered in an open field about three-quarters of a mile from the launch pad to watch the Soyuz rocket lift off. Col....
What Were the 'Waters Above the Firmament'?
Early ICR scientists hypothesized that the “waters which were above the firmament”1 implied a canopy of water vapor that covered the earth before the Flood. However, later tests...
Christ Predicted Climate Patterns
In the gospel of Luke, Christ once reported a climate pattern in Israel.1 Alaska’s southeast temperate coastal rainforest corroborates His claims, illustrating once again how true science...
Gifts  of Honor and Remembrance
Early in my career, my boss would often tell me, “No more today, Henry. My brain is full.” As a young man unencumbered by maturity’s burdens, I found his comments rather amusing. But...
Big Bang Continues to Self-Destruct
In modern cosmology, one of the most important numbers is the current value of the so-called "Hubble parameter," also known as the Hubble constant, designated by the symbol H0. This number...
Iron-mining Fungus Displays Surprising Design
What happens when a soil fungus runs into a hard mineral containing precious trace amounts of nutritious iron? A poorly designed fungus might go hungry and languish like a forlorn noodle, but researchers...
Monkey Business in the New Gorilla Genome
Old evolutionary assumptions seem hard to break. The recent assembling of ape DNA sequences based on the human genome provides a good example. This new gorilla genome study, despite capitalizing on...
Amber-Encased Lizards Showcase Recent Creation
What did lizards look like when they crawled around dinosaur feet? Newly described lizards encased in Burmese ambers clearly show the answer. Publishing online in Science Advances, a team of zoologists...
Viral Genome Junk Hits the Trash
Evolutionists have long claimed that human chromosomes were infected with many different viruses over millions of years, which then multiplied in the genome. Then, as some of these sections of virus-like...
Empirical data support seafloor spreading and catastrop.,.
APRIL 02, 2016
In Journal of Creation 30 (1): 76-82, April 2016 Recent creationist literature has been filled with papers critical of catastrophic plate tectonics, even suggesting that a schism has divided Flood...
Global warming and ’climate change’….,.
APRIL 02, 2016
In Journal of Creation 30 (1): 5-6, April 2016 An increasing number of evangelical Christian leaders have publicly stated that combatting ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’...
Mending the Holes
Nobody wants to drop money in a pocket only to later find that it slipped through a hole and was lost. Whether we’re dealing with pockets, purses, or pots, I think we’d all agree that containers...
Holey Bags
“You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns...
A More Accurate Chimpanzee Genome
Evolutionists claim that genetics has proved humans and chimpanzees are close evolutionary relatives. The current chimpanzee genome, however, was not constructed on its own merits. Instead, the human...
A Realistic Look at Global Warming
by Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D., and Jake Hebert, Ph.D.* Since the late 1980s, global warming has been hotly debated, with many arguing that Earth is undergoing potentially catastrophic man-made...
The Rodent Record
Evolutionists claim rodents evolved from an unknown ancestor 60 million years ago. But when fossils are found of these placental mammals, they are always 100% rodents.1 They never show a...
Higher Thoughts
The television show Limitless explores the fiction of unlocking the full potential of the human mind through medication. In the story, a miracle pill named NZT-48 supposedly allows the brain to work...
Who doesn’t pause to marvel when a hummingbird flies by? These tiny, colorful birds perform amazing aerobatic feats, and yet some very smart scientists insist that mere natural forces mimicked...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: The 'Poor Design' of Our R.,.
“There you go again” is Ronald Reagan’s unforgettable line from his 1980 United States presidential election debate with incumbent President Jimmy Carter. This pithy phrase is not...
Does Modern Genetics Confirm a Historical Adam?
If mankind evolved from ape-like ancestors, then our DNA should look messy from millions of years of trial-and-error mutations. Instead, it looks nice and tidy. Almost every cell in our bodies contains...
Evolutionary Naturalism vs. Biblical Providence
Evolutionists are quick to credit random chance when explaining the origins of humans, animals, plants, or Earth’s sedimentary rock layers, even though the evidence points to God’s handiwork....
Gifts  That Go  Twice as Far
If you have followed ICR for any length of time, you know our unique ministry is focused on scientific research, education, and communication. Our research initiatives comprise the core of our work,...
Tyrannosaur Ancestral Tree Remains Limbless
Since Darwin's time, the lack of fossil evidence for vertical evolution has always been a problem for secular scientists. Now a recent paper published online in Scientific Reports attempts to map...
Evolutionary Tyranny Still Casts Cloud Over Science
A recent scientific paper, published in the high-profile journal PLOS ONE, made three separate references to the amazing design of the human hand…and rightly attributed them to the Creator.1...
ICR Discovery Center: Revealing Creation Evidence
What kind of creation evidence can ICR reveal in the new museum? Science Writer Brian Thomas shares a few fascinating facts that refute evolution and confirm the authenticity of the Genesis account. For...
Tooth Study Takes Bite Out of Evolution
Secular scientists have told incredible stories for over a century about how fossil teeth supposedly support the idea that humans evolved from primates. A lack of knowledge about tooth development has...
ICR Discovery Center: Equipping Believers
“Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). Physicist Dr. Jake Hebert tells how ICR’s museum can equip you to...
China Spends Millions Searching for Aliens
How much money should a nation spend on space-alien ventures? China is shelling out almost 200 million dollars on an enormous radio antenna built to listen for signs of far out intelligence.1...
ICR Discovery Center: Impacting Lives for the Gospel
Two-thirds of the children raised in conservative Christian families leave the church in disbelief by the time they get to college. Find out how ICR’s museum project can influence our culture,...
Seeing God in the Details
I had the privilege of speaking with NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams the day before he left for Russia to train for his upcoming launch to the International Space Station (ISS). He has a heart...
A Different Kind of Museum
What would you expect to find in a science museum? Would you anticipate displays that praise God for His marvelous ingenuity? Would you envision scientific exhibits that illustrate specific biblical...
ICR Research Update
ICR’s research holds promise in answering some of the most pressing creation questions of our time. Below are brief descriptions of our scientists’ current projects. Genetics: Human...
Deep Core Dating and Circular Reasoning
Many Christians are reluctant to accept the Bible’s clear teaching of a recent creation because they believe secular dating methods prove that the earth is extremely old. The apparent agreement...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Are Whales and Evolution J.,.
National Geographic has a Little Kids First Big Book of… series on different topics. In its Little Kids First Big Book of Animals, pictures show giraffes, camels, bears, and whales.1...
Sailing to the Stars
The word astronaut comes from the Greek word for “sailor” combined with the Greek word for “star,” so that an astronaut is someone who sails to the stars.1 2016...
Chinese Femur Refutes Human Evolution
Textbooks around the world contain the well-known illustration of walking apes transitioning into a modern human. I recently heard a college student, raised in a Christian home, say these pictures convinced...
Dinosaurs Designed without Feathers
A recent claim of a newly discovered “feathered” dinosaur has pushed the controversy over birds and dinosaurs back into the limelight.1 Were dinosaurs really feathered, and did...
Divine Calling
My four-year-old son and I enjoy taking walks in our neighborhood. From stroller to handholding, toddling to running, we have passed the same houses and streets many times. We often engage in a familiar...
Do Arguments Help with Ministry?
We often think of an argument as an angry disagreement, but in logic “argument” refers simply to presenting statements or reasons to support a conclusion. Some say arguments have little...
High-Altitude Flying Is for the Birds
If dogs were meant to fly, they would have bodies designed for it. Flying at altitudes so high that the lack of oxygen is a serious problem requires bodies specifically equipped for breathing thin air....
Care, Guard, and Share
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:19— For over 45 years the Lord has faithfully provided for ICR’s needs....
ICR Discovery Center: It's Okay to Ask Dinosaur Questions
Brian Thomas shares how the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History can impact the faith of countless people by giving solid answers to their creation questions. For more information:...
Were Sauropods Wading in China?
It’s tough to beat a genuine dinosaur trackway for a fascinating glimpse of ancient life. Among the frozen tracks of giant, four-footed sauropod dinosaurs like Apatosaurus now frozen in stone,...
Octopus Genome as Large as Human Genome
The amazing octopus continues to astonish scientists and the public. Every facet of this invertebrate has surprised researchers, from its extremely rapid ability to change color and disappear into the...
Delicate Silk Fossils Point to Creation
Numerous amazing fossils supposedly millions of years old contain original, non-mineralized biomolecules like collagen, elastin, ovalbumin, DNA, laminin, melanin, hemoglobin, and chitin.1...
Mother's Milk Could Save a Million Lives
Who wouldn't want to encourage a simple practice that can save almost a million lives and over 300 billion dollars per year in health costs?1 According to an article in medical journal...
Honor To Whom Honor
"Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor" (Romans 13:7). On President's Day each year, our nation...
Beetles and Bears Inspire Technologies
Namib desert beetles collect faint water droplets on their exquisitely designed outer surfaces so they can survive in their dry environments. And polar bears keep a tight grip on smooth ice using precisely...
ICR Discovery Center: Showcasing a Recent Creation
Physicist Dr. Jake Hebert recounts some of the best evidence for recent creation found within his field and explains how ICR’s new Discovery Center will be able to showcase it in powerful and...
Living Fossils Found off Australia's Coast
The Deep Down Under project explores "relict faunas," living creatures with eerily similar counterparts among some of the world's oldest fossils.1 Deep-sea researchers used...
ICR Planetarium: Travel Through Space
Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle explains how ICR’s future planetarium will outshine the simple night-sky domes of the past. This 3-D, digital, fully immersive environment will not only transport...
Your Brain Has More Memory Than the Internet
Whoever said the human brain is the most highly organized collection of matter in the universe was more correct than they could have known. New research modeled tiny structures within nerve cells and...
An Investigation into an In Situ Lycopod Forest Site .,.
FEBRUARY 01, 2016
by Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. In Creation Research Society Quarterly 53 (2): 110-122 The hypothesis of an extinct pre-Flood floating-forest ecosystem has been promoted...
The Legacy of ICR's Founder
February 2016 marks the 10-year anniversary of the passing of Dr. Henry Morris, the founder of the Institute for Creation Research. While preparing this month’s Acts & Facts, I spent time...
The Days of Elijah
One of my favorite songs is “The Days of Elijah” written by Robin Mark in the early 1990s. It became widely known in the United States with the release of his 1999 album Revival in Belfast.1...
Complex Grammar in the Genome Defies Evolution
A recent press release from a prominent European research group started off with this amazing proclamation: “A new study from Karolinska Institutet shows that the ‘grammar’ of the...
Earth's Young Magnetic Field
For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: “I am...
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