Archive of Articles

Dinosaurs Buried More Rapidly Than Thought
Secular scientists recently determined that most of the dinosaur fossils in the Morrison Formation were buried quicker than commonly thought.1 The Morrison Formation is famous for its compositional...
Faith-Building Fun
Hello, I’m Eric Bowyer, and I work in Donor Relations at ICR. I’m excited to see the impact our state-of-the-art Discovery Center will have on both believers and skeptics. The ICR Discovery...
New Language Research Speaks Volumes About Creation
A major unanswered question for evolution is: why are humans the only species that can talk? Secular researchers have tried to find an answer since Darwin’s day, but so far they have not found...
Experience Our Amazing Universe
Hello, my name is Abby Thomas, and I work in the Donor Relations department at ICR. Seeing construction for the Discovery Center on my way to work is so uplifting. There are so many exhibits I can’t...
The Wonders of Our Creator
As I read this month’s feature article by Dr. Henry Morris III, “Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future,” I was jarred by the statement that a large local museum’s mission is...
Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future
ICR’s founder, Dr. Henry M. Morris, started the Institute for Creation Research in 1970 in a joint venture with Christian Heritage College, now San Diego Christian College. His groundbreaking...
The Moon: Required for Life on Earth
Our moon plays a critical role in producing the environment required for life to thrive on Earth. If the moon suddenly disappeared, then the consequences for many forms of life would be devastating....
ICR Discovery Center Update
We’re putting the finishing touches on the outside of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History! Soon, we’ll install huge tiles of fossil replicas along the main wall of the...
ICR Scientists Make Big Impact at Creation Conference
ICR scientists recently attended the International Conference on Creationism (ICC) to present their latest research and participate in panel discussions with others in their respective fields. The conference...
New Chimp Genome Confirms Creationist Research
The more DNA sequencing technologies improve, the worse it gets for the evolutionary paradigm. Such is the case with the newest version of the chimpanzee genome. The more DNA sequencing technologies...
Engineered Adaptability: Darwin's Anti-Design Doctrine
Sometimes all a medical doctor can do is treat one symptom after another rather than addressing what’s actually making the patient sick. People who believe that organisms look designed because...
Could One Flood Form Many Rock Layers?
The Grand Canyon exposes layer after layer of sedimentary rock stacked one atop the other like vast, multicolored pancakes in the earth. Other cliff faces and highway road cuts reveal red mudstones,...
Grand Canyon Neighbors: Pines, Truffles, and Squirrels
God’s creation is often misrepresented by evolutionists, so godly researchers and teachers are needed to clarify the real truth about God’s world. For example, God’s plan for interdependent...
Finishing Well
The phrase “finishing well” means different things to different people. To some, it means acquiring the most “toys” and wealth. For others, it may mean spending their final years...
Cells Use Elaborate Math to Adapt
A new development in mathematical modeling from Dr. Robyn P. Araujo at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, goes a long way to help explain how creatures adapt.1 A...
Complex Engineering in Weevils Befuddles Evolution
The beautiful glossy rainbow weevil from the Philippines is unique for the spectacular rainbow colored spots on its thorax and forewing. These circular spots produce all the colors, and in the same...
Equipped to Answer a New Generation
Hello, I’m Daryl Robbins, ICR’s Internet Technology Manager. A recent Barna study titled “Atheism Doubles Among Generation Z” details eye-opening statistics about today’s...
Giving Day Today!
Hello, Friends. North Texas Giving Day is finally here! Will you partner with us? Your generosity will help ICR proclaim the truth and accuracy of God’s Word around the world. This...
Answers to Build Your Faith
Hello, I’m Bill West, ICR’s System Administrator. Thirteen years ago, a man dedicated to God’s Word shared the gospel with me, and I became a Christian. Even so, I wasn’t ready...
Newly-Discovered Brain Cell
Someone said the three-pound human brain is the most complex and least-understood biological structure in the known universe. Scientific research regarding this incredibly intricate organ will never...
WWII Plane Found Frozen in Greenland Ice
A team has located a World War II P-38 Lightning fighter plane beneath more than 300 feet of ice in Greenland. They first found hints of the plane’s position in 2011, but a drone equipped with...
Biblical Creation for Everyone
Hello, my name is Rebecca Barber. I work here at ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics, and I recently finished a project detailing the history of my father, ICR Founder Dr. Henry Morris. I’m...
Comparison of 18,000 De Novo Assembled Chimpanzee Conti.,.
SEPTEMBER 05, 2018
In Answers Research Journal 11 (2018): 205-209 In a previous 2016 study aligning Sanger-style chimpanzee genomic trace reads (mean length = 704 bases) to the human genome, it was determined that...
New ICR Podcasts
Do you enjoy listening to podcasts during your commute, workout, or morning devotions? Do you like meditating on short passages of Scripture? Would you like an ICR expert to answer some of your most...
The Compelling Case for Creation
Hello, I’m zoologist Frank Sherwin, and I’ve been with ICR since 1996. I write science articles, conduct research regarding microbiology and parasitology, and speak on a variety of creation...
Can We Understand the Bible for Ourselves?
Do we need experts to interpret the Bible for us, or can we understand it for ourselves? ICR’s National Representative, Dr. Randy Guliuzza, discusses the doctrine of biblical clarity and...
Do Isaiah 40:22 and Psalm 29:10 Speak to Cosmological .,.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2018
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. In Creation Research Society Quarterly 55 (1): 44-48 I n a recent CRSQ article, Hebert (2017) analyzed some biblical passages that...
Begin with the Bible
I ran into a Christian recently who asked, “Couldn’t God have used the Big Bang to get everything here in the first place?” Maybe they assumed the Big Bang just meant a loud noise...
The Gospel Starts with Creation
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain, who formed it to be inhabited: “I am the LORD,...
Building a Biblical Paleo-Biogeography Model
by Jeffrey P Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* The recent report of a fossil bird discovered in Wyoming shows another glaring indicator of evolution’s failure to explain the story...
Our Young Solar System
Secular astronomers insist our universe is 13.8 billion years old and our solar system is 4.6 billion years old. These claims contradict the Bible’s clear teaching of a recent six-day creation....
ICR Discovery Center Update
The ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History is a beehive of activity inside and out—painting, tiling, installing lights, building exhibits, landscaping, and pouring concrete. We’ve...
Genetics Research Keeps Confirming a Recent Creation
Scientists have been fascinated with the idea of measuring changes in the DNA of humans and other organisms to come up with a “genetic clock” that calculates how long a species has existed....
Bioinspiration: The Birds Will Tell You
Humans have been endeavoring to soar like birds for millennia. After multiple failures, many people felt that manned, mechanized flight was impossible. After three years of test flights, Wilbur and...
Where Are All the Human Fossils?
At a recent Institute for Creation Research event, we passed out cards so the audience could submit questions for an upcoming Q&A session. Interestingly, several folks asked the same thing: Why...
Engineered Adaptability: Fast Adaptation Confirms Desig.,.
On April 13, 1970, an oxygen tank explosion on the Apollo 13 spacecraft thwarted its scheduled moon landing and threatened the crew’s ability to return home. The astronauts on board and engineers...
Lobsters Get Comfortable in Their New Skin
Have you ever dreamed that you were squeezing yourself out of a giant toothpaste tube as the tube slowly tightened around your body? Something similar happens to lobsters,1,2 so it’s...
For Richer, for Poorer
“For richer, for poorer…” These four little words in traditional wedding vows carry great significance. Unless they already live in poverty, most newlyweds don’t enter marriage...
Massive Megashark Teeth Discovered
In 2015, schoolteacher and amateur fossil hunter Philip Mullaly discovered a number of three-inch teeth of what would later be classified as the large Great Jagged Narrow-Toothed shark (Carcharocles angustidens).1...
Dinosaur "Superhighway" Explained by Global Flood
The recent Alaskan discovery of an unusual assemblage of footprints in Cretaceous rocks has paleontologists scratching their heads.   Anthony Fiorillo, of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science...
Why One-Size-Fits-All Radiocarbon Dating Doesn’t Work
Which is more trustworthy: carbon-14 dating or reliable eyewitnesses? Conventional dating methods aren’t as straightforward as they seem. In this episode, Dr. Jim Johnson investigates...
More Exceptional Preservation of Organic Material
The scientific community continues to reel and exhibit bewilderment that well-preserved carbon-based (organic) fossil material regularly appears in sediments supposedly many millions of years old.   One...
Diplodocoid Dinosaurs Found in Unexpected Place
The discovery of a new fossil in northwest China sent shockwaves rippling through the secular paleontological world. The new sauropod (longneck) dinosaur called Lingwulong shenqi, or “amazing...
Biblical Creation for Every Generation
Hi, I’m Kelli Morris (pictured center left in pink shirt), and I have the privilege of working in ICR’s Donor Relations department. Having married into the family of our founder, Dr....
Is Genesis History? | Climate Research Update
Physicist Dr. Jake Hebert discusses weaknesses in secular explanations for an Ice Age, how a biblical event best explains it, and why Christians don’t need to panic over climate change claims....
New Findings Challenge Secular Dating Models
Two recent news stories, one from the Carnegie Institute for Science1 and another from an issue of Nuclear Technology,2 shed light on an icon of “deep time” radioisotope...
Are the Galápagos Islands a Laboratory of Evolution?
A recent Livescience article1 is entitled “The Galápagos Islands: Laboratory of Evolution.” It addresses, among other things, “unique examples of plant and animal...
Reaching a New Generation
I’m Jeff Tomkins, the Director of Life Sciences at ICR. Unlike many researchers working in the field of creation science, I was not raised with a strong Christian background. For the most part,...
ICR Kids’ Book: God Made Gorillas, God Made You
In the last few years, ICR has released numerous resources to help parents teach their children creation truth. Our Guide to… series is perfect for homeschoolers or anyone who wants a detailed,...
More Whopper Sand Evidence of Global Flood
In the U.S. Gulf Coast region, the Upper Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone rests right on top of thousands of feet of Middle Jurassic salt, known as the Louann Salt. Secular geologists believe this sandstone...
Bringing Clarity to Confusion
Hi, I’m Michael Hansen, Executive Assistant to ICR’s CEO. Science and the Bible agree. But our culture doesn’t echo this truth. I moderate hundreds of comments and messages on...
Developmental gene regulatory networks…an insurm.,.
AUGUST 01, 2018
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. In Journal of Creation 32 (2): 96-102, August 2018 Macroevolution requires that new developmental adaptations arise via random mutations...
The Mona Lisa Camel
The Bactrian camel is one of the many creatures you’ll find at the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History when it opens next spring. While the exhibits will display an incredible variety...
A Great Door
“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” (1 Corinthians 16:9) The ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History is taking shape! It was...
ICR Climate Research Advances
Investigating past climates has long been a major focus of the Institute for Creation Research. Creation scientists Michael Oard and Dr. Larry Vardiman have made significant contributions to our understanding...
Phenomenally Designed Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is an iron-containing respiratory protein in red blood cells that binds oxygen and then transports and releases it to cells that need oxygen. It’s designed as four subunits (two alpha...
ICR Discovery Center Update
This summer the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History received a huge delivery! Three dozen feathered, furry, and ferocious animals traveled from Amherst, Wisconsin, to make their home...
Evolutionists Can't Fill the Hexapod Gap
Insects are ubiquitous on Earth. They fly through the air, live in trees, walk on or under the ground, and even live or hunt in water. Some are appreciated, some are not, but they are critical to the...
Beardogs: Bears, Dogs, or Something Else?
My wife recently read an article titled “Bear Dogs of El Paso” in a Texas magazine. The second sentence stated that “these ancient mammals” were “ancestral to both bears...
Engineered Adaptability: The Need for Biblical Clarity
Can an average person without a Ph.D. in science or theology acquire a correct understanding of what the Bible means just by reading an accurate translation on their own? Did God communicate clearly...
Is Genesis 1–11 Actual History?
The early chapters of Genesis contradict ancient history as portrayed in public schools, television, and movies. For example, our culture insists humans evolved from ape-like creatures, while Genesis...
Receding Floodwaters Buried Deep-Sea Oil
One of the primary objectives of creation apologetics is to corroborate information provided in Scripture. Accordingly, no one should be surprised when geological data match the biblical record of the...
Rising Rates on Charitable Gift Annuities
Good news for seniors! Due to the robust U.S. economy, the American Council on Gift Annuities recently authorized a broad rate increase—the first since 2012. Seniors age 65 or older living on...
Coffee Drinkers Take Heart!
Coffee has nutritional benefits! Scientists in Duesseldorf, Germany, report, Caffeine consumption has been associated with lower risks for multiple diseases, including type II diabetes, heart disease,...
Compelling Evidence for Creation
Hi, I’m Michael Stamp, Editor at the Institute for Creation Research. For decades, I confidently believed in both the Bible and a 13-billion-year-old universe. I knew all the arguments. I...
Continuous Environmental Tracking: An Engineering Frame.,.
JULY 27, 2018
by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D., and Phil Gaskill In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism. 8: 158-184, article 11. Abstract We offer a new framework for understanding...
How Bacteria Help Our Bodies Survive
Within the past 20 years or so, dozens of papers have been written regarding the human microbiome. Microbiota inhabit a variety of niches in the human body, with the gut being the primary location....
DNA Paramedics Repair Chromosomes
In the mid-1800s, a mild Augustinian friar named Gregor Mendel crossbred pea plants and pioneered the beginnings of understanding inherited traits. Genetics has come a long way since then. Neither...
Reinforcing the Truths of Scripture
Hi, I’m Susan Windsor, the graphic designer at ICR. My husband and I have two children, ages four and seven. I am thrilled for our kids to have the ICR Discovery Center here in Dallas since it...
Bees Are Actually Really, Really Smart
“These are, high, high, highly intelligent creatures,” said conservation biologist Reese Halter.1   Halter was speaking of the fascinating bee. Bees are already famous...
A Little Book with a Big Plan
Are you tired of reading dinosaur books to your kids while trying to filter the evolutionary worldview? ICR just published a new children’s book written by geologist Dr. Tim Clarey and his wife,...
A Firm Foundation
Hello, I’m Don Barber, Director of Enterprise Technology at ICR. After serving here in a variety of roles for many years, I’m so glad to be a part of the ministry’s newest project:...
Data Lead to Correct Post-Flood Boundary
For decades, creation scientists have debated the level at which the Flood ended in the rock record. In the past, many have based their conclusions on a cursory examination of the rocks, or concentrated...
More Problems with Iconic Milankovitch Paper
Secular scientists have a difficult time explaining an Ice Age, even though there is strong geological evidence that one occurred. In fact, creation scientists have long argued that the Genesis Flood...
More Evidence Lucy Was Just an Ape
Certain evolutionary scientists have talked of Lucy since the 1970s as a supposed ape-like ancestor of humans. It’s probably the world’s most famous extinct ape. The Lucy kind was roughly...
Sixtymile Formation Part of Genesis Flood
For many decades, creation scientists have included the Sixtymile Formation in Grand Canyon as part of the Sauk Megasequence that marks the onset of the global Flood.1 They based their conclusions...
Timeless Truth
My name is Chris Kinman, and I am the Director of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. It is exciting for me to look back on ICR’s history and see the Lord’s faithfulness...
T. rex is here!
Wanna come face-to-face with this toothy tyrannosaur? Visit the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History when it opens in 2019! The Discovery Center will showcase an abundance of evidence...
ICR and Climate Change
Climate change really heats up the headlines. Alarmists clamor that human activity and man-made pollutants are catastrophically disrupting Earth’s weather patterns. But is it all just a bunch...
Squid, Octopus Genomes Alter Themselves, Blocking Evolution
A team of researchers from Israel and the U.S. are searching for animals that can edit their own RNA molecules. They encountered a standout. Unlike other animals that edit only a small fraction of the...
A Strong Defense for the Christian Faith
Hi, I’m Margie Medford (pictured center-right), and I’ve been with ICR’s Donor Relations Department for almost 11 wonderful years! I get the pleasure of talking on the phone and emailing...
Common Sense
Do you remember the tale of the emperor’s new clothes? Remember how the emperor went along with the ludicrous idea that he was wearing clothes when he was actually naked? In the story, he seems...
Human-Chimp DNA Comparison
Jeff Tomkins: Interview with a Geneticist Dr. Jeffrey P. Tomkins is Director of Life Sciences at the Institute for Creation Research. He recently spent time talking about his work with ICR Science...
Palo Duro Canyon Rocks Showcase Genesis Flood
ICR scientists recently led field trips through Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, Texas, pointing out many geological features that show clear evidence of the global Flood. The walls of the canyon display...
Radiohalos: Nature's Tiny Mysteries
Figure 1. Some typical examples of different radiohalos found in granitic rocks, from volume 2 of the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) study.1   Radiohalos...
ICR Discovery Center Update
Help Us Complete the ICR Discovery Center’s Exhibits A lot has happened in the past 12 months. We grabbed an image each month from the stationary camera positioned above the construction site...
Codons Are Not Degenerate After All
A popular meme of evolutionary speculation is the belief that many DNA sequences in the genome have the capacity to freely mutate and thus can function as a mechanism for creating new selectable traits...
Did Medieval Artists See Real Dinosaurs?
Figure 1. The ancient choir hall in Carlisle Cathedral, UK. The blue rug in the center aisle covers the fascinating decorations on Bishop Bell’s tomb. Image credit: David Iliff. License:...
Engineered Adaptability: Adaptive Solutions Are Targete.,.
How do you know when evolutionary theory is following the facts or just inventing them? Consider this statement by evolutionary authority Jerry Coyne: True, the raw materials for evolution—the...
Withstanding Winter Weather
On hot July days you might miss winter’s chill.1 In higher latitudes, however, it’s the coldness that needs mitigation. For example, Arctic insects and arachnids are cold-blooded,...
Counting the Cost
“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost?” (Luke 14:28) The ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History, currently under construction,...
Horseshoe Crabs: Living Fossils or Living Laboratories?
The horseshoe crab is a marine arthropod and a testimony to the creative design and organization of God’s living creation. These odd crabs look much like crustaceans (lobsters, crabs and shrimp),...
Hasty Concretion Formation
Concretions are remarkable geological curiosities. They are spherical carbonate formations composed of mineral cement. Concretions are found near and far, from Western Kazakhstan to beaches in California....
Showcase the Evidence
Jim Johnson here, serving in ICR’s educational programs. Honoring God as our great Creator is my goal as I research, write, teach, and speak for this ministry. As a forensic-science guy, I care...
Jurassic World 2 Opens
(Warning: the following article contains spoilers, although minimal.) Everyone loves dinosaurs—especially in movies. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom opens today in theaters, bringing dinosaurs...
Century-Old Dinosaur Taxonomy Under Investigation
A recent article in New Scientist illustrates how difficult it is to classify various forms of life, such as dinosaurs, into groups.1 The article, based on a cover story (and a follow-up...
The Cambrian Explosion Mystery Deepens
Trilobites (a type of arthropod) appear in sedimentary rocks as part of the Cambrian Explosion.1 In this episode, all the major animal groups first appear as fossils. They appear suddenly,...
Standing Together for Truth
Hello! My name is Kristen Mitrisin, and I’m in the stewardship department at ICR, serving you through charitable gift annuities and saying thank you, thank you for your gifts every month. I am...
Could Designed Systems Explain Green Lizard Blood?
Green blood is not something you see every day. The recent search for why several species of lizards found in New Guinea have green blood assumes an evolutionary origin for these creatures. It seems...
Important Climate-Change Realism Paper Published
The greatest point of contention in the debate over “global warming” or “climate change” is not whether or not a significant increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) would...
Impacting Young Minds
Hi, my name is Joel Kautt, and I help plan ICR’s outreach events. The first creation event I ever attended was when I was about eight years old. Dr. John Morris related his adventures as a geologist,...
Scientists Prove Limestone Can Form Quickly
Many environmentalists are concerned with the anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. Research projects are being funded across the globe to find ways to sequester...
Let’s Serve the Kingdom Together
Trey Bowling here, and I have the immense pleasure of processing your resource orders, whether online, by mail, or over the phone! Through my time at ICR, I’ve discovered that the mission of this...
Sowing Seeds
My grandfather was a careful gardener. He prepared the soil months in advance of planting season. He meticulously laid out the straight rows, scooped out the dirt, and placed every seed exactly where...
Living Word, Listening Ears
“If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will...
Rapid Limestone Deposits Match Flood Account
Secular science has long taught that sedimentary rocks were deposited slowly over vast ages, but what does the research show? People are indoctrinated with the notion that enormous periods of time are...
Does the Cosmic Microwave Background Confirm the Big Bang?
Introduction Three main arguments are commonly used to support the Big Bang model of the universe’s origin: The apparent expansion of the universe, inferred from redshifted spectra...
ICR Discovery Center Update
Help Us Complete the ICR Discovery Center’s Exhibits As we build the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History, we’re raising funds for the interior exhibits. We’re developing...
Male-Female Differences Supported by Scripture and Science
The issue of gender is a frequent news topic. What is the Christian’s position on this issue, and what does science document? Echoing Genesis 1:27 and 2:24, Jesus said, “From the beginning...
Darwin's Abominable Mystery and the Genesis Flood
by Jeffrey P Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Charles Darwin frankly acknowledged that the profound lack of transitional forms in the fossil record for one fundamental type of creature...
Engineered Adaptability: Adaptive Changes Are Purposefu.,.
Suppose you were in a game show with $100,000 riding on how well you match the top three responses to this question: “What word means the opposite of designed?” You might have a good chance...
Did an Asteroid Impact Kill the Dinosaurs?
During a recent visit to a church, I told a group of children how and why Noah’s Flood fossilized the dinosaurs. A boy told me he saw a documentary that said an asteroid impact killed the dinosaurs....
Infinite Time Won't Rescue Evolution
Evolutionists use a variety of imaginative analogies to make the spontaneous generation of life seem plausible. One of the more familiar is the typing monkeys scenario, also known as the infinite monkey...
Christian Retirement?
“I’m old. I’m tired. But I still got some kick left in me. And while God gives me strength, I’m dead set on doing what I can.” I chuckled as I read this opening line...
New Whale Fossil Harpoons Evolution
by Frank Sherwin and Jeffrey Tomkins According to the evolutionary mantra, whales evolved from a dog-like land creature.1 And as the whale of a tale goes, over millions of years the...
Turtle Eggs Sense Temperature Changes
Remarkably, when a number of reptilian mothers (including lizards, snakes, turtles, and alligators) bury eggs in warm, incubating sand, all the eggs may produce offspring of the same gender. Females...
Our Culture’s Deepest Needs
Hi, I’m Christy Hardy, and I serve as an editor at ICR. Our country has so many needs and worthy causes. How do we decide which nonprofit organizations to support? One advantage of supporting...
Intact Starch Granules in "Ancient" Plant Fossil
by Jeffrey Tomkins and Timothy Clarey* Fossils keep revealing biomolecules that should be completely deteriorated and disintegrated if they are millions of years old. Scientists have just discovered...
Refuting Ape-Men Myths
I’m Brian Thomas, Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research. My wife and I have five college-age kids. We look forward to the day when we can take them and their friends who have heard...
Horned Dinosaurs Created as One Kind
A recent paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B may have inadvertently confirmed what the Bible revealed to us all along: Kinds only reproduce after their kinds.1 Kinds...
Homo naledi Bones Not Ritually Buried
Since Lee Berger and his team announced their discovery of Homo naledi,1 they have been claiming that the bones found in the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa, were deliberately disposed by...
Bajau Diver Study: Example of Circular Reasoning
Bajau divers of the Central Sulawesi peninsula in Indonesia are able to hold their breath and dive to amazing depths of over 200 feet using only rock weights and hand-made wooden goggles. Researchers...
Marveling at His Work
Hello, I am Ruth Ann Wilhoit, the receptionist here at the Institute for Creation Research. Having formerly been an elementary Christian school teacher, I am excited to think that a state-of-the-art...
Doolittle's Recycled Evolutionary Theory Is Old News
“What was old is new again” describes fashion cycles where young people today are wearing clothes and buying furniture styled after that of their grandparents. Evolutionary biology also...
Scientists Marvel at Seaweed's Living Opals
A common seaweed called rainbow wrack grows along Europe’s coasts, including tidal rock pools in the UK. Deep inside its cells, this marine plant uses oily chemicals to make opal look-alikes—“living...
"Experience" Answers to Your Questions
My name is Ernie Carrasco, and I work at the ICR School of Biblical Apologetics. I grew up believing that every word of the Bible is true. But in my late teens and young adult years, I was often confronted...
The Goal of Our New Discovery Center
Hello, I’m Mary Smith, Registrar at the Institute for Creation Research. My father, Dr. Henry M. Morris, founded this ministry, and he often reminded us that the gospel includes more than the...
Lights Around the World
I’d like to introduce you to one of the Institute for Creation Research’s leaders—Dan Farell fills an important position of influence as an ICR board member. He oversees the decision-making...
In Business for Christ
I recently received an Easter card. On the front, an empty tomb is pictured with the text of Matthew 28:6: “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.” The card is signed by Phil and Sharon...
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