Archive of Back to Genesis Articles

The Jaw-Dropping Design in Hawaii's State Fish
Hawaiians call their state fish the humuhumunukunukuapua’a, or humuhumu for short, and snorkelers marvel at its wild paint job as it flits beneath basalt reefs. Scientifically named Rhinecanthus...
Oysters and Pre-Flood Longevity
The oyster species Crassostrea virginica, also known as the eastern oyster, is a prized seafood. Research has demonstrated that a fossil version of the Crassostrea oyster lived much longer than its...
Dolomite Problem Best Solved by Flood
Dolomite is a very common sedimentary rock, comprising about 30% of all carbonate rocks.1,2 Its chemical formula is MgCa(CO3)2, whereas the more common limestone is CaCO3. Oddly, ocean water...
Living to 900?
Both before and after the Flood, the Bible attests that centuries-long life spans were normal. Skeptics scoff at these great ages, and even some Christians say we simply cannot take them at face value.1...
Bacterial Flagella: Molecular Motors Show Masterful Design
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and David Thomas* The bacteria alive in our guts swim using tiny engines that power propellers called flagella (Figure 1). Each of several flagella—the number depends...
Future Hope: Evolution or Resurrection?
Scientific evidence for evolution is utterly lacking. Were evolution true, innumerable transitional fossil forms between basic kinds of creatures would clearly document the evolution of life from single-cell...
Teenage Ninja Turtle Fossils
What would you think if you discovered a dust-covered iPhone next to a mummy inside an Egyptian coffin? You might suspect someone recently tampered with it, but you see no signs of that. Perhaps instead...
Toothed Fish Fossil Rewrites Evolutionary Fish Story
Once again, research into the fossil record has provided evidence that a creature “originated far earlier than previously believed”— in this case, ray- and lobe-finned fish (osteichthyans)....
Building a Human Body: Jesus Christ's Amazing Engineering
When Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution, he appealed to the logic of ancestry, the evident diversity of species, and the magic of time. We all understand that time changes things. However,...
Mount Hermon Was Flood-Formed
Mount Hermon is a topic that seems to pop up increasingly these days, especially among Christian prophecy and end-times teachers. Much of this interest has to do with intriguing discussions surrounding...
Bird Pelvis Doesn't Come from a Dinosaur
Most zoologists and vertebrate paleontologists have reached an imaginative consensus—birds are actually flying dinosaurs. This belief includes the soaring Andean condors, painted buntings, and...
The Venus Flytrap's Snap
The Venus flytrap is one of the more unusual plants in God’s creation. It grows naturally only on the East Coast of the United States and has the fascinating ability to snap up unsuspecting insects...
How Did the Bat Get Its Wings?
Where did bats come from? Evolutionists presuppose that some kind of rodent received just the right mutations to over “a few million years” turn its front legs into exceptionally aerodynamic...
The Bobtail Squid's Living Cloaking Device
Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) live among the sand flats and sea plants of the Hawaiian archipelago. Along with other bobtail squid, these lime-size ocean dwellers glow in the dark. The...
Big Bacterium--a Missing Link?
Bacteria are tiny single-cell organisms that show a huge range of metabolic and genetic variation, and also exist in a wide array of shapes and sizes. Bacteria, which are classed among the life forms...
Speculation, Invention, and the Invisible Hand
Evolution is broadly and almost unequivocally accepted as fact. Creationists who try to present the evidence contradicting it are often met with “How can you go against proven science?”...
Bucket Orchids and Bees, a Codependent Design
Flowers hold a fascination for most people. They have at least a threefold purpose: First for attracting animals (e.g., insects, birds, and mammals) for reproduction via pollination, the second for...
Biblical Creation and Intellectual Foolishness
In a recent interview discussing his new book In Quest of the Historical Adam, philosopher and Christian apologist William Lane Craig acknowledged his biased assumptions when interpreting how the words...
Early Land Plant Evolution?
In a recent Science article, two evolutionists consider land plants (embryophytes) to have evolved from stoneworts (charophyte algae).1 A spore is a haploid (single, unpaired chromosome),...
Evolutionary Acceptance and Misinformation
A recent study claims that a majority (54%) of Americans now accept as true the statement “Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals.”1 Unfortunately,...
Another Function of 'Junk DNA' Discovered
For decades, evolutionists suggested that huge sections of our genome (about half) did not actively code for the production of proteins or polypeptides—and so were useless, or “junk DNA.”...
Mutation, Design, and Faith
Any alteration in a cell’s DNA sequence is a mutation. These changes can come from copying errors, exposure to chemicals or radiation, or from an infection. But other types of genetic changes...
Centipede Adaptation Is Divinely Engineered
Crawly centipedes usually elicit shock and revulsion when they appear in one’s home, the woods, or some other place. They are found from deserts and Amazon forests to surge zones of seashores....
Three Hurdles for Evolution
Sure, finch beaks shift their shapes, but does that mean nature invented beaks and birds from stardust? Evolution’s proponents often speak as though we witnessed the supposed steps from dust to...
Man: Smart from the Start
People have been created with a three-pound brain that scientists will never fully understand. Evolutionists have tried to trace the evolution of the human neurological system (including the brain and...
Dinosaurs: Delightful Dragons
A Florida woman recently received national attention when she suggested (somewhat in jest) that a long-tailed creature captured in early morning home security footage looked like a dinosaur.1...
Marine Sponges Inspire
The oceans are alive with God’s diverse and amazing creatures. Scripture tells us “God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly,...
Vertebrate Origins on the Ropes...Again
In 1859, the Western world was turned upside down by the publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle...
Some Marine Extinctions Were Caused by the Flood
Genesis describes a one-time global catastrophe that completely inundated the world, destroying all air-breathing land animals. God made provision through Noah and the Ark to preserve all dry-land creature...
Building a Perfectly Optimal Flying Machine
For thousands of years, people have dreamed of flying because they witnessed birds and knew it was possible. Inspired by a study of birds, the Wright brothers created the first functional flying machine...
A Texas-Size Spider Mystery
The delightfully creepy spider belongs to a class called Arachnida—which is distinct from the “bug” class Insecta. Not surprisingly, according to the fossil record, spiders have always...
Created Cuttlebone's Sweet Spot
God created Earth during the creation week just thousands of years ago. This includes its marvelous oceans—128 million square miles of salt water. In the 21st century, scientists and laymen alike...
Pterosaurs Didn't Have Feathers
Evolutionary scientists have recently claimed that pterosaurs had feathers.1 Pterosaurs were winged reptiles. Although they’re sometimes called “flying dinosaurs,” they...
Osteostracans Aren't Ancestors
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 states that man became a “living soul”...
Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
Scott Arledge and Brian Thomas, Ph.D. “The odds that we are in base reality is one in billions,” says famed inventor Elon Musk.1 He reasons that if humans continue the...
Claims of 100-Million-Year-Old Bacteria Unfounded
Evolutionary scientists recently claimed to have discovered bacteria that are 101.5 million years old. In 2010 researchers collected deep-sea sediment cores in the South Pacific as part of the Integrated...
Science vs. Falsely Called Knowledge
Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith....
An Old Friend Came Home
Years ago, an attendee at an ICR Back to Genesis seminar approached me with a fossil he and his daughter had found while on a hike in Washington State. It was obviously petrified wood, which is common...
New Testament Upholds Created Kind Stasis
The opening chapter of Genesis makes a significant and scientifically accurate statement concerning the fixity of created kinds. During the creation week, we repeatedly read the phrase that every type...
Amber Insect Fossils Still Glow
Fossilized tree resin is called amber. Its translucent sheen and natural beauty have been appreciated for centuries. Amber is mentioned four times in Scripture, such as in Ezekiel 1:4: Then I looked,...
Biological Bounceback at Mount St. Helens
Early one bright Sunday morning, Mount St. Helens looked as picturesque as it had for hundreds of years. Suddenly, an earthquake shook loose the north side of the mountain. This uncorked a torrent of...
Human Activity and Vertebrate Evolutionary History
God gave humans a dominion mandate1 and expects us to exercise responsible stewardship “over all the earth.”2 After the Flood, God reaffirmed the mandate in Genesis...
Tully Monster Has the Last Laugh on Evolution
The pre-Flood world was teeming with some pretty amazing animals. Then the Flood came, rapidly burying and entombing trillions of creatures in sediments that lithified into rocks such as shale, limestone,...
Evolution's Death Versus Jesus' Death
Cancer took the life of both my dad and a friend in the last several months. Death certainly injects misery into the joys of life. I know we must die, for “the wages of sin is death” (Romans...
An Ocean of Viruses
A virus is a very tiny structure that, in its simplest definition, is some nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) packed inside a protein coat. Viruses can’t live on their own—they are designed...
How Not to Date Hominid Remains
A recent Neanderthal study in the journal Science mixed detailed archaeological finds with stories about human origins. As is typical, the report’s age assignments for fossils fit evolutionary...
Subtle Idolatry in Modern Science
Engaging in worship seems unavoidable for humans—even the atheistic thinkers who dominate modern science. Reverence and adoration lie at the heart of worship. Scripture tells us the ancient Egyptians,...
Delighting in God's Handiwork in the Classroom
Evolutionists often see themselves as champions of learning and education—proponents of “enlightenment” fighting the forces of ignorance and superstition, largely represented in their...
Turtles Have Always Been Turtles
Turtles (Chelonia) are found in oceans, freshwater ponds, and on land. The Galapagos tortoise is the largest living species of tortoise and, like the sea turtle, is able to live well over a century....
Ancient Sahara Was Wetter Than Expected
New research has again confirmed the predictions of creation scientists. The Sahara Desert wasn’t always a dry, desolate place. Right after the Ice Age, the Sahara was filled with lakes and swamps.1 Wim...
Metabolic Pathways to God
We read in Genesis 1 how God created the universe and everything in it—from people, animals, and plants to planets and stars. Life is incredibly complex, having been created that way “in...
Iron Face Mask Found in Coal?
I was recently contacted by an older lady1 who grew up in the coal mining area of Appalachia. Her ancestors had lived in the area for generations, and she related how her miner father, now...
Toe Yoga and Genesis 3
I’ve suffered from heel pain for over a decade. I just want to be able to run, but sometimes I can barely even walk. I learned that I need to build up the intrinsic muscles and other tissues of...
Symbiotic Lichens Showcase Our Creator's Ingenuity
Lichens resemble plants or fungi, with elaborate branches like ocean coral, tiny cup-like structures, or leaf-like fronds. They can be found growing in forests, deserts, arctic tundra, or even in your...
The Plan to Replace God
After reviewing the writings of some 18th- and 19th-century thinkers, I’m convinced that the popularity of ideas like “millions of years” and “organic evolution” prevalent...
Homology: Descent or Design?
An evolutionist friend and I recently chatted about animals. He said it’s amazing how many different animals’ skeletons look so similar. Just stretch, shrink, and shape the bones of one...
Dinosaurs Had Reptilian Metabolic Adaptation
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. Scientists have long wondered how cold-blooded reptiles (ectotherms) like dinosaurs could have been so active and vigorous. Anatomical analyses of...
Genesis and the Oceans
The origin of the oceans has long been a puzzle to secular scientists.1 Recently, however, progress has been made. Evolutionists are suggesting a novel idea regarding the source of Earth’s...
St. Davids Dragon…Fantasy or Reality?
My early memories of dinosaur teachings reflected the doctrine of their extinction 65 million years ago and the evolution of mankind only several million years ago. If that really happened, then our...
The World's Oldest Bird Fossil
Ask college freshman biology students to name the oldest bird fossil and they’ll probably say the evolutionary icon Archaeopteryx. In that case, you’d hear the wrong answer. The story of...
Are Blue Eyes in Humans a Mutation?
When it comes to the history of basic human traits, an evolutionary myth about eye color often pops up. The secular story maintains that blue eyes are the result of a genetic mutation that occurred...
Confronting a Clever Classroom Con
Many Christian students in secular universities can relate to this scenario: An evolutionist college professor is doing his best to convince his class that biblical creation is absurd. To this end,...
Complex Creature Engineering Requires a Creator
High-Tech Bat Sonar Bats are a remarkable example of God’s handiwork. Especially, their sonar capabilities put anything human-engineered to shame.1,2 These creatures appear suddenly...
The Syrinx Song
The rippling murmur of a mountain brook, the intertwining notes of a Chopin nocturne, and the melodious sounds of most birds are a tonic to soothe the soul. What makes the unique sounds of birds...
Intricate Animal Designs Demand a Creator
Evidence of our Creator is all around us. Romans 1:19-20 states, “What may be known of God is manifest in [people], for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible...
Surprise! Deep-Sea Fish See Colors
Only sunlight’s most intense color (blue) penetrates beyond 180 meters (590 feet) through clear ocean waters. Everyone knows that fish below such depths see an essentially black-and-white world....
The Genesis Flood and Evangelism
Some Christians claim that insisting on a literal Genesis is a hindrance to evangelism. Since science has supposedly proved that the creation and Flood it describes weren’t real, historical events,...
How Mount St. Helens Refutes Evolution
ICR was recently pleased to host Gary Bates, CEO of Creation Ministries International-USA, for a private tour of the under-construction ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History.1...
A Literal Adam Is a Gospel Issue
Was there a literal Adam? Does it matter? Many academics and even Christians claim humans descended from apes through an evolutionary process over millions of years. This contradicts the biblical account...
Mongolia, Montana, and My Bible
I recently completed an online college course on Cretaceous dinosaurs from China, centering on fossils from the Erlian Formation. These rock layers lie in a big basin near the Mongolian border. Clues...
Scientific and Biblical Truth Converge for Gopher Wood
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. Scientific facts can sometimes yield surprising biblical insight. For example, lignins make hardwood trees hard. They are a complex...
Recent Humans with Archaic Features Upend Evolution
Ideas shaping the concept of human evolution have largely played out through images. Characters with large brow ridges and sloping foreheads—including Homo neanderthalensis and Homo erectus—have...
Are Creationists Biased?
Creation critics object that creation scientists are biased. Since we seek answers to skeptical objections to the biblical account of creation, this supposedly means our research results are automatically...
Can Intelligent Design Prove Evolution?
BioLogos is a theistic evolution-based organization that promotes the secular model of molecules-to-man evolution. The group’s adherents not only champion the secular model of evolution, they...
Are People and Fruit Flies Related?
There are around 152,000 named species of flies (the order Diptera) representing approximately 10% of all species on Earth. One genus in particular, the pesky fruit fly Drosophila, is found all around...
Grace from the Ark and the Flood
How strange that we decorate children’s play areas with Noah’s Ark themes. While we paint cute animals on church walls, the real Flood event was horrific. “And all flesh died that...
Did Dinosaurs Come with or without Feathers?
Many secular scientists consider so-called “feathered dinosaurs” to be evidence of dinosaurs evolving into birds. Clearly defined anatomy-based categories exist for both “bird”...
High-Tech Plant Communication Glorifies the Creator
Modern societies exchange important information through high-tech communication systems with state-of-the-art wireless and hard-wired networks. While humans have only accomplished this feat in recent...
Four Observations Evolution Can't Explain
Almost everyone knows someone who believes in evolution. This matters because evolution contradicts Genesis, and the gospel rests upon Genesis. For example, Genesis teaches that God made Adam and Eve,...
Baryon Conservation and the Antimatter Mystery
Everything is made of matter. Matter is made of atoms, and atoms are made of smaller particles. Baryons are one of these subatomic particles, and the most common are protons and neutrons. They’re...
New Chimp Genome Confirms Creationist Research
The more DNA sequencing technologies improve, the worse it gets for the evolutionary paradigm. Such is the case with the newest version of the chimpanzee genome. The more DNA sequencing technologies...
Genetics Research Keeps Confirming a Recent Creation
Scientists have been fascinated with the idea of measuring changes in the DNA of humans and other organisms to come up with a “genetic clock” that calculates how long a species has existed....
Bioinspiration: The Birds Will Tell You
Humans have been endeavoring to soar like birds for millennia. After multiple failures, many people felt that manned, mechanized flight was impossible. After three years of test flights, Wilbur and...
Evolutionists Can't Fill the Hexapod Gap
Insects are ubiquitous on Earth. They fly through the air, live in trees, walk on or under the ground, and even live or hunt in water. Some are appreciated, some are not, but they are critical to the...
Beardogs: Bears, Dogs, or Something Else?
My wife recently read an article titled “Bear Dogs of El Paso” in a Texas magazine. The second sentence stated that “these ancient mammals” were “ancestral to both bears...
Codons Are Not Degenerate After All
A popular meme of evolutionary speculation is the belief that many DNA sequences in the genome have the capacity to freely mutate and thus can function as a mechanism for creating new selectable traits...
Male-Female Differences Supported by Scripture and Science
The issue of gender is a frequent news topic. What is the Christian’s position on this issue, and what does science document? Echoing Genesis 1:27 and 2:24, Jesus said, “From the beginning...
Darwin's Abominable Mystery and the Genesis Flood
by Jeffrey P Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Charles Darwin frankly acknowledged that the profound lack of transitional forms in the fossil record for one fundamental type of creature...
Time and Creation
What Is Time? Questions about time often arise in discussions of Genesis and Earth’s age. Could billions of years have elapsed before the “in the beginning” of Genesis 1? When...
The Designed Interface of the Eye's Microbiome
Researchers have discovered unique microbial communities on and in our skin, mouth, gut, and airways. This collection of viruses, bacteria, and fungi is called the microbiome. The human immune system’s...
Evolutionary Mysticism and the End of Science
Evolutionary secularists often fancy themselves as hard-nosed empiricists who are immune to the allures of “magical” thinking. However, as the inadequacies of materialistic naturalism become...
Communicate Creation with Mirror Questions
Extraordinary designs found all over the world simply demand divine creation.1 But people who reject God’s Son and the salvation He supplies often reject this clearly seen evidence...
Genesis and the Question of Entropy
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), and His creation was “very good” (v. 31). This raises the question of why our current world is in such...
Human Traits Not So Simple After All
Many people were told in biology class that some basic human traits reflect simple genetic principles. One example is how earlobes are attached. When I was in high school, our biology teacher told us...
When Frogs Fly
Wallace’s flying frog in flight. It uses the webbing between its toes to help it glide. Mammals, reptiles, and even amphibians can actually glide through the atmosphere. God’s...
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Shenanigans
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Complex Cretaceous-Paleogene clay layer (gray) in the Geulhemmergroeve tunnels near Geulhem, the Netherlands. Finger is...
The Created Placenta
The complex mammalian placenta is an organ to which, in a sense, we all owe our lives. It’s formed by the fusion of maternal and embryonic tissues and establishes vascular contact between mother...
Resolving the Sheet Sand Enigma
Sheet sands are widespread, thin sandstones that blanket large regions of the continents. Most are composed of extremely pure quartz of uniform, well-rounded grains that contain almost no shale. Secular...
Facial Recognition Study Misses the Bottom Line
Human brains come specially wired to recognize faces. Where did that innate wiring come from? Two psychologists finagled a fantasy answer that shows how crazy evolution-based reasoning can get. Their...
Genesis Doesn't Fit with Deep Time
The entirety of  Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. (Psalm 119:160) A recent Pew Research Center poll showed the number of Americans who professed...
The Ever-Evolving Human Evolution Story
Evolutionary scientists recently announced that fossils from Jebel Irhoud in Morocco, dated at around 300,000 years old, are the oldest Homo sapiens fossils ever discovered.1 This claim is...
Another Evolutionary Ancestor Gets Nixed
Homo naledi skyrocketed to international fame in 2015 as a claimed ape-like ancestor of man that fit the story of human evolution. Discoverer and promoter Lee Berger published hasty reports and then...
The Greatest Story Ever Told?
A recent American Physical Society newsletter contained an excerpt from physicist Lawrence Krauss’ new book The Greatest Story Ever Told—So Far.1,2 In it, Krauss states that for...
Dinosaurs and Dragon Legends
"Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; he eats grass like an ox. See now, his strength is in his hips, and his power is in his stomach muscles. He moves his tail like a cedar;...
Will the Real Pseudoscientists Please Stand Up?
Evolutionists seem to hold to the philosophy “if you can’t beat them, belittle them.” Recent events illustrate the manner in which they attempt to marginalize or dismiss creation research...
Cancer Research Confirms the Curse
Cancer’s devastation directly or indirectly touches almost everybody on Earth, and a great deal of research focuses on finding the cause and cure. A new study’s results showed that the number...
Pervasive Genome Function Debunks Junk DNA
The genome, the complete set of chromosomes in a cell, is like a computer hard drive that encodes the information stored in its DNA. Protein-coding genes are segments of DNA carrying instructions for...
Actual Feathers on Mystery Fossil Indicate 'Bird'
Most people, when they see something new, quickly try to categorize it. They want to associate it with something familiar. They say, “That’s an odd piece of jewelry,” or “That’s...
DNA Variation Widens Human-Chimp Chasm
Over the past 20 years, DNA sequencing technology has improved regarding the bulk amount of sequence it can produce. However, the length of the DNA snippets (called reads) that are obtained is still...
Stunning Protein Fossils Confirm the Flood
Already in 2017, secular scientists have described some stunning original biochemicals in fossil bones. Two new finds reignite vigorous debate over the nature of the protein remnants—are they...
God's Threading Machines
What does it take to slip a tiny thread through the eye of a needle and then use that thread to accomplish a purpose? Chimpanzees and other apes can’t do this. It takes fine, precise motion. Three...
What Is a Graven Image?
 The concept of a graven or carved image1 in the second of the Ten Commandments is sometimes misunderstood. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness...
Evolutionary Clock Futility
 Evolutionists assign millions of years to fossils, and even to genes in the DNA of living creatures, in an attempt to bolster evolutionary theory, which needs the magic of “deep time”...
The Beginning of Knowledge
How do we know that God exists and the Bible is His Word? Many people think God’s existence is just like any other truth claim—a hypothesis we can confirm or falsify by proper reasoning...
Fast-Changing Killifish Swim Past Evolution
 Industrialists dumped potent pollutants into Atlantic bays in the 1950s and 1960s, killing all kinds of fish. Even today, few fish brave those waters. A team of scientists led by Andrew Whitehead...
Six Fossil Timers Stun Secular Scientists
 If fossils really are millions of years old, then the Bible has problems. It would place death before sin—undermining the work of Christ on the cross.1 It would also fictionalize...
Multipurpose Plant Sensors Startle Scientists
Plants’ amazing sensor systems enable them to adapt in response to multiple environmental cues. Since plants can’t get up and move around, they have to grow, develop, and thrive where they...
Fish as Smart as Apes?
Since evolutionary thinking permeates the entire spectrum of biology, scientists are consistently surprised by the mental abilities of creatures thought to be lower on the so-called tree of life. In...
The Lion's Mane
A male lion in his prime with a grand and bushy mane rarely fails to impress. Ancient peoples carved lions onto stone walls, and prophets spoke of lions in the Scriptures. But of all the cats found...
Genesis Compromise Unravels the Bible
Christians who accept millions of years of Earth history may be unaware of the inconsistency of their position. On one hand, they profess to believe the Bible, but on the other they fail to accept Genesis...
Mesozoic Seafood Menu Caters to Noah's Flood
After looking over a long list of “living fossils”—living creatures with fossil look-alikes—I realized many of them are found on today’s seafood menus. What delectable...
Modern Science and Vain Philosophy: An Ancient Deceptio.,.
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”...
Genesis Prophecies
A young traveler recently picked up my book Dinosaurs and the Bible from a convenience store and read the introduction to his friends. The group included Christians and atheists, so the topic sparked...
Evolutionary Crisis and the Third Way
Modern evolutionary theory has never been without its problems and controversies—even among secular scientists. Famed evolutionist Douglas Futuyma recently stated: Ever since the Evolutionary...
Two Recent Fossils Confront Gradual Evolution
In Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, he claimed that “natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a sudden leap, but must...
Circadian Clocks, Genes, and Rhythm
Life could not exist without organisms’ engineered ability to keep track of time on a 24-hour day-night cycle called a circadian rhythm. Even sophisticated electronic machines such as computers...
DNA Trends Confirm Noah's Family
When research biologist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson plotted hundreds of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences onto a tree diagram, the project revealed an obvious pattern: The mtDNA stemmed from three...
Looking Back at Pluto
Nearly a year has elapsed since the New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto and captured the first high-resolution images of this mysterious dwarf planet. Far different from the cold, dead, 4.5 billion-year-old...
Flood Evidence in Montana's Mountains
ICR’s Dr. Jake Hebert and I recently enjoyed a field trip around the town of Ennis, Montana, hosted by post-Flood Ice Age expert Michael Oard. During the outing we observed two landscape features...
Skateboarding and Darwinism
Back when my bones were less brittle and muscles more malleable, skateboarding was my passion. I remember how happy I felt raising my arms in victory the first time I ollied over a trash barrel tipped...
How Theology Informs Science
Theology was once “the queen of the sciences,” but many in our increasingly skeptical society now regard it as a pointless field of study. After all, why study the Bible if it is merely...
The Rodent Record
Evolutionists claim rodents evolved from an unknown ancestor 60 million years ago. But when fossils are found of these placental mammals, they are always 100% rodents.1 They never show a...
Higher Thoughts
The television show Limitless explores the fiction of unlocking the full potential of the human mind through medication. In the story, a miracle pill named NZT-48 supposedly allows the brain to work...
Who doesn’t pause to marvel when a hummingbird flies by? These tiny, colorful birds perform amazing aerobatic feats, and yet some very smart scientists insist that mere natural forces mimicked...
Sailing to the Stars
The word astronaut comes from the Greek word for “sailor” combined with the Greek word for “star,” so that an astronaut is someone who sails to the stars.1 2016...
Chinese Femur Refutes Human Evolution
Textbooks around the world contain the well-known illustration of walking apes transitioning into a modern human. I recently heard a college student, raised in a Christian home, say these pictures convinced...
Dinosaurs Designed without Feathers
A recent claim of a newly discovered “feathered” dinosaur has pushed the controversy over birds and dinosaurs back into the limelight.1 Were dinosaurs really feathered, and did...
Homo naledi: Claims of a Transitional Ape
In the December 2015 issue of Acts & Facts, we pointed out some strange circumstances surrounding the cave in which Homo naledi—one of the most recent hyped examples of a “human ancestor”—was...
Applying Design Analysis to Microbiome Research
Researchers continue to discover unique microbial communities on and in our skin, mouth, gut, and airways. This collection of viruses, bacteria, and fungi is termed the microbiome. Our relationship...
Duck-bill Dinosaur Blood Vessels
Scientists keep finding short-lived biochemicals and even soft tissues in fossils! Over the years, they have found unmistakable evidence of specific proteins like collagen and hemoglobin, and even what...
Dinosaurs Designed Cold-Blooded
Evolutionary scientists are trying to find evidence that dinosaurs were warm-blooded creatures in order to place them closer to birds on their evolutionary diagrams.1 According to Dr. Tom...
Modern Archaeology and Genesis
With so many loud voices in our culture asserting that Genesis is a myth, one would think archaeologists have uncovered clear evidence that refutes it. On the contrary, some incredible archaeological...
Genesis and Climate Change
Because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, many are concerned that higher amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide will result in catastrophic global warming—including an increasing number of evangelical...
Soft Tissue Time Paradox
In 1997, Dr. Mary Schweitzer published a series of articles detailing her observations of potential biomolecules within the trabecular (spongy) bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex femur found in strata conventionally...
Homo naledi : New Claims of a Missing Link
Recent claims of a transitional species named Homo naledi have the anthropological world in an uproar.1-3 The new fossil “species” is said to be a humanlike ancestor that neatly...
The Perfect Balance of Our Solar System
For decades it has been somewhat of a mystery to secularists as to why our solar system is structured the way it is: the four gas giants—Saturn and Jupiter, composed mainly of helium and hydrogen,...
Endosymbiosis: A Theory in Crisis
One of the biggest problems for evolution is how animal and plant cells, eukaryotes, could have been derived from precursor bacteria-like cells called prokaryotes. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotic cells...
Pre-Flood Human Fossils Revisited
Where are the fossils from the people who lived before the Flood? A 1992 ICR article supplied seven responses to this question.1 Land animals and humans have a low fossilization potential....
The Ultrasonic War Between Bats and Moths
Picture a calm summer evening. Most people are only dimly aware of the aerial creatures that may dart and dive nearby. Indeed, many would think these animals are birds unless their activity is closely...
Evolution's Top Example Topples
On February 24, 1988, evolutionary biologist Richard Lenski began an ingenious ongoing experiment to test and demonstrate evolution. He and his coworkers have nursed thousands of generations of the...
Two Creation Accounts?
Critics of the Bible sometimes claim the first and second chapters of Genesis represent two different creation accounts and that these two accounts are clearly contradictory. They allege the order of...
The Mystery of Missing Talus
In August 2013 while on a week-long boat tour of Grand Canyon’s Colorado River, I got a close-up view of secular geology’s missing-talus problem. As our crew boarded the boats at Lee’s...
Moonlighting Proteins Befuddle Evolution
In contrast to human-made systems such as dedicated pieces of electronic hardware that have a single function in a single location (e.g., a temperature sensor), the divinely made proteins in cells are...
A Historical Adam Is Not Enough
Belief in an old earth creates enormous theological problems for Christians. There is an obvious tension with a straightforward reading of Genesis, as well as the problem of animal death and suffering...
No Bones About It! There's No Evidence Humans Evolved
But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. (Mark 10:6) Most of us have been exposed to the illustration depicting the ascent of man from an apelike ancestor to a modern...
Tyrannosaurus rex Was No Birdbrain
Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs evolved into birds, despite the strong evidence against it.1 One of the portrayed misconceptions concerns the brains of large predatory dinosaurs like...
Monuments of Catastrophe from Mount St. Helens
This spring I was able to visit Mount St. Helens while speaking at a string of ICR events in the Washington state area. In and around the volcano I saw powerful monuments of the quick geologic...
Tracking Down Leviathan
What exactly was the leviathan described so vividly in Job 41? Was it a swimming reptile like a plesiosaur or a mosasaur, or something we have yet to unearth? We may never know the answer for certain,...
Distant Starlight and the Big Bang
Since light travels at a known rate, how could incredibly far-away starlight have reached Earth in just one day—specifically, Day 4 of the creation week?1 Genesis scoffers, including...
Thick Ice Sheets: How Old Are They Really?
Secular scientists claim that ice in deep cores extracted from the thick Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets is hundreds of thousands of years old. Do these ice cores prove an old earth? Although...
Dinosaurs in Marine Sediments: A Worldwide Phenomenon
For many years, paleontologists have known of marine fossils within various dinosaur-bearing rock units in the American West. These occurrences are largely ignored by mainstream scientists who deny...
How Could Eve Know?
Eve was challenged with the first recorded dilemma. On the one hand, God indicated that on the day Eve and Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their immortal bodies would become...
Snake Venom, Genetic Entropy, and Adam's Curse
Unbelievers and Christians alike often ask, “How could a good god make creatures with toxic venom?” According to the Bible, God originally created the world free of death, disease, and violence....
Viral Genome Junk Is Bunk
One of the great ongoing myths of evolution is that the genomes of animals and humans are littered with vast amounts of genomic viral DNA fossils. These alleged ancient viral sequences are thought to...
One-Ton Guinea Pig
As if living creatures don’t display enough variety in God’s creation, fossil forms bring that diversity to a whole new level. Consider the fossil skull of a guinea pig from Uruguay so big...
No Evolution Is Proof of Evolution?
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jason Lisle, Ph.D.* Scientists recently discovered a community of fossilized sulfur-metabolizing bacteria that are alleged to be 1.8...
Noah's Ark Model
On January 7, 2015, I delivered my model of Noah’s Ark to our Institute for Creation Research offices in Dallas, Texas. The project started as part of my Master’s in Christian Education...
Viruses--Architects of the Brain?
Mammal brains contain over a thousand different types of nerve cells, each networked to many other nerve cells in a dazzling, three-dimensional architecture that researchers are only just beginning...
The Whopper Sand
There’s a huge deposit of sand in the deep Gulf of Mexico, and no one seems to know how it got there—except maybe Flood geologists. Early in my career as a geologist for an oil company,...
Optimized Design Models Explain Biological Systems
Biochemical networks, signaling cascades, and genomes in cells are complicated information processing systems that are key to all aspects of living organisms. An increasing body of research shows these...
Was Leviathan Real?
Scripture describes leviathan as a titanic terror roaming the ancient seas. Was it real, and if so, what was it? Historical hints help answer these questions. The most complete description of leviathan...
Dinosaur Fossils in Late-Flood Rocks
Evolutionary scientists view Earth’s rock layers as a chronological record of millions of years of successive sedimentary deposits. Creation scientists, on the other hand, see them as a record...
'Dicer' Enzyme Keeps DNA on Track
As you read this article, think about your body. It’s composed of over 100 trillion cells working nonstop in a complex choreography of microscopic building and repairing. Scientists have looked...
Not Even Wrong
Physicist Wolfgang Pauli was once asked to review a technical paper and assess its accuracy. The content was so garbled, however, that Pauli is said to have remarked that not only was the paper not...
Devils, Dinosaurs, and Squirrel Fossils
The concept of dinosaurs living in a distant time populated by unique and now mostly extinct plants and animals has captured generations of students and moviegoers, but actual fossil finds keep contradicting...
A Recent Origin for Stonehenge?
Archaeologists have been using ground-penetrating radar and other techniques to intensively study underground areas all around Stonehenge, a mysterious circle of stones in England that secular historians...
Fountains of the Deep
Most of the fossil-bearing strata on Earth are comprised of six megasequences.1,2 Secular scientists believe they were laid down over millions of years, but this assumption prevents them...
Lungfish Design Is Walking Tall
The Lord Jesus unleashed His creativity when He designed fish. Some have numerous bones, others none. Many are streamlined, but a few are shaped like…well, rocks. Some even survive out of water....
Traditions of a Global Flood
Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (1 Corinthians 1:20) One of the strongest evidences for the global Flood...
Genetic Entropy Points to a Young Creation
Many creationists believe that the bulk of scientific evidence for a recent creation comes from the fields of geology, physics, and astronomy and that biology and genetics have little to contribute....
From Shinto to Christian Pastor
The Institute for Creation Research recently hosted a delightful guest: Pastor Nobuji Horikoshi. (He tells people to remember his last name by noting it sounds somewhat like “Holy Ghost”.)...
How Consistent Are Old-Earth 'Clocks'?
Secular scientists have numerous ways of estimating the age of Earth’s geological features, including radioisotope dating. Old-earth advocates assert that the consistency among different dating...
Another Big Bang Blunder
2014 has been a rough year for supporters of the Big Bang model. In March the BICEP2 radio astronomy team announced purported direct evidence for inflation, which is an integral part of the Big Bang...
Human Fossils: A Present-Day Flood Example
The human population in Noah’s day was extensive, likely numbering in the multimillions. With the exception of the few people on the Ark, this entire population was annihilated by the Flood. Since...
Do Sand-Dune Sandstones Disprove Noah's Flood?
Science Writer Brian Thomas recently hiked in Colorado and came across some beautiful examples of cross-bedded sandstone. Why did he get so excited? While hiking with a youth group in Colorado recently,...
Shark Genes Devour Evolution
Evolutionists believe that the ancient ancestor of modern humans arose over 450 million years ago from sharks that had a cartilaginous skeletal system (a class called Chondrichthyes, or cartilaginous...
The Limits of Variability
One of the “heroes” of evolutionists is Gregor Mendel, a European monk who experimented with plant breeding in the latter half of the 1800s. While his contemporary Charles Darwin specifically...
On Making a Whale
Students in science classrooms or watching PBS are often confronted with blatant evolutionary claims that seem to go against common logic. Simply asking “How do you know that to be true?”...
Still Soft after 551 Million Years?
Original soft-tissue fossils continue to challenge mainstream understanding of how and when fossils formed. Secular researchers described dozens of them over the years, from mummified skin and dried...
Cosmos: A Series Created to Counter Creation
“The universe is all that is, or was, or ever will be.” Does this statement raise any red flags? It was the opening line of the popular 1980 TV series Cosmos and was repeated in its current...
Order Points to a Recent Creation
Evolutionists would have us believe that over the course of 3.7 billion years simple molecules somehow organized themselves into the significantly more complicated molecules of living organisms, then...
Lots of Grand Canyons
On the seminar trail, I and other ICR speakers often use Grand Canyon as an example of Flood-caused geological features. We frequently run into opposition from people who’ve been taught that it...
Ancient Whale Graveyard Points to Genesis Flood
According to a recent evolutionary article, anywhere from 6.5 to 9 million years ago a catastrophic event occurred in what is now the Atacama region of Chile.1 Four distinct layers of fossil...
From the Sea to the Land
The Back to Genesis section of Acts & Facts received its name years ago to reflect ICR’s thinking about origins research and how we approach scientific data. As Bible-believing Christians,...
Miracle Eyes
"Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.”1 Just as quickly as He made the first human eyes out of dust, Jesus...
The Bitter Harvest of Evolutionary Thinking
What would you think if scientists were to suggest that large tracts of uncultivated land, which could be used to grow crops to feed hungry people, should be left untouched? And how would you react...
Creation Verses
For years I’ve collected good creation verses—passages that clearly speak of the majesty of God in creation. When signing letters I often follow my signature with such a reference. As you...
James Ussher and His Chronology: Reasonable or Ridiculous?
Introduction Archbishop James Ussher (1581–1656) was one of the most important biblical scholars of the 17th century. His research and scholarly work have even earned high praise from some...
Amber Fossils Redefine 'Age of Reptiles'
Supposedly, dinosaurs lived during an “Age of Reptiles” when many of today’s creatures had not yet evolved. Museums and textbooks typically display fossil dinosaurs in isolation, and...
Rapidly Forming Oil Supports Flood Time Frame
My earlier Acts & Facts article “Oil, Fracking, and a Recent Global Flood” dealt with the origin of hydrocarbons and the oil generation process.1 This article will examine...
Catastrophic Deposition of Megabreccias
Sometimes sedimentary deposits contain large cobbles or boulders known as clasts, which were somehow transported to their present locations. Moving water is required to transport sand grains, and the...
Trilobites: Sudden Appearance and Rapid Burial
Trilobites are one of the most popular fossils for collectors and are found all over the world. The Ute Indians used one species as an amulet, and there is even a cave in France called the Grotte du...
Earth's Age: Science or Consensus?
Many scientifically trained Christians are urging the church to accept the doctrine of an old earth, saying that the arguments for a 4.6-billion-year-old earth are simply too numerous and convincing...
Counting Sheep Since Jacob's Day
Charles Darwin believed that selective breeding, the process he leadingly coined as “artificial selection,” illustrated how evolution in the wild could transform one animal kind into another....
Scripture and the Flood
Often in the pages of Acts & Facts we make reference to the great Flood of Noah’s day being global in extent and dynamic in intensity as opposed to being a mere local or tranquil event. There...
Bloody Mosquito Pierces Standard Fossil Dating Procedure
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Tim Clarey, Ph.D. * A Blood-Filled Fossil Researchers recently examined a spectacular mosquito fossil containing still-bloody remnants within its body. They dated...
The Red Record
by John D. Morris, Ph.D., with Bruce Malone * Flood narratives abound in cultures around the world. Creation speaker and scientist Bruce Malone alerted me to one of these accounts in a...
Runaway Subduction and Deep Catastrophic Earthquakes
A magnitude 8.3 earthquake recently struck deep below the Sea of Okhotsk in the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone just south of the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula and 950 miles north of Japan. It ruptured...
Fossil Coral 'Reefs' Among Rock Strata
In certain regions geologists find what appear to be fossilized coral reefs either buried in deep underground strata or exposed on the earth’s surface. If these reefs really took millions of years...
Pollen Fossils Warp Evolutionary Time
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Tim Clarey, Ph.D. * Another support beam has fallen from evolution’s explanatory framework as European scientists now report the discovery of flowering plant fossils...
Shark Origins: An Evolutionary Explanation
During a recent visit to Florida’s Clearwater Marine Aquarium, I peered into a tank containing a host of animals, including a sleek and formidable shark, and thought of evolutionist Theodosius...
Sticking Your Neck Out
In 1809, Jean Baptiste Lamarck speculated that the necks of giraffes could grow longer simply by reaching higher and that they could pass this trait on to their offspring.1 A half-century...
Tyrannosaurus rex: Scavenger or Predator?
Tyrannosaurus rex looms in recent history as likely the most famous dinosaur that ever lived. The Jurassic Park movies pumped new life into its image as a savage predator. But how much of this is Hollywood...
Ute Pass Fault: Sand Injectites and Rapid Deformation F.,.
In last month’s edition of Acts & Facts, I mentioned studies that Dr. Steve Austin and I presented in a technical paper demonstrating that the deformations in sedimentary strata at two sites...
Colonel James Irwin: Creationist Astronaut
James Benson Irwin (March 17, 1930–August 8, 1991), an American astronaut and scientist, was lunar module pilot for Apollo 15 on the fourth human lunar landing and was the eighth person to walk...
Optimization in Creation
It seems that the clearer the evidence is for creation, the more creative and crazy the stories rejecting it become. Specific examples of structures that God optimized—those He perfected—for...
Interdependence: A Conversation Starter
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” This means, whether...
Oil, Fracking, and a Recent Global Flood
Oil resources are in the news nearly every day, with discussions on both the pros and cons of oil “fracking.” Approximately 10 percent of the world’s recoverable oil reserves are in...
Soft-Sediment Deformation: Recent Flood Evidence
Years ago, Dr. Steve Austin and I wrote a technical article on tight folds in sedimentary rock as evidence for recent creation. The original article, which was awarded the best paper at the 1986 International...
An Update on Chromosome 2 'Fusion'
Did humans inherit their DNA sequence from an ape-like ancestor? One of the common evolutionary arguments for shared ancestry between humans and chimpanzees is the existence of a so-called human “chromosome...
Up and Down Like a Cork?
In a prior column, I pointed out that Earth’s strata, which often lay conformably one on top another, are believed to be separated by millions of years of time, according to traditional thinking.1...
Endocrine System Evolution: A Textbook Example?
A student of zoology would be surprised to learn that, although researchers know much about the function of our endocrine system, they know essentially nothing about its supposed evolution.1 The...
Amazing Animal Eyes
Animals benefit from a variety of unique eye designs, but where did they come from? Two clearly seen eye observations point to Genesis origins. First, animals within a single, broad group often...
The Upside-Down Mountain
Of all the beautiful and awe-inspiring mountains in the Alps, the Matterhorn can elicit the strongest emotions. From snow skiing to mountain climbing, or just sitting and admiring it, none can match...
How Does a Dog Smell Fossils?
Gary Jackson and his dog, Migaloo, trained to sniff out buried remains, work with local Australians to uncover archaeological sites and help police locate the remains of murder victims. According to...
Hot Mantle Initiated Ocean and Flood Beginnings
A new discovery may shed light on how the great Flood began. In a paper published in Nature Geoscience, German scientists found evidence suggesting the earth’s mantle was up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit...
Did Lions Roam the Garden of Eden?
Lions look designed to kill, both inside and out. Sharp teeth and claws, a short digestive tract, powerful limbs—all these features suggest “predator,” not tame and gentle pet. Yet...
God's 'Very Best' Creation
I recently attended a church lecture by a popular “semi-creationist” who advocates his special melding of mainstream science with a self-described “literal” view of Scripture....
Insect Arithmetic--Pure Genius!
by Frank Sherwin, M.A., & Brian Thomas, M.S. * As entomologists study insects and spiders, they regularly discover examples of mathematical genius hardwired into the tiny-brained arthropods....
The Intriguing Ichthyosaur--an Evolutionary Fish Story?
The ichthyosaur, a fascinating marine reptile of the pre-Flood world, was created on Day Five of the six-day creation. Darwinists do not know from which creatures these reptiles evolved, hypothesizing...
The La Brea Tar Pits Mystery
by John D. Morris, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D. * Modern college textbooks still maintain that the famous Rancho La Brea tar pits in southern California are evidence of sticky, tar-like...
What Really Swallowed Jonah?
Did a fish, whale, or something else swallow the prophet Jonah? Historian Bill Cooper recently helped answer this question in his 2012 book The Authenticity of the Book of Jonah.1 The main...
Slot Canyons, a Stunning Flood Formation
We’ve all seen photos of those exquisitely beautiful and mysterious canyons with swirling, multicolored sandstone layers that look almost like marble cake. Known as “slot canyons”...
Paleontology's Pelvic Puzzle
Not only was your pelvis designed to provide a lap for spreading a napkin or holding your children or grandchildren, it was also designed by the Creator as an elegant mechanism to attach your legs to...
Is Mankind Getting Dumber?
Do today’s children have lower IQs than yesterday’s? Yes, according to measurements of intellectual and emotional strength gathered from different countries and contexts. The results show...
Have Sodom and Gomorrah Been Discovered?
Scripture contains several “stories” that have been ridiculed more than others. Of these, the six-day creation, the global Flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the virgin birth, the resurrection...
Complex Bioengineering in Blooming Flowers
Have you ever wondered how a plant knows when it’s time to flower? How does it know it needs to bloom and reproduce to perpetuate itself for future generations? Unlike animals, plants cannot get...
The Unpredictable Pattern of Bioluminescence
Three of my daughters took a night swim in a bioluminescent bay during a mission trip to Puerto Rico in 2012. They splashed water on their heads and watched their hair glow green from countless tiny...
The Dispersal at Babel
According to Genesis, Noah and his family disembarked from the Ark and offered a sacrifice to God in thankfulness for their great deliverance. God responded by giving them the rainbow as the sign of...
Was the 'Black Sea Deluge' the Flood of Noah?
Robert Ballard, the underwater explorer who became famous for discovering the wreck of the Titanic, recently claimed to have found evidence for Noah’s Flood in the Black Sea.1 Could...
The Details Are in the 'Devil'
A 2005 Nature journal article1 announced a fossil discovery that “contradicts conventional evolutionary theory that early mammals couldn’t possibly attack and eat a dinosaur because...
Geologic Changes to the Very Good Earth
The Flood cataclysm dramatically morphed the early earth into the earth we know today. Its original “very good” state was pleasant and stable (Genesis 1:31), but today things are not so...
Design and the Doctrine of God
“I built that.” “No, you didn’t build that.” These words echo a political argument in America about who gets credit for building business-sustaining infrastructure....
Genesis Families
Does social research support biblical ideals for family life? Evolutionary thinking has no explanation for the tradition of one woman marrying one man for life. This comes from Genesis 2:24: “Therefore...
The Survival of Noah's Ark
Skeptics raise a serious objection to the Flood account given in Scripture: How could Noah’s Ark and its precious cargo survive the turmoil of the Flood? Wouldn't it have sunk beneath the...
The Ever-Changing Big Bang Story
Some say that Christians should re-interpret what Genesis states about the origin of the universe to match the claims of the Big Bang model.But which Big Bang model are they talking about? Several versions...
DNA in Dinosaur Bones?
Finding dinosaur DNA is as unthinkable to an evolutionist as finding a flat earth would be to a geographer. This is because DNA decays far too quickly to last millions of years. Thus, a recent report...
An 'Impossible' Task?
By any estimation, the building of Noah’s Ark was a monumental task. Assuming an 18" cubit, the Ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Could Noah and his sons have accomplished...
Christmas Island Zoology
Christmas Island belongs to an idyllic group of islands in the northeast Indian Ocean. The animal biology (zoology) of this island is bountiful. Its vertebrates include birds and a very few mammals,...
Lions and Tigers, Tigons and Ligers
A lioness at Yancheng Safari Park of Changzhou City in China gave birth last December to twin tigons. Unfortunately, one of them died soon after birth.1 Tigons are the rare products of tiger...
The Chattanooga Shale, an Evolutionary Enigma
The most common sedimentary rock type is known as shale, made up of tiny silt or clay particles cemented together. Tiny particles are easily carried along by moving water. Thus, in uniformitarian thinking,...
Big Bang Explanations Fall Flat
The design of our universe continually frustrates the efforts of Big Bang proponents who try to explain our existence apart from the Lord. One of the difficulties in the original Big Bang model was...
Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation
Human genetics strongly confirm the Bible’s straightforward history. In studying mutation rates, geneticists have uncovered a clock-like countdown in human DNA. What does the fact that mankind’s...
Tree Ring Dating
Several species of trees live almost indefinitely. The giant sequoia trees of California are known to live over 3,000 years, discerned through tree ring dating. Under normal circumstances, woody trees...
Evolution: It Just Happened
A recent issue of the secular science journal Nature includes research by molecular palaeobiologist Kevin Peterson in which he questions the traditional evolutionary tree of mammals, stating it is all...
Swimming Upstream: Navigation Systems in Migrating Salmon
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Phil Gaskill * Have you ever been lost and longed for a map and compass? God designed people in His image so that we can create navigational aids. But what if you were...
Observing Creation
Creation and evolution studies are limited to observations in the present, but both speculate about unseen events of the long ago past. Mainstream scientists typically use the principle of uniformitarianism...
A Recent Explosion of Human Diversity
Everyone should know that the cosmos was created.1 It also stands to reason that those who “listen to Moses and the prophets,” as Jesus said, should be able to see more specific...
Blue Stars Confirm Recent Creation
Orion is one of the most well-known and easily recognized constellations of the winter sky. The three bright blue stars in Orion’s belt seem to draw our attention instantly.1 Such stars...
Leakey and 'Human Evolution'
Atheist Richard Leakey is an authority regarding the tenuous idea of human evolution, working tirelessly to establish human evolutionary roots in Africa. This past May at an evolution-promoting...
Ways That Whales Display Their Creator
Scientists just discovered a body organ in the front and center of the lower jaw of the largest mammal that ever lived—the blue whale. All rorqual whales, which are a type of baleen whale, appear...
An Extraterrestrial Cause for the Flood?
The Bible mentions the primary physical causes for the great Flood of Noah’s day in Genesis 7:11. First to break loose were “all the fountains of the great deep.” These no doubt brought...
Big or Small--Rodents Have Always Been Rodents
Everyone is familiar with porcupines, beavers, rats, squirrels, and, of course, mice—common representatives of the order Rodentia or the rodents. They are defined by zoologists as having a single...
Do Habitats Create Creatures?
When secular scientists assume that fossil-bearing sedimentary rock layers are records of bygone eras, they encounter a sticky conundrum. The lowest fossil-rich rock layers, called Cambrian rocks, have...
Volcanoes of the Past
During the great Flood of Noah’s day, God unleashed His great power, exercising His righteous judgment on the wicked and violent civilization that had rejected Him. He promised not only to judge...
Did Some Dinosaurs Really Have Feathers?
by Frank Sherwin, M.A., & Brian Thomas, M.S. * A new dinosaur fossil discovered in China supposedly indicates that it had feathers. The Christian Science Monitor reported that the fossil of...
Flat Gaps Between Strata
When geologists make field observations, they typically focus on the rock before them and its color, density, mineral makeup, fossil content, and other features. But they often would be well-served...
An Amazing Tract Record
Most people have a passing knowledge of the food they eat, and perhaps how it gets digested. As with all human body systems, however, details of the digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract—including...
Four Scientific Reasons That Refute Evolution
Some claim that evolution is unbiblical and unscientific. Others claim that science proves evolution. Which view is right? Four clear observations show why evolution—which asserts that fish became...
The Grand Staircase
Grand Canyon, with its multi-layered sides, is well known to creationists—years of creationist research and writing have secured its place in Flood geology and creationist literature. The Grand...
Technological Innovations from the Creator
A new wave in biology is biomimicry, people imitating those structures or processes that are found in nature. The secular scientist may not be aware of it, but embracing biomimicry is evidence that...
The Masterful Design of Spider Webs
Garden spider webs look amazing, but they also are so strong that they inspire materials scientists. Research recently showed that spider webs actually strengthen after they are slightly damaged. Experiment...
Lateral Layers of Geologic Strata
We’ve all noticed the many layers of rock strata as we drive along a road cut. It seems as though we are driving through a huge “layer cake,” cut open to expose the inside. Grand Canyon...
Hybrid Sharks and Evolutionary Storytelling
by Frank Sherwin, M.A., & Brian Thomas, M.S. * When biologists found hybrid sharks in Australian waters, lead researcher Jess Morgan told Discovery News, “This is evolution in action.”1 What...
Gaps in the Geologic Column
The geologic column—that presentation of the rock record that places rock strata into various ages—can be intimidating. Because it seems authoritative and we see it so frequently, we sometimes...
Arithmetic and the Genetic Code
Where do physical traits such as height and eye color come from? Biologists say these characteristics are phenotypic (physical) expressions of the genotype—the genetic code. The case for creation...
The Genetic Decline of Humanity
In 1993, Lori Oliwenstein wrote in Discover magazine: From the first cell that coalesced in the primordial soup to the magnificent intricacies of Homo sapiens, the evolution of life—as everyone...
The St. Peter Sandstone
In this month’s Impact article, Dr. James Johnson and I introduced the concept of megasequences in geology, which are confirmed by a literal reading of Genesis.1 Recognition of the...
Basic Questions Remain for the Secular Scientist
As we proceed into the 21st century, secular scientists are still attempting to eke out a purely material explanation for the origin of the universe and life on this planet. They will not succeed. New...
On the Origin of Dogs
Overall, there are more dogs than children in American and British households.1 Dogs have become a huge part of humans’ lives. How and when did they get here? Chromosomes show that...
The Failed History of Uniformitarianism
Readers of Acts & Facts and other creation science literature are well aware of the influence of Sir Charles Lyell. He, more than any other, was responsible for turning the scientific enterprise...
Evolutionary 'Game Changer' Doesn't Change Anything
Widespread news reports recently proclaimed that a collection of primate fossils discovered in a collapsed cave in South Africa just might be an evolutionary “game changer.” ABC News reported...
Defending a 'Fact'
The public is overwhelmed with claims that evolution is a fact—from the classrooms to the courts and clergy. The late S. J. Gould even likened evolution to gravity: Facts do not go away when...
What the Fossils Really Say about Sauropod Dinosaurs
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Frank Sherwin, M.A.  * Sauropods, such as Diplodocus and Apatosaurus, were immense, four-footed dinosaurs. By their fossils, researchers know that their skeletal...
The Channeled Scablands
Perhaps the most well-known triumph of catastrophic thinking over strict uniformity is that of Dr. J. Harlen Bretz and the “channeled scablands.” Beginning in the 1920s, Bretz studied the...
So, What Is a Gene?
DNA is the famous molecule of heredity that carries the code of life—an altogether remarkable biopolymer (polynucleotide). As expected, the more research that is conducted on the DNA molecule,...
Thank God for Wood
Wood is a remarkable biological product that has long supplied mankind with strong construction material and fuel, as well as oxygen, enjoyable scenery, and shade. Some have suggested that wood is "simple,"1...
The Rock Walls of Rockwall County
Situated just to the northeast of Dallas County is the county of Rockwall, with its capital city Rockwall, both derived from the frequent occurrence of underground rock "walls" that crop up around the...
From Brains
The secular mantra is ongoing: "Creationism is religion and evolution is science." When evidence is offered for The Non-Darwinian Alternative, evolutionists seem to respond by becoming even more dogmatic...
Yeast: Single Cells That Fit and Fill
Is there any evidence that organisms were programmed by God to quickly adapt to the earth’s changing environments? Those who adhere to old-earth theories chide biblical creationists who propose...
Doubt Versus Unbelief
Teachers and Christian leaders often encourage students to question things, for this can be a real impetus to growth. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions or even with having doubts, for they...
Fishy Evolutionary Explanations
Evolutionists tirelessly beat the drum of humanity’s supposed fish ancestry. Paleontologist Jennifer Clack stated: Although humans do not usually think of themselves as fishes, they nonetheless...
Fit for Flight
Why are pilots and airplane mechanics so meticulous in their upkeep and maintenance of aircraft? The fact that one critical misstep would spell disaster shows that anything that flies must have many interdependent...
The Language of Evolution
In case you haven’t noticed, evolution has its own special language. Science properly uses specific words, often from Latin, to clarify information to those who know the "language," but evolution’s...
'Relatively Simple'
In his book Why Evolution Is True, evolutionist Jerry Coyne of the University of Chicago made the following jaw-dropping statement: Around 600 million years ago a whole gamut of relatively simple but...
Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Shows Adaptive Design
Bacterial survival in antibiotics has been taken as proof of evolution in action. But in-depth studies of the specific mechanisms for antibiotic resistance in bacteria show that no evolutionary processes...
Back to Genesis
The greatest Bible teacher of all time was the Lord Jesus Christ, and when He wanted to teach His friends about Himself and His great plan for the world, He began by teaching them the book of Genesis,...
Eyewitnesses to Extinction: Testimonies to the Life and.,.
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Frank Sherwin, M.A.  * Ask any judge—when reconstructing the past, the testimony of reliable eyewitnesses rountinely trumps other forms of evidence. And there...
On the Origin of Coal
The term "fossil fuel" applies to organic material deposits that can burn, thus producing energy. One such fuel is coal, which is the solid altered remains of plant material, while oil and gas are the...
Fish in the Flood
A question many people have about the Flood is how did both freshwater and saltwater fish survive? Individual fish from most species will die if placed in a wrong environment. If such a flood took place,...
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