Archive of Articles

Snakes Have Always Been Snakes
It's an old story. An animal or plant is discovered in sedimentary rocks by paleontologists and it pushes the organism's origin further back by many millions of years—but it's always...
A New Antibiotic?
Antibiotics serve as some of the most effective tools modern medicine has to offer. These amazing chemicals save many lives by targeting specific and essential processes in pathogenic bacteria—but...
The frilled shark . . . is still a shark
On January 21, 2015 the news broke—an Australian fisherman hooked a "living fossil." Called the frilled (or frill) shark (genus Chlamydoselachus, belonging to Order Hexanchiformes),...
Forensic Science Frustrated by 'Peer Review'
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, a house stood in ruins. What destroyed it? Did Sandy “total” it, or was it structurally defective well before the storm struck? Surely forensic science can...
Little Lights
“Turn in your Bibles to Luke 17,” the pastor said as he began his sermon. I was visiting my son’s church, near a college campus. “Read along with me, beginning at….”...
God's Lovingkindness and Truth
God’s loving care is a great and expansive theme throughout the Bible. Many of the Psalms cite incidences of God’s faithful help, provision, deliverance, or other evidence that He remains...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 5
The first two articles of this series described the purpose and strategy of ICR’s life sciences research.1 Installments three and four surveyed the incredible gains our science team...
Alkali Metal Dating, Rb-Sr Dating Model: Radioactive Da.,.
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 29:29) Editor’s...
Optimized Design Models Explain Biological Systems
Biochemical networks, signaling cascades, and genomes in cells are complicated information processing systems that are key to all aspects of living organisms. An increasing body of research shows these...
Was Leviathan Real?
Scripture describes leviathan as a titanic terror roaming the ancient seas. Was it real, and if so, what was it? Historical hints help answer these questions. The most complete description of leviathan...
Dinosaur Fossils in Late-Flood Rocks
Evolutionary scientists view Earth’s rock layers as a chronological record of millions of years of successive sedimentary deposits. Creation scientists, on the other hand, see them as a record...
Does Teaching Recent Creation Hinder the Gospel?
Christians who oppose recent creation often assert that faith in Christ does not require a belief in recent creation, and they argue that insisting that the world is only thousands of years old hinders...
Built and Guarded by God
A long-time Institute for Creation Research supporter recently lamented the decline of solid Christian organizations once their founders passed away. We were discussing Christian colleges, and it was...
Creation Conversion: From Atheist to Creationist
I have always loved science, partly due to the influence of my engineer father, who was heavily involved in research and development. While growing up, my free-time diet consisted of Mr. Wizard, Disney...
Encore Presentation of Patterns of Evidence: Exodus
The Exodus is one of the best-known narratives in the Bible. It details the Israelites' escape from Egypt after centuries of slavery, Moses' rise to leadership, the devastating plagues on Egypt,...
2014 Most Notable News: Evolutionary Icons Toppled
The big-picture story of evolution tells that, over millions of years, natural processes produced millions of species from one or a few primitive progenitors. Did this really happen, or did God create...
The Hubble 'Pillars of Creation' Revisited
In 1995 the Hubble Telescope photographed spectacular columns of gas, illuminated by nearby stars, in a section of the Eagle Nebula.1 The enormous columns of gas in this famous photo have...
2014 Most Notable News: Recent Creation
In the year 2014, at least a half dozen fascinating observations confirmed the recent creation of our world and universe. For example, researchers took a closer look at Saturn's moon Enceladus,...
2014 Most Notable News: Creation Is a Hot Topic
Every generation of believers must settle for itself the core questions of ultimate origins. Where did everything come from? Can God's account of beginnings in Genesis be trusted as actually history?...
2014 Most Notable News: Fossils Resemble Living Relatives
Every year, a few fortunate paleontologists discover fossils that closely resemble living creatures, and 2014 was no exception. In fact, it was a banner year for finding modern-looking fossils in what...
2014 Most Notable News: Big Bang Fizzle
We might learn an important lesson from a bit of embarrassment Big Bang supporters suffered in 2014. In March, mainstream media outlets announced that the BICEP2 radio astronomy telescope team discovered...
One More Minute
Whether or not you write New Year’s resolutions, I’d like to encourage you to stop and take stock—not to list out resolutions but to consider what matters most in life. Where are you...
The Whole Counsel of God
We live in a time when science and scientists have seemed to take on the role of the ultimate authority for mankind. Christian leaders must either refute the false science of evolutionary philosophy...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 4
The first two installments of this series described the purpose and strategy of ICR’s life sciences research and highlighted the key origins questions we’re trying to answer—the how,...
Ice Cores, Seafloor Sediments, and the Age of the Earth.,.
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* The two previous articles in this series demonstrated problems with the old-earth timescales that secular scientists have assigned to deep seafloor...
'Dicer' Enzyme Keeps DNA on Track
As you read this article, think about your body. It’s composed of over 100 trillion cells working nonstop in a complex choreography of microscopic building and repairing. Scientists have looked...
Not Even Wrong
Physicist Wolfgang Pauli was once asked to review a technical paper and assess its accuracy. The content was so garbled, however, that Pauli is said to have remarked that not only was the paper not...
Devils, Dinosaurs, and Squirrel Fossils
The concept of dinosaurs living in a distant time populated by unique and now mostly extinct plants and animals has captured generations of students and moviegoers, but actual fossil finds keep contradicting...
Does Our Immune System Indicate Disease Before the Fall?
by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D., and Frank Sherwin, M.A.* If God originally created the world without death and disease, where did our bodies get their disease-fighting capabilities? Christians...
Sound Science about Dinosaurs
Were dinosaurs noisy? Did dinosaurs honk nasally like Chewbacca in Star Wars? Did dinosaurs make moaning noises like mourning doves and owls, or did they wail like bagpipes? Are there any clues...
Opportunities in the New Year
We at ICR are thankful for God’s many blessings as we begin a new year of service. Our ministry is well into its fifth decade, and confirmation of the Lord’s providential hand has been clearly...
Wernher von Braun: The Father of Space Flight
Wernher von Braun—more than any other scientist—brought us into the space age.1 Von Braun laid the foundation for cell phones, satellite radio, the Internet, GPS, and Doppler...
Study: Comets Did Not Supply Earth's Water
Slightly different versions of water's constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, are relatively common in the universe. But how did Earth's version of water get here? European Space Agency...
Facts Bite into Bird Tooth Story
Fossils clearly show that some birds used to have small teeth, but most birds today do not have teeth. When and how did this change happen? A new study in the journal Science makes a few unfounded conclusions.1 The...
Birds Inspire Flight Sensor Inventions
The Wright brothers studied wing structures of seabirds before building their first airplane, and the first helicopter is said to have been inspired by dragonfly flight. Today, inventors continue this...
Amazing Ant Beetle Same Today as Yesterday
If ancient history according to Scripture is true, then what should we expect to find in animal fossils? Surely excellent body designs would top the list, closely followed by a lack of "transitional...
Unlocking the Origins of Snake Venom
The origin of snake venom has been a long-time mystery to both creationists and evolutionists. Interestingly, new research confirms that the same genes that encode snake venom proteins are active in...
How Different was 'Java' from 'Modern' Man?
Interest in human origins persists generation after generation, and researchers continue to uncover and interpret clues. The latest set comes from a reinvestigation of clam shells dug up in the 1890s...
550 Million Years of Non-Evolution?
A strange, new, mushroom-shaped species discovered alive on the deep seafloor near Australia—more than 3,000 feet below sea level—may be a record-breaking living fossil. Researchers investigated...
Ghost Lineage Spawns Evolution Ghost Story
Fossils seem to tell amazing stories about ancient animal life, but close inspection reveals that these stories differ from each other not because of different fossils, but because of different interpretations....
How reliable are genomes from ancient DNA?
DECEMBER 01, 2014
by Brian Thomas, M.S., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. In Journal of Creation 28 (3): 92-98, December 2014 Many reports of ancient DNA (aDNA) assert recovery from specimens with age assignments...
The Gift of God's Presence
During the Christmas season, my children often sit around the Christmas tree with lights flashing and Christmas music jingling throughout the house. When they were little, they gingerly touched gifts...
God With Us
One of the most familiar passages in the Bible—familiar because of its frequent appearance on Christmas cards and in Christmas sermons—is also one of the most profound and mysterious passages...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 3
The last two installments of this series described the purpose and strategy of the Institute for Creation Research’s life sciences research and highlighted the key questions on origins we’re...
The Noble Clock: Radioactive Dating, Part 3
Radioactive dating methods—many of which are quite elaborate—have numerous physical condition requirements that cannot realistically remain unaffected over millions and perhaps billions...
A Recent Origin for Stonehenge?
Archaeologists have been using ground-penetrating radar and other techniques to intensively study underground areas all around Stonehenge, a mysterious circle of stones in England that secular historians...
Fountains of the Deep
Most of the fossil-bearing strata on Earth are comprised of six megasequences.1,2 Secular scientists believe they were laid down over millions of years, but this assumption prevents them...
Rockslides on Ararat
Mt. Ararat is a volcano, erupting numerous times since the Flood. Its ice cap continually erodes the hardened basaltic rock underneath. As the ice sheets move along, they push the loosened rock over...
Are Animals the Result of Natural Processes or Creation?
Either the current animals on this planet somehow evolved from simple creatures or they suddenly appeared—amazingly complex the first time we find them—with no evolutionary ancestors. Put...
Job's Icy Vocabulary
By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen. (Job 37:10) Institute for Creation Research scientists have repeatedly analyzed the Ice Age, showing how a solitary post-Flood...
God's Perfect Gift
It is unfathomable what it meant for our transcendent Creator God to become finite man. Nevertheless, the One who was “so much better than the angels” (Hebrews 1:4) willingly set aside certain...
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis: The Conference
A crowd of over 3,400 recently gathered at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, to hear an all-star team of speakers teach about biblical creation truths. At the Unlocking the Mysteries...
Thanksgiving in Heaven
And the twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying: "We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, The One who is and who was and who is to...
Missing Link or Another Fish Story?
Recently there has been some celebration from the Darwinian community regarding a discovery of a fossil1 that allegedly links terrestrial animals to their future aquatic relatives: the ichthyosaurs. Cartorhynchus...
Plants' Built-in Photosynthesis Accelerators
Sunlight can change in a heartbeat. One second, a leaf could be under intense sun and may receive more light than it needs to build sugar molecules through a process called photosynthesis. But a few...
Trees Really Are 'Pleasant to the Sight'
Genesis 2:9 records one of the Lord's original intentions for creating trees, saying, "Out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The...
Saber-Toothed Deer Alive in Afghanistan
Based on journal entries, a Danish survey team probably sighted musk deer while working in the remote regions of northeast Afghanistan in 1948, but that was the last official sighting—until now....
Dino Tracks
Dinosaur tracks are found on every continent—but how did they form? See how the awesome event of a global flood offers an explanation to this confounding scientific riddle. Click here...
Exocomets: Evidence of Recent Creation
Astronomers recently detected evidence of possible comets orbiting a faraway star system named β Pictoris.1 They compared what they saw to what our solar system may have looked like...
Human Fairness: Innate or Evolved?
How does it make you feel when you put forth just as much effort as the next guy, but he receives twice the reward? Unfair! But how did people acquire the sensibilities involved when assessing fairness?...
A Season of Change
Fall is our reminder that summer doesn’t last forever. Seasons come and go. Nothing in life stays the same—children grow up and get married, once-agile bodies begin to creak and pop, and...
Unlocking the Times
Dwight Eisenhower was reported to have said, “Hindsight is always more accurate than foresight, but foresight is far more valuable.” During the time that David was beginning to be recognized...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 2
In last month’s article, I described the purpose of ICR’s life sciences research and sketched out the need for a counter-offensive strategy against evolution’s lines of scientific...
The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2
The Bible is quite clear about the origin and timeframe for the creation of Earth and the cosmos. If Scripture is inaccurate in this, then how can it be trusted in anything else? Some evolutionists...
Lungfish Design Is Walking Tall
The Lord Jesus unleashed His creativity when He designed fish. Some have numerous bones, others none. Many are streamlined, but a few are shaped like…well, rocks. Some even survive out of water....
Traditions of a Global Flood
Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (1 Corinthians 1:20) One of the strongest evidences for the global Flood...
Genetic Entropy Points to a Young Creation
Many creationists believe that the bulk of scientific evidence for a recent creation comes from the fields of geology, physics, and astronomy and that biology and genetics have little to contribute....
Do Darwin's Finches Prove Evolution?
Even those who know very little about evolution have heard that some birds on some island somehow demonstrate Darwinism. Today, the evolutionary idea that all living animals descended from one original...
Carolus Linnaeus: Founder of Modern Taxonomy
Introduction Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778), Swedish botanist and zoologist, laid the foundations for the biological binomial nomenclature system still used today.1 As the father...
People Yet to Be Created
This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may praise the LORD. (Psalm 102:18) Shakespeare’s Hamlet considered the grave question of whether to end his...
Living Missionally
I had the opportunity to spend two weeks in Taiwan in July 2013. When the opportunity came this past summer to return to the same part of that country for three weeks, I honestly wasn’t sure if...
Countless Blessings
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s good and right to reflect on God’s countless blessings given to each of us. This is certainly true for the Institute for Creation Research. From humble...
Pro-Evolution Pope
During an October 28 meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences held in the Vatican, Pope Francis said, "Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution...
Did God Make the Ebola Virus?
When this article was written, the number of West Africans who contract the deadly Ebola virus was doubling about every three and a half weeks, making it the worst outbreak of the disease since the...
Gamma-Ray Bursts Limit Life in Universe
What are the odds that life somehow self-generated? Many experiments have shown that the likelihood of just the right chemicals combining by chance in just the right proportions, orientations, and sequences...
Weather Channel Founder Blasts 'Climate Change'
John Coleman, award-winning meteorologist and co-founder of the Weather Channel, has long been an outspoken skeptic of man-made global warming. He recently claimed that the idea that humans are changing...
Brain Bath: A Clever Design Solution
What makes sleep so mentally refreshing? University of Rochester neuroscientist Jeff Iliff addressed the crowd gathered at a September 2014 TEDMED event and explained his amazing new discoveries.1...
Giant Clams Are Brilliant Algae Farmers
Giant clams living in the Pacific Ocean's shallow-water tropics display brilliant, iridescent colors. Other mollusks like squid and sea snails use specialized color-producing cells to communicate...
A Fuss Over Dust: Planck Satellite Fails to Confirm Big.,.
During a high profile news conference in March 2014, the BICEP2 radio astronomy team announced purported direct evidence for inflation— an important part of the modern Big Bang model.1 In...
Throwing Darwin a Curve
“The pitch cuts the inside corner of the plate for strike two.” That familiar sound is heard on radios around the world. In fact, some of the best pitchers in America are not Americans....
Were Intestines Designed for Bacteria?
Scientists purposefully made mice sick to test how the creatures’ intestines—and the microbes they harbor—would react. They discovered details behind a remarkable relationship that,...
Vital Function Found for Whale 'Leg' Bones
Few animal traits are trotted out as illustrations of evolution as often as the whale’s supposed vestigial hip bones. Defenders of evolution ask why else would a whale, which has no hind limbs,...
Jurassic Squirrels?
Jurassic mammals made headlines recently, as Chinese paleontologists described in the journal Nature six tiny skeletons comprising three new species.1 The squirrel-like fossils break with...
Make the Most of Every Opportunity
How many times have we heard someone say, “I wish I had taken more time to…”? You can fill in the blank. Go to the park with my kids. Really listen. Save more money. Pray. Learn more...
Doing the Lord's Business
Do business till I come. (Luke 19:13) The first command given to humanity was the broad responsibility to “subdue” and “have dominion” over Earth (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8:4-8)....
Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating, Part 1
We don’t know what we are talking about. Many of us believed that string theory was a very dramatic break with our previous notions of quantum theory. But now we learn that string theory, well,...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 1
Readers of this column know that over the last four to five years the Institute for Creation Research has been heavily involved in life sciences research. In this article series, we will bring you up...
ICR: 'R' Is for Research
We do many things here at the Institute for Creation Research, but the core of our ministry is original scientific research that relates to the topic of origins. We study the universe for the glory...
From Shinto to Christian Pastor
The Institute for Creation Research recently hosted a delightful guest: Pastor Nobuji Horikoshi. (He tells people to remember his last name by noting it sounds somewhat like “Holy Ghost”.)...
How Consistent Are Old-Earth 'Clocks'?
Secular scientists have numerous ways of estimating the age of Earth’s geological features, including radioisotope dating. Old-earth advocates assert that the consistency among different dating...
What's It Like to Dig for Dinosaur Bones?
This summer, Institute for Creation Research IT expert Daryl Robbins and I participated in a dinosaur dig near Glendive, Montana. Volunteers from the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum helped the effort...
How Do We Answer Fools?
“A house divided against itself will not stand” is an easily understood truth.1 The same concept applies to logic used in debates and arguments. If an argument is self-contradictory,...
The Proof of Your Love
Giving is a major theme in Scripture, with words like “give,” “gift,” and “gave” appearing more than 2,000 times. But by far, the strongest “giving” passage...
Australopith Child Gets an Academic Spanking
A fossil group of alleged evolutionary human ancestors called australopithecines—all quite ape-like in their features—have traditionally been uncooperative as transitional forms. Now the...
Cambrian Fossil Intensifies Evolutionary Conundrum
New fossil finds further verify one of evolution's biggest problems: the Cambrian explosion. According to evolutionary reckoning, a massive explosion of new life supposedly spawned dozens of brand-new...
Genome Scrambling and Encryption Befuddles Evolution
One-cell creatures called ciliates are expanding our knowledge of genome dynamics and complexity. Now a newly sequenced ciliate genome reveals unimaginable levels of programmed rearrangement combined...
Big Bang Fizzles under Lithium Test
Secular astrophysicists often talk about “primordial nucleosynthesis” as though it were a historical event like Washington crossing the Delaware. In theory, it describes how certain conditions—not...
Are We Evolving Stupidity?
Are we dumber than our grandparents? Social psychologists are tracking IQ scores and noticed a decline in the last decade after a steady rise since the 1950s. Some wonder if the recent downturn...
Bible May Solve Colossal Ancient Iceberg Riddle
What is the recipe for making an iceberg? Scientists know the basics from watching polar-ice sheets. Huge chunks calve, slide off, and float away as icebergs. But that’s for modern icebergs. New...
Dual-Gene Codes Defy Evolution...Again
Discoveries of DNA sequence that contain different languages, each one with multiple purposes, are utterly defying evolutionary predictions. What was once hailed as redundant code is proving to be key...
Ciliate Genome Reveals Mind-Bending Complexity
A newly discovered genome for the unicellular chromosome-morphing ciliate Stylonychia lemnae has been published, and it’s breaking all the evolutionary rules. It exhibits a repertoire of unbelievable...
New Giant Dinosaur from Argentina
Scientists described a new and remarkable fossil skeleton of a giant titanosaur, a group that includes the largest creatures ever to have lived on land. Dinosaur enthusiasts of all backgrounds want...
Fungal Parasitism Marked by Gene Loss, Not Gain
Certain types of fungi can be parasitic to both plants and animals. Two new studies show that this has developed, in part, by a loss of genetic information—not a gain as predicted by evolution.1,2 In...
Decoding Snake-Venom Origins
The origin of snake venom has long been a mystery to both creationists and evolutionists. However, by stepping outside the standard research paradigm, scientists recently showed that snake venom proteins...
Be Prepared
Can God create a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? How many ice ages were there, and how long ago did they occur? What’s the truth about dinosaurs,...
Declaring the Unknown God
Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship,...
Darwin vs. Genetics: Surprises and Snags in the Science.,.
For over 150 years, Darwin’s hypothesis that all species share a common ancestor has dominated the creation-evolution debate. Surprisingly, when Darwin wrote his seminal work, he had no direct...
Human lincRNA Regions Vastly Different from Chimpanzee
It was once thought that the areas between protein-coding genes located around the genome were vast purposeless wastelands of alleged “junk DNA.” However, we now know that these previously...
Physicist Michael Pupin: Science Leads to God
Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1858–1935) was a leading American researcher who made many scientific advances, including development of the fluoroscope and an electrical transmission system for long-distance...
Another Big Bang Blunder
2014 has been a rough year for supporters of the Big Bang model. In March the BICEP2 radio astronomy team announced purported direct evidence for inflation, which is an integral part of the Big Bang...
Human Fossils: A Present-Day Flood Example
The human population in Noah’s day was extensive, likely numbering in the multimillions. With the exception of the few people on the Ark, this entire population was annihilated by the Flood. Since...
Do Sand-Dune Sandstones Disprove Noah's Flood?
Science Writer Brian Thomas recently hiked in Colorado and came across some beautiful examples of cross-bedded sandstone. Why did he get so excited? While hiking with a youth group in Colorado recently,...
Monte Jones: ICR Graduate Teaching and Defending the Faith
Monte Jones has taught science for 25 years in both public and Christian schools. While teaching at Lincoln Christian School in Lincoln, Nebraska, Monte began ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics...
Creation Conversion: The Turning Point
God essentially gives us the ability to see the true nature of the world as His creation. He graces us with new perspectives and renewed thoughts.1 Seeing creation as God’s handiwork...
Laboring Above the Sun
After a long summer, Labor Day brings a welcome respite from work before the busy fall season begins. With cooler fall weather just around the corner and children back in school, this holiday is often...
Darwin's Finches: Answers From Epigenetics
Authentic speciation is a process whereby organisms diversify within the boundaries of their gene pools, and this can result in variants with specific ecological adaptability. While it was once thought...
Octopus Skin Inspires High-Tech Camouflage Fabric
An octopus can change the color of its skin at will to mimic any kind of surrounding. It actively camouflages itself with astoundingly complicated biological machinery. Wouldn't it be great if,...
Circular Reasoning in the Dating of Deep Seafloor Sedim.,.
AUGUST 27, 2014
In Answers Research Journal 7 (2014): 297=309 An apparently strong argument for an old earth is the seeming agreement between multiple (and supposedly independent) dating methods which yield “millions...
New Finds Reveal Fully-Human Neandertal
The case for Neandertals as more primitive members of an evolutionary continuum that spans from apes to modern man continues to weaken. Genetic and archaeological finds are completely reshaping modern...
There's More to the Story
The Dallas Morning News recently reported that a group of Ph.D. scientists is swimming against the flow of the broader scientific community. Instead of believing in millions of years of evolution, the...
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