Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis: The Conference | The Institute for Creation Research

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis: The Conference

A crowd of over 3,400 recently gathered at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, to hear an all-star team of speakers teach about biblical creation truths. At the Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis conference—co-hosted by The Master’s College and the Institute for Creation Research-—scientists, pastors, and biblical advocates addressed topics such as why Genesis matters, discipleship through education, and dinosaurs living with man.

Dr. John MacArthur began with a powerful message on the relevance of Genesis. He was followed by Dr. Henry Morris III, who further developed the conference’s theme of unlocking the mysteries of Genesis. Kirk Cameron underscored why Genesis is more than a peripheral teaching even in his role as a producer and actor in Hollywood.

The conference included NASA astronaut Mission Commander Colonel Jeff Williams in a breakout session in which he shared his personal testimony. Todd Starnes from Fox News provided a journalist’s perspective, and Dr. Voddie Baucham concluded the conference with a compelling message about the importance of creation, using the marriage covenant between a man and woman taken from Genesis 2. Ph.D. scientists and biblical scholars from both ICR and The Master’s College offered their expertise in matters of science and Scripture. Conference participants came from 20 different states, including attendees from both Canada and Mexico, indicating a widespread interest in origins issues. The Master’s College is one of the only remaining Christian colleges that teaches biblical creation. Over 250 prospective college students interacted with faculty during the conference activities. In addition to the large crowd in attendance, another 2,500 watched online, including a large viewing audience from other countries.

The conference kicked off Friday evening, ran all day Saturday, and addressed some of the most stimulating, relevant, and controversial topics of our day from a biblical and scientific perspective. As one conference-goer said at the close, “I didn’t want the conference to end…thank you for equipping us to give an answer to skeptics and believers alike!”

For more information on events or to schedule an event, please contact the ICR Events Department at 800.337.0375, visit www.ICR.org/events, or email us at events@ICR.org.

Cite this article: Staff Writer. 2014. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis: The Conference. Acts & Facts. 43 (12).

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