Archive of Impact Articles

Where has All the Water Gone?
In their unrelenting attempt to find evidence for extraterrestrial life, governments have spent many billions of dollars on space probes of various kinds and giant radio telescopes vainly searching the...
The First Young-Earth Conference on Radioisotopes
A group of young-earth creationists gathered in San Diego on July 5, 1997, to attend The First Young-Earth Conference on Radioisotopes. The purpose of this first conference was to establish each researcher's...
Reticulate Evolution
Located on the Equator about 600 miles from the coast of Ecuador is a set of volcanic mountains that emerged from the Pacific Basin. They were first named Las Islas Encantadas or, "the Bewitched Islands,"...
Creationism in Russia
Few can forget the 1991 demise of the Soviet Union. Down came the statues of Lenin, Marx, and Stalin, as people celebrated the new hope of freedom! But there remains...
The Mere Consistency of Signs and Creation
Signs are objects, actions, or marks standing for things besides themselves as in figure 1. Signs in ordinary experience are (1) sensory, (2) motoric, and (3) linguistic. To the extent signs are consistent...
Alleged Evolutionary Ancestors Coexisted with Modern Humans
Shock waves are reverberating through the halls of evolution at the recent redating of the Java Solo (Ngandong Beds) Homo erectus fossil skulls. These alleged evolutionary...
The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh
Background The Epic of Gilgamesh has been of interest to Christians ever since its discovery in the mid-nineteenth century in the ruins of the great library at Nineveh, with its account of a universal...
The Power of the Creation Message
In a world totally removed from ours, the Saluan people live in the remote jungle mountains of Sulawesi, Indonesia. They...
Natural Selection - A Creationist's Idea
According to Loren C. Eiseley, Benjamin Franklin Professor of Anthropology and the History of Science at the University of Pennsylvania before his death, "the leading tenets of Darwin's work —...
Should Evolution be Immune from Critical Analysis in th.,.
This fall it was back to class for millions of students enrolled in schools, colleges, and universities throughout Canada...
Planning and Implementing a Creationist-Based Field Trip
Introduction Most teachers realize that textbook-centered instruction limits learning. Despite this knowledge, educational researcher Robert Yager reports that "over 90% of all science teachers...
The Creation Science Movement in Korea
Introduction It was during October, 1980, when the World Evangelization Crusade was held in Seoul, that public interest on creation science was first raised with a four-day seminar entitled "Creation...
Teaching the Bible in Public Schools?
Perish the thought! What about "Separation of Church and State"? What about pushing off the Christian religion on innocent public-school children? What about offending non-believers who reject...
Biology Textbooks Worldwide Development and the Creatio.,.
Introduction Secondary school biology textbooks are the central tool in the instructional process of teaching biological science...
Cooling of the Ocean After the Flood
Introduction If ". . . all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered" by the Flood and ". . . all flesh died that moved upon the earth . . ." as described in...
Evidence for a Young Sun
Editor's note: Since this article was published in 1996, the missing solar neutrinos were explained by the ability of solar neutrinos to change “flavors” on the way to Earth,...
The Gish - Max Amarillo Debate
None of us now on the ICR staff even thought before its founding that we would be on a public platform debating evolutionists. Very early in its history, however, people began to think it would be instructive...
New Stars, New Planets?
INTRODUCTION Dramatic space pictures from the Hubble Telescope and other new instruments have become frequent news events. Everyone is awed by these colorful images of distant planets, stars, and...
The Resource for Answering the Critics of Noah's Ark
How many animals did the Ark actually carry, and how did Noah get all those animals on the Ark? How could eight people possibly care for so many thousands of animals, and how could such a small...
Creation and the Curse
Have you ever seen a National Geographic special that featured a lioness chasing a gazelle and eventually eating it? As the gazelle is fleeing for its life, one can see the terror in its eyes. We ourselves...
Wise and Learned Men Who Believed in a Creator
What did the wise and learned men who founded the greatest republic in the world (the U.S.A.--the most free and prosperous for over 200 years), believe about the beginning of this universe? Were they...
An Educational Step in the Right Direction
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Colossians 2:8). The present generation...
The Young-Earth Creationist Bibliography
The books listed in this bibliography represent works of authors advocating literal creationism, including the six-solar-day creation week and a worldwide cataclysmic flood. No opinion is implied regarding...
The Yellowstone Petrified Forests
Yellowstone National Park surpasses all other sites in the United States for its petrified wood, for here is found large amounts of it, in an exquisite state of preservation. In and around Yellowstone...
Female Monarch Butterfly's Needles Designed for Survival
There are many marvelous evidences of creative design in the structure and life history of the Monarch butterfly. Only one example—that...
Microgeometric Design of Diatoms: Jewels of the Sea
It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice! (Samuel Taylor Coleridge on the Pleasure Palace of Kubla Khan) From the evolutionary view of the biosphere, the Kingdom Protista—which...
Could Adam Really Name All Those Animals?
The clear pearls of dew are released by the brush of Adam's leg against the dense green leaves. He hurries to an open area the size of a school playground, flanked by a river running with blue water...
Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot
On December 6, 1994, Carl Sagan, author of Cosmos, well-known astronomer and speaker, appeared before the Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco to introduce his new book, Pale Blue Dot.1 Earlier...
The Greater Light to Rule the Day - Ladies and Gentleme.,.
"Of all the celestial objects with which we are acquainted, none make so strong and universal an impression upon our globe as does the Sun. He is that very light, 'the greater light to rule the...
The Nature of Science and of Theories on Origins
The Nature of Science and of Scientific Theories Science is our attempt to observe, understand, and explain the operation of the universe and of the living things it contains. Since a scientific theory,...
A Faulty Climate Trigger
INTRODUCTION In the 1980's and 90's, considerable emphasis has been placed upon climate and environmental issues in the United States. Much air pollution legislation has been put into force. Long-range...
Dr. Bliss- Science and the Bible
In the January 1995 Acts & Facts, it was reported that Dr. Richard Bliss, Chairman of the ICR Science Education Department, Director of the "Good Science" curriculum project and workshops,...
Design in Infant Nutrition
By definition, evolutionary scientists believe that life came through random chance processes, including natural selection....
Man's Visit to the Moon Compared to God's Visit to the Earth
On July 20, 1969, as astronaut Neil Armstrong took that historic first "step for mankind" onto the dusty, desolate surface of the moon, there was great excitement and joy back at Mission Control...
The New State Religion: Atheism
It seems that atheism has become the official stance of America's school system. One way in which many schools and teachers are attempting to indoctrinate students is by the use of new terms to hide...
Introduction Gravity holds us firmly on the ground and also keeps the earth circling the sun. It draws rain from the sky and causes the tides. This mysterious gravity force continues to puzzle scientists...
A Practical Model for Integrating Science and Faith
One of the four Master's degree programs at the Institute for Creation Research leads to a degree in science education. Science education is a broad amorphous field of study with little...
Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice?
Introduction Recent reports of ice-core drilling in Greenland have raised anew the question for young-earth creationists…How could so much ice accumulate in polar regions in only a few thousand...
Geocentricity and Creation
1. What is geocentricity? Geocentricity is a conceptual model of the form of the universe which makes three basic assertions about the nature of the earth ...
Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology
Introduction About two miles high, in the White Mountains of eastern California, grows a unique tree, Pinus aristata (also referred to as Pinus longaeva).1 Commonly known as the Bristlecone...
Star Formation and Genesis 1
Most astronomers accept the idea that stars form by gravitational collapse of a cloud of gas and dust, and that...
When is a Whale a Whale?
Evolutionists are desperate in their search to find transitional or intermediate forms to validate their theory of evolution. If, as they believe, millions of species of plants and animals have evolved...
Darwin's Teaching of Women's Inferiority
The racism of evolution theory has been documented well and widely publicized. It is known less widely that many evolutionists, including Charles Darwin, also taught that women are biologically...
Would China Benefit from Christianity?
Early in 1994, the Chinese government sanctioned a conference to be held at the Beijing Convention Center and attended by over 2000 government officials or designees. Christian professionals were asked...
Compromises and Consequences - The Genesis Account
"The world expects of Christians that they will raise their voices loudly and clearly and so formulate their protest that not even the simplest man can have the slightest doubt about what they are...
When God Became Man
"In the beginning was the Word, . . . and the Word was God . . . . All things were made by Him; . . . And the Word was made flesh (John 1:1,3,14). We can never understand the doctrine of the...
Christianity and Technological Advance - The Astonishin.,.
Without question, "technology" has now become the new magic word in place of the word "science." Since technology represents the practical applications of science, it is clearly...
The Dating Gap
Evolution places severe demands upon fossils used to support it. A fossil in an evolutionary sequence must have both the proper morphology (shape) to fit that sequence and an appropriate date to justify...
The Principle of Preformism as a Creationist Approach i.,.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, preformistic ideas were widely held in embryology. Embryological preformists considered already-shaped microscopic creatures of a...
The Earth's Magnetic Field Is Young
The earth's magnetic field is a powerful witness for a world much younger than the billions of years required by evolutionary theories. Let's start the story with the most prominent feature of the field...
Dragons in Paradise
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. . ....
Creation Evangelism Cross Culturally
The Tarahumara Indians of north-central Mexico present a beautiful case for the power and validity of creation evangelism in a cross-cultural setting. To illustrate...
The Greenhouse Effect and Pre-Flood Days
Introduction During the late 1980s and 1990s, the alleged "Greenhouse Effect" captured the interest of news magazines, radio, and television programs. Predictions from various scientists range...
Studies in Creationism and Flood Geology
Over the last 15 years, I have engaged in intensive scholarship in scientific creationism, with which I would like to acquaint the lay creationist reader. Many questions and issues in flood geology have...
Design Features for the Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle
Perhaps the most familiar butterfly to nature lovers around the world is the orange-winged monarch butterfly. This beautiful creature reigns supreme because: (1) it lives longer, (2) travels farther,...
The Origin of Conceptual thought in Living Systems
It is almost universally taught in the high schools and universities of Europe and North America that a truly scientific...
Creeds and the Six Creation Days
"It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, in the beginning, to create or make of nothing the world, and...
Pantheistic Evolution
Ever since Darwin, the concept of natural selection has dominated evolutionary thought, providing a "naturalistic" explanation for the origin of species, and thus (as Julian Huxley used to...
Bumps in the Big Bang
In April 1992, a team of scientists working on data from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite made a dramatic announcement: They had found what proponents of the Big Bang theory...
The New Age and Global Education
Ideas are important. They affect our behavior, our philosophy of life, and ultimately our world view. One such set of ideas being promoted in educational circles is so-called Global Education. The objective...
The Search for Noah's Ark: Status 1992
Since the search for the Ark began in the 1940s, evidence has continued to mount that the remains of a barge-like structure...
The Apple (Computer) Bites the African Eve
The "Out of Africa," "African Eve," or "Mitochondrial Eve" theory, proposed in 1987, has captured the popular...
The Plasma Universe
Introduction Recent reports of "wrinkles" in space have been promoted as a major victory for the Big Bang. This may or may not help explain the large-scale structure of the universe. Meanwhile,...
Evolution and the American Abortion Mentality
Many people today do not seem to realize that the same poisonous philosophy (evolutionism) that justified killing under Hitler 1 has also infected the American abortion mentality. According...
Ice Cores and the Age of the Earth
Introduction It is not uncommon to read that ice cores from the polar regions contain records of climatic change from the distant past. Research teams from the United States, the Soviet Union, Denmark,...
Creationist Schools
In the March 1992 edition of Acts & Facts (Vol. 22, No. 3), a list was published of Christian creationist postsecondary schools* in America. The Institute for Creation Research no longer makes this...
Excessively Old "Ages" For Grand Canyon Lava Flows
Everyone has heard about the great ages claimed by evolutionists for the earth's rocks. This is particularly true of Grand Canyon rocks. Television documentaries, textbooks, and museum displays tell...
"Natural" Selection versus "Supernatural.,.
Few Christians realize the extent to which the evolutionary world view conflicts with the Biblical world view. While many attempt to keep a foot in each camp, acknowledging Christ as Savior yet holding...
How Could Fish Survive the Genesis Flood?
Introduction Much attention has been given to how the animals would be brought to, fit in, and survive on Noah's Ark.[1] But little or no concern has been voiced as to how aquatic animals could have lived...
The Bible, Creation, and Ecology
The essence of evolutionism was expressed by Charles Darwin in the very last paragraph of his Origin of Species as follows: "Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted...
Columbus and His Creator
Some years ago, the Philadelphia Daily News published a cartoon characterizing Christians who hold to the fundamentals of the Bible as out of touch with reality. As an educator, I found it particularly...
Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify the Scriptures
We are all aware of the ideas, opinions, and theories of some scientists which contradict portions of Scripture, but if we are careful to separate that which is established fact from that which is merely...
Hugh Ross, ICR, and Facts of Science
Last month we discussed the Biblical and theological differences between ICR's position and that of the Hugh Ross organization, Reasons to Believe. The differences do not stop there, of course. These very...
Hugh Ross, ICR, and the Bible
Many Christians have been raising questions about the teachings of Dr. Hugh Ross, especially his criticisms of the Institute for Creation Research and its advocacy of literal Biblical creationism. Dr....
The Big Bang Theory Collapses
"Down with the Big Bang;" "The Big Bang Theory Goes Kerplooey;" "The Big Bang Theory Explodes;" "Sorry, Big Bang Theory is a Dud;" "Map Challenges Theory of Universe;" "Astronomers' New Data Jolt Vital...
Patterns of Specification
Review of Species Problem Previously, 1 a sample of definitions for the term "species" was given. ...
Genesis According to the Miao People
Introductory Note: The Miao tribes, or as it is spelled in most encyclopedias "Miautso," at one time occupied most of inland China south of the Yangtze River, but have been gradually driven into the...
Mr. Bryan on Evolution
  "He being dead, yet speaketh" (Hebrews 11:4). The "Great Commoner," William Jennings Bryan, died over 65 years ago, but he was undoubtedly the most widely known creationist...
Adam and the Animals
When God created the first man and woman, He told them to exercise "dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth"...
On the Changing Definition of the Term "Species"
Nelson [1] has written, "The 'species problem' is perennial (Howard, 1988), and speciation remains as much a black box as ever (Jackson, 1988). If we examine these problems we find a spectrum of...
Were Grand Canyon Limestones Deposited by Calm and Plac.,.
Lime Mud Deposits? Shallow-water lime muds in today's tropical oceans accumulate at a rate of one foot thickness per one thousand years. These muds are formed by mechanical breakdown of carbonate containing...
Evolution and the Wages of Sin
Dr. E.O. Wilson, Harvard entomology professor and chief spokesperson for the field of evolutionary sociobiology, and bitter enemy of Biblical Christianity, has for decades written insightful articles...
"I Think, Therefore There Is a Supreme Thinker"
"The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth." —Jean de la Bruyere (17th century) Even though the large majority of modern scientists still...
A Failed Attempt at Student Brainwashing
In recent years our youth have been overwhelmed with a sea of evolutionary propaganda. Sadly, the objective seems to be...
ICR President Defends Quality of ICR Graduate School
Background: In April 1990, the Institute for Creation Research filed suit in federal court against the California Department of Education, which has denied the ICR Graduate School of Science approval to...
The Logic of Biblical Creation
The Biblical account of creation is ridiculed by atheists, patronized by liberals, and often allegorized even by conservatives. The fact is, however, that it is God's own account of creation, corroborated...
The Christian and the Greenhouse Effect
Introduction The greenhouse effect has recently become a major topic of conversation and study in both scientific and political circles. The explanation of how radiation is trapped by the gases in...
Beyond Neptune: Voyager II Supports Creation
"Predictions have value," writes a prominent space scientist about planetary theories. "The classic test of a theory," he says, "is its ability to predict. Successful...
Testimony of a Former Skeptic
Editor's Introduction Before his recent death, Dr. Walter Martin, author of Kingdom of the Cults and founder of the Christian Research Institute (CRI),* handpicked Hendrick...
Daniel and the Classic Experimental Design
Probably not many Bible scholars or scientists are aware that Daniel—the same Daniel who was cast into the lion's den—was also a scientist. A scientist may be defined as one who utilizes...
Thinking about the Brain
Introduction Whether considering a star or a starfish, design remains one of the strongest evidences in support of Creation. Opponents never have known how to deal with the compelling design and plan...
ICR Creationism and the 1990s
In spite of increasingly hysterical opposition from our humanist-dominated educational establishments and news media, scientific Biblical creationism is very much alive and well as we enter the last...
Earthquakes in these Last Days
Earthquakes are among the most awesome, and sometimes most terrifying, natural events a person can experience. That was brought to the world's attention again by the great California earthquake of October...
How Long Was the Seventh Day?
An important topic of debate for many years has been the length of the days in Genesis 1. Some who hold to the standard uniformitarian chronology insist that the days lasted perhaps billions...
Teachers Can Teach Creation Science in the Classroom
Today, many in public education are attempting to use the government to censor scientific evidence that refutes evolution and advances the concept of special creation. It is widely believed that scientific...
As a Transitional Form Archaeopteryx Won't Fly
There is a growing consensus that Archaeopteryx, a bird whose fossils have been found in the Solnhofen Plattenkalk of Franconia (West Germany), was indeed capable of flight. The claim, however, that Archaeopteryx...
Evolution - A House Divided
"If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" (Mark 3:25). Evolutionists ardently defend their...
How a Christian Dies (A Home-Going of Andy Morris)
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" (Psalm 116:15) My youngest son, Dr. Andrew Hunter Morris, Assistant Professor of Management Information Science at Florida...
Worldwide Traditions of Primordial Paradise
The Garden of Eden narrative in Genesis and the Golden Age story of the Greek poet Hesiod are perhaps the two best-known...
Death Before Sin?
Most people are familiar with the creation/evolution issue, yet not many people realize the importance of death to each view. The fact is that, for evolution, death is a sort of creative force....
Science Education Its Methods and Purpose
" … that the search for knowledge and understanding of the physical universe and of living things that inhabit it should be conducted under conditions of intellectual freedom, without religious,...
Myths Regarding Radiocarbon Dating
The field of radiocarbon dating has become a technical one far removed from the naive simplicity which characterized its initial introduction by Libby in the late 1940's. It is, therefore, not...
The Mystery of Earth's Magnetic Field
The earth's magnetic field has been a mystery to man ever since 13th-century philosophers first noticed lodestones (magnetic rocks) turning north.1 In 1600, A.D. William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth's...
Writing Off Creationism
The issue of separation of church and state has aroused the passions of many, as our nation comes to grips with the intent of the people and their understanding of the Constitution. Swomley (1988) says:1 The...
Proposed California Science Framework: An Open Letter t.,.
Dear Superintendent Honig: The recently proposed "Nature of Science" statement1 in the Science Curriculum Framework for California Public Schools represents an appalling imposition...
A Path for Excellence in K-6 Science
The advent of home-school and Christian-school education brings with it a challenge for excellence in science education. It seems that the door...
The Meaning of "Day" in Genesis
The length of the "days" of creation in Genesis has involved a major controversy in Biblical interpretation among evangelicals for over 150 years. Many have sought to redefine the term in light...
The Heritage of the Recapitulation Theory
Ideas have consequences, and false ideas sometimes generate bitter consequences. One of the premier examples of this principle is the infamous "recapitulation theory," developed by such philosophers...
Good Science: A K-6 Plan for Excellence
All too often the elementary teacher sees science as an almost impossible challenge. To many teachers, science is relatively unimportant—a subject that can be treated superficially without any real...
Hitler's Evolution Versus Christian Resistance
Nine months after this writer's The Ascent of Racism appeared1 presenting strong evidence that Hitler was an evolutionist, Harvard's Stephen Jay Gould published an article2 which...
A Theory in Crisis
The 1986 book by Michael Denton, "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis," is a secular critique of orthodox Darwinism. It is thoughtful, logical,...
Has the Speed of Light Decayed?
Introduction In a recently published technical report entitled, The Atomic Constants, Light, and Time, Trevor Norman and Barry Setterfield ...
Grand Canyon Lava Flows: A Survey of Isotope Dating Methods
Do analyses of the radioactive isotopes of rocks give reliable estimates of their ages? That is a good question, which ordinarily requires a lengthy and technical answer. In order to give an initial...
The Compromise Road
The Basic conflict of the ages is between the two world views of evolutionism versus creationism. In its most explicit form, this conflict comes down to Biblical revelatory creationism versus evolutionary...
A Report on the ICR Ararat Expedition, 1987
It has been obvious for some time that ground-based expeditions to Mt. Ararat in search of Noah's Ark have very little chance of succeeding. All who have seen pictures of the mountain and heard of the...
Frontiers of Physics
INTRODUCTION These are exciting days in the field of physics. Superconductors are in the news with the promise of new energy-efficient technology. The...
Stalin's Brutal Faith
Some have the mistaken notion that faith and religion are linked inseparably with the confession of a supreme being, but many exercise faith in self and other human beings--to the exclusion of the divine....
Startling Discoveries Support Creation
What do the fossils of a bird and of a "hominid," separated by almost 225 million years on the evolutionary time scale, have in common? Technically, not much, but they both have powerfully rattled the...
The Chinese Language and the Creative Hands of God
Who among all these [God's creatures] does not know That the HAND OF THE LORD has done this, In whose HAND is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind? Job 12:9,10, NKJV Few...
The Ice Age and the Genesis Flood
The origin of the ice age has greatly perplexed uniformitarian scientists. Much cooler summers and copious snowfall are required, but they are inversely related, since cooler air is drier. It is unlikely...
Dinosaur Mania and Our Children
Dinosaurs are the newest fad. Will they lead children away from our Creator? Or to Him? Ever since the first dinosaur reconstructions in the mid-1800's, ...
Mutation Fixation: A Dead End for Macro-evolution
Most arguments against the possibility of mutation as a mechanism for evolution revolve around two premises: that mutations are almost always harmful, and that the idea of their improving rather than harming...
Evolution and the New Age
A strange religion has been coming into prominence in recent years. Sometimes miscalled the "New Age Movement," this phenomenon is in reality a complex of modern science and ancient paganism,...
The Ascent of Racism
Racism has plagued humanity for thousands of years, and it has especially shown its ugly head during the last few centuries. Think of the myriads of Blacks carried from Africa and sold into slavery in...
Creation Evangelism: A Powerful Tool in Today's World
Why has the Lord raised up creation science organizations worldwide? Why is it necessary to have such an organization in each country? One important concept we have come to realize in Creation Science...
Evolution and the Snowflake
Johannes Kepler, the yet-to-be famous astronomer, presented a unique New Year's gift to his patron in the winter of 1611. The scientist gave his benefactor a witty, reasoned discussion on why snowflakes...
The Early Church Defended Creation Science
As the early church grew in the Graeco-Roman world, the apostles and fathers preached to men who believed in evolution. In Athens, Paul encountered Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.1 These and...
The Flight of Migratory Birds
The Bible reveals to us various principles which God used in the creation through the Word; by will; from nothing (ex nihilo); spontaneously; through JESUS CHRIST. Let us examine one aspect, which is spoken...
The Importance of Creationism in Foreign Missions
Bible-believing Christians and churches, believing as they do in Christ's Great Commission to "preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15), have tried many methods to reach non-Christians...
Mt. St. Helens and Catastrophism
The eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State on May 18, 1980, is certain to be remembered as one of the most significant geologic events in the United States of the 20th century. The explosion,...
The Vanishing Case for Evolution
Evolutionary belief is a remarkable and largely unexplained phenomenon. It is a belief held by most intellectuals all over the world, despite the fact that there is no real scientific evidence for it...
The Chemistry of Oil - Explained by Flood Geology
It is clear that exploration for oil is an essential activity in our modern world and that the search for new areas of...
The ICR Building Dedication
There were almost 450 people who gathered together on a beautiful Sunday afternoon (Superbowl Sunday, no less!), January 26, 1986, to participate...
The Resting Ark, The Grounded Fish, and the Empty Tomb
"And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat" (Genesis 8:4). "And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it...
Creation Science in Korea
The Korean creation science movement was inspired by a large international creation seminar held during August 12-15, 1980, at the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade Meeting in Seoul, Korea. The seminar,...
The Paluxy River Mystery
Rarely has a single research project created as much interest and controversy as has the alleged discovery of human and dinosaur footprints together in the limestone beds of the Paluxy River, normally...
Star Witness
Each year, as Christmas approaches, articles appear in numerous publications, both secular and religious, "explaining" the famous star whose unspoken testimony led the wise men to Bethlehem when...
Design in Nature: The Anthropic Principle
INTRODUCTION William Paley (1743-1805) was a British philosopher and clergyman. In the book, Natural Theology, he offered a powerful argument for the truth of the Creator and His work. Paley supposed...
Evolution - Useful or Useless?
There are two basic models which scientists may use when they study the origin of life. One is that all the basic life forms which may be observed in the world around us and in the fossil record were created...
ICR - Fifteen Years in a Unique Mission 1970-1985
In September 1970, the Institute for Creation Research was merely a need waiting to be met and a vision seeking fulfillment. In September 1985, just fifteen years later, it had become a unique complex...
Virgil's Aeneid, by Chance Alone?
The late Dr. A.I. Oparin, Russian biochemist, is primarily responsible for the modern theories on the origin of life. He believed that inorganic substances could come together and spontaneously generate...
The German Creationist Movement
Biblical criticism founded in Germany in the early nineteenth century concentrated mainly on the five books of Moses, especially Genesis. One theory followed the other...
The Earth: Unique in All the Universe
The Scriptures declare that "God ... formed the earth ... to be inhabited" (Isaiah 45:18). An impartial study of the Earth soon convinces the student that there is a tremendous amount of meaning...
Oceans of Piffle in Evolutionary Indoctrination
FALSE LOGIC The inevitable consequence of evolutionary training is indoctrination in an inverted form of logic. Inverted logic begins at the wrong...
Does Entropy Contradict Evolution?
The popular syndicated columnist, Sydney Harris, recently commented on the evolution/entropy conflict as follows: There is a factor called "entropy" in physics, indicating that the whole universe...
Scientific Integrity
The subject of this article is the questionable commitment of anti-creationists to standard levels of scientific integrity. When the modern-day conflict over the creation-evolution issue began, it soon...
Not According to Hoyle
    No, not poker, and not Edmond Hoyle (1672-1769), the famed authority on card games and chess. Darwinism is the game and Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-present), the distinguished astronomer,...
Ten Misconceptions about the Geologic Column
The ten strata systems that geologists use (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary) compose the "standard geologic column"...
Evolution: The Changing Scene
Prof. Derek Ager of the University at Swansea, Wales, in Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. 87, p. 132 (1976) has stated "It must be significant that nearly all the evolutionary stories I learned as a student,...
Evolution Ex Nihilo
Evolutionists have frequently criticized creationism as unscientific because of its basic commitment to the doctrine of creation ex nihilo …that is, "creation out of nothing." The idea that God...
Can the Redwoods Date the Flood?
Science, Biblical and anti-Biblical, recognizes that there was a period of time in the distant past when the earth was barren. How long ago and how long it lasted...
Mankind--The Pinnacle of God's Creation
"And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness … so God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female.'...
Recent Creation Is a Vital Doctrine
There is no aspect of creationism which is under greater attack by evolutionists than the Biblical doctrine of recent creation. The evolutionist, knowing the weakness of the scientific case for evolution,...
Design in Ecology
Introduction Perhaps the most frequent disagreements between creationists and evolutionists are what each group thinks about: (1) biological variation, (2) the fossil record, and (3) the role of natural...
Creation and Resurrection
The two greatest events in the history of the cosmos were, first of all, its supernatural creation and, secondly, the resurrection of its Creator from the dead. The evidence for each, to one whose mind...
C.S. Peirce's "Neglected Argument"
In 1908, Charles Sanders Peirce, the recognized father of America's only distinctive philosophy, namely pragmatism, and the mentor of William James and John Dewey, published an argument entitled "A...
Creation is the Foundation
It is high time that people in general, and Bible-believing Christians in particular, recognize the foundational significance of special creation. Creation is not...
The Search for Noah's Ark: 1983
During late August and early September 1983, a small group of explorers sponsored by and representing ICR was allowed to climb Mt. Ararat in search of Noah's Ark....
Creating the Missing Link: A Tale About a Whale
Ever since Darwin the fossil record has been an embarrassment to evolutionists. The predictions concerning what evolutionists expected to find in the fossil record have failed miserably. Not only have...
Earth's Magnetic Age: The Achilles Heel of Evolution
Introduction There is nothing more devastating to the doctrine of evolution than the scientific evidence of a young earth age. That evidence is provided by the rapid depletion of the energy in the earth's...
Starlight and the Age of the Universe
The Problem Light, traveling at 186,000 miles per second, will travel about 6 trillion miles in one year. This distance is called one light-year. There are galaxies that are alleged to be billions of...
Evolutionary Indoctrination and Decision-Making in Schools
In recent years, the efforts of anti-creationists to distort the motives and goals of scientific creationists have dominated the educational literature, influenced the courts and polarized the media. As...
Those Remarkable Floating Rock Formations
The most basic rule of stratigraphy is that sedimentary rock formations on the bottom are older than those on the top. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments,...
Did Landscapes Evolve?
The most popular theories for the origin of the form of the earth's surface features suppose that they have been sculptured during vast time periods by erosive processes similar in rate, scale and intensity...
Evolution and the Human Tail
An article entitled "Evolution and the Human Tail" by Dr. Fred D. Ledley appeared in the May 20, 1982, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. The...
Noah's Ark the Search Goes On
The search for Noah's Ark continues to be much in the news. The evidence for the existence of Noah's Ark is impressive and growing as research continues, but it...
Radiometric Dating Using Isochrons
Radiometric dating fascinates nearly everyone. Uranium-lead, potassium-argon, and rubidium-strontium are names associated with radiometric dating. 1,2 Jesus Christ talked about things...
Molecular Evolution?
Molecular homology has been acclaimed as the field of study that saved the house of evolution from collapsing by serving as an independent check that confirms evolution...
Learning and Evolution
A key problem for evolutionists is to find a mechanism that can bring "order from noise." 1 What is needed is a natural process producing a chain of necessary increases in order...
The Splendid Faith of the Evolutionist
Christian faith is essential for salvation (Ephesians 2:8) but in one sense it is not all that difficult to have this kind of faith. After all, the amazing majesty, beauty and complexity of the universe...
Young Age for the Moon and Earth
Receding Moon It takes but one proof of a young age for the moon or the earth to completely refute the doctrine of evolution. Based upon reasonable postulates, great scope of observational...
Did the Early Earth Have a Reducing Atmosphere?
After reviewing evolutionists' speculations on the origin of life, Clemmey and Badham say, "... the dogma has arisen that Earth's early atmosphere was anoxic,..."1 By "anoxic"...
Evolution? Prominent Scientist Reconsiders
True science involves a willingness to cast aside pre-conceived notions, the strength to stand up to peer pressure, and a commitment to follow the search for truth wherever it might lead. An historic demonstration...
Evolution Is Religion, Not Science
Evolutionists often insist that evolution is a proved fact of science, providing the very framework of scientific interpretation, especially in the biological sciences. This, of course, is nothing but...
Consequences of Time Dependent Nuclear Decay Indices on.,.
I. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Early work in nuclear physics l,2,3,4 indicated that the nuclear decay parameter, l , was a constant. It was and still ...
The Arkansas Decision on Creation-Science
On January 5, 1982, Judge William R. Overton of the District Court in Little Rock handed down a decision holding that the Arkansas Act for Balanced Treatment of Creation-Science...
1981 and the Battle for Creation - ICR Annual Report
General The year 1981 was a momentous year, both for the creation movement in general and for ICR in particular. The foundational importance of the creation/evolution issue is finally becoming widely...
Bible-Believing Scientists of the Past
One of the self-serving arguments of modern evolutionists is their rather arrogant claim that creationist scientists are not real scientists. No matter that a large number of creationists have earned...
The Mammal-Like Reptiles
Introduction The "mammal-like" reptiles were a highly varied, widely distributed group of reptiles that had a number of characteristics that are found in mammals. Assuming evolution to be a fact and that...
Origin of Mankind
Children lined up row upon row, mouths open, and eyes agog, as they look up at a museum's hairy half-man, club in hand, and listen to their group leader repeat: Four million years ago, a...
Depletion of Earth's Magnetic Field
There are three important force fields associated with planet earth, a gravitational field, an electric field, and a magnetic field. The gravitational field attracts...
An Answer for Asimov
One of the most widely circulated anti-creationist articles to appear in many years was recently published in the New York Times Magazine. There was nothing new or significant in the article, but it has...
Springs of the Ocean
A CHALLENGE One of the most profound and moving experiences in the life of the Old Testament patriarch Job must have been his encounter with a whirlwind. At a time when Job's undeserved suffering...
The Anti-Creationist
There are many evolutionists who evaluate scientific data objectively, even in relation to the controversial subject of origins, and are, therefore, willing to allow both models of origins (creation and...
Summary of Scientific Evidence for Creation (Part I & II)
This impact pamphlet was written by a scientist, and a science educator, and reviewed by an attorney, to provide a brief summary of the scientific evidence supporting creation. The text materials...
Materialism, Animism, and Evolutionism
Man’s substitute for God. Man has been wrestling with the question of creation ever since he himself was created. Although orthodox Jews, Christians, and Muslims traditionally have been creationists,...
Establishing Scientific Guidelines for Origins Instruct.,.
Two major challenges face creationists who wish to see the scientific content of creationism penetrate into educational circles and public school curricula. The first task is to find the most efficient...
Words: Genetic and Linguistic Problems for Evolution
In 1934, just before his death, the eminent Russian psychologist, Lev S. Vygotsky, 1 concluded his book on Thought and Language with a quotation from Faust...
Two Decades of Creation: Past and Future
(1) Annual ICR Report for 1980 (2) Summary of Activities of ICR During the Past Decade (3) ICR Goals for the Decade of the Eighties The year 1980 was...
Glycolysis and Alcoholic Fermentation
When the oxygen supply runs short in heavy or prolonged exercise, muscles obtain most of their energy from an anaerobic (without oxygen) process called glycolysis. Yeast cells obtain energy under anaerobic...
Creation, Mutation, and Variation
"Enormous," "tremendous," "staggering"—all these are adjectives used by geneticist Francisco Ayala to describe the amount of variation that can be expressed among...
Creation, Selection, and Variation
Horses only 15 inches high, 141 tree species in a single acre of tropical rain forest—what spectacular variety we see among living things, both variation within kind and the stupendous number of...
The Origin of Mammals
According to the neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution, all living forms have arisen from a single form of life by slow gradual changes. Thus, the time between the origin of life and the abrupt appearance...
The Tenets of Creationism
Creationism can be studied and taught in any of three basic forms, as follows: (1) Scientific creationism...
Jay Williams1 tells about an old woman who was living out the last days of her life. Surrounded by white walls, upon a white bed, in care of doctors and nurses, this dark-skinned relict fought...
Noah and Human Etymology
As traditions of the universal flood spread around the world with the post-Ararat migrations, the venerable name of Noah traveled with them.1 This seems especially evident by way of the ancient...
The Sun Is Shrinking
Since publication of this article in 1980, studies of the sun’s size have yielded different results. Currently, scientists are not united enough concerning any broadscale trends to support...
Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory
Two elements are essential in any evolutionary scheme, whether it be theistic or atheistic: long periods of time and the assumed validity of the molecules-to-man ...
Origin of Limestone Caves
INTRODUCTION A cave is a natural opening or cavity within the earth, generally extending from the earth's surface to beyond the zone of light. Three generic classes of caves can be recognized according...
Does Academic Freedom Apply to Both Secular Humanists a.,.
A prominent concern among educators in our schools, colleges, and universities is academic freedom. Academic freedom is the ability of the instructor to teach what he/she feels is the truth about reality...
Evolution at the Smithsonian
"Evolutionary Faith" might well be the title of the elaborate exhibitions in the nation's famed Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. In many beautiful displays, the evolution of the earth...
Revolutionary Evolutionism
An intriguing development in recent evolutionary thought has been the growing repudiation of neo-Darwinian orthodoxy (that is, the idea of slow and gradual evolution, accomplished by the mechanism of small...
Review of Evolution of Living Organisms- By Pierre-Pual.,.
The book reviewed here first appeared in print in 1973, in the French language. It is the 1977 English translation which is reviewed here (Academic Press). ...
Creation and the Seven-Day Week
An often-overlooked testimony to the fact of creation is the strange phenomenon of the seven-day week. Almost universally observed in the present world and often observed in the ancient world,...
The Delayed Fate of the Dade Debate
Great numbers of students at Miami University and other Dade County, Florida, residents were thrilled when the announcement was made of a forthcoming debate between famed...
Probability and Order Versus Evolution
One of the strongest direct evidences for special creation is the existence of innumerable highly complex systems in the universe, systems composed of components occurring in a pattern of "order"...
Defects in the Jupiter Effect
The decade of the 1980's will be an exciting period for creationist astronomy. Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977 will take a grand tour of the outer planets. Initial...
The Moon: A Faithful Witness in the Sky
At last count, our moon was just one of three dozen planetary satellites in the solar system. Jupiter has at least fourteen; Pluto and many of the asteroids apparently also have orbiting moons. However...
Creation Science and the Local School District
Efforts to introduce the teaching of the scientific evidence for the creation model of origins, distinctly apart from the use of any part of the Bible, along with the...
Does Proper Interpretation of Scripture Require a Recen.,.
This Article concludes the report on a panel discussion held at Wheaton College, May 2, 1978, on the theme: "Does a Proper Interpretation of Scripture Require a Recent Creation?" Supporting recent...
Does Proper Interpretation of Scripture Require a Recen.,.
In the spring of 1978, Wheaton College was the scene of a significant panel discussion on a topic of current interest and divergence among evangelicals—the Biblical evidence regarding a recent creation....
Nature's Challenge to Evolutionary Theory
Nowadays, there are many large fish with sharp teeth that roam the oceans seeking what they may devour. But as they feed on smaller fish and shrimp, their mouths begin to accumulate food debris and parasites....
The Remarkable Re-Birth of Planet Earth
Some day, the sun will grow cold, and life on earth will cease. The whole epoch of animals and plants is only an interlude between ages that will be too cold.—This, at least, is what science regards...
Things that are Made
"Evidence of creation? Isn't creation just something you believe? How can you find scientific evidence of creation?" Evolutionists routinely say that creation doesn't belong in the science classroom...
Racine Debate
The 1000-seat Memorial Hall on the shore of Lake Michigan in downtown Racine, Wisconsin, was filled to capacity on Monday, May 1st, for the creation-evolution debate between Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. Vincent...
A Comparison of Students Studying the Origin of Life fr.,.
The purpose of study reported in this article was to determine whether students gained more understanding of scientific principles when taught from a two-model approach...
Bone Disease Simulating Ancient Age in "Pre-Human&.,.
The presence of bone disease of one kind or another as an explanation for so-called "pre-human" fossils is not a common finding but it has been a recurring...
Thermodynamics and the Origin of Life (Part II)
Prigogine's speculative model is enshrouded with a considerable amount of complex mathematics that is difficult if not impossible to understand by nonmathematicians....
Thermodynamics and the Origin of Life (Part I)
The evolutionary history of the world from the 'big bang' to the present universe is a series of gradual steps from the simple to the complicated, from the unordered to...
Creationism in the Netherlands
In the last four years or so, creationism has developed so rapidly in the Netherlands that without doubt this country is assuming the lead in creationism at present in Europe. Several factors were responsible...
The Day-Age Theory Revisited
A book that has given new hope to "progressive creationists" (creationists who believe in occasional creative acts by God interjected in the evolutionary ages of historical geology) is Creation...
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi's Theory of Syntropy and Creationism
Creationists have often discussed the principle of increasing entropy (the second law of thermodynamics), or the pervasive tendency for organized forms of matter to gradually disintegrate into lower and...
The Impact of Evolution on the Humanities and Science
Literature The novels of Jack London, the plays of George Bernard Shaw, and even the poetry of Alfred Tennyson contain a seemingly convincing basis for belief in the "evolution" of humankind.1...
The Impact of Evolution on Social Sciences
Very possibly no other author in the nineteenth century influenced human thought all around the world more than Charles Darwin when he published his two books: The Origin of Species and The Descent of...
The Religion of Evolutionary Humanism and the Public Schools
The modern creationist movement and the resistance of secular educators to this movement have brought into clear focus one very important fact. Our American public schools and secular universities are...
Considerations Regarding a Model for Experimental Psychology
The present paper will discuss some basic considerations in formulating a Biblical creation model for experimental psychology. As a first step, it will be useful to examine in a somewhat oversimplified...
From Evolution to Creation: A Personal Testimony
Moderator: "Dr. Parker, I understand that when you started teaching college biology you were an enthusiastic evolutionist." Yes, indeed. The idea of evolution was very satisfying to me. It gave...
Circular Reasoning in Evolutionary Geology
Creationists have long insisted that the main evidence for evolution — the fossil record — involves a serious case of circular reasoning. That is, the fossil evidence that life has evolved...
Noah's Ark Goes to Hollywood
The search for Noah's Ark has many years been a source of fascination and intrigue for millions. The story has such appeal that the news media had always been anxious...
Ebla: Its Impact on Bible Records
The new findings at Ebla are possibly the most significant discovery yet made so far as they relate to the background of early Bible times. The impact on some areas of Biblical knowledge will indeed...
Can You...Recognize Bias in History Content?
The Golden Horde swept across hills and valleys from Mongolia like a swarm of locusts attacking fields of ripened grain. Animal skin clothing blended each Tartar into one being with his lightning-swift...
On the Origin of Language
In the Western world the study of language began as a philosophical inquiry into origins.1 The Greeks (Third and Fourth Century B.C.) initiated the study of language essentially to explain its...
Crack in the Neo-Darwinian Jericho Part II
Ever since Darwin first put forth his theory, creation scientists have maintained that at best natural selection could only be a conservative force, weeding out the unfit, but would be powerless to generate...
Crack in the Neo-Darwinian Jericho Part I
The modern theory of evolution, commonly known as the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, and sometimes referred to as the synthetic theory, since it purports to be a synthesis of modern scientific knowledge...
The Origin of Coal
Accumulated, compacted and altered plants form a sedimentary rock called coal. It is not only a resource of great economic importance, but a rock of intense fascination to the student of earth history....
Entropy and Open Systems
The most devastating and conclusive argument against evolution is the entropy principle. This principle (also known as the Second Law of Thermodynamics) implies that, in the present order of things, evolution...
The Spiritual Impact of Creationism
"The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1). "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even...
Up with Catastrophism!
The Uniformitarian Century One of the surprising developments of the past decade has been the resurgence of catastrophism in geological interpretation. Although the great men who were the real founders...
The Origin of Life: Theories on the Origin of Biologica.,.
The second article of this series included a discussion of Fox's scheme, or thermal model, for overcoming the thermodynamic barrier to the formation of proteins (amino...
A Two-Model Approach to Origins: A Curriculum Imperative
Within the last decade, the whole concept of science and social science instruction has centered around the inquiry approach. Researchers have gathered data that show many satisfying spin-offs in reading,...
Creation and the Cross
The two greatest events in all history are the creation of the world and the redemption of the world. Each of these events involved a great divine Week of work and a Day of rest. Creation Week accomplished...
Origin of Life: The Fox Thermal Model of the Origin of Life
In the first article "Origin of Life: A Critique of Early Stage Chemical Evolution Theories,", January, 1976, of this series on origin of life theories, following the discussion of problems involved...
Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, and the Bible
Twenty years ago geologists were certain that the data correlated perfectly with the then-reigning model of stationary continents. The handful of geologists who promoted the notion of continental drift...
Origin of Life: Critique of Early Stage Chemical Evolut.,.
According to a mechanistic, naturalistic view of the universe, and thus of origins, the whole of reality is evolution — a single process of self-transformation. Everything in the universe, according...
Creation and the Virgin Birth
The incarnation of Jesus Christ is such an important doctrine of the New Testament that without it there can be no true Christianity. "Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in...
Man...Apes...Australopithecines...Each Uniquely Different
For many years it has been the consensus among evolutionists that the australopithecines (various species within the genus Australopithecus) were intermediate between Man and the apes, indicating that...
Language, Creation and the Inner Man
Probably the most important physical ability distinguishing man from apes and other animals is his remarkable capacity of language. The ability to communicate with others of his own kind in abstract,...
Some Recent Developments Having to do with Time
This paper discusses some recent data, observations, and developments that have significance regarding the age of things. If Earth and the Universe are quite young, the implications are tremendous,...
Resolution for Equitable Treatment of both Creation and.,.
A Resolution to encourage equitable treatment of alternate scientific concepts of origins in the public schools and other institutions of the state - I. WHEREAS, it appears that most, if not all, state-supported...
The Gospel of Creation and the Anti-Gospel of Evolution
Before His return to heaven, after His resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ gave the great commission to all His disciples: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"...
Debates Generate Vigorous Response
The creation-evolution debates on the University of Tennessee campus on January 14 (Acts and Facts, February 1975) and on the campus of Texas Tech on February 9 (Acts and Facts, March 1975), not only...
The Amino Acid Racemization Dating Method
At a widely publicized news conference in August of 1972, Dr. Jeffrey Bada of Scripps Institute of Oceanography announced the "discovery" of a new dating method based on the rate of racemization...
Noah's Ark: Status 1975
Rarely has any project associated with the creation movement so captivated the mind of the general public as has the continuing search for Noah's Ark. Newspapers everywhere have carried articles on the...
Evolution and the Population Problem
Few issues today are more emotionally charged than that of population control. Sociological alarmists insist that the growth of human populations must be stopped by whatever means are available. Not...
Introducing Creationism into Public Schools
More people today than ever are objecting to the exclusive teaching of evolution in the public schools. Strong pressures are developing aimed at opening the schools to the teaching of special creation...
The Young Earth
It should be recognized that it is impossible to determine with certainty any date prior to the beginning of historical records—except, of course, by divine revelation. Science, in the proper sense,...
As more and more scientists adopt the creation model, there ought to be an increasing emphasis on examining data from a creationist viewpoint and a decreasing emphasis on searching out failures of the...
Physics: A Challenge to 'Geological Time'
I. Lord Kelvin Urged Geologists to Accept Limitations Set by Physics on the Earth's Age. In contrast to the narrow specialization of present-day scientists some great physicists in the nineteenth century...
The Solar System--New Discoveries Produce New Mysteries
This article originally appeared in the June 1974 Acts & Facts. Please note that new discoveries in this area may have been made since that time. The results of recent space exploration have...
Planet Earth: Plan or Accident?
From where did the earth come? By what process was it constructed? Did an ever-seeing Intelligence plan and direct the creation of our planet? Or, did the earth evolve by unguided chance processes without...
Creation and the Environment
One of man's most vexing problems today is the conflict between energy and ecology, between conservation of jobs and conservation of nature. The need for expanded energy sources and more goods and services...
Interpreting Earth History
Historical geology is the field of study which seeks to decipher the clues and records bearing on the earth's history. Since the historical geologist cannot observe the history he attempts to interpret...
Richard Leakey's Skull 1470
It is too early to assess with any degree of confidence the true import of recent finds by Richard Leakey near the east shore of Lake Rudolf in Kenya. Nevertheless, the impact on evolutionary theories...
The Stars of Heaven
Man has always been intrigued and fascinated by the heavens. The scholars of antiquity, whether in Sumeria, Egypt, China, Mexico or any of the other early civilizations were well versed in the locations...
Evolution: The Ocean says NO!
The subject of the age of the earth and the age of the world ocean is a matter of extreme importance. If there is evidence for an old ocean, then this could be used to support the evolutionist's supposition...
Evolution and Modern Racism
Some people today, especially those of anti-Christian opinions, have the mistaken notion that the Bible prescribes permanent racial divisions among men and is, therefore, the cause of modern racial...
Geology and the Flood
In the early days of geology, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries, the dominant explanation for the sedimentary rocks and their fossilized contents was that they had been...
Evolution and the Bible
The evolutionary system has been entrenched for so long that many people who otherwise accept the Bible as infallible have deemed it expedient to compromise on this issue. Thus, evolution has been called,...
Creation - Evolution
There is the theory that all living things have arisen through a naturalistic, mechanistic evolutionary process from a single source, which itself arose by a similar process from a dead, inorganic world....
Evolution, Thermodynamics, and Entropy
The study of biological processes and phenomena indicates that significant evolutionary developments are not observable in the modern world. Similarly the great gaps in the fossil record make it extremely...
The Center of the Earth
The earth’s surface is approximately 70% covered with water, which part is thus uninhabitable by man. The 30% of the earth occupied by land surfaces is not in one single land mass, but is stretched...
Evolution, Creation, and the Public Schools
One of the most amazing phenomena in the history of education is that a speculative philosophy based on no true scientific evidence could have been universally adopted and taught as scientific fact,...
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