Government and Politics
In God’s renewal of the Dominion Mandate to Noah after the Flood (Genesis 9:6-7), man was given the institution of human government, as epitomized in the authority to impose capital punishment as the penalty for murder. This ultimate in governmental authority, of course, implies also that human government was now responsible to regulate other human interrelationships as well, since uncontrolled, self-centered activities could otherwise quickly lead to violence, murder, and even anarchy.
Law defines how governments and people should interact. Almost all laws are derived from the biblical Ten Commandments, both directly and in extrapolated applications of the implications. This is especially true of the last six of the commandments, those that deal directly with man’s relationship to his fellow man.
Politics describes how governments and people actually interact, especially over money and power. Governmental institutions, which include our legal systems, are a mix of law and politics. This is partially because of their use of persuasive pressure (and enforceability) of law to influence the actual behavior of others.
American politics was mostly founded on Bible-friendly political principles by creationist patriots (most of whom were Bible-revering Protestants, as the U.S. Supreme Court once admitted). Many judges now view law itself as inherently secular and “evolving.”
With evolutionary law-based politics, no one’s basic rights are really secure, because political rights once deemed absolute and inalienable (such as a baby’s right to be born, or a family’s right to its homestead unless the property is taken for a truly “public” purpose) are now treated with arbitrariness, as if those rights were mere privileges that governments may take at will.
To the extent that government officials no longer respect God as the ultimate Authority, they functionally substitute their own power for His, using the evolutionary logic that “might makes right” instead of the Bible-friendly rule-of-law logic that “right justifies might.”
Environment and Ecology
One part of governance under the Dominion Mandate is the understanding of earth and its inhabitants, weather, and other environmental factors that combine into the interactive whole and parts of what we call earth’s ecology. More...
Ethics and Justice
Ethics and justice should be complementary, ensuring both the moral and legal rightness of mankind’s choices and actions. What should be the standard for how we determine right and wrong? More...