Human Stewardship
The Dominion Mandate, found in Genesis 1:26-28, and later repeated and amplified to Noah (Genesis 9:1-7), is still in force as the Creator’s authorization for humanity to be the stewards of earth.
Human Accountability
The Dominion Mandate of Genesis 1:26 authorizes all honorable human occupations as a stewardship under God. More...
The command to “subdue” first requires understanding the earth. The disciplines of science uncover how things work. More...
The command to “rule” requires effective use in the service of mankind. The disciplines of technology involve the development and application of all science. More...
The command to “fill the earth” also involves distributing the “useful” things to everyone. More...
The knowledge of science, the skills of technology, and the techniques of commerce must be transmitted to others. More...
The recording of man’s achievements through literature, drama, art, etc., should all redound to God’s glory. More...
Government and Politics
The authorization for capital punishment entails the ultimate oversight of human relations through government, politics, sociology, indeed, all legitimate human endeavors. More...