Has Evolution become a State Religion? | The Institute for Creation Research

Has Evolution become a State Religion?

The Church of England had been established as the official state church of that country for a long time, but in the nineteenth century an effort was launched to "dis-establish" it, and remove its favored status. Yet some wanted to retain the designation, and launched the anti-disestablish movement. Their movement became known as antidisestablish-mentarianism, a beloved word of all school children who brag they can spell the longest word in the English language. There are longer words, but we can learn a lesson from this historical episode.

America's founding fathers rejected all ideas of a national church, even though numerous voices clamored for one and several of the individual states had already selected one or the other. The very first amendment to the constitution codified this commitment, that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . . ." Nowhere did they insist on "the separation of church and state" in the sense that religious concepts had no place in government, indeed quotes abound affirming their personal and national dependence on God. They insisted on freedom of religion, not the favoring of one denomination over the other. The modern day removal of all vestiges of Christianity from the public arena would greatly displease the founders. Many were devout Christians, of varying denominations, but of deep personal convictions. They wanted to keep the state out of religion, not eliminate a Christian influence on affairs of the state.

How then can we understand the government mandated rush to embrace the concept of evolutionary naturalism? The idea that life originated, indeed the entire universe originated through strictly natural processes (as opposed to supernatural processes) is a religious concept, incapable of observation or proof, yet held by faith. In evolutionary naturalism, life not only finds its origin, but also its meaning and destiny in nature. As many have noted, it is essentially equivalent with atheism.

Our government schools teach evolution with fervor at taxpayer expense, ignoring alternatives. Textbook writers often repeat information known to be false, in the name of good evolution teaching. Teacher unions aggressively combat other views while defending teachers who abuse students of different faiths than evolution. Our courts declare other origins views off-limits, branding them religion. Scientists have even redefined the goal of science. No longer is it "the search for truth," it has become the search for naturalistic explanations. Self-serving civil libertarians promise a bitter lawsuit against any who would return to the views of the founders. How could we have come so far? Where is the road back?

The state-supported church of atheistic evolutionism has been almost fully established in this once Christian country. I, for one, support the "disestablishment" of this false, unscientific, and harmful church. I do not favor establishing any Christian creed as the State Church, but it should be allowed to function without government "prohibiting the free exercise thereof." I pray that it would flourish and that America's leaders would once again welcome its wholesome influence in society.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2005. Has Evolution become a State Religion?. Acts & Facts. 34 (11).

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