Will We Have Any Work to Do in Heaven? | The Institute for Creation Research

Will We Have Any Work to Do in Heaven?

What will we do when we get to heaven? Eternity is a long time. Of course, we will enjoy a close and personal relationship with our Creator/Redeemer, thanking and praising Him for all He is and has done on our behalf, but will there be any jobs to do? Certainly we will delight in renewing acquaintances with loved ones and the heroes of the faith who have gone before. How many years will we allot for that? But what then? Dare we speculate?

In many ways heaven will mirror God's "very good" creation in Eden. Realization of His full plan for earth has been delayed but not thwarted. We will even have access to the Tree of Life and its delights once again. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, . . . the things which God hath prepared for [us]" (I Corinthians 2:9). Thus, we can only speculate on heaven's delights by noticing Eden's character.

As it relates to work, we note that Adam was given work to do. It was not burdensome, but enjoyable and rewarding seeing the fruit of his labors blossom in caring for the Garden (Genesis 2:15). It was a responsible job, for God had made him the steward of His creation. We aren't told what would have resulted had Adam been obedient, but he was the steward of the entire planet and potentially beyond. What responsibility will be given us in eternity? Scripture only reveals that "His servants shall serve Him" (Revelation 22:3) in heaven and that he who has been "faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things" (Matthew 25:23).

Astronomers now know the universe teems with billions of beautiful galaxies never before seen, and we wonder why God even created them. Never before have humans even known of them. There are many more galaxies than there are people who have ever been born. What is their purpose, and what is their future? Let me speculate.

In a marvelous passage on the glories of heaven we are told that we are already seated in "heavenly places" (Ephesians 2:6) positionally declared righteous in His eyes, and able to receive His favor and participate in His plan for the ages. Might this also have a physical meaning?

Has God created this immense universe as our "Garden" for eternity? Will we have access to the stars? The same passage teaches that "in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus" (v.7). Perhaps He will assign a galaxy to each of us, with the rewarding work of developing it for His glory. We will always be welcome in His omnipresence, experiencing fellowship unbroken by sin or distance. But maybe He will expect an occasional progress report on our galaxy. Just as Adam was to "tend" the Garden, we may have the privilege of exploring and showcasing His stellar handiwork and visiting the "gardens" of others, all the while fellowshipping with Him and giving Him credit for His creative majesty. We will have an eternity of time to explore seemingly infinite space, giving glory to Him in all, and pleasing Him with faithful service. At any rate, we can dream.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2005. Will We Have Any Work to Do in Heaven?. Acts & Facts. 34 (7).

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