Science in the News Articles

Big Bang Troubles? No Problem, Just Double the Universe.,.
A physicist has suggested doubling the accepted age of the universe in order to resolve ‘strong’ tensions between the Big Bang and observations from the James Webb Space Telescope.1,2...
Proteomes of the Past
Click here for the abstract and availability of a secular, peer-reviewed article that summarizes the state of affairs among scientists who grapple with the mounting evidence for what appears to be original,...
COVID-19 Infection Rates Lower at High-Altitudes
On March 24, 2020, we ran a news article about how warmer weather appeared to hamper COVID-19 infections.1 New evidence could indicate that high altitudes might limit the spread of the disease...
Looking for Provision
Lawmakers are at it again as they vote on the latest stimulus bill. This potential “relief” might bring you some much-needed peace, or perhaps you think another bailout is far from what the...
Different Interpretations of Same Data Is Routine
Are people growing weary of scientific experts giving them contradictory instructions for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? It seems that there may be an increasing willingness by politicians and ordinary...
Pandemic Lockdown Result of Bad Software
One of the most frustrating things a person can go through is for their normally stable computer system, tablet, or phone, to suddenly stop working—a bad patch, a bad virus, or just old age. Whatever...
COVID-19 and International Missions
COVID-19 containment strategies are changing the dynamics of world missions. According to Christianity Today, many missionaries are stranded in temporary locations or unable to return to the missionary...
Norwegians "Cheated" Out of National Holiday
For many patriotic souls in Norway, May 17 this year will be a day of dampened disappointment—worse than raining on a parade. Why? Because there will be no parade on a patriotic holiday that is more...
Beating the Coronavirus Odds at Age 113!
The world has been reminded, once again, that God—not healthcare statistics nor global pandemics—determines when and where one’s earthly pilgrimage ends. BBC News, in Spain, reports the...
John Walton’s Twisted Views on Disease and Suffering
John Walton is an influential Old Testament theologian at Wheaton College with an unorthodox and non-literal view of Genesis.1 He is also an ardent promotor of molecules-to-man evolution and...
Children with Coronavirus at Risk of Life-Threatening S.,.
Multinational case reports on a small number of children who have had COVID-19, or possibly exposed to the novel coronavirus, tell of a potentially fatal widespread reaction that could lead to cardiac...
God, Bacteria, and Viruses
People will often ask, "Why would a good and perfect God allow bad things to happen?" This question seems all the more relevant today as all of humanity is suffering from the current COVID-19...
The Danger of Tunnel Vision
In an executive order, dated May 1, 2020, our president made this declaration: I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating...
Tree Hugging Revival
If you’ve ever taken a hike, then you’ve enjoyed the beauty of trees. They are blessings we should thank God for.1 Trees are exhibits of God’s creation, corroborating Genesis...
Why ’Giving Tuesday Now’ Is Important to IC.,.
We’re all walking through a revolutionary and uncertain time. For us here at ICR, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused swift changes to our daily operations and ability to serve our staff, volunteers,...
Jackdaws Identify "Dangerous" from "Safe" Humans
Don’t think that humans have a monopoly on “social distancing”—because even birds are prudent in physical distancing, depending on the contingent hazards that they perceive nearby.1,2...
God’s Providence Seen in Internal Clocks
Internal clocks are amazing examples of God’s providential care for his creation. One recent study showed embryonic “clocks” in chickens function like a construction schedule for the...
Human Kindness: The Residual Image of God
As the pandemic has strengthened its grip on the world these last couple months, it’s producing one interesting side effect: people are seeking out positive, cheerful news items like never before. A...
The Low-Tech Life of Green Bank, West Virginia
Many aspects of American life have been stopped, suspended, or at least slowed down in recent times.1-3 Yet for Green Bank, West Virginia, a village of less than 150 residents, the townsfolk...
A Second Chance from a Rice ATM
Although the reports of COVID-19 in Vietnam are relatively low (with 267 cases and zero deaths as of April 151), social distancing measures have led to the closures of several small businesses...
Shutdown: Chance to Test Climate Change Assumption
Some are pointing out that the coronavirus shutdown presents an opportunity to test a major climate change assumption.1-3 Because global industrial activity has been curtailed due to the pandemic,...
Avian Ventilation and Ventilators
During this time of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, medical science is seeking a vaccine as well as drugs that will treat the symptoms. In the meantime, much has been reported on the ventilator, a lifesaving...
Big-Picture Balancing Is Needed, Even During Crisis
Recent public health-related developments in America1-3 and in other countries1,4,5,6 have illustrated the need for balance in governmental interventions aimed at reducing the spread...
Pork, Produce, and Planting for the Future
You probably have noticed over the last several weeks that your visits to the local store have demonstrated a new phenomenon—empty shelves in many parts of the grocery department. Initially, major...
Norwegian Rats, Archaeologists, and Plagues of the Past
Earth has experienced terrible pandemics before coronavirus. Earlier this month, as archaeologists were researching an old Viking trade route in central Norway, they reminded us that Eurasia’s...
Are Danish Schoolchildren Being Treated like Guinea Pigs?
As the world faces the need to speedily (yet safely) recover from quarantine-like lockdowns, some fear the danger of over-delayed returns to normal, while others fear the opposite and assume that the coronavirus...
Chinese Fudge Factory Doubles Output
Recent reports show that Chinese “fudge” is being produced in Wuhan at numbers now doubling earlier reports. The official Covid-19 death toll for Wuhan has been revised [as of April 17,...
Yes, Deer, It’s Time for Some Calm News
For many in America and around the world, these are very turbulent and troubled times. But for some, not so much. For example, consider the wild cervids like mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), one variety...
A Truer Comfort
Stress levels have been rising for people all over the globe these last few weeks. News about the rapidly-spreading coronavirus, shelter-in-place orders, social restrictions, economic tailspins, and more...
Wedding Plans During Crisis
I recently had the honor of attending my friend’s wedding via video conference. Perhaps, like me, you have heard several stories like this and have even witnessed couples move forward with their...
Lawn Care Is Essential: Grasses Glorify God
As America reacts to the coronavirus pandemic, some societal enterprises have been categorized as “essential” while others have been categorized as “non-essential.”1...
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases: Good and Bad News
New testing kits provide a rapid and fairly accurate method of assessing coronavirus infection. In one new study using these kits, the results are revealing some new underlying trends in the COVID-19 pandemic.1,2...
Wild Animals Now Roaming City Streets
When in houses humans stay, wild critters come out to play! It seems that coronavirus has beckoned wild critters to come boldly into human habitations that appear deserted due to mandated shelter-in-place...
How COVID-19 Affects the Oil Industry
Oil prices have recently plummeted to historic lows amid greatly lessened demand. This is causing short-term turmoil in the oil and gas industry. However, energy researcher Kenneth Medlock III suggests...
Staying Social During Social Distancing
On Sunday, March 29, President Trump ordered the social distancing measures to stay in place until April 30. But does social distancing have to mean social isolation? Thanks to videoconferencing programs,...
A Silver Lining in the World of Education
COVID-19 has caused the shutdown of most educational institutions worldwide. These closures are estimated to impact over 90% of the world’s student population,1 and at least 55 million...
Post-Coronavirus Comeback or Swan’s Song?
Reading last month’s news about a once-endangered species, the trumpeter swan, provides a hope-inspiring illustration about making a comeback after venturing through past perils that risked ruin.1,2 Trumpeter...
Chaplains and COVID-19
With social distancing measures in place, it may be tempting to think that the work of Christian missions has ceased. After all, most people are limited to their own homes and essential activities. Yet,...
Balancing High Risks: Learning from Mountain Goats
When America’s president must make decisions about how to transition from a shut-in citizenry (and shut-down economy) to post-isolationist advances toward resuming business-as-usual activities,1...
Sweden’s Herd Immunity
Despite criticism from the world medical community, Sweden has taken a more relaxed approach to the COVID-19 threat. It has not initiated a nationwide lockdown and, as of April 15, scientists are starting...
Fish Farming Feeds Scots, But It’s Not Getting Easier
When was the last time you thanked a fish farmer for tending to coast water net-pens, braving unpleasant weather and workplace hazards, to “farm” aquatic “livestock” such as salmon,...
Finding Comfort in Total Authority
In the late afternoon on April 13, the White House Coronavirus Task Force updated the nation regarding the federal government’s plan for stifling the pandemic. During the briefing, Donald Trump made...
Today’s Choice: Worship or Whine?
Every day is a precious gift. We hear that statement so often. But do we really believe it? Each new morning we rise to a new day with God-given time to bless our Creator and be a blessing to His creation....
Adjusting to Crisis with Renewed Purpose
As the global economy struggles with the effects of the coronavirus, businesses have been forced to change their business models out of necessity. On a smaller scale, this often means that businesses...
Take it to the Lord in Prayer
In a recent ICR Facebook post,1 friends shared how they structured their prayers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several offered various models (e.g., A.C.T.S., P.R.A.Y., The Lord’s...
Hot Fudge Sundaes and Cherry Picked Statistics
To celebrate my wife’s birthday recently, a restaurant dinner was not an option (due to social-distancing mandates). So, drive-through fried chicken and a hot fudge sundae had to suffice. Somehow...
Are COVID-19 Deaths Natural Selection?
As deaths in the United States from COVID-19 now exceed over 24,700, one believer in natural selection has used the outbreak to expound on the virtues of the selectionist worldview embraced by many in...
Gideons Adjusting to Coronavirus World
Even the Gideons are adjusting to the coronavirus world. For over a century, Gideon volunteers have been providing literally billions of Bibles to hotels, healthcare providers, military personnel, prisoners,...
Fresh Produce and Stale Rebellion
While many are following stay-at-home orders for coronavirus and cautions to be sanitary, some are willfully disobeying—and even willfully spreading the disease. On Saturday, April 4, 2020, a...
Lonely? Love Your Neighbor
Right now, due to social distancing, we’re experiencing a level of isolation that most of us have never experienced in our lives. Even many self-professed introverts are feeling the strain that...
New York COVID-19 Infections Derived from Europe
New York City has become one of the largest epicenters of confirmed cases in the United States for coronavirus infections. Now, a new research study recently submitted and awaiting the peer review process...
God’s Work in Impossible Odds
As we celebrated during Easter weekend and gave thanks for Jesus’ incredible sacrifice, we can’t help but acknowledge that God’s greatest triumph came from such a dark set of circumstances. Many...
International Monetary Fund Declares Global Recession
On April 3, 2020, International Monetary Fund Chief Kristalina Georgieva stated that the world economy is now in a global recession due to the coronavirus.1 The International Monetary Fund (IMF)...
Leading Through Sacrifice
The term “sacrifice” is often tossed around without giving genuine thought to what it really means. Is it really a sacrifice to give up your place in line at the store to someone who has...
Hope for the Turtles Is Hope for Us
As Christians seek understanding and peace during a time of uncertainty, our Savior reminds us, “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing?...
Comparing Starling Murmurations to Social Distancing
Should we murmur (whine, complain) about our presently inconvenient circumstances?1 Or should we adjust to what happens around us, so we keep our proper distances as we ourselves move about,...
Tomorrow Morning: Last Chance to See Four Heavenly Bodi.,.
For three days this week, four heavenly bodies are aligned in the sky: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and the Moon.1 Many of us now have reduced work hours due to the coronavirus pandemic, so staying...
Coronavirus Makes Climate Action More Urgent?
Early this week, the websites and published an editorial by John Hewson, former federal leader of the Australian Liberal Party, who claimed that the coronavirus pandemic has...
Coronavirus Causes "Waffle House Index" Red N.,.
Giant yellow squares housing black letters signal to breakfast lovers across the United States that they have found a safe haven where they can enjoy waffles, hash browns, and coffee. Waffle House has...
Faith and Facemasks
The coronavirus is producing a large spectrum of reactions from people around the globe. On one end, some people are extremely careful. They follow social distancing guidelines, wash their hands until...
Cabin Fever, Cattle Egrets, and Pasture-land Partnerships
Nowadays, many folks experience “cabin fever,” but are banned from ordinary travel and social activities.1 However, some get out of the house—yet stay home—by investing...
Purpose in a Pandemic
Our family decided to plant a modest garden in our backyard. As I placed each seed in its hole and covered it with dirt, I began thinking about the amazing purpose seeds have to change a life. This tiny...
Will Norway Invade Privacy by Reversing Continuous Tracking?
ICR’s Dr. Randy Guliuzza has repeatedly illustrated and explained how continuous environmental tracking works in animals and mankind.1 Norway’s reaction to coronavirus risks has...
Childlike Trust: God’s Antidote for a Troubled Mind
Think back to your childhood summers. For me and my sisters, those days were filled with lazy mornings, sun-kissed noses after hours in the sunshine, pretending to be mermaids in the pool before toweling...
Are Remote Islands Insulated from Coronavirus?
Countries all over the world are now juggling public health risks along with economic collapse risks. Is taking temporary refuge on a remote island a good strategy? Maybe. But don’t count on that...
Viruses Make Good Food For Sea Creatures
In the midst of this current coronavirus crisis, we would like to remind our readers that although we live in a fallen and corrupted creation where many things are out-of-whack and even harmful, many things...
RNA Virus Genome Decay Confirms Creation
Popular opinions hold that viruses can evolve into increasingly harmful versions of themselves. But science shows just the opposite. RNA viruses like influenza, Ebola, COVID-19, and measles show histories...
Puppies and Pandemics
Doom and gloom fill our newsfeeds. Seemingly every hour, more grim headlines emerge. The United Nations now says that the coronavirus crisis is the "gravest threat" that humanity has faced since...
Citizenship on Earth and in Heaven
As the number of those infected with COVID-19 grows dramatically with each passing hour, governments tighten their grip, trying desperately to slow the spread of the virus and mitigate the damage being...
When Travel is Restricted, Be Honest and Trust God
Travel restrictions (imposed under federal and state disaster laws) are common this month, and they are likely to continue for some time. Many communities now have almost-empty roads and streets as...
Enjoying God’s Universe While Isolated, on a Budget
Around three thousand years, King David wrote, When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that you are mindful of him, and...
New Study Confirms Suggested Coronavirus Quarantine Period
Medical researchers at Johns Hopkins University have been quickly gathering data from the recent coronavirus outbreak and then evaluating health care policy in light of the new results. A new study...
Fighting Coronavirus with Your PC or Mac
As of March 26, seven hundred thousand people involved in the Folding@Home project are using their home computers to form, in effect, the world’s fastest supercomputer.1 This virtual supercomputer...
COVID-19 and Evangelicals
On March 27, Katherine Stewart wrote an opinion piece titled “The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals”1 for The New York Times.2 While her article covers...
Coronavirus, Evil, and the Redemption of God
Though the novel coronavirus critically impacts our lives and it is easy to lose hope, God provides us with an eternal hope that will never perish. Our daily lives are battered by sin, and the world suffers...
Mental Immunity
Wash your hands. Use Lysol. Take Vitamin C. Get lots of sleep. In the midst of the coronavirus era, there's enough medical advice floating around to fill a textbook. But while most of us are busy...
Should Americans Wear Masks for COVID-19?
Watching COVID-19 news reporting on South Koreans and Americans shows one stark difference: South Koreans are wearing some kind of face mask but Americans are not. Should Americans be wearing a face mask?...
Psalm 8 and COVID-19
Here in Dallas County, we are under shelter-in-place orders as part of the plan to slow the progress of the global coronavirus pandemic.1 Many are working from home. Others have been laid off...
White House Briefing on Potential Virus Casualties
Not all White House Press Briefings are of equal importance. But yesterday’s was one of the most informative so far due to the staggering potential U.S. death toll from COVID-19. It was presented...
RNA Virus Origins Fit Genesis Creation
RNA viruses all use organized sequences of RNA chemical ‘letters’ to encode their plans for construction and operation. Infamous RNA viruses include influenza, HIV, COVID-19, and measles. Genetic...
What New York Times Columnist Katherine Stewart Needs t.,.
An Opinion piece for The New York Times by Katherine Stewart1 makes the assertions that President Trump has responded poorly to the coronavirus pandemic and that evangelical Christians have...
An Ocean of Viruses
A virus is a very tiny structure. In its simplest definition, a virus is some nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) packed inside a protein coat. It is designed to replicate inside living cells. Not all viruses...
Spacecraft Model Construction for Isolated Families
The European Space Agency has posted a number of do-it-yourself science activities for families homebound during the coronavirus pandemic.1 These include construction of paper models of the...
Some Fake Coronavirus News Used to Spread Malware
As a systems administrator, I see thousands of emails come in where someone is trying to get a user to click on a link. A lot of these are just plain old “I want to sell you this.” They are...
Teaching Kids About Creation During Quarantine
Thanks to public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, many families are spending more time together than ever before. If that’s your situation, then you may be wondering how to maximize your...
The Gospel and COVID-19
It is obvious that life in America, and most parts of the world, has drastically changed in the last few months due to the novel coronavirus. Whether we like it or not, in many ways life has come to a...
Three Positives from COVID-19
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is no surprise to God. God knew about this pandemic before the dawn of His creation. Some people may question why God allows such suffering, but let’s not forget that pandemics...
A Time for Firsts Amid COVID-19
All of us have experience with firsts, and today is no exception as America sails through the uncharted waters of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Some experiences are more memorable than others, some...
What’s the Difference Between Virus and Bacteria?
As we are embroiled in a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to know the basics of these tragic viral infections and why the medical community can’t just prescribe common antibiotics as...
Sea Otters, Dungeness Crabs, and Coronavirus Pandemic P.,.
As healthcare politics dominate America’s news media services (which now includes ICR), at least one population is not bothered by coronavirus: the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) population of the North...
Potential Coronavirus Treatments Enter Large Clinical Trials
Some good news in potential treatment options for COVID-19 was reported in the American journal Science.1 Four new treatment options were being tried in a large-scale study across multiple countries....
Comet ATLAS: Nighttime Diversion for Isolated Families
For northern-hemisphere families in isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, a recently discovered comet may provide some needed diversion.1 This comet is dubbed ATLAS after the Hawaiian organization...
Prison or Palace?
All over the world, the coronavirus is changing everything at a breakneck pace. Businesses are closing, millions of people are confined to their homes, and frantic binge-buyers are placing unprecedented...
Actor Says Virus Is Earth’s Response to Humanity
English actor Idris Elba believes the COVID-19 virus is a defensive action by the Earth against the harm humanity is doing to it.1 Elba and his wife have both tested positive for the virus...
The Spiritual Value of Imagination
Imagination is a strong time killer. If you have nothing to do physically, then your imagination becomes a way to take your mind off mundane things. If you can’t go anywhere because of the COVID-19...
Watch Your Vitamin D During Quarantine
With everyone stuck at home, it might be beneficial to know that stepping outside for even 15 minutes a day may help alleviate some of the COVID-19 symptoms—if you were to catch it. Standing in...
Getting Crabby Over Labor Shortages
Some customers are getting a bit crabby over current market conditions for seafood. Is the shortage on shellfish due to federal immigration politics, coronavirus, or something else? As recently reported...
Warm Weather and COVID-19
Higher temperatures appear to correlate with a lower spread rate for the coronavirus, according to an early hypothesis.1 The climate seems to have an impact on other respiratory viruses like...
Young Adults Are Half of NYC's COVID-19 Cases
As of March 23, 2020, New York City remains the epicenter for both the total number of COVID-19 cases and the number of new cases. The Daily Case Data Summary provided by the New York City Health Department...
Preventing COVID-19
Here are some quick tips from ICR’s Dr. Randy Guliuzza on what we all can do to prevent COVID-19 from infecting our families and coworkers. One key sign the COVID-19 is in your system is running...