Dinosaurs, Grasses, and Darwinism

The ancient, strange, and foreign world of the dinosaur described by evolutionists continues to dissolve in the face of scientific research. Contrary to what has been taught for decades, dinosaurs inhabited a pre-Flood world populated with plants and animals very much like today’s.

Crocodile Ancestor?

"A toothless, two-legged crocodile ancestor that walked upright and had a beak instead of teeth was discovered in the basement of New York's American Museum of Natural History, according to a report published on Wednesday" (CNN.com 2006).

Saturn's Moon--Does Water Equal Life?

Creation and secular scientists were fascinated by the discovery of possible geysers of water on the moon of Saturn, Enceladus, by the Cassini spacecraft on EnceladusMarch 9th.

Tiktaalik: Our Ancestor?

With the continued invalidation of the corrupt theory of neo-Darwinism in the eyes of many, and school boards nation-wide taking a favorable look at intelligent design, it is not surprising that evolutionists are scrambling to enact damage control.

A "One-Hundred-Million-Year-Old Bird" is Still a Bird

Birds are incredible flying (and occasionally non-flying) machines. The Creator has designed these creatures with specialized flight apparatus, an amazing respiratory system, not to mention unbelievable migration and navigation abilities.


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